COLLART AND. McCAEEERY' LTD. rniNcn ruperTi representatives fnt halifax rf The Finest Ivixi.inoton j in General and utaii Li, Insurance REAL ESTATE including Rental and Property Management Services. Brighten Up Your Kitchen With plastic or metal mouldings for sinks, tables and counters. It's Colourful! . Practical!' Sec It, Now at Sanitary! Gordon's Hardware REX CAFE Under New Management Chinese Dishes our specialty. Chop Suey - Chow Mein Phone 311 .... I n - f- 1 .. T L III.'M I II 1.. bU Id M.tll JV- J LA- lllLIIUl, Iff LuU Qualltj Repairs at Economy Pricei St. (Near tne Post oxncej COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home. In Prince. Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 , PHONE 676 SEE OUR STOCK OF ii - f m a mi m m f tUVVIIIVVI T VI IVVkVh.NIJV icteaner and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Olaihlne window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mlrrors-Bumper packs- -Seat Covers Locking das Caps Car Top Utility (Carriers (just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers lWheel Wrenches. 26 Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPIt to the National Hockey Broadcast, S. E, PARKER LIMITED; Ford Dealer FOR Younq and van a Imperial Oil Dealer For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS OTTOMAN $.1.7.- . $s.r,o COFFEE TABLES $14.1)5 MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) $.l)r CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced $11.!)." to $20.7." Ptrnituke TAFT & ODOWES fNOVfLTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Old Overnight Cases, 12" 1.71 Overnight Cases, 18" 2.GG Black Cases, small $5 me'dium , 1.15 large - 1.15 THESE ARE AVAILABLE IN SETS OF THREE ALSO Meal for School Children and Week-end Trips Come in and see them at THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" OMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING. AND. REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGIITING Does Not Cost It Pays OTT ELECTRIC (5SS) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V BELTS Phone Black 367 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER Local News Items.... A . Tax l owners' meeting, Thursday, 9 p.m,, 99 Taxi. Important. (7) A., For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. (tf) Miss Peggy Saunders, who has sold out her beauty parlor, business to Miss, Beaulah Lavlgne, will leave on tomorrow evening's train, for Burns Lake to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Saunders. The port committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is in further correspondence with the Pacific Northwest Trade Association in connection with the matter of installation of aids to navigation in the entrance to this port for deepsea shipping. The association has already endorsed representations along this line. Dr. and Mrs. John Gibson and child are leaving tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Dr. Gibson Is proceeding to Pentlcton where he Is taking up future practice, Mrs. Gibson and. child will fly eajt for a visit to Mrs. Gibson's home In Picton, Ontario. LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't rLX.'glitcn up? Hark too stiff nnl Hire to touili? If tliat'a how Lumbago (I. a me Hack) nffivlH you, do what tlinu-dniiils liave done mid t quick. Rate relief. Take Temiilrton'i T-K-C's, tlie rental lievially made to help you. Don't suffer a day im up tlian yi mi have to. .-t feuipletou'iT-IC'B today. 50c, $t. T-21 FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p 1 e c e chesterfield bed, Khroler make, perfect condition, $G5; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios; electric mwitel radios; tools, some are just, like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; complete beds. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Complete household furniture. Cheap. 1133 7th Ave. East. (11) FOR SALE Small business now operating, no competition, low overhead; interesting and easy work, no experience necessary, 90 profit, year-round operation. Can be operated by man or woman. Two branches, either or both for sale. Excellent opportunity for partnership. Each branch $800, or both for $1500. Over $1000 worth of supplies (retail). Owner cannot handle due to other business pressure. Write to Box 1253 Prince Rupert for appointment. Cash sale only. FOR SALE -Three-room house : with toilet and shower, elec- ' trlclty and water; mounted on I skids. Must be removed from j present location. Can be pur- i chased furnished for $550 or ! unfurnished for $380. Phone C74 or. Standard Oil Co. (8) FOR SALE Model "B" Ford, 1932,' good condition, excellent rubber, heater and spare tire. Serial CBG4720, Licence 29-165. Apply 1326 8th Ave. East. (8) FOR SALE O-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (12) FOR SALE Furnished 5-room bungalow, $1,500. Apply 418 Sherbrooke Ave. (9) FOR SALE Hot Point automatic electric stove, writing desk, easy chair, kitchen suite, kitchen table and three chairs, radio, floor lamp, electric heater, linoleum, coffee table, inlaid. 1326 Pigott Avenue. (6) FOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle of pre-war stock. A-l condition. Apply J. Derkson, next 428 7th Ave. West. (7) FOR SALE Why pay rent? Comfortable 5 - room house with bathroom, In good condition. Partly furnished or unfurnished, Reasonable price. 537 7th Ave. West, (11) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction' phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. Canadian Legion (B.;E. S;L.) No. 27 Regular Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. David Scott sailed Tuesday on the Catala for Fresno, California, where he will spend the winter. A. O. Franks, veteran typor grapher, who has been here from Fraser Lake, since before Christmas, is leaving next Monday night fop Vancouver where he will remain until spring when he plans on returning to Fraser Lake. A farewqll, presentation to,. Dr. John Gibson, who Is leaving the city for Penticton to take up future practice, was made at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince. Rupert Gyro. Club. Dr. Gibson has been president of the club for the past year. It was the. regular monthly business meeting of the club today. Classified Ads bring results. FOR SALE WEE TOT'S SHOP- Third Avenue A good, profitable, business. $3,000. cash will buy stock and fixtures. Comfortable heated living quarters for a couple, Apply DYIMAVN & HANSON LTD. Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50e. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; f2. CARD, OF THANKS Mr. William, Anderson, Capt. and. Mrs. Hadden and Jim wish to thank all frleniU. foe their, kind expressions of, sympathy at tills time. HEM WANTED WANTEDTwo good waitresses. Steady jobs for right girls. Three Sisters Cafe. WANTED For January 15th, women for filleting and fish Uoor work. Apply Superintendent's office, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. plant, Seal Cove. (10) FOR SALE. FOR SALE Four-room furnish ed house, roficrete basement, hot air furnace, central. Pohne Green 730. (12) IFOR SALE Miscellaneous fur niture. Phone 239, mornings. (11) WORK WANTED WANTED Full or part-time employment by youth, with high school education. Try anything. Phone Red 728 after C p.m. (tf) READINGS cards. 12 p.m. to 9 i'ERSONAL ington Block. by astrology and n.m. to 5 p.m.; '7 p.m. Suite G Wash- CHILDREN CARED FOR in my own home. 441 7th Ave. East. (10) WANTED WANTED 1 or 2 rooms equipped for light housekeeping,1 required by single man. Pre-, fer west of' 6th St. Apply Box 74 Dally News. ' (7) , WANTED Men to board room. 537 8th West. and WANTED Unfurnished light housekeeping room by elderly1 lady. Apply Box 73 Daily; News. (7) WANTED Urgentl Room and board for 7-month-old baby. PO. Box 323. (10) WANTED Good home for lntel-llsent puppy, 2 months old. Phone Black 835. (10) URGENT One or two-room. r suite, suitable for light house-, keeping, central, close to Post, Office, required at once by lady 1 teacher at King. Edwards- School. Room 51, Prince Rupert Hotel. (7) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room furnished cottage, hot water. 208 9th Ave. East. (9) FOR RENT Warm comfortable, rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28), FOR RENT Cabin. 1144 7th' Ave. East. Blue 822. (11) i FOR RENT Two 2-room suites.! 5S7 8th Ave. West. (8) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT One housekeeping room, and suite. 344 Sher-i ' brooke Ave. CI 6) FOR RENT Fully modern three-' room furnished cottage near Seal Cove Air Base. Phone Blue 825. (7) LOST AND FOUND LOST Navy jumper. Reward by phoning Red 707. (8) FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For Information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Cafe, now at Daily News office. Can be had by paying for this ad. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufacr tured by National, Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) J. L. CURIY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith. Block areen.B95 A. M. Budlnlch returned today on the PrSnee Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. George Eales returned on the Prince Rupert this, morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Nick Christopher returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Dr. G. W. Flddes of the Port Simpson hospital returned this morning from a trip to Vancou ver. Capt. Dan McKisnon and Capt. Andrew Sinclair of the pilotage service arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning on their return from a trip to Winnipeg and Montreal. Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte returned today from a trip, to Vancouver where she went last week on account of the illness of her brother. iloward Singleton, traveller for Smith, Davidson and Wright I Paper Co., was a passenger arriv ing ia the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Miss Patricia Stork of Tor onto, daughter of. the late Fred Stork, first mayor of Prince Rupert, arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert to visit friends City fire department aaswered a fire call to the Seventh Avenue Meat Market at 1:15 this morn lng where an electric refrigerator motpr. had burned out causing considerable smoke. Sub-Lieut. William J. Schaef-fer, who landed in Vancouver recently from New Zealand after serving as a naval member on a merchant marine vessel, arrived In the cit today to visit his wife and his mother, Mrs. C. V AnnouncementR All'advfrtisproem r mis column will bo charred lor a full month at 25c a word. Welcome Home Dance for Naval veterans. January 11, (7) ; Oddfellows' Hall. Tickets at W. v. Stdne's: 1 .pnln Memorial meetinsr Sun- dat. January 20, 8 p.m.. Odd fellows' Hall. Modern dancinz every Satur day night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission su Gunner Dennis Is On HisVYar, rome Gunner Thomas P. Dennis of Prince Rupert, after serving, 28 months overseas, recently having been In Holland, Is homeward bound after landing from the troopship Scythla. at Hall-fax at the end of the week. A member of the old 102nd Battery here, he served with the Royal Canadian Artillery overseas and sustained slight wounds. His wife and family reside here. C.FPR NOTICE 1' V. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M.. 4:00 Victor Symphony Orch 4:30t-MusIc by Sigmund Rpm-berg 5,00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade, 0:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Kenny Baker . 6:30 March Time 6:45 Evergreen Playhouse 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 White Empire 8:00 Let's Play Charades 8:30 Norman Harris' Orch. 9:00 Music to. Remember 9:30 The. Jones' 10:00 CBC News 1C: 15 Favorite. Stories 10:30 Spotlight Bands 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.Mi 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBO News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music, for. Moderns 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Paul Whlteman 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Guy Lombardo 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Morning Visit 11 :C0 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Thoughts for Toda,y 11::3Q Weatner Forecast Miss Betty Poulsen. relumed today on the Prince Rupert from a holiday Vancouver. 19 M.wi.i'iur.rj fa RHEUMATIC PAINS end STIFFNESS pthm Hirprrr Dnilj? ftclus Wednesday. January 9, 1946 TOMY KRAUSP IS BRIDE AT AKRON Popular Local Girl Married Yesterday Afternoon to Former Local U. S.-Soldier Miss Tomaslna Krause well known Prince. Rupert born girl, was married yesterday afternoon in Akron, Ohio, to Lester Fether-olf, who served with the American port forces at Prince Rupert during the war and has now resumed his civilian occupation with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. at Akron. The bride Is the younger daughter of Mrs Gus Krause, Hays Cove Ave., and before leaving Prince Rupert a few months ago, was Identified with the staff of the Capitol Theatre here. Buy more War Savings. Stamps. Hotel ... Prince Rupert W. Freyer, Massett; G. Ui Jones, Vancouver; D, II. Stewart, city; B. M Stewart, Mas-sett; Cpl. Rlngstad,. Massett;. Miss S. M. Johnson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. M. Rae, Port Es-r sjngton; Mr. and Ms, J. B, Rae, Port Esslngton. National Highway. Program Favored On recommendation of the highway committee, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night endorsed a resor. lution from th& Calgary Board of Trade calling upon the federal government to institute a national highway program, We Have Done IT Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black, arrow, indicating one of the Bargains of the. Day ! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian. Legion) Phones 18 and 19 1 P.O. Box 575 The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association ' Wish to announce they are the new owners of the Chris Mill Bakery The Third Avenue Bakery, Store Is Open To All Mr. I I. K. Christenscn, previous owner, continues as Manager of the Bakery. Board of Directors, PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. 1 ' I'