a prince Uunctt Dally JScUio Friday, August 2, 19i0 - . . . An independent dally newspaper devoted to the tin-bulging of Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central Brltlkh Columbia, ' ' t DiiVltihafl aiif aftf tArtn tTrenf. Klin flay! by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, i British Columbia. OJ A. HUNTER. Managlc? Editor. H a. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City carrier,, per week IS Per 'Month . 55 Plr Year . . T00 By Mall, per month 40 ((Authorized as 6econd Class Mall, Post Office ' 7' Department, Ottawa). . jfr- . ; , i ti- I I Better English By D.'"C. WILLIAMS 1. What Ts wrong with this sentence? "I guess you were mistaken." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "daub"? 5. Which one of these words isj mispelled? Mlcroscop'e, antelope, elope, (develope. 4. WhaVdoes the word "noncommittal" mean? 6. What Js a word beginning wth re .that means "inclined to keep silent"? i ANSWERS 1. Say, "I think you were mistaken." 2. Pronounce the au as In; haul. 3. Develop. 4. Indicating neither consent nor dissent. "His answer was noncommittal." 5. Reticent. ' f . LONDON, 1 IK Designs for the reverse of the War Medal, 1939-1945, have been invited by the Royal Mint and will be accepted frcm British artists until the end of, the year. The effigy of the Ittng appears on the obverse. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince RupertV LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repalri Phone Black 067 "236 Second Avenue Weat MEMBER ABO. MORE PAY FOR ALL tAe CURRENT DEMAND for" 1 hood' and willing workers far exceeds the available supply. There nefed be little unemployment but mfcny people are idle because the available work is "unsuitable" to tli?m." Many employees are exasper-at iig their employers by their indifference, inertia and unwillingness, i f. (Economic progress can be made only by increasing production and-value. - Economic disaster is ensured bjcj, restrictions which compel thfc divi'sion of less and less among fewer and fewer. Improved me-thjods, advancing skills, progressive cor-pperatfon, increased production, arjd free exchange, can make a new pa'rth tomorrow if men will use them. They will make a new Canada today if we will use tlicnL I Despite the economic condition of, the world, Canada could improve immensely the earnings of every Cji'nadiaiii if each Canadian had character .enough and sense enough tq d6w4it he or she -knows to be right.- bnly the common people, eqch discharging a personal duty, can give effect to their common sense through implementing the Golden Rule, thus making and maintaining prosperity. a j T NORTHERN HIGHWAY A" COMPREHENSIVE resolution on A' t h e Northern TransProvincial Highway to be presented by the Prince George Board of Trade at the Associated Boards of Trade convention at Terrace next week covers the difficulties and problems at present all over the route and proposes reasonable methods of procedure to meet them. - It is not parochial but shows a broad understanding of the situation npt only regarding the gap between McBricfe and Sinclair Mills that awaits construction but of those delicate problems of ownership of the right-of-way where portion of railway property are being used between McBride and the Alberta boundary and between Prince Rupert and Terrace. t j It also takes into consideration tljat the Dominion has a certain responsibility to subscribe towards the i . cost of an interprovincial highway and urges the provincial government to pursue its efforts to secure, financial support therefrom as was indicated as a possibility by the Dominion at the Dominion-Provincial conference last August. And it also emphasizes that it Is the chief responsibility of the provincial government to undertake the completion of the highway. It alio recognizes that in 'the - transfer of title to the province of " portions of its right-of-way the Canadian National Railway Company has a just claim for compensatory adjustments. Such an eminently reasonable and fair resolution should merit the unanimous support . of the TERRACE CONVENTION THOSE ASSEMBLED including WITH important public officials led by at least one cabinet minister, a dozen prominent business men from Ketchikan and Juneau and representatives from among the. leading lights in public affairs from all communities between Prince Rupert and Prince George and possibly beyond .on either end, the annual convention of ' the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia at Terrace next week promises to be one of the. most imposing gatherings representative of this district which has ever been held. It will be the united voice of all central and northern British Columbia and what it says on various matters will warrant attention fr6m all and sundry. Resolutions , committees all along the line have been busy preparing representations on various matters pertaining to the welfare and development of the great rich and largely undeveloped hinterland encompassed by the sphere of the people who will be assembled. By this time considerable enthusiasm is developing in the united determination to put forth the case on behalf of this area as it has never been-put Viofnvo Apart from what may be gained as a result of th& united and l&'m-' prehensive representations of the delegates and the useful ideas that may be developed which might well lead to useful local action, there will be the benefit to be derived of the community leaders from various parts of the country getting together and promoting better understanding of individual problems to the end that reciprocal strength and action may be developed. One will know what the others are doing and there will be no pulling apart because of lack of such understanding. We can hail 'the gathering as' one of the most important and potentially beneficial that has ever been held in this part of the. country. STAR3 REMOTE The nearest of all the stars is estimated to be about 25,000,-000,000.000 miles from the earth. Plumbing and Heating Engineers ftlh AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See ' R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be ln the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this ln mind. Items of social and personal interest are always welcome. the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Rail ways. Bailey harvesting has com menced and general harvesting iiou id be underway in a week to ten days. Report pf last week's frose damage are difficult to l assess but vary from five to' fifty percent in the areas af fected. Hot dry weather and a bad ' hail stuim Monday in the Okan- ti.an Valley .have reducedpros-, pectl of primes, peaches.t apricots and apples by ten percent and pears by fifteen percent. WASTE PULP MILL pn?T ALBimNI Toward an estimated annual production of SD.CiO toils being derived from sawmill surpluses, Bloedei, Siewart Iz Welch Ltd. Is constructing a 165-ton kraft pulp mill hex e dependent entirely for raw material on the by-product of sawmills under the same ownership ' and management; , '' BIRMINGHAM, Eng., ff To help gauge housing plans, Birmingham has opened an1 "'Engaged Couples Register" which will show how marly persons are planning marriage and -will need hemes. ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 OQ O OOO &Q&VtQO P CH3 D O W O O CHWCHJ O O O O W CHJ00OCH5OOOIWH5 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs ln all types of printing work Everything ln high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUfc t 1 oto ooaaoonoootHiHKi0o 00000000000 aDaotusoaeocmooor wo ""swaowB BRITAIN, CANADA SIGN WHEAT AGREEMENT Hon. James MacKinnon, Minister of Trade and Commerce, signs the wheat agreement between Britain and Canada in his office in the west block of the Dominion Parliament Buildings, Ottawa. Sir Alexander Clutterbuck, British High Commissioner' to Canada (seated, left), signed for the United Kingdom. Standing are (left to light) Sir Andrew Jones, head of tne unuea Kjnguom 100a mission in Canada; M. H. Wershof, Department of External Af fairs; Dr. C. F. Wilson, director or wneat ana gram envision, Department of Trade and Commerce; Oliver Master, Assistant Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce. HOT WEATHER DRYING CROPS General Kain Needed to Complete Filling not filling completely. A gen eral rain would be welcome to complete filling of ail crops, ac cording to the weeky report 01 LAND OF PROMISE Figures just released by the Dominion bureau of statistics how B. C. as the leader among the four western provinces in home construction. In the first ATTENTION FOR NORTH Asiscc Utcd Boards ot Trade to Ails lor lvloiiuiut ' T,,'s I'ait of BiitUh Columbia T.ittiiiiUnn and continuation by the governments of-British Columbia and Canada and the Canadian National Railways of a more aggressive policy of development of the north and the port of Prince Rupert as the terminus of the northern line of the government-owned railway will be urged ln a resolution to be i presented to the A-ssoclatea Boards of Trade 0: uriusn wr. i!a convention at Terrace next week toy the Prince Rupert , Chamber of Commerce. An ex-Ir.rp-slon of ODinion and a state ment of policy on this matter will be requested from both governments and the railway company. The resolution, ln support of the request, declares that there te nnm istnkpnblp evidence of over-population in a few large Canadian cities with consequent rtaneer of unemployment and hardship whereas the northern two-thirds of British Columbia while known to be rich ln a great variety of natural resources such 03 mineral, lumber, agriculture, coal and fish and capable of supporting in comfort many times It nresent Donulatlon, has never been systematically or properly developed. INDIAN WARES UP NEW DELHI O) The war . .. rnnr mnnins ni mis vear mere . . WINNIPEG weatner over tne - - ---- - vears witnessed a sieaay mi- whole prairie region has been.vere 1148 dwellings built In the provement In .labor conditions extremely hot and dry during province compared wnn in ln india. During tne jive years Hie uaau ntta uuu m ,auh"5 maiuiuua, xu in uaan-aiiucvvaik nuiii laou iu o- the crop to ripen very rapidly. ' ailH 409 in Alberta. steadily to a 1944 peak. Lale sown grain Is suffering and ! rnrr- For Sale By Tender CROWN ASSETS Typ of Assets; 12 Buildings, Srhithers Aerodrome, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to P""1"8 all or any of the Crown-owned bulkUngs descr bed below. the building or buildings, fill Ihe purchaser shall remove in excavations and restore the ground to origin' e leva-tion, neat and tidy condition in a ieavlnK the site in a authorized representative of the manner satisfactory, to an Corporation. Bldg. No. l-H.Q.'s. 27,xl20' plus 2 wings 37'x37 42-Operatlons. 38' 6"x80". 3 Officers' Qtrs. and Mess. 2 storeys 30x24 plus 2 wings 30'xlI9'. , . 4 N.C.O.'s Qtrs. 2 Storey 30'x24 Mt plus 2 wings . Tv 39'x89', , , j . 5 Officers' Qtrs. .2 storey MW plus 2 wings 30'xl54' 6 N.C.O.'s and O.R.'s Mess Hall, 40'x59' plus ad dition 40'x59' and 2 wings 40'xll8'. 7 Canteen, 29' 6"xll0 S Stores 12 Guardhouse and P.O. 58'x24' plus addition 20'x33'. '15 Workshop 29'x99' plus addition 19,'xlO'. 22 Hospital 133'x33'. 32 Bulk gasoline storage pumphouse, 21 xl9 . Sale of these buildings Includes only such normal plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures as may be installed within the buildings. Buildings to be .sold for removal and restoration of sue, All areas and dimensions given are approximate. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender ln a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDI'.R NO. 402.255 FOR BUILDING AT .SMITHEKS AERODROME, B.C. Addressed to: Hi anch Sales Manager War Assets Corporation 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. '' Tenders will close at twelve o'clock noon Pacific D.3. Time, August 12, 1916. The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials contained therein, will be put, as this will be a determining factor ln deciding the acceptance, of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The hlRhest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to un-surcessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of accept? ance of his or her tender, be required to furnish a certified cheque or bank draft for the remaining ninety percent of his or her tender, and 111 addition, a certified cheque or bank draft for an amount equal to the estimated cost of restoring the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration will not carry interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. War Assets Corporation 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste . . . No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND "Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, BC 20 YEARS AGO August 2, 192G At least 200 Ketchikan people were expected to arrive in the city for Fair Week, which was featuring a iboxlng show between Kekhlkan and Prince Rupert lighters. with two candidates Fred Stork, Llberan, and J. C. Brady, Conservative in the field, nomination! closed forSkeena riding in the federal election scheduled for September 14. John Flevvln was returning officer. Halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the month of August totalled 2,995,730 pounds, a decrease of almost 2,000,0C0 pounds under August, 1923. DESTINATION1 NOT REACHED Meteorites are usually so small that they are burned up long before they reach the ground. LONDON, W Blitz-damaged Acton has asked nearby Hemel Hempstead to build 1,000 homes for A&ton evacuees on available sites. 1 RELIANCE jceni, hi r u 1 qui, V . i, 11 PReicBipfioN, lop or .. , t ftioLki O. D. D I RADIOS BETH 111 VPEEli I'llONE l Don't tike cha your radio. Make t repaired by new nart , your guarantee ti, let our skilled 1 your radio. KUf LKT AND El We Pipit tin o-J- y auu 01LBURN Now Available A RELIANCE provides better heat for cotta water and kitchen heating; offers you all the 1 of oil heating without limiting tne stove to rl: burning unit. with a RELIANCE you can dispose of ck household refuse while the burner is ln actusito RELIANCE SALES & PHONE BLACK 278 P.O. BOX 1 R. W. Vick 201 sill FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre She Deserves the Best! Live mum IJ14 . 1 n 1 L. 1 a PYREX wurii xiviiiu a. kul v 1 ciuri i n v"v. AMnliiartAUti no nn t fytYuf rlu ill I' XS., & ware, it is one 01 mi iivv jpiuv .' J 4 -.411 U,. n , w An cri an.i :'.IlIk.K . ...... a. PTT- Make it a point, next fcme ; ou're In ou it m vpb nur rlltnlav Vnn'11 flnrl It wpll worth VOW the prices are most attractive. t M r 11 a n 1 ctv cm wnniiii 1 1 u li b f-l II I b I ' ' "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollarf DAILY NEWS HONOR ROL Your Assistance Invited TV,n rio1. Mon.a U MmnlAMn(T Q V f OI UUUW U hoped may contain the name of every roan - n thlc nlfir tn nriu' uiih tio nrmpH forCPS 31 51 anH In Ih. air Tn mlko thl. tlcf nmnlete. H U obtain the co-operation of the public as i mltting the names. It is impossible for the Daily News or aw to compue tne nsi compicie au wc a.v - - c responsible for the submission of the name YOUR girl or YOUR friend. . m The following is the Information we vnm fill ln and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Nami Bervlce (Army. Navy. Air Force) -Rank ; Next of Kin Relation Address Data of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty. Nature and Date v.- i vnil An nnt. mibmlt a ' name, no one else may. You are respow10 ertU