r l-ri!iiv' Li) At:: News Items., . .1..J 1 ry 6 f E...;i).;n :aueo " , pr,n;e Bupe" iu xn aii:"d las , Rupert- for U;, ( .Kiten mailed p.-mi-.v Rupert , Vancouver. ,, oH, (nd daughter 1 . .rid last n an eye .;: sen-Nii' ihar-n.'K this ,,n : n' the ... under ...nam O. i n .-,e flyer -.hi:, a month ., uur olancs I ) ilill'l II ' lit' I43l ny .v:!i l)"me Wed- m j : mi Tor-.. '' vlsit- V 0!'"- .pending r in the --an povcrh-".iy with .. Co.. and m Mon-.. McBrldc For many man ut Mc- Mi i Court and : T -m on the V;;i: nuver en-:: " nome In : w esumc av tjcrrn of--ft: Royal ? - an here : rtiii:.:c5, Mr. ". nts dis- L MITICE ':t the late :i . t: .A at the n fu,;.. Ai Chapel ftu:;ust 3. c: c.ids in Falr-B.t o makers. tit) For that Port Edward Trip- Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto. (tf) Mrs. Q, D. Mead sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tf) Mrs. Mike Postuk sailed last night on the Prince Rupert en-route to Kamlcops for a vlsJt. William H. Priest of the DaiW News typographical staff sailed last night on the Prince Itunert for Vancouver enroute to Nelson on a holiday visit. Moose meeting Old Landmark, 2nd Ave., 8 p.m., Monday -August 5. All members attend. (182) Mrs. W. M. Brown and dauch- ter, Miss Helen Brown, are leaving on this evening's train for Windsor, Ontario, where MLst Brown's marriage to George Mat-lack, formerly with the Navy nerc wui take place. Mrs. Brown will return to the city to resume residence. Pic. Newton Robert Powell has returned to the heme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Powell, in this city after serving for thrce-and-a-half years In the Army In Canada and tfte United Kingdom. He enlisted in Winnipeg and was discharged a couple of months ago in Ottawa. He Is already In employment here. J. S. Black, business agent f the United Brotherhood of car penters and Joiners, returned to the city Wednesday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver where he attended a ronventlon of provincial executive members of the union in regard to a pay increase sought by the local union and' the 40-hour wP(k which the union Is striving to have made effective here. The union is negotiating lor an hourly wage lncrcase'from $1.10 to $1.25. City fire department a call to the Leeds apartments, first birect, at 10:20 last night, exunguismng a chimney fire before It did any damage to the Duuaing, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lambie and son, jonn, left today on a motor trip to the Interior. Thev win h away about a week, Mrs. Lambie ana son staving at Terram .hito Mr. Lambie goes on to Smlthers'. Mrs. A. D. Short and twn mri daughters sailed bv Rupert last night on their return to Vancouver after a two months' visit with Mrs. Short's n.irinf Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chappie. Visitors in the cltv this rimm ing, while the steamer Princess oran was in port, were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Shiplrf ham, Washington, en route to Juneau where Mr. Shields, who Is president of Alaska PnMfu Cannery Co., is going on a busi ness inp. BIRTH NOTICE McNEICE Born t.n Mr ,.. ;0W:itNMI;NT 1.XJIOK ACT" (Section M) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOIl CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE Notlrv In hfrhv ..... . w . 10th dav nf SraimK.. r m.. the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of. Beer Licence No. 7350 lseticd In respect of premises betng part Of the nrrm 1 1....-..... .... - I " ni.unu M till. commercial hotel situate at the cor- . ui nrsirt venue and Eighth Street, in the City of Prince Rupert, Province nf RrltUh rv,ii,.v.Ki . lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) r. .. ,n "iock nine (9) bectlon One (1 Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Prince Hotel 'Limited to Panko Mich-alciuk. of Prince Rupert, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B C, this 2nd day of August. A D. I94d. N is no better way to aid the- starving peoples o Europe " rar ast than to help NOW with tho HARVEST. ' details nnA sr .. .tii. x i "normauon are avauaDio at your iocai tin nal ir 8 j EmPlyment Office or Provincial Agriculturo Service. 1-AWK.U MICHALCZUK. RASPBERRY TEA MAKES $25 FOR PIONEER HOME A -raspberry tea and dlsnlav of ... . . m,,u .VI 13,1 I' i' wui. Ul 11 1 U hall 11(111 McNelce.at the Prince Ru- was dominated by Mrs. . .DILI. 11U" 1 Wj 11 1 o. Thomas X!lUIIItl3 HOT pert f Cnnnrnt TT 11- I . . f T) t n n t 1. J I, 1 - l ' .. Announcements !!i"crUie,"Vii" ,n l"-'J column will be charged lor a lull month at 2Sc ix word. shell novelties held under the auspices of Rcbekah Lodge in the Oddfellows' Hall Wednesday anernoon was not as well attended as it mlcht ha probably due to the wet weath er, Dut, nevertheless, the organl. zatlon realized more than which will be turned over to the 1'ioncers' Home fund. The hall was brlehtennri with a profusion of flowers, and the daintily appointed tea room looked Inviting. The tea table was draped with a lnvpiv iinn lace cloth and'was centred with' a sliver basket of sweet neas surrounded by small containers holding pale pink roses, making an attractive setting for the small guest tables. The upper portion of the General Hospital, August I Priest's highly interesting and i 'v, a ouu. uum aomg wen. '"b uiajjiay oi sncu novelties 1 .-I, i -1- ... L.O.B.A. Garden Party, August 7, Mrs. J. P. Moller's, 130 4th Ave. East, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Port Day, August 22. Old Tlmp Danpo nrolrla r - , .UllH. lltllll- biers, August 31, Oddfellows' Hall. ' L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. .wiucu were aisaved am m a floral backcround. The shrli creations were varied, showing a real genius in creation and coloring, which drew praise from the guests. Mrs. Alex Barbe was general convener, while the guests were received by Miss Molly Owens, district deputy president of the lodge. Mrs. W. S. Hammond and Mrs. J. s. Irvine DresJded at thn tea tables, while those assisting in the tea room were Mrs. G. V. Tattersall, Mrs. W. McLcod, Mrs. W. Sherman, Mrs. W. G. Shear-down, Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. G. S. Petterson, Mrs. F. Morrison and Mrs. K. Dodds. Assisting Mrs. Priest with the novelty display were Mrs. J.W. McKinley, Mrs. E. Saunders and Mrs. W. Duncan. Mrs. H. Thur-good was cashier. CHESTER, Eng., 0) A "rest-awhile" room for the convenience of country women tired by shopping has been opened here by branches of the Cheshire Women's Institute. f C p D Radio Dial wl ll 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY PAL 4:00 CBC Concert Hour 4:30 Rhythmic Review 4:45 On the March 5:00 Roosevelt Memorial Broadcast Hal. 5:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 CBC News 6:15 Talk On Wild Life, Banff 6:30 Listening Post 6:45 Henri Rene's Orchestra 7:00 Frank Bogart 7:30-Paclflc Time 8:00 George Kent and Two Pianos 8:30 Heritage of Music 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Recital Edmonton 9:30 Casino Garden's Orch. 10:00 Smooth and Sentimental 10:15 Tiny Hill's Orchestra 10:30 Frankle Carlis' Orch. 10:55 CBC News and Int. H:uu Weather Forecast and Sign Off Ann. 11:05 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clocfe b: uo BBC News . 8:15 Melodies for Juniors 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Stories in Music, Tor. 9:30 Musical Program. Toronto 10:00 On the Teen Beat 10:30 Jive Hive. Halifax 11:00 CBC News 11. "15 Saturday Showcase 11:30 Personal Album 11:45 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude PJH. 12:00 To be announced 12:15 T.B.A. 12:30 T.BA. 12:45 T.B.A. 1:00 Saturday Concert-2:00 El Rltmo Tropical 2:15 CBC News 2:30 Serenade. 2:45 BBC News and Commentary 3:00 Hawaii Calls 3:30 Flying Down to Rio 3:45 Swing Time Advertise m.Tiie Dally Newi. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doei a stubborn bronchial cough, (either j phlcgmy or dry and hacking) make yo I choke, (asp, wheeze, keep you awaks i Bights? Relieve It now! Do as thou-1 sandi have done get Templeton't RAZ-MAIl and stop that cough I RAZ-MAit has htlped others let itLelpiyou. ' 50c, 11 at druggists everywhere, R-U V THE FARMS leather in a full harvest this year, extra help is urgently Rds "'" rrecious crops must not oe lett in tne nnnn.. . ij . . i i i r 1 . . . , wurm awaiia'cvery ousnei oi wneai we send. IN THE, HOMES . . ; Every member of your family should be one of Canada's famine fighters. Buy and use less bread, flour, wheat and wheat products, eggs, cheese and meat. As substitutes, use fruit and vegetables . . . and preserve a supply for winter. Turn in all the meat coupons you can spare to your local Ration Board. For every coupon donated, an equivalent amount of moat is added to desperately needed food shipments. The world food crisis is grave, we must all prevent waste in .the fields and homes of Canada. we Food Information Committee of THH GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 1 LOWER POSTAGE KAIL JPKUI'OSED Among resolutions to be presented by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia at Terrace next week will be one asking the federal government to give consideration to a reduction in the general fates of postage and Investigate all means to this end. DEADLY VENOM The Black Widow spider's venom is six times as deadly as the cobra's, and 15 times .as deadly as the rattlesnake's. LONDON, Of)' Among contributors to Britain's National Savings Scheme are 200,000 Smiths, 200,000 Jones's and 150,000 Browns. Ihe William's come fourth with 130,000. LOOK FEEL SHARP CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Unsatisfactory Watches If you arc carrying around one of those aggravators, get rid of it. Then come here and get something worth the name of a watch. They cost you 525.00 to $75.00 according to the looks and style, etc., and last twenty years or longer. And while they, are lasting you, they are giving good reliable service. That's tlfc only sort to own. And we can prove them on our new watch Pi'ince Rupett aflp jQeto Friday, August 2, 1948 "W Fingertip Raincoats New Smart and Short Cotton Gaberdine with a plaid lining and made with a zipper front, the Fingertip Raincoat is leading the style parade in raincoats. Designed by Jos. Gould & Sons this coat is y fashioned for young men who t. like to lead In style. "THE MEN'S SHOP! ml Priced at $16.50 'UUfAW-r JZ X m ' (V 532 THIRD AVENUE WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" Wallpapers. You will find CLOTHING iD FURNISHINGS PHONE 345 the patterns smart and modern, and will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms. Gordon's Hardware McDtlde Street PHONE 311 G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box likl Phone 503 Evenings: Green 103 SPECIAL - $3.95 Elizabeth Arden Treasure Chest CONTAINING: Ardena Cleansing Cream Velva Cream - Feather-Light Foundation Cream Skin Tonik Hand-O-Tonik Poudre D'lllusion Blue Grass Flower Mist Lip Stick. OrmesLtd. ZTiiA Pioneer Druggists STORE HOURS Week Days 9 a.m. to J (i.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED 'A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CARPET UNDEU-FELT OZITE 9 feet wide, cut to any length required to fit any carpet. It gives them new life. Save your carpet until new ones become available. PHONE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS 1'honc 775 327 Third Avenue JOHN BULGER JEWELLER Ji-JU-U.JIt'.. n-1 L' L BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS