tdtUuc Ktipcrt DaNg J3ctos Monday, May 13, 1946 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, ' British Columbia. . - a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per weelt 15 Per Month 65 Per Year 17.03 By Mall, per month 40 Pen Year' 14.00 TERRACE Dr. Alalr Lips, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lips, Is to be married at Swift Current on June 3 to Miss Justice Dantzer. Dr. Lips is a graduate of U.B.C. and McQlll and. Miss Dantzer is a graduate of the Unlyjtrsltv of Saskatchewan.; BotVSfe-'orRlnt'rbtM Department of National Research in Ottawa. Prince Rupert cars are starting !to come into Terrace over the Skeena Highway People are going out to Lakelse Lakf in increasing numbers. Mfs. Elliot Head, formerly a corporal in the Air Force-, U honfe visiting-with her mother, Mrs. E. Head. During the absence of A. Yox-all, Who has gone to Vancouver, D. Van Male is in charge of the Empjre Meat Market. Rev. T. C. Colweil has gone to Vancouver to attend the United Church conference. This Is Our Business Vft take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage is under the msjnagemenl; of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of ,J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT US! Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE, TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE MEMBER A.B.O. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office uepanmeni, uuawa). Passing of the Pioneers .Yesterday marked the paying of tribute by the congregations of two Prince Rupert cathedrals to two-great local churchmen whose deaths had occurred during the past year one! eminent in ecclesiastical rank, the.'other relatively high in the laiety. Out at Fairview Cemetery many of the: faithful Roman Catholic flock of the late Bishop E. M. Bunoz, pion TERRACE HAS ANGLICAN TEA TEHIIACE A very successful tea and sale was held on Saturday 'afternoon by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Matthew's Anglican Church. The affair was In the iOrange. Hall and a large crowd patronized it. Rev. R. Hills was! In attendance and opened the tea with a prayer. Mrs. Bert Wesi, president of the Women's Auxiliary, welcomed the guests. Tea tables were centred with lovely bouquets of flowers. Mrs. C. L. M. Glgsey and Mrs. H. King were in charge of the home-cooking stall and Mrs. R. de Kergommeaux in charge of the work stall, Mrs. George Dover was cashier. Mrs. R. Collett and MrS. R. Thompson poured tea and coffee, and servlteurs were Mrs. Hamblin, Mrs. Maxsted, Mrs, M. Olsen and Mrs. Head. Mrs. D. McMillan and Mrs. Sparkes had charge of the kitchen. eer local priest, gathered together to attend the dedication of a fine monument in his honor. At St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral old friends assembled for the dedication of the fine chimes installed by the widow in loving memory of the late Robert L. Mcintosh. These are the material, memorials and it is fitting they should have been provided. With most of us memories of fine character and spirit of these two pioneers from the earliest days of Prince Rupert will long remain as real though possibly .less tangible monuments. And as we who knew them and their works so well think back on Bishop Bunoz and Mr. Mcintosh our thoughts also turn to others of the fine pioneer band of Prince Rupert's founders who came here in the prime of life but, in the fullness of accrued years, have been slipping away so noticeably this last while. SMITHERS HITS ROAD CONDITION SMITHERS: "Fantastic" and "abominable" were used to describe the main highway out of Smlthers at a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. It was decided to write Public Works Minister Hon. E. C. Carson and seek immediate action. During discussion it was pointed out that the Smlthers public works office had only two trucks working, the rest of the machinery awaiting repairs and replacement parts which have been hard to get. Efforts are being put forward to have the Smlthers-Babine road repaired as well. Organize Kispiox Potato Club KISPIOX VALLEY A boys and girls' potato club has been organized in the Kispiox Valley under the auspices of "the Kis piox Valley Farmers' Institute. Mrs. T. B. Campbell has been appointed leader of the group. V MOTHER So faithful, so loving, ' So gentle and kind Is Mother, dear Mother, There's no greater a find. She's always sq grateful. So willing to help; Full of deep understanding When I'm cross with myself. Oftimes I am tempted To do wrong to another. Who's there to giude me? Of course, it's my Mother. Is there anyone as gracious, As sweet as dear Moth?r? No, not on this earth Will you find another. Marjorie V. Honke, Grade 8, Terrace Elementary School. Officers elected at a recent meeting wera: Presldent-ifcTed Campbell Jr. Vice-PresJlent Ruth Love. SecretaryMYeasurer Glen Campbell. M Audltor-klec Halverson. Wat.- 1.3. 3 THE JOB: There are openings in many of the ground trades, including aero-engine and air-frame mechanics, armourers, telephonic and photographic workers, clerks and cooks. In some trades training will provided. All offer advancement in return for hard work and proficiency, Applicants without previous service must be over 18 and under 26. THE PAY: Basic pay plus living allowances for non-commissioned ranks runs from $95 monthly f-r Aircraftman Class 2 to $188 for Warrant Officer Class One; extra pay for trade proficiency and increased pay after three years in any rank; marriage allowance of $20 a month; free uniform clothing and medical and dental service. THE PENSION: A lifetime income on discharge after 20 years' or more service; pensions or gratuities in the event of prior discharge on medical grounds, end pensions or PASSING OF WM. MILLAR Was in Customs Service at Stewart in Early Days and For Years Liquor Vendor Here William Millar, resident of Stewart and Atlln in the early days in 1910 and for many years government liquor vendor at Prince Rupert, passed away yesterday morning at Victoria where he nad resided since leaving here In 1940, according to word received by local friends. He was one of the city's best known and most highly esteemed pioneer residents and news of his passing will be received with regret. Mr. Millar was 76 years of age and a native of Scotland. 116 first arrived in Prince Rupert after the collapse of the first Portland Canal mining boom and for a while was In railway construction work and in Customs service. After a time at Atlln, he was In the Forest branch service as forest ranger here. In 1921 he became liquor vendor and occupied that position for nearly 20 years until he retired and left for Victoria. Before coming to Canada, Mr. Millar had been a landscape gardener in Scotland and he continued keen Interest in horticulture here, his residence on Sixth Avenue East being one of the show places here for flowers of many delicate varieties. Surviving deceased is his widow. There Is also a sister In Vancouver. Mr .Millar was a member of Tslmpsean Lodse, A.F. & A. M, here until he left the city. TENACIOUS ANT Ants are said to have the most powerful Jaw grip, proportionately, smong insects or animals HEADACHE? ; Help get quick !. relief with THERES A FUTURE FORYUU IN THE nli gratuities to widows or children in the event of death while on service. VETERANS' PREFERENCE: As among applicants, war veterans applying for reappointment will receive preference, and if accepted will be reappointed to the ranks they held at the time of their discharge, or to the nearest ranks which establishment permits; and their prior service will be a factor in promotion and pension. TERMS OF SERVICE: Accepted applicants enter Interim Force, which terminates on or before September 30, 1917; good conduct, satisfactory medical category and trade proficiency will enable airmen to enlist in Regular Air force for five years and re-engage thereafter for further five-year terms. WHERE TO APPLY: Applications should be made to Western Air Command, RCAF, Joint Serviccn Headquarters, 4th Avenue Wesr, Vancouver, B.C. )ervice Spells Security DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR Hon. Coin Gibson, Minister OTTAWA, CANADA H. F. Gordon, Deputy Minister Nl FOR SALE BY TENDE c rown Assets BUILDINGS and FACILITIES At Prince Rupert, B.C. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION will receive offers to purchase all the Crown's riK,t title and interest in the Crown-owned buildings and facilities described below. The pur-chaser shall remove the buildings and'or facilities, fill in excavations and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation. GROUP "A" Ex-United States Army Buildings and Facilities located on Acropolis Hill in the City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 129 Buildings, frame. 2 Tanks, septic. Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribution System. CROUP "C" Ex-Wartime Housing Buildings and Facilities located at Hay's Cove Circle in the Gity of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 8 Buildings, frame. 1 Plant, heating. CROUP "E" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "Mount Hays F.C.P. Camp" located approximately' one mile South of the. City limits, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: fi Buildings, frame. 1 Building, loxstave. CROUP "C" ' ' Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities' designated as "No. 1 Battalion Camp (Cy Peck No. 1)" located in blocks .'50, 41, 45 and IB, Section. 8, in City of Prince Rupert B.C., (comer 1 lib Avenue East and Pacific Highway) as follows: 10 Buildings, frame and loxsiave. s Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribution Systems. 2.120 Lineal Feet (Approximately) of Plank CROUP "B" Ex-United States Army Buildings located within the City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: .'17 Buildings, frame. CROUP "D" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings designated ai-"Fairview Camp" located in South portion of Section 2, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as fol lows : 17 Buildings, frame. Power Distribution Lines. Water and Sewage Distribution t System. CROUP "F" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "Area Camp located at Mc Bride Street and 0th Ave., City of IVinc Rupert, B.C., as follows: 10 Buildings, frame. (5 Sheds, frame. Power Distribution Lines Water and Sewage Distribution System. CROUP "II" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities lesignated as "No. 2 Battalion Camp C'v Peck No. 2)"- located in blocks 39, 40, 41. 41 and 49 in Section S, City of Prince Rupert. B.C., (Corner of 11th Avenue East and Kel- hher'St.) as follows: 40 Buildings, frame and loxstave. .'1 Structures, lo... Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribution Systems. 2500 Lineal Feet (Approximately) of Plank Road. i ..... ' All data given in this advertisement is necessarily abrevlated and subject to correction. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of 10 of the tender price made payable to WAR ASSKT8 ron PORATION must be forwarded with the tender In a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER No. D-1-H2 1 for Buildings and Facilities (Designated by' Croups) at Prince Rupert, B.C. n AA,A t rtn. t .1 , .1 T-l . . ! 1 .1 1 i i . . . . - . . n . r. A.ft Ti1nin T? U llt'l't auuicsscu m inc uuuiu aiiu uuuuings nepresenvauve, WAJt ASobla UUKt'UK.VllUN, f.u. uox yuj, i .m B.C. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Pacific StandaidTlme, June 1, 1940. , ' The tenderer must state the use to which the buildings andor facilities or materials contained therein. be put, as this will be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance of any tender. lenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily w accepted. Cheques or Bank Drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. ThP S1IPrffnl tPnrloVO.. mill lulmn nirio nl nnt.n4inn-.r 1.1a ni. I. Ua familrrrl In f 1 1 T 11 1.Sl 1 ft fC fled cheque or bank draft for the remaining 90 of his or her tender, and In addition, a certified cheque or bai draft for an amount pnnnl In lh cl.lmatArl nci rr dm din til 00 a n ffimronlM I hit. he will t"oinf with all the terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration will not r ' interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. Inspection of these properties may be arranged for upon application to: , LANDS AND BUILDINGS REPRESENTATIVE War Assets Corporation P.O. BOX 9G9 PRINCE RUP HUT, H.G