INSlPi dm k Yi.ii chii Lrrjt tl.c ..,,cca tin of "Itojal CHy ,,ro. ducts iii your Irc-U, or refrigerator quite Daftly, Million I fear of jioiInKc or Ions of the famuli "Royal" quality. CANNED FOODS TIIE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" The very latest in slack suits for oM' These bright Summer Days Wish - Alluring ALSO Hew Wash Dresses T.'DGET PLAN K; Carrying Charge. No Interest T ; (n accordance with WJ't.b. Regulations. Clean Up!! s3 Fix Paint Up!! Up!! I' 1 1 gaki)i:mo supplies fencing; I SH S AM) FERTILIZERS See us for the materials necessary to make your home a credit to you rself V vi a n (1 y o u r community. It-ll ENGLISH HOUSE PAINT-100 I'urc. UT1LAC The original, anil finest 4-hour enamel. l.Ml'EItVO The new liiRh gloss enamel for inside and outside use. l'RESCONETTE One eoat velvet finish for interior walls. Ml'KESCO The inexpensive finish to make .vinir rooms attractive. Tools Builders' Supplies. Everything you need for fixinc your home. Gordon's Hardware Pri,lc Street rilONE 311 ,frT you nothing hut the best Special Hed Hrand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries DF.r v. REGULAR STORE UOURS Fish Cooked Meals, Bleat rics, Roast Chickens, And Pliln. .l-tti. r.rnl vnlt ,nsc dishes-Chow IMeln, Chop Suey, etc., to take cked with delicate taste and quick service. t it y us I .PERT BUTCHERS He 21 Third Ave, West Next Royal Hotel Local News It A For Quick Reliable Taxi Service. Call 66 Taxi. (130) A Norway's Independence Program, Friday, May 17, 8 p.m. Dance 10 p.m. See Daily News May 16. We shall see you at th3 Civic Centre; Owney McFadden, well known Stewart transportation man, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound north from Vancouver. Ladles! A shipment of ORACIA OXFORDS and PUMPS has. arrived. The Family Shoe Store. (U) Ammand Hanson, pioneer barber and restauranteur of Queen Charlotte City, sailed by the Cas-siar last night on his return to the Islands after a brief business visit to the city. t NOTICE Representatives of all organizations are requested to attend a meeting in the Council Cham- 1 bers at 8 p.m.t Tuesday, May 14, for the purpose of appointing a Committee and Chairman to con- jduct a National Clothing Cam- Ipaign in Prince Rupert. ! H. M. DAGGETT, Mayor. SMALLPOX VACCINATION Free vaccination clinics for the convenience of adults and pre-school children are being held: Tuesday, May 14, 7-8 p.m. at Conrad Street School. Wednesday, May 15, '3-4 p.m at the Prince Rupert Health Unit. Thursday, .May 1G, 7-8 p.m, at the Prince Rupert Health " Unit. Health authorities advise that every child of six months or over be vaccinated a'galnrt smallpox. They also advise that persons of all ages be re-vaccinated every 5-7 years. The danger of the disease spreading to this city Is still present, and you are cordially Invited to take advantage of our service. Vaccination for school children is being offered through the schools. Prince Rupert Health Unit, Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St., Box 436, Telephone Blue, 722 ' fc ft t .V ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I I a A : v.v.v. . . :: V.V.V.. v.v.v.v v.v.v.v V.V.W. v.v.v. . . . :.:: : !: . . . . . . . ems A Stranraer plane "Haida Queen" leaving for Vancouver Thursday, May 10, 7 a.m. For information and reservations call James A. Ham, phone 762. (114) Alvln Knutsen, taking commerce at the University of Brit ish Columbia, returned home on the Cardena on Saturday to spend the summer vacation here. A Baseball players and supporters, please attend an organizing meeting of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association in the City Hall, Tuesday, May 14, at 8 p.m. George McAfee, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee, returned home on the Cat'ala last night from his studies at the Univer sity of British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klrnsc and Mrs. II. Kirme of Skagway pass ed through the city today on the Princess Louise, 'returning to Skagway from a visit to Seattle. Mr. Klrnse is the operator of a novelty .shop in the Alaska city. Frank Skinner, local aeent of the Union tSeamship Co., re turned to the city on the Cas- siar yesterday afterv making the round trip to Massett Inlet points on company business. Mrs. James Martin and dauch- ! tcr, Mrs. Edward Pdngs, arrived in the city yesterday on th Cas par from Massett and will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. A Members of the W.A Branches of the Church - of England on the doast, Queen Charlotte Islands and Naas River are Invited to gather for a Dean-cry meeting in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Prince Rupert, on Wednesday, May 15. Opening with the service of the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock and continuing with a business session at 2 o'clock in the after-i noon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Dykes Gas Engines book, immediately. Box 999 or Phone Black 202. (113) GIRL WANTED Light housework, every evening free. Apply Box 116 Daily News. (113) Harry and Jone Lee, studying at the University of British Columbia, the former taking agriculture and the latter science, returned home on the Cardena on Saturday to spend the summer vacation. J. ErHawklnson, who is moving his laundry back to Stewart from Prince Rupert after operat ing nere for the last four vcara. sailed for the north on the Catala this moraine, accomnanied by his- daughter, Miss Joyce Hawklnson, who Is home from her studies in Vancouver for the summer vacation. J. J. Little, general manascr ofvthe Northern British Colum bia Power Co., who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert General HosDltal for the oast two weeks, is reported to be do ing wen and it should not be long before he is able to leave the institution. A group of six Canadian Pa cific executives, makina the round' trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise, stripped In the city this morning while the ves sel was In port. They were Capt. O. J. Williams, manager, of the west coast steamshln service: J. Alderson, passenger agenf, Van couver; W. Buchanan, assistant passenger manager, western re gion; H. Greeneaus, assistant vice-president, Montreal; A. Mc-ICeen, general freight agent. Vancouver, and J. Ames, secretary to Mr. Greeneaus. Buy more War Savings Stamrjs. FARMS offer Canadians a chance and a challenge! They offer JOBS too. a chance for IMMEDIATE JOBS STEADY They also offer jobs for experienced farm workers for mechanically trained workers and any others able to help seasonally. f Then, there is the challenge to fight off starvation threatening many nations. JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT SMtttt$& iic 4t(nxctive Apply today for work cn Ihe 'farm to either YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE or PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minuter of labour A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister Hotel. . . arrivals Prince K11 pert George Milbum, Vancouver; George Robinson, Vancouver; L. F. May. Vancouver; E. A. Hansen. Quintzville, New York; Lt. Lang-ton, Vancouver; Mrs. Martine, Massett; Mrs. Pangs, Massett. Hdad of Sisters Of St. Anne Here In the course of a western tour of Inspection of hospitals and other Institutions. Mother Mary Leopoldinc, superior general of the Sisters of St. Anne from La-.1 chine, Quebec, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from Smithers, where she had visited the hospital operated by the order, and left on the Princess Louise this morning to visit the hospitals at Juneau, Skagway and Holy Cross. She was accompanied by Mother Mary Lillian. Announcements Norway Independence Celebration, May 17, Civic Centre. Everybody welcome. Program followed by dance. C. W. L. Bridge, Whist and Crib-bage. May 23, KC. Hut, 8 p.m. Modern Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Friday. May 31. Bobby Wods Orchestra. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorie's, 220 4th Ave. West. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 THE FARM CALLS INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 . FOUIULOCAI,vVHTKKANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Let us hang your wallpaper or do that interior decorating. We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples. "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. I iM 4-P0INT POINT GUARANTEE GUARANTEE OF OF..- L fW Jr GUARANTEE &t INSURANCE "Twr AND BRIDE'S BOOK "k John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLERS Third Ave., opp. Post Office Plumbing and Healing Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Ptfncc Uupert Dafli? J3ctosf Monday, May 13, lfl46 JACKETS For Sport and Outdoor Wear "Fairway" GARAKDINC JACKET With contrasting trim 7,50 "Fairway" . SPOUT SWEATEIU- Clipped rayon, zipper front WUK) "Fairway" GOLF JACKET Hyrovlzed, fawn shade $10.7. GABARDINE GOLF JACKETS $0.0" to $0.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP" mm SPRUCE UP FOR THE, HOLIDAYS! Of course you want to look your .very best for the coming holidays. You will need new cosmetics, de odorants, spot removers, and Just loads of other little Hems thai, will make your days happier. To save yourself needlesi worry and footsteps, come to THE, VARIETY STORE and you will see everything you need, whether it be a ribbon for your hat or a pair of shoe laces for your shoes. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" Ar MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" LATEST MODELS FOLDING CARRIAGES The Lloyd and the Gendron Easy riding, springs on all four wheels. No-draft curtains on hoods. Streamlined body with removable footwell. Maroon, blue or grey coverings. Complete range from $ll..() to $&.00 Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO' ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.SJV. . FOR (jUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 BOX 13G6 Oil Burners Installed PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND, ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 8C1 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST 3 i