Sea Cadet Orders iTiCC ' ' "CAITAIN COOK' , ,;- A. S. Mitchell, c ..warding Ship CmPany Orders Monday, May 13 VViiim to muster Deck, mid Markers to F all In. ' , Call. Marctiaru n il on (J u&rd. M t i , Colors and-DI- . ii Pyst. .. 1 1 Classos. r. ... :., classes. u i-ten to muster at j' 10 p.m. iic Day AJldahlp- i ii:illk. uf!;:cr AC.P.O. Rottney Divl- rvilne day, May IS rwurk, ftodney - It.Cjj,o,TOun- : .1 practice. Drill ' itliniR and Cen- Tliui .day. May Ifi in work party, tuiilav, May 18 i ter work party,. iiiwlay. May 1!) i work party, .ilr us :iv- COMEDY, MYSTERY Ctmprive Today's Double Hill At Capilol Theatre Here Typical high-speed Hope hilarity Is presented in the farce comedy. 'Nothing put the Truth," starring Bjd Hope, which Is showing today at the Capitol Theatre here. Co-starred with nope is raulette Goddam hA. in a cast which also Indoles ,SUU1 laTOritCS as Edwnrri Arnnlrt Helen Vinson, Q I en Anders, Orant Mitchell, Itose Hobart and Willie Uest Hope U seen as a stock brnirn- whq Lets $10,000 that he can tell tne truth for 31 hours. It is the adaptation to the screen of a noted old .-tage play which was popular Tur half a century. "The flukler." a niwterv wit Richard Conte and-Pay Marlowe rounds out a doubk bill. EARLY FJOYPTIAi: WE A garment dyed With lateral IndlRo, vat eolrr, fra found in a tomb in Thftiw, wht'ie it has lain since about 3.000 I3.C. Mr. and Mrs. Chwles J. Hen- son, who were married In the city recently, the bride being 'the former Mrs. Mary May, sailed bv th Casslar la, nlaht on their wturn to Pacofl, Queen Char lotte Islands, where they will re side. rauged with boat's officer during week. JOHN WILSON Lit'Utonanl. H.C.F..C. F: ' iltiv Of'r.T- A Treatment For rthtitic 0 CFPR eumatic Pains A Dissolved Vaccine to be taken by mouth Price $6-00 Per Bottle Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change! MONDAY P.M. 4:C0 Music and the People 4:30 Pops On Parade 4:45 Tommy .Dorsey 5:00 Accordlana 5:15 Dick Todd 5:30 On the March 5:45 Supper Serenade 6: CO CBC News J G: 15 CBC News Roundup 0:30 Music We Name 7:00 Freddy Martin's Orch. 7:15 Vocal Varieties 7:30 Scandinavian Melodies 8:00 Summer Fallow 8:30 Ring up the curtain 0:C0-CBC News 9:10-B.C. News, 9:15 Neighborly News 9:30 Swing Low 9:45 Call the Court House 10:00 Speaking .Of. Records. 10:15 Bryan Trio 10:30 Dance Orch NBC 10.-55-CBC News and Int. 11:0 Biltmore Hotel Orchestra lt:30-Sllent TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Bong 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 BBC News 9:00 Little Concert, 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Mahlon Merrick 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00-CBR Presents 10:16 Vaughn Monroe and Orchestra 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Lud Olutktn's Orch. 11:00 Hits of Today 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11:30- Wether Forecast 11 31 Me suee Period 1 1 23 Rec ided Interlude "Rhapsody in Blue" George Gershwin's Music Is Yours On VICTOR RECORDS Bl Glenn Miller's Orchestra o. 20-1H29 '")C B' Paul Whiteman's Concert Orchestra-No. $1.00 , W and Amaro Iturhi (piano duet) I'aits 1 to A No. 15215-15210. Each $l.- 151 in Maria Samoina-Boston "Pops" Mbum SP3 $-00 i to liNJ.,,-1,1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1 :30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte-Islands every fortnight. Further Information, -TIcket3 and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 ORGAN CHIMES ARE DEDICATED Sabbath Atmosphere of i Prince Rupert Enriched ISy Mcintosh Memorial The Sabbath atmosphere of Prince Rupert was enriched yesterday with the clear tones oj the R. L. Mcintosh memorkrf chimes which played for a half hour following their dedication -In the chancel of St. Andrew'3 Cathedral bv Bishop J. B. Gibson Just prior to the morning service. The electrically amplified chimes rang out a 'succession of beloved hymns beginning with the Old Hundredth Psalm. "All People That on Earth Do DwelJ." Organist and Choirmaster Peter Llcrioperated the organ chimes from a special keyboard mounted In the chancel beside the organ keyboard. Present at the dedication ceremony was Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, who presented the chimes to the cathedral in memory of her husband who was a leading member of St. Andrew's congregation for almost 40 years. In the presence of 100 friends of tlw late Mr. Mcintosh, Bishop Gibson opened the dedication service with the reading of the 04th Psalm, "O Holy Are Thy Dwellings, Lord," which was followed by the brief dedicatory pa.age and prayers. In the church service which fnllowed. Bishop '.Olbson chose as his text the subject of remembrance, suggesting that. It Is "aoA to be reminded of the qo!)d arhleved by others in the pn.s-t He paid tribute' to Mr. Mcintosh whom he had known for 25 years prior to his death as a man deeply imbued with the Christian spirit and one who had labored iu the interest of the church. Present at the service were the officers and men of HA1.CJS. Charlottetown. T h e scrlptur? reading, , the fourth chapter of Phllllplans, verses four to ten, was delivered by Lieut. John Wolfenden, captain of the Charlottetown. Bishop Olbson welcomed the ship's complement, recalling that at .he first Anglican service, held In the newly built church hall In 1907, the officers and men of n Royal Navy vessel, IIMS. Egeria, were present. The R. L. Mcintosh memoriul chimes, which undoubtedly will find a warm response throughout the city, were manufactured by J. O. Morel of Toronto. Actually a set of. organ chimes, their tones are amplified by a loud-speaker -vstem housed on the roof of the cathedral. The amplification system was installed by E. Q. Danlfls and A. F. Martin of the Northern Communications and Maintenance Co. The keyboard cabinet was the handiwork of Levi Fitzgerald. Volunteer assistance In the installation was Riven by Lieut, obbins and SSgt. Latham of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. The cupola housing the amplifiers was constructed by Frank Partridge. UNWELCOME QUEST The Entllsh word ?px stems from a Latin word meaning enemy What is L ANTIGEN? Lantigen is prepared in a licensed laboratory in Australia. Lantigen is not a patent medicine but is a vaccine in a dissolved state. When taken it stimulates the system to create resistance against disease. It acts first by local absorption by the mucous membrane principally lining the nose, the throat, and the intestinal tract, and it is further operative by means of its distribution through the system- SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SPONDYLITIS, riBROSITIS, NIXTRITIS AND OTHER GERM-CAUSED RHEUMATIC DISORDERS AN'EMINENT PHYSICIAN Writing in the "British Medical Journal," speaks as follows in the issue of January IS, 1936: "In my experience, the oral antigens have been mostly employed for cases of Catarrhal infections, rheumatic conditions and catarrhal enterocolitis; Clinical response has been quite definitely marked." This important statement, however, heralds the dawn of a great release for Catarrhal sufferers. DISTRIBUTORS! MALTBY BROTHERS LTD. 5 Boon Ae, Toronto BARHAM I SANDS 560 Camblt St, Vancouver j. E. WASS0N Box 656, Saint John, N.B. LYMAN'S LIMITED 266 SL Paul West, Montreal MAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY Lantigen it obtainable t all. Drug Storei. If your druggist is out of slock, mail this coupon direct to: LANTIGEN LABORATORIES, 12 RICHMOND ST. E., TORONTO 1, ONT. OR 500 CAMBIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Dear Sirs: Please tend me bottles of Lantigen for the treatment of For which I enclose $ vr Name. . . y Address. Cite or Town The name of my usual Druggist Is. If you want further information write us. Announcing. The new building and contracting firm of (J.S.) (B. J.) GREER & BRIDDEN Consult us if you are planning a new home or repairs or alterations to the present one. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in this field. Phone Red 501 P.O. Box 721 iii Enjoyable Dance Aids I Pioneers' Home Fund j A very enjoyable dance was i held at the Oddfellows' Hall Fri day night under the auspices of fVl T.Oflloa nranna T.rwtrvo Knoln was supplied by the Harmrnerrs f Orchestra. Mrs. E. A. Evans was convener, assisted by Mrs Barber, Mrs. J. Andrews. Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. F. Chandler. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Moller, Mrs Denton and Mr. Fisher. The proceeds are being given to the Pioneers' Home, fund. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursdass Prince Ruperr, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. May 8 and 18, June 11 ss Princess Louise, pjn. Krom Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 pjn. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. May 3, 13 and 27 ss Princess Louise, a.m. , From AlSska ss Prince Rupert,, 1 p.m. May 8, May 18, June 11 ss Princess Louise, p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw tiling and gumming. - Small. -,band- saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre CENTRAL HOTE! Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED r-REMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARUANOFI) and Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Mark 1SG Quality Repairs Economy Prlcfs at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Ptfncc Rtlprrt Drlflp Bcius Monday. May 13, 1946 VJ ACE-TEX SHINGLES When you use Aee-TcxClneier Green Shingles you hrinp; Nature's own at tractive Ix-nuty to your roof. The outs'taiuling mineral surface on these shingles is mined from the mountains of II. C. anil applied in its true natural state. Thus, Iicing natural in color, they are unsurpassed in heauty and endurance. For Iietter roof protection, fewer repair hills and lower insurance premiums insist on Aee-Tex Asphalt Shingles. KKME.MHLH it costs no more to have a hettcr roof. THE ACE-TEX LINE Aeuimti Hoard Lath II o b r d F 1 1 r e Hoard Hard hoard Brick Siding Aajilialt Shingles F 1 1 r e e 11 Waterproofing 1. u i t r r I 1 t e cooa0aaoonrKHanoo0rwDDioeoHmrKK Kull Hoofing 1' I a ft 1 1 - S r a 1 Hiiililing Papers! Creosote Ituild lletter tcith the ACE-TEX Line cr.-m SF.E US FOR ALL RFtflJIIlEMF.NTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work BOOKBINDING A SPECIALTY .Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING C 0 MP A N Y 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE COAL! Have you inqvired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or 652 IJF.Ol'ENING MONDAY, MAY 13 . . . NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE Third Avenue and First Street STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS General Tires and Batteries llillman Sales and Service! i An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... i NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M i p.m. to i vm; This is a service for your convenience . . . yoir are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON ' York General Construction; See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL So,ethinsr New and the Best f Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction ; You Name It, and We Can Do It i WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP - WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING?, Phone Black 12G Day Phone Black 731 Evening. EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED 1