SIGNS OF TLEMENI l of I-48"5 and Sawmill kcrs si""1 " Last Night Kver ff as ..MtuER W --settlement ; mtpmatlonal Wood- A' relation strike dls-the British Columbia mdu.Ty appeared last, ".be a; far off as ever ,rx thp flat rejection by ',"Th!' :p()ke;man for the t ... u v Stuart, said the w mnic operations , ai 'htforward acccpt- ( fj; ward of Chief Jus-fl n Sloan and chargc3 i wnn stalling." , now in its thirty- day. .. Voarc Ann Hi' June 19, 192G -tribution: to a lund to sup- n: !or the local band , mbed to $G07. The main .3111 : were business men. ouat Leila M., Capt. returned from Tele-!k after having deal o of liquor to the : aient there. "A'o wai on hand to meet I ;v and everyone seemed ;Vf a thtrjt," Capt. Saint Hzr-iei had a close call ... ..1. M nvrn.l 3 l. aui-ulliuu.ii; iiiaoiitu :gh a uard rail at the cor- Strict and Fourth -j :ropplnr? 30 feet down .'.iSankmcnt. Hayncr was my injured. ! fax in. founder of the I !iy on March 30, 3 that 'Truth shall ;i the public good my : invited "Liberal and nr$ men, of all par s' It a repository of menti," u pi itcajr. luuiu EnnriH Columbia IN rttOBATE 1 'HE MATTKIt OF THE UMIM. THATION ACT" and LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Ipholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Fhone Green 974 "I Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER ilJnd Ave. Phone 88 House repairs jor General House Repairs, Concrete Dascments and JltWalks. Work rlnnn bv the lour or contract. Call us for in estimate. McLcod, Pitt-Cross & Gibb pu '"one Red 024, after 6 p.m. The Markets Abundance of Fruits and Also Vegetables On Local Market An abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables has appeared on local lood store display shelves, moit recent of the fruits being cherries which were bringing 69 cents a pound at the week-end. They have now come down 10 cents a pound In all stores. Despite the shortage of boxes, strawberries have been appearing, and are now selling for 35c a basket. California plums are selling at 50 cents a pound. Ft MATTER OP THE ESTATE I ..... In the vegetable stalls, green onions arc selling at two bunches for 15 cents. Radishes are the same price. Green peas are 29 cents a pouna, rhubarb 10 cents and asparagus 29 cents. Fruit Plums, lb. 50 Strawberries 35 Cherries 59 Cantelope 23-.39 Watermelon, lb 10 Fancy Apples, 2 lbs 25 Grapefruit, Calil 09 and .14 Lemons, doz 45 Valencia Oranges, doz. .. .33-.07 Bananas, lb 17 VcKctables Mushrooms, lb 60 Spinach, 2 lbs .35 Beets, lb. - .10 Tomatoes, Hothouse, lb. .. .38-.45 Cauliflower, each 25 - .45 Lettuce, each 15 Celery, lb 20 Garlic, lb 70 Cabbage, lb 09 Calif. Carrots, lb 10 Green Onions, 2 bunches 15 Raddlsh, 2bunches 15 Green Peas, lb 29 Rhubarb, lb 10 Asparagus 29 Green Peppers, lb 45 Sugar White, lb .09 Golden Yellow, lb 09 Eggs Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz .47 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 41 Flour, 49"s, No. 1 hard wheat..l.85 Second Patent 1 CO Flour, 24's 95 Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tin .10'2 Butter First Grade, lb 45 Lard Pure, lb 19 'AM, tARSEN. DECEASED 131 DUl. 10 I IS II ft,, n'. i Liink 1 1 wiut . i ...t 1 1 1 n ,i lit. .uu jiio w t,. ruinrr. urciu QqA ik ,Z3 -.c ipri'mc court or urn- i - I wai; on the 12th day j i46 oppolntrd Admlnls- will annexed of the M' .K'l Larscn, who died .:: 7th clay pt . Juur. f :n Indebted to the r required to pay thr t Ir indebtedness to me r.l all persona having the ..aid estate are C'.s them with me prop-n or before the 15th 1046 falling which db-t j l mnde lmving re;-ird "1 'Imt of which I ahall 'tried, '"1 Pv.i cc Rupert. DC this ' ' June A.D. 1948. A1- )T EDWARD RODDIS, T nph Creek, B.C. C" al Administrator, 151 3-niS TrFKKMK COURT OF BRJTT ;H COLUMBIA IN rnOBATF. W Tlir MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" nd MATTER OF THE ESTATE 'AM NICHOLSON BELL, DECEASED. INTESTATE NOTICE that by .Order of WE Fisher, made on the f June A.D. 1946. I was 1 Administrator of the Es-W :;im Nle'.iolaon Bell, de- J nil nnrllri. having claims 1 ild estate ore hereby re- furnish same, properlr j mr on or before the 15th a u. i40. ana an parur " 1 t (,r Estate are required ('" amount of their lndebt- c forthwith. tTr-0 Prlnre Rupert. B.C.. this ":ne. A.D. 1046, ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS, Of- i Admlnlstrntor, ' -' raph Creek, DC. lON'T fORCCT iflii 'uiiscnthnt in tafn t drinking tokt , , ijjjj ujin NEW ZEALAND LACKS SLUMS Dominion Looks Spotless and Freshly-Painted Despite Six Years War Effort By WILLIAM STEWART Canadian Frcus Etnrr Writer WELLINGTON, N.Z., ) Despite six years' war effort, New Zealand looks as though it had Just emerged from a thorough spring cleaning. Its cities and towns are neat, cream-colored wooden cottages with red and green roofs are bright and clean, and gardens and lawns are well-tended. There are few slums to be seen in either of the small Dominion's two largest cities, Auckland, nor thernmost and most important business centre with a popula tion of 220,000, or Wellington the capital which has 150,000 people Because of the war, there is s general shortage of housing but Black Cod, smoked, lb. .35 Smoked Kippers, lb. .22 Meat Ceiling prices for Red Brand and special quality meats. , Shank (hind quarter) .26 and. 24 Round Steak or Roast .44 and .43 Round Steak or Roast (boneless) 46 and .45 Minced Round Steak. .46 and .45 Rump Roast 45 and .42 Sirloin Tip (boneless) .47 and .45 Cubed Sirloin Tip (boneless) 53 and 51 Sirloin Steaks, Roasts .49 and .48 Sirloin Butts (boneless) 48 and .47 Flank Steak 33 and .33 Flank, trimmed .17 and .15 Porterhouse Steak or Roast 55 and .53 T-Bone Steak or Roast ,55 and .53 Wing Steak or Roast -51 and .49 Strip Loin (boneless) .60anr".58 Rib Itoast, seven rib bones, whole 34 ana .31 Rib Roast, seven rib v bones (boneless) 46 and .43 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones (whole).. .36 and .32 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones (boneless) .48 and .44 Rib Roast, outside roll (boneless) 35 and .31 Short Ribs 16 and .16 Plate Brisket 15 and .15 Plate Brisket, rolled . boneless) 21 and .19 Rolled Shoulder (boneless) .25 and .25 Round Bone Shoulder Roast 26 and .25 Short Rib Roast .' .31 and .2 Blade Roast 27 and .26 Chuck Roast .25 and .24 Chuck Roast . (boneless) 29 and .28 Neck (boneless) 24 and .23 Shank, Troht 'quarter.13 and .13 Shank, knuckle end.. .10 and .10 Shank .centre cut 20 and .20 Shank" (boneless) 24 and .23 stewing Meat ' (boneless) 24 and .23 j Tenderloin 75 and .75 I Hamburger 25 and .23 otherwise life seems well-organized for the 1,500,000 New Zeal- anders who live on the two big islands which make up the Dominion territory. Rationing of food and clothing is still in force, but rationing scales are adequate and people are voluntarily reducing food consumption to help Britain and Europe. Current scarcity of accommo dation is accounted for by the restriction on new building dur ing the war. However, construction is going forward again and houses are springing up all over the country. In Auckland and Wellington, 400 miles apart on the North Isl and, there are varied rows of neat state-built homes on which rente come to about $5.00 to $6.00 a week but which remain permanently the property of the government. The large proportion of new homes probably will be state houses because of their low rents. Central Healing Unnecessary They are without central heating which) New Zealanders, untroubled by extreme temperatures, consider to be unnecessary. They have most other modern conveniences. The majority are single-storey bungalows in the accepted style for average New Zealand homes. Most of the homes have small gardens and in some state- housing areas, incentive to tidi-1 ness is given by rent reductions of 50 cents a week for clean pro- j perties. New Zealanders have the attachment for home and property which is a characteristic of the English and regulation of work-inn hours allows them leisure in which to keep the houses and lots spick and span. The high standard of neatness applies to stores and shops which seem to be spotless wherever you go. Even country restaurants are equipped with the latest electric sterilization devices for utensils. Wood construction is almost universal because lumber is plentiful and cheaper than brick of which probably less than one house in a hundred is built. Large or elaborate homes are seldom seen among the hundreds of little bungalows. New Zealanders say the country has comparatively few wealthy citi zens and comparatively few. poor. Apartment buildings are fewer than in Canadian cities though the .government has erected sev eral modcrnt apartment blocks. Aluminum is the most abundant metallic clement in the earth's crust. THE WAY TO A MAN'S HEART! (AND A WC ."VAN'S, TOO) COOKING by electricity means better meals, successful baking ... a happier home. Even, regulated temperatures with automatic controls prevent waste, assure satisfactory results. Economical, modern, clean and beautiful; be sure to include an electric range in your plans for a happy future. Plan now to buy electrical appliances as they become available. JIU-liH'J-JbriN1! Local News Items Gillls Royer returned from a two weeks trip to Vancouver on the; Prince Rupert today. E. F. Frelsen returned to the city today from a two weeks trip to Vancouver. A Carpenters' Union meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m., Fraser St. All members requested to attend. (143) Miss Dorothy Chorney returned on the Pj-ince Rupert today from a two weeks holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Edith Murvold arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon to attend the wedding on Saturday of her cousin, Miss Violet Wick. R. S. Colby of Victoria, official provincial government photographer, is a visitor in the city today, making the coast cruise on the steamer Prince Rupert. A When in Terrace, stay at Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp. Box 13. (45) Indian Agent F. E. Anfield returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert lrom Ocean Falls after an inspection trip of the Indian agency. Mrs. Bertha Peterson, formerly of Prince Rupert and who has spent the last six months in Vancouver, arrived in the city today with the intention of taking up residence here again. Gathering material for feature stories for the New York publication Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Newell of New York, are visitors in the city today, making the round trip on the Prince Rupert to Ketchikan. WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 14", per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 14", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 14", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Mayor II. M. Daggelt sails tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to attend the annual convention of the Association of Canadian Mayors and Municipalities. Aid. N. E. Arnold will be acting mayor during his absence. mack in Canada after five years overseas, Major J. R. Carson arrived in the city today accompanied by his wife who wpnt to Vancouver last veek to meet her husband. Major Carson was met at, the wharf by his small son, John, whom he has not seen since going oversdas. Mrs. Carson is the former Maxlnq Heilbroner. I Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it necessary that a state his reason for an invitation? A. No; while it is not it is oftentimes a courteous thir. to do, and probably will. avoid a misunderstanding and resentment. Q. Is it all right to say, "Mr. Jones, shakes hands with Mr. Smith" when introducing two men? . A. No; this expression is crude. If the two men are well-mannered they will shake hands without being commanded to do so. Q. Is it correct for a man to sign-his full name to his social correspondence, or may he sign merely his Initials? A. He should sign his full name. Advertise In the Daily News. UGHT TENDER 'DELICIOUS 1 0TJMMAS ) I Set Summer Appetites Singing! , J TEMPT drowsy summer appe- . SS,, W4l tites with the tantalizing fra-granceofdelightfulAuntJemimas! .lA- j! So tender, so flufty, so .qolden- SL f brown that . every stack of this Wi' delicious mealtime treat brings a Uj joyous shout for more. You'll 1 revel in the fact that Aunt Jemimas , vtiSvmr are so easy to prepare . . . from $lfl$8 9 a matter of seconds. Win the praise of your family tomorrow .; I m 9 ... serve a. successful ..J I meal of Aunt Jemimas! ... -Wfj I WiWfiSiJ for a .7 flavorfl pan. j ipsgg-p n r i f' 1 1 1 " p I 1 f mm i LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND. U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 cilice Ctupert Dailp JSetoa Wednesday, June 19, 1946 Hotel. . . Is arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. Christian, Hollywood, Calif.; Rev. D. A. Smith, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Kilcup, Edson, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. II. Dobson, Edson, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie, Virginia, Minnesota. DISMISSED FROM R.A.F. LONDON O) Squadron Leader Charles Elliott Sinclair Patterson, D.S.O., DJC, decorated in 1944 for "outstanding service in bombers," has been dismissed from the service by sentence of a general court-martial. No details were given. ANCIENT GRAVE WOOLER, Northumberland, England 0 In about 2.000 B.C., experts estimate, a man was buried on a ridge which now Is part of a farm here. A stone pulled out by a tractor .revealed his grave. In it was a broken potv an ornament and a spearhead. Announcements All advertisements m this column will be charped, for a lull month at 25c a word. Presbjterlan Church Tea, Mrs. Robert Parker's, 805 Summit Avenue, June 20. . Sons of Norway Pioneers Home dance, Friday, June 21,. Oddfellows' Hall. Juvenile Orange tea, Oddfel-' lows' Hall, July 10, 2:30-5:30. ,. Get your Marxist and current jamphlets at Room 8, Stone Jlock. Open evenings 7 to 9. "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Just the thing for Prince Rupert s summery weather. BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carry Charge No Interest Terrfia In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. YOU'RE IN PRINT tills summer and what could be better! This newly fashioned floral print leaves nothing to be desired. It's cool, it's flattering, it wears well for anything on the. agenda. Color selection. Comes in all sizes. HELP NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Ormes Ltd. "Jiitt Pioneer Drtu&ists O STORE HOURS Monday, Wednesday and Friday . 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE . PHONE 81 FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR ALIKE we have quality paint, enamel ami varnish that stand the test of time and weather, a 1 1 seasons. Small quantities for odd jobs, bulk for contractors. HANDSOME, SERVICEABLE PAINTED SURFACES ARE PROTECTION FOR YOUR HOME. GIVE YOUR RESIDENCE THE BENEFIT OF OUR QUALITY PAINT, FOR APPEARANCE AND ENDURANCE. Gordon's Hardware lUcBride. Street : PHONE 311 Announcement W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE 41)2 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CONVERTO LOUNGES By simmons witn matching chairs DANITE LOUNGES By. restmore with matching chairs These lounges can be converted into full-sized beds with. one easy motion and nave an easily accessible partment. bedding com- $69.50 and up Phonc S73 327 Third Avenue