Ptincc Rupert Daflp J3cto3 Wednesday, April 10, 1046 Published every afternoon except Bun-da; by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, t . British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By, City Carrier, per week Pe' Mith Per Year By per month Per Year a' Steamship fcgBs Service !-! r IV 0 cc from PRINCE rTTni?Ti 1" Wflk "UA J to OCEAN FALLS ; POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11 '.15 p.m. i to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION ! at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE -rti ;We published this mentge last July ; we published it tgtin t in Stptember ... tad we .? believe it bears repeating. On each previous occasion the rcponse from people in all walks of life wai widespread, and tens of thousands of private citizens, farmers, fishermen, MEMBER A.B.O. 1IE 7.00 (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Britain Shows the Way While the "sound" financiers of Canada's government move slowly and cautiously, the Labor government of Britain proceeds boldly to bring tax relief to the people of the hard-pressed Mother Land. The latest budget of the Chancellor of the' Exchequer, Mr. Dalton, announces the reduction or removal altogether of income tax from many people in the lower brackets and further cuts the excess profits tax, intimating that its complete removal may be expected before long. Of course, we may be told that this tax relief for Britain is being made possible through the; financial assistance she is receiving or expects to get from United States and to a lesser extent from Canada. That may be true but, nevertheless, the fact remains that a measure of relief is being brought to the people who, after all, are mow interested in seeing that things are done than introspecting into how they are accomplished. Canada will soon be getting its budget brought down and there is already keen speculation in what, if any, measure of tax relief may be in store for us now the war is over. It is reasonable to remind ourselves that, even if we may have felt at some times that we were badly done by, we have never borne the burden of taxation these many years on anything like the scale the people of Britain have been called upon to do and have patiently done. Stewart Is Going Ahead; Renewed Mining Activity Salmon Gold and Gold Drop Among Active Properties Town Is Livening Up STEWART This district has had many ups and downs since the boom years of 1910 and later 1917 when R. K. Neill proved up the world-famous Premier Mine which he sold to Woods Trites and Wilson, the Guggenheims of New York buying an interest and taking over the active management with Lime Li. fin m cnarge. Today the Salmon Gold Property, on the Salmon River, under the title of the Morris Summit . Gold Mines Ltd.. Is In process of , being brought under active development. Evan Harris has been busy for the bast, two months getting supplies up the Salmon River Road on to the Salmon River Glacier across which It will have to be taken a distance of approximately four miles to summit Lake where the property is located. Values obtained during diamond drilling operations In 1945 were sufficiently encouraging for the new company to go ahead with development, and they apparently have every confidence that it will turn Into a producer. On the Marmot River work has been proceeding on the Gold Drop Mining Company property with very .encouraging results. This property Is under the management of J. O. LeFrancois for eastern Interests. When vnn , xore " and n,j isY? ' 'I , lumbermen, merchants and business concerns alike have since proved for themselves by ' actual experience the sincerity of this advertisement. For personal purposes alone, well over 10.000. people are borrowing each month at Bof M branches from coast to coast. It Is understood that the Mountain Boy on American Creek and the L.L. and II. on Bitter Creek will also be actively engaged this year under the, same management. Other companies, It is understood, will also be In the field this year. All of this is, naturally, reflected In the Increased Interest being taken In the real estate situation many nroDertles having changed hands during Ihe past few months. A new store and a restaurant have Just been opened. Altogether the prospect for the future of Stewart is good. Alaska Potatoes Through Rupert; No Vessel Ready Inquiry Was made by the Northern Trading Co. of Juneau through the Prince Rupert Chamber ol Commerce Monday as to the possibility of a Vessel being secured to bring 1400 tons of potatoes grown In the Matanuska Valley of central Alaska from Whlttief, Alaska, to Prince Rupert for delivery, to the Canadian government. It was necessary to end back an aaswer that no ship was available here. As Indications of the French people's Intention to maintain a free press, there has been no censorship in France since V-.t Day. the B 0f ro loan at FAVOUR dim THE CHURCHILLS ENGLAND BOUND- Clad in the nautical attire now as famous as his cigar and "V" sign, Winston Churchill, accompanied by Mrs. Churchill, board the S.S. Queen Mary for the return trip to England. Highlight of the former British prime minister's nine-week visit In the U.S. was his talk at Fulton, Mo., which created international 'repercussions. YACHT C1UB IS PLANNING MASS CRUISE AND REGATTA IN SUMMER Prince Rupert Yacht Club, which is anticipating an active season this summer, is planning to start it off with a mass cruise possibly next monih and later in the summer a regatta which will include vessels of both the local and Ketchikan clubs. At present the executive of the local club is quiz-ins Its members as to the mast' acceptable date and destination of the cruise. Questionalres have been sent out seeking opinions on a sueaestlon that Mnu n would be a good day for the TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Do. Ltd Vancouver Bralofne 1C B. R. Con B. R. X. 1035 Cariboo Gold 3 Dentonia .'. ; . Grull Wihksne : . Hedley Mascot .'. 2 Minto Pend Oreille 3 Pioneer C, Premier Border Premier ... 2 Privateer Reeves McDonald 1 Reno 4 Salmon Gold J..v Shorn Creek . .....i l Taylor Bridge ... Whitewater . ... . Vananda Congress t ' Pacific Eastern Hedley Amalg'ted Spild Valley Central' Zeballos OiW- A. P. Con ' Calmojit C. St. E 2 Foothills , . 1 Home . 3 .75 .21 .16 .GO .G9 ,20 'A .50 ,07 M. CO ,90 12 .20 .71 .35 .23';. .24' .50 .90 .04 .50 .14 .10 .15. .ic 1? 151!. .34 .45 .60 .40 ti:mii:kh vt;ti;nxs- i.axh rT BeaW Tenders, addressed to the District Superintendent. Veterans' Land Act. at 302 Blowey-Henry Building. Edmonton, Alberta, and marked Tender for Salvaging and Shipping Bulldlne Materials at Prince Rupert. BO., wlli be received up to 12:00 o'clock noon, Monday. April 22nd. J 940, for the salvaging of all building materials and fixtures from old United States Army Buildings nt Port Edward and Watson Island, B.C, Form of Tender, description of work and list of buildings to be salvaged may be obtained from the office of the District Construction Supervisor. Veterans' Land Act, Blowey-Heriry Building. Edmonton. ! of the War Assets Corporation, Prince jtuperi. xj.u. An authorized representative of the Director, Veterans' Land Act. may be contacted at the ufflce of the War Asset'i Corporation, Prince Rupert. B.C. from noon Monday. April 15th to 5:00 p.m.. Tuesday, April ICth, 1040. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered Canadian Bank for the um of 5.000 00. payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, which cheque will be forfeited In the event or the tenderer refusing to enter Into a contract on the basin of his tender, If called upon to do: so. or falling to satisfactorily complete such a contract. Cheques of unsuccessful tenderers will he returned. The Department does not bind Itself to accept the lowest or any ' tender. o. MimcmsoN, ' Director, The Veterans' Land Act Department of Veterans' Affairs. ' Veterans' Land Act. April th, 1948. v FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" " Phones: Blue 09 Res. Green 820 Prop., L. Chrlstopherson (Ex-Naval Vet.) Suggested destinations are Port Ewlngton, Port Simpson and Lucy Island. The executive seeks to have as many as possible of the fleet's approximately 30 boats take part. Decision to hold the. cruise and the regatta w a.? made at a meeting of the Yacht Club executive this week. Present at the meeting were Dr. R. G. Large, president: William Richards, T. H. Wilford. Gordon Daniels, Tfinimy Fraser and A. P. Crawley. Internationa: '.or.;; t::ilon Is planned for the regatta which probably . will be held some time in July. Dr.. Large plans to rom- Toronto Aumaque 1.20 Beattie 1.40 Bobjo .24 Buffalo Canadian ' .34 Cons. Smelters .. 83.00, RJdona i.o5 Elder . 1.14 Giant Yellcrwknife 7.75 Hardreck 1.02 Jackknife .2G Joliet Quebec 1.29 Little Long Lac 2.80 Madsen Red Lake 4.30 Macleod Cockshutt ... 3.10 Moneta C8 Omea 28 Pickle Crow 4.05 San Antonio ... 5.45 ' Senator Rouyn 1.14 Sherrltt Gordon 2.10 Sleep Rock 3.35 Sturgeon River M Lynx 30 Latfaska 54 God's Lake C3 Negus 2.30 cPditerjjJ WRITES DRY WITH WET INK STARTS IN A SPLIT SECOND NO BLOTTER IS NEEDED Hi n la si T0U CAN'T GET YOUR FINGERS INK-STAINED Come in . . See IT Do things no pen ever did before At last - the Marvelous Parker "51" pen is here. Come in and try it. See how it starts in a split second . . . writes dry with wet ink. Watch the "51" perform these miracles. Pens SI 5.00 nd $18.00. Pencils Sd.OOund 9M-$ ' s j? McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. IS MANAGER OF MINAKI LODGE OTTAWA -Lionel S. Wanze), a.itaht manager, chateau Laurier Hotel. Ottawa, has been appointed manager of Mlnakl Lodge, according to an announcement by Robert Sommer-vllle, General manager. Canadian National Hotels. Mr, Wan-zel's promotion follows the re- ppnf. flnnnimrtimflnl Ihnr r'nii- ada's three Internationally famous summer resorts Jasper! Park Lodge In the Canadian I Rockies; Mtnakl Lodse, in the' Lake of the Woods district of Ontario, and Pictou Lod'ze in Nova Scotia -will re open In June after being closed as a wartime measure. Mr. Wanzel, a native of Winnipeg, entered the Canadian National Railways accounting department In 1923 and was appointed accountant at MInaki Lodsee In IMC. Subsequently he served in ;i similar capacity at the Prince Arthur Hotel. Prince Arthur. Ontario; the Nova Scotlan Hotel. Halifax, and at Jasper Park Lodge. He was promoted to assistant manager of the Chateau Laurier In 1942. SNAG BOAT ON SKEENA RIVER Tlie snoi boat Esslngton, operated by th? federal Department of Piibltc Works, sailed fo the Skeena River Tuesday to star hfr ehinnel cleaning on-eratlons for a twaweek period, after which she will return to port prior to going north to clear the Na.s River channels of navigation obstructions. The Es.sin'j-ton Is commanded bv Capt. John D. Watson, with W. P.. Robertson a.s mate. She will return to the Skeena later In the .summer. munlcate with "the Ketchikan Yacht Club this week to obtain Ihe reaction of its members to a scheme whereby both fleets would take part It would be held ir Prince Rupert and Ketchikan on alternate years, starting thi. year In Prince Ruwrt. In order to help raise funds for a conruetron program which has already been responsible for the building of a new caretaker'. house and which wi'.l also Include erection of a locker home nearby, the club has an-proved an Increase lri the annual berthing fees Trom ten cents to 15 cents per lineal foot for all power boats In the fleet. With construction of the locker house on short near the caretaker's quarters, the club nlans to demolish the present buildings on the floats, thus makhrr mon room for berthing small boats at the inner end of the floats. Advertise In the Daily News. f7- seem Reaper Jg . ( MAKES SmiL COOKS yL i EASTER C II J.HJair Auctioneer Having purefmsed the business known as "Scotty's V i s h a n d Chips," all bills owing against the business must Ik.' presented by Monday, April Sth, otherwise no accounts will be recognized by the present owner. BB PRINTIN COM PANy Office Supplies, l!ookblndlnK, Printlnj, Stationm Birthday and Every Day Card UESNER ULOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVE KOOKO!lOOOtMOtKMlDOOKIOOOOOOOOO0C0M0t D m mm 8AILINOS FOH VAN&'l ana Way Points Tuesday- -SS Catila, 1 rl Friday. -S3 Cardeni, 1(1 Sailings for 'Queen aJ Islands every fortd Further Information and Reservation I FRANK J. SKINXEl Prince Rupert Agcl Third Ave. Pbrl LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGi iMaMished 1910 i.iMrl FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND USA I OIl qiHCK, EITICILNT, CAREFIX AM) I I1.1ABI SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 c.h.v ... p,o,iaa to 9f( In LO' 77 VAUCOU .,..00 Al information, 9Traffic Olf 1 For nearest T.C.A- .)rc8enUi D