CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I RED TOP r Phone TAXI TAXI KASPEfi 349 C McINTYRE mmm TO 537 Kupert Tobacco Store land! Ormes) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE f L (across and night- from service Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port .fc-'.. . . Bill and Ken Ncsbitt iU re VOL. XXXV.'No. 85. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS i i NIAN DISPUTE UNDECIDED miry, H BACKING INVENTION i! w principle In which Us in-' ha: already been ; practice. Fay B f mploycc of the ' ' ma) shops al R' 1 to present to 17" 'irt Industrial fm it . p; lble .sup-a ' " nual small Indus-- r fabricated metal ' ' "c which he asserts v " '-it In fuel bills nine measure of i Mi- Oamblln has :J: 'in the new fur-nnd says that nl ' pr-rntion in rt u and at Smlthers. j' w-1 ' located before "' f about a year ago. ir naif a dozen, IHE WEATHER -vl W- An active ll: British Columbia & ' d to move rap- ward during; the 1 a'f f rom the northern " ot the tnnperatur? ihe ca;t and five to six br! ow normal in the In- P r i - - ivwiti, : "KC "upcrt- IMn . -' l"uay anu um tempera- m . rlv Jl"1'"""1' w' Strong 1. 1.. " "t moderate south- r"f. 15 noon .,., Z.a . "our, in unit I m. - finest. for "re article In Cnlim,.... ... 'i Him "8 '"variamy pI anhievement for .: HWSl lt a "back Paper r ., metropolitan - -"til m a nood of ;IN IS HEARD ON IRAN- -Sir Alexander Cadogan, leader Ei i delegation, Is shown as he insisted on consiacru-i - Ru 3- Iranian dispute at the session of the security He ;xke In opposition to the move of Russian delegate, i Ourrrko. who said that the Iranian question had no i the atenda. Left to right, are Gromyko, Cadogan, Ed- r :t .jalu.s. leader of the U.S. delegation, and U,S. Sec- ( S.utc James F. Byrnes, who took the floor to state tnc on the Iran problem. if MILLION RUSSIAN PRISONERS DIN PERIOD OF FOUR MONTHS MTKMlUtG (CD The Russian prosecution today infilled documentary evidence indicating that 500,000 Soviet mm died in German custody in the last four months of and many thousands mole were too broken physically tc useful as laborers. The Kussians, levelling their charges at twenty-two Ger-isoh trial as war criminals before the international mill- tiibimal, read from minutes of the German economics Foreign Ministers Agreed On Meeting WASHINGTON W All mem bcrs of the Big Four Allied powers have agreed to a meeting of their foreign ministers in Paris on April 25. France sent word lo Secretary of State James F. Byrnes in Washington yesterday that her representa tive will attend the coniercncc. Britain and Russia previously had accepted Byrnes invitation to attend the meeting. CONSERVING OF WATER OTTAWA (Pi -Resources Minister J. A. Glen has explained the Dominion government's attitude regarding water conser vation on the prairies. He told Ihe Commons Monday night thai the government is concerned about .the question, anxious to share in solving the problem but it is now out of the picture. He declared the three western provinces already hayc set up an advisory board to study the question without inviting the Dominion government to take part. Therefore, said the cabinet min ister, the Dominion crops ouu of the picture. LIQUOR ACT IS STANDING VICTORIA '(Pi The Liquor Control Act will not be re-opened at the present session of the .Legislature, It was learned Monday night following a caucus of llie coalition group after thi afternoon sitting ofthe House. Tills means that there will be no relaxation of the regulations in regard to public drinking such a the serving of spirits of ! beers and light wines with meals. Embers fiulletiHA PUBLISUICR DIES LONDON Viscount South -wood, 73, head of one of Britain's largest publishing houses, died here today. 'POLAND'S CIIAUGI.S NEW YORK Poland today laid before the United Nations security council a number of charges to support the claim that Franco Spain is a menace lo international peace and security. It is charged that Spain is being made a haven for Nazi assets and personnel, war criminals and scientists developing new weapons for aggressive warfare. OKANAGAN STORM VANCOUVER A storm which swept southern British Columbia today seemed lo have its greatest intensity in the Okanagan district where the wind blew 50 miles an hour. Rain has been heavy and general. El IMINATE STREET CARS VANCOUVER In order to provide more parking space on downtown streets, the elimination of street cars is being considered here. EXPEDITION MUSKOX POUT RADIUM. X.W.T. Expedition Muskox left Port Radium today for Fort-Norman 20 miles distant., Apartment Holocaust Eight Persons Dead as Result of Boston Fire BOSTON O) Eight person3 perished and five others were injured early this morning in a fire that swept a four-storey Back Bay apartment house and brought a swift investigation by fire and police officials. Firs d - 1 mage was estimated at $10,- 000. The investigation included two other fires which started within a ten-block radius while the firemen were battling the flames In the apartment where the deaths occurred. Thirty-three tenants escaped from the building. "AMERICA FIRST" HEAD JAILED CHICAGO Cf Gerald L. K. Smith, head of the America First party, was sentenced Tuesday by Judge John McCormick to serve CO days In the county Jail on charges of contempt of court. FRANCE FOR COOPERATION Former Premier Leon Blum Speaker in Montreal Yesterday MONTREAL Q Leon Blum said in Montreal that France nrobably has taken the biggest step of any nation to show her confidence in international co operation. In an interview the promln cnt French political figure said that France has Included In her revised constitution, now being drafted, a provision; permitting the country to abandon some of its sovereignty, If necessary, to facilitate understanding between nations. Mr. 'Blum who is a former premier of France, has been visiting Canada to talk over loans and credits for France. CANDY SCARCE OTTAWA The Easier candy supply in Canada will be even worse this year than last owin? to shortage of sugar. In Security Council May Burst Into Flame WOULD LASSOO "CADDY" VANCOUVER A syndicate which would lassoo Cadboro-saurus, the elusive sea serpent, and bring him alive to the Vancouver Diamond Jubilee celebration lys- offered its Fcrviccs lo the committee. However, it is suggested that Victoria might take a dim view of any attempt to "swipe" the marine moster which has always been considered Victoria's very own. SICK AND STARVING WILLIAM LAKE Elmo Gill of lac la Hache has been brought to hospital here after having been sick and without ford for 11 days in his cabin. FOOD PICTURE BRIGHTER OTTAWA The world food picture appears somewhat brighter, according to officials here. India is going to have a light wheat crop. Greece is safely above starvation level. All that is needed Is one good world crop. However, millions in China still face starvation. DIES FROM BLAST VANCOUVER John J. Mair, who was injured in the explosion of a water jacket in the stove of a beauty shop here. In, Januariy;diee"-j-estcr". day. JAP ELECTION IS HELD TODAY Fifty Percent of Women in Flowery Kingdom Were Women TOKYO WJapancse voters, led by a surprisingly large number of women, today elected the country's post-war government in' the first free voting In generations. The Tokyo vote was between G5 and 75 percent of those eligible. More than 50 percent of the eligible women went to the polls. .There was no indication of the trend. The first reports of the vote count are expected by late Thursday. SHIPYARD, LOCAL INDUSTRIES AND HIGHWAY QUESTIONS DISCUSSED At a lengthy session last night the Prince .Rupert Industrial Development Committee dealt principally with the matters of the future of the local dry dock, the possibilities of local development of local industries and the straightening out of difficulties concerning the final settlement of jurisdiction of the Prince Rupert Highway. A full statement on the shipyard matter, Including correspondence should be laid before the public, it was decided. Correspondence l n d 1 c a t Ing that the local dry dock would be permitted to revert to its prewar status as a repair plant and offering no definite assurance that it would be used for the construction of new Canadian ! WALKS OUT OF STRIKE PARLEY John L. Uwls and U.M.W.A. Committee Rolls Conference With Coat Operators WASHINGTON, D. C. P John L. Lewis and the United Mine Workers negotiating committee today, walkrd out of wage conference with the coal operators aimed at ending the ten-day-old soft coal strike. Lewis promised reporters that a statement would be made later outlining his reasons for leading his group out of the conference. ALEXANDER IN CANADA Special Train Arrangements Between Halifax and Ottawa ARRIVED TODAY HALIFAX The liner Aquitania, willi Canada's Gov-nor-General-Designate, Field Marshal Viscount Alexander, on beard, steamed into Halifax harbor at 1 p.m. The big ship made the crossing from Southampton in five days. A storm which lashed the east coast of Canada delayed the docking of the Aquitania for .several hours, the liner having been slowed down by heaving seas. Hundreds of dependents of Canadian servicemen were also aboard the. Aquitania including 950 war brides. MONTREAL When the SSlmiPsHon was one frr th 1nH Acqultania slipped Into her berth in the port of Halifax today 1 bringing Field Marshal Rt. Hon. i Viscdunt Alexander of Tunis, governor - general - designate of Canada, and Viscountess Alexander and their family, a Canadian National Railways special was waiting at docksidc to take them to Ottawa. The train was made up of eight cars. There were the two governor-general's private cars; one 'compartment car for the staff; a business car for the representative of the Prime Mlrrfttft and other high bf-f ficials proceeded from Ottawa to give Viscount Alexander Canada's first otflcial greeting; three sleeping cars for. other members of the vice-regal party," newspapermen and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and a car to handle nearly thrre tons of the party's baggage. A big streamlined "6000" class mountain type locomotive hauled thc train. Special picked crews, men who have distinguished themselves In C.N.R. service, manned the train. The conductor, trainmen and stewards in their natty navy blue uniforms with shiny brass buttons; chefs and cooks dressed In regulation snow-white suits; waiters wearing dark trousers and white coats, and the engineer and fireman in spotless blue and white striped coveralls were at their points National coastal vessels was deemed unsatisfactory. The committee will remain active in the matter. It was felt advisable to concentrate on the possibilities of development of local industries and, with this end in view, possible industries will be studied and efforts made to organize and Interest local capital there in. The Committee will co-operate with the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia in the endeavour to get the whole matter of Prince Rupert Highway Jurisdiction cleared up so that the responsibility of mainten ance may be definitely fixed. Local Tides Thursday, April 11, 194G High: - 9:56 17.9 feet 22:57 18.2 feet Low 3:58 9.5 feet 16:27 5.3 fee: To Press Spy Case United States to Proceed With Prpsecution of Young Russian Officer Despite Moscow Request REDIN INDICTED SEATTLE (CP) Lieut. Nicolai Redin was indicted here last night on five counts of espionage. WASHINGTON IB A second rebuff to Moscow came yester day from the United States; government. Russia had asked that espionage charges be dropped in the case of a Soviet naval officer arrested recently at Portland, Oregon, but In Washing ton, an American State Depart mcnt spokesman released an official statement savins lhat the department and a, grand Jury 10 decide. Attorney General Tom c, Cjark promised that the charges against the Russian officer, Lieutenant Nicolai Redin, would be pressed. The youthful Soviet officer Is accused of seeking information about the American Destroyer Tender, the UJ3.S. Yellowstone. SEARCH FOR LOST PLANE. EDMONTON Aircraft of the Royal Canadian Air Force today arc circling over an almost un Inhabited part of western Can ada, searching for a missing civ ilian plane. The plane has been missing since it took off from Edmonton for Grande Prairie, 240 miles northwest of Edmonton. It was carrying two persons L. Edwards, who is an American citizen, and an unidentified passenger. The plane is believed to have no radio communication facilities. on the train when the Cunard White-Star liner docked. The catering arrangements for the governor-general's private cars were handled by the C.N.R. dining car department. Two of the men chosen for the honor, William Notlcy, of Ottawa, steward, and Fred Conway, of Montreal, chef, served Their Majesties, the King and Queen, on the entire 8,600-mile tour of Canada and the United States In 1939. The chief of the Canadian National's public relations de partmcnt, Walter S. Thompson, with the co-operation of the Canadian Information Service, had charge of the press, radio and photographic arrangements on behalf of the Canadian government. On the Royal Tour he acted in a similar capacity. Every inch of the CN.R.'s Halifax to Ottawa line is gone over by each section gang before the special train passes over It. The train equipment is being inspected carefully at each stop enroutc. Train crews arc being changed at each divisional point and, before the SDecial reaches Ottawa. 40 trainmen will have been required to handle it. Tho superintendent of each division is riding the train over the territory under his Jurisdiction, accompanied by his master mechanic. PACIFIC COAST Tuesday Los Angeles 4, San Diego 5. Oakland 4, Sacramento 1. Fortland 2, San Francisco 3. Seattle 4, Hollywood 6. Henry T. Ewald, advertising agency executive, states: "A dally newspaper advertising campaign sent one million persons into one automobile company's display rooms In a single day." Persia Wants Question To Be Kept On Agenda TOUCHY QUESTION OF POLAND IS DEFERRED NO "INSTRUCTIONS" TEHRAN (CP) Prince Rirouz, minister of propaganda for Iran said today that his government has not given "any further instructions" to Ambassador Hussein Ala in connection with its case before the United Nations security council. He said the statement when asked if the request by Hussein Ala that the case remain before the council was authorized by Premier Qavam. NEW YORK (CP) The still-glowing embeds of the Russo-Iranian dispute have threatened to burst into flame. Iran last night asked the United Nations security council to ignore a Russian demand that the Iranian dispute be removed from its agenda.' The Iranian request set forth in a letter to Secre'tary- To Increase Indemnities Vleinria Solons 16 Raise Th-H Annual Pay by Fir .v Percent i .VICTCRl.V f A bill in- e f taitiE"-kUie' members' ses-sioiial indemnity from $3,000 to $3,000 was introduced Tuesday by Provincial Secretary Pearson and given its first reading. The increase would be effective this session. LITTLE INTEREST IS SHOWN IN DAYLIGHT SAVING HERE "Nobody appears to be much interested and I do not think any change will be made," commented Mayor H. M. Daggett this morning on the subject of daylight saving. The general feeling appears to be that summer evenings in Prince Rupert are quite long enough on standard time without having to get up an hour earlier in the morn - ing in order to make them longer. As long as transportation services remain on standard time, the general consensus appears to be in Prince Rupert that there would not be sufficient benefit gained from daylight saving to warrant the confusion that would be Involv ed in having two times. Meanwhile the city couikII of Viinconvpr doridpd last nieht that Vancouver would go on daylight saving time April 28 for the summer months. New Westminster, North and West Vancouver city officials said they would follow suit. In Victoria Mayor rercy George said, if the government docs not make daylight saving province-wide, he will recommend It for Victoria. Local Daylight Time Reactions J. Clifford Gllker, assistant General manager, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. and president of the Prince Rupert Parent - Teachers Association: Daylight saving time doesn't mean a thing here because we have so much daylight in the summer, unless it is conuncm-widc it is a nuisance because It causes confusion In communica tions with other centres. I say no unless it is at least nationwide." W. W. C. O'Neill, principal of Booth Memorial High School: I haven't given It much thought but I believe I favor daylight saving time lor tnc summer months. It gives a longer and brighter evening for play and recreation. People here should take every opportunity to get out-doors In the sunshine, would favor It from, say, May General Trygve Lie was dis closed soon after the council adjourned to an indefinite date. Iran's attitude Is shared by Britain and the United States for the Anglo-American council delegates had Indicated they would oppose the. Soviet request to close the case. Another touchy question whlca arose at yesterday's council session was also put off tor further consideration. Poland sent word that it intended toroppse that ..... tlTe TfinWorWaUoJfr- ccdci-lrie, matter of breaking off diplomatic relations with Franco Spain. Otherwise, the council contended itself with new rules of procedure. The new rules are expected to speed up the body'3 deliberations. -.- to August, but certainly notln the winter time." ,i James S. Black, business agent for the Carpenters' Unlon'-TA.F. L.) : "it doesn't do us any good here that I can sec. From the Industrial standpoint we get enough daylight for the eight hours that we work. In the farming communities of thctast j jt might have some advantage , hut in an Industrial commu- nlty, I don't see tnai aayiigui. saving has any advantage." S. P. Woodside, sportsman and past president of the Prince Rupert Football Association: "It U very good for sports. In fact It is necessary. For instance, in August you can start a softball game at 6:15 or 6:30 In the evening with daylight saving and have plenty of daylight to finish the game. Without it you have to start much too early to get in an evening's play. I .definitely favor It in the summer months but not In the venter." BRITISH LOAN : BEFORE SENATE Ranking Committee Sends It to Floor Passage Expected By Substantial Majority WASHINGTON, D.C. SJj-r-Thc United States Senate banking committee voted 14 to five' today to send the proposed $3,750,000,'-000 British loan proposal to Uie Senate floor for debate. Senator Barkjpy (Democrat. Kentucky), predicted that the Senate will pass the proposed credit by a substantial majority.' He added that the bill will be ! called up for action next week. Si 3c h SI