Prince Uuucrt Dally 3cU)S Wednesday, April 10, 1946 CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS VICTORIA tt The Legislature devoted the major part of Monday afternoon and night sittings to a sectlon-by-section consideration of a bill to amend the Public Schools Act. The bill, commonly known as the Cameron bill on educational reforms, caused comment from both sides of the House with several mem MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED bers disagreeing before the discussions were completed. Hon. Dr. Qv M. Weir, minister of education, told the House that the province's consolidation of school districts In line with the Cameron report recommendations will be put Into effect by order-ln-council Immediately. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE eJ J & ih AHA, O-WO Your Spring Ensembll ; pi - U3sJ -J A Irio of compliments to clothe you in sporty splendor come those spring days. The coat is your favorite chesterfield dressed up with" a velvet collar. The two-button suit has four flap pockets and nairow skirt. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial -Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West Quality Repairs Economy Prices at RUPERT PEOPLES STORE This is a service for your convenience . . PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) S. E. PARKER LTD. are pleased to announce the appointment of a us Stromdahl as Shop Foreman. Gus has had several years of experience with S. E. Parker Ltd., and with a full staff of seven qualified mechanics, and up-to-date equipment, Parker Garage is now in a position to turn out Guaranteed Mechanical work. .MOTORISTS! Phone :, and ask for Gus. DON'T FORGET1 Zrr) In UOUt flltnro I S. E. PARKER LIMITED 170 East 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. "We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD'' " SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. anadian Fish AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LI M I TE J) PRINCE RUPERT. B.C An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... t .NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 lM. 1 P.M. TO 4 VM. are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON you Smuggling Flowers Boom in Antipodes SYDNEY, Australia Smuggling tactics are being used to get large quantities of protected Australian wlldflowers on to the Sydney market, according to Kuringai-Chasc Chief Ranger V. Wallace. Kuringai-Chase is a vast, natural bushland reserve on the banks of the Hawkesbury River near Sydney. Ranger Wallace says the smugglers have assembly depots in obscure caves along the rocky river banks. Boatmen rendezvous to pick up these cargoes at night and slip down the broad river to less conspicuous dispersal points. ' Wallace says it is becoming a big business and has practically denuded some parts of the Chase of wlldflowers. Military Orders 1st. (R) Bn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) by Capt. A. W. Burntp AOC. Parades 1. All officers and N.C.O.'s will parade on Friday night, 12th April. 46, at 2000 hours. Bn, parade will be held on Monday. 15th April, 46, at 1930 hours. Subjects and instructors are as follows: Advanced Class Drill 14, R.S.M. Alvey, D.; Gas 3. Lieut. J. Davidson; L.M.G. 5, Sgt. Ferguson. Basic Class L.M.O 4, CAM. P. Bond: Gas 3. Lieut. J. Davidson; Drill 6, R.S.M. Alvey. D. 3. Members of the Advanced Class are to carry respirators, as well as the Basic. 4. Transport Class will parade at 1930 hours, 12th April, 46. 5. There will be an M.M.G. shoot Saturday afternoon. 13th April. 46, parade will be held at the Armories at 1330 hours. Newspaper men wrote more than 500,000 words daily on th? United Nations Security Council i meeting in New York. EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 GYMNASIUM SCHEDULE AT CIVIC CENTRE Wednesday 2:00-4:00 R.C.A.F. sports. 5:30-6:30-Basketpall. 7:00-8:30 Bvent night. 8:30-9:30 Event night. 9:30-10:00 Event night. Thursday 2:00-4:00 Army sports. 4:30-6:30-Junior girls. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-3:30 Intermediate boys. 8:30-9:30 Senior men. 9:30-10:00 Men's volleyball. Saturday 11:00-12:00 Juvenile classes. 2:00-4:00 Basketball. 4:30-5:30-Basketball. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. , 7:00-8:30 Basketball. 3:30-9:30 Basketball. 9:30-10:00-Basketball. BADMINTON PLAYERS I have 6 sets of Nylon Gut for badminton racquets at $3 per set. Phone 42". A. B. Hodges. (S3) FOR SALE BY TENDER Refuelling Scows War Assets Corporation offers for 'sale by tender the above mentioned Crown-owned vessels which have been declared surplus to Canadian Armed Services' requirements, Six (6) only, Refuelling Scows. Length 50'; Breadth 25'; Depth 4'6". Wooden construction. No engines. Each equipped with six (6) 2000 gallon fuel tanks; complete svith flow meters and manually operated fuel pumps with l rated capacity of 45 gallons per minute. Scows are fitted jrith mast and boom capable of lifting 500 lbs. Built astern is a wooden ramp to act as a buffer for aircraft while refuelling. Deck Equipment: Includes one (1) only. Navy type anchor, 400 lbs., with davit and six fathoms galvanized chain; One winch topping lift (Mast) complete with W wire cable; One winch (Anchor) with one hundred fathoms of a4" cable; One. only bilge pump, cylinder hand type, complete with discharge hose. Hulls are in excellent condition, the under-water line boing sheathed in 1" creosoted B.C. llr. Pump and meter machinery are in first class condition. LOCATED AT BEDWELL BASIN, VANCOUVER, B.C. Scow M-438 TENDER NO. G-l-57 Scow M-340 TENDER NO. G-l-58 Scow M-339 TENDER NO. G-l-59 Scow M-253 TENDER NO. G-l-60 Scow M-253 TENDER NO. G-l-61 Scow M-256 TENDER NO. G-l-62 These vessels will be sold on an "as is-where is" basis. Inspection may be arranged through the Ships Division of the Corporation at the address given below, or through the Vancouver Branch Office. A certified cheque or bank draft in the value of 10 of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER NO. (STATE NUMBER) IDENTIFICATION FOR REFUELLING SCOW (STATE NUMBER) AT P.EDWELL BASIN, VANCOUVER, B.C. addressed to the Secretary, War Assets Corporation, 4095 St Catherine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que., P.O. Box 0039. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1916. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to un successtul tenderers. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4093 St. Catherine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que. P.O. Box 6099 rhone BElair 3771 O.SELVIO General Contractor We do basements, rrshingllrlg, build fences, sidewalks remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisiaction Guaranteed CALL BLUE (110 and wc will give an estimate P.O. Box 05 1 FOUR VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Specialists in Each Branch Papcrhanging Signs Decorating Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. A Progressive Conservative Association recently declared that the local daily newspaper (Liberal in politics) was the best in western Canada. FOR SALE 5-room house with bath. 529 7th Ave. West. Call 633 8th Ave? West. (90) FOR SALE 1 double bed; 1 camp stove; 2 camp beds; 2 dressers; 1 Duo -Therm oil heater, new; 1 dining room suite, painted; 1 chesterfield suite; 1 bedroom suite; kitchen -table and chairs. Phone Black 751 or call 1028 10th Avenue East. (90) FOR SALE Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Truck Purchase" will be accepted by the undersigned up to noon April 22nd, 1946, for the purchase of One 2 j-ton 1536 Chevrolet Dump Truck, Serial No C5559044 -61503001150, complete with hoist and dump body; also one additional ! dump body hoist. Inspection may be arranged by contact-1 ing the City Engineer. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, u. u. Thain, City, Clerk. (87) FOR SALE 9th Ave. East, six rooms, fully modern, full basement, on one and a half lots. $2000 cash. Collart & McCaf-cry Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE English pram, cheap. 333 8th Ave. E. Call evenings. (87) FOR SALE-6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (100) FOR SALE Simmons bed, complete, like new; Empire typewriter. Will sell or trade battery radio, complete with batteries for electric radio. Will buv record player. Phone Blue 243. (85) FOR SALE Used Essex sedan, in running order. Can be seen at S. E. Parker Ltd., 3rd Ave. (85) FOR SALE Six-room modern house, 2 lots, patent roof, full basement, with new furnace. Central to schools and down town, $3600; furnished $4600. Three-room cottage on lit!) Ave. East, partly furnished garden. Immediate occupancy $1500. Armstrong Agencies 307 3rd Ave. West. Phone 342. (85) FOR SALE - McClary electric range, used, $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50; new hardwood chairs, modal. J2.65: trl-Iieht lames. big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery dio sets from $10.00; electric press irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, 10c; slightly used kitchen set. $16.50; dining room set, seven pieces, in good shape $45.00. All kinds of furniture and hardware, bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR- SALE Trl-lite lamp, maga zine rack, coffee table, electric fan, office chair and record player. Apply 117 4th Ave. West or phone Black 390. (88) FOR SALE 7 room house. 110 8th Ave. West, pnonc Hca on. Immediate possession. (88) (88) FOR SALE Dressing table, chlf-fonlere, single and double beds comoletc, modern kitchen sink complete, small tables, stand lamp. Phone Blue 562. (tf) FOR SALE Davenport and chair, 2 occasional chairs, bedroom suite, kitchen table and 2 chairs, and other articles. .253 9th Ave. East. (8a) PERSONAL WILL PERSON with Initials I.N. who received a hat with initials F.O. by mistake on Saturday night from the Capitol Theatre, please exchange same for his own, . (It) RUGS AND CHESTBRFIELD suites cleaned, shampooed and vacuumed. Phone Blue 318. (91) Grey hair handicaps you. Use Angelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (88) BRITAIN'S FOOD MINISTER AT BBC MICROPHONE Sir Ben Smith, Minister of Food in Britain's Labor government, at the British Broadcasting Corporation microphone when he spoke about the food situation in Britain. Member of Parliament for Rotherhlthe division of Ber-mondsey from 1923 to 1931 and from 1935 until now, Sir Ben was the organizer of the Transport and General Workers' Union. He was Labor whip in the House of Commons in 1925 and Treasurer of the Household from 1929 to 1931. ; I Hitler's Secretary Is Taken in Custody FRANKFURT. Germany CP Hie American-controlled DANA iK'ws agency said Monday that Frau Marie-Trekla Welehelt, whom It described as Hitler .. private secretary, has been ar rested at Wuerzberg. Frau Welehelt frequently helped ihe fuehrer draft his speeches the agency said, and she believed by counter-intel'igence troops to have been close to Hitler until the Nazi surrender Classified Advertising -- Classified: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Illrth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcement: 2. FOR SALE HELP WANTED WANTED Ward maids. Prince Rupert General Hospital. Ap-- ply matron. 86i FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam-heated room, close in. Gentleman only. Phone Green 818. 80) FOR RENT Rooms. 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (87) FOR RENT-Slceping room. 801 Borden St. Uf FOR RENT 4 room flat. Phone Black 996. 88) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD - 812 2nd Ave. West Red 976. Uf) WAN TED WANTED Photographic en larger. Phone Red 998 or call i 244 7th East. 85) WANTED Young business woman desires board and room, central and quiet. Apply Box 1C2 Dally News. 85) WANTED TO PURCHASE New or second hand restaurant range immediately. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association, Box 264, City. (85) WANTED TENDERS TO OPERATE RESTAURANT PARTY CAPABLE of operating and supplying all equipment except Range, Counters, Chairs and Tables preferred. Building and above equipment furnished at a very nomical rent. Will consider 3 to 5 year lease. Location, Falrvicw Bay, Prince Rupert Harbor. Apply In person to our Cold Storage office Immediately. All applications must be in bciorc April xuin. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, Box 204, J City. 85t TENDERS TENDERS addressed to the Hoard of School Trustees will be received until noon Saturday, April 13, 1946, on the following: (1) Decorating auditorium in Eooth Memorial School. (2) Painting woodwork of i three classrooms In Bor-1 den Street School. ; (3) Building supply cupboards in Conrad Street School. I Full particulars may be ob-' talncd from Mrs. M. M. Roper. Secretary School Board, City! Hall. (85) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Two keys on ring, near city incinerator. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. LOST Two wallets at Armories on Sunday, 3 p.m. Will young lad please keep the money and return the wallets and personal papers to the Dally News. (85) LOST Two and a half month old piippy on the Plaza, 6th East. Phone Black 500. (86) .MACHINERY iu Isaw better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company T-'mlted, Vancouver, B.C ttf) RADIO SCUV1C1S RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 0 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk. Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School. Man. Oldest in Canada. No 301 Enderton Bldg.. Winnipeg, Agents. Of thn rpn1i a rocitnt ' ...t , .... r..v- wives prefers - I vcy conducted by the chamber l vertising whii. J .1 of commerce in a New England nrcferrrH . l 'nljrJlite.l centre, 78.2 per cent or nouse- 'blned, "t TODAY at 5 15 - 6 50 "BARBARY IU1H1 8:05 8:05 rAMi-. rO feu ruA$T1 People Talked About The Book in WHISPERS Critics SHOUT Their Praises of The Film! "One or the greatest pictures I have ever seen" "One of the best movies ever made." yi Dam,,, "An unforgettable picture with never a dull momem'" no. -,nlr rt ' .i,turr- dm A Vnncr cadcniy 01 , 4&W COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 I I Al m ilh Phillip TfrryHoard rii&J Dorit Bowling Frnk Fnln I'rCMluctd lijr Onrln Bncljl Dirrtlfd li; Billj f Ms En MM NOT ItKCOMMKXMM) FOR CHILDREN WATCH FRIDAY PAPER FOR SPECIAL CHILIMEYS Sffll P () 1 SATURDAY MORNING Y O U R SPRING CLEANING NEEDS m "J? 1 You will Ur.a . . '..r wmj StOCk Of iU.:. (.HUB I noliihe.v waxc- nip I brooms and l i' dm nsj tcrials c vr i ytlMP: ycl need to rouk t'ic .n i easy and cfliurit i siblc Gordon's Hardware McBridc Slicet I'honttl APRIL FOOL YOUR BUDGET! For Easter Olfts, Eastcr Cards and all the things you need this month, come to Till: VARIETY STORE! We've cards and gifts to please everyone. Come in and" have fun just looking aroundl THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" LING THE TAILOR .-t.i. ripanlnf H 1Ye are - j pressing and steam rt while jou SUth S riIONEG49 220 HOME OWNERS it is '"'. ...inisc' vim vnillt Sl'UlNfi lltlAI .i' . .im We have now in fri stantial quantity o Shingles, Birch andje rf Ti u:.w. in fl ViU'W finishes, Insul-lirick, Building Panel. ' Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL! Phones 651 and 052