H! Ai r.AN I ? ? ' By ANNK ASHLEY 1 1 ake proper care ly.iU".' !? c .n the wringer i;?:e bf dry clotTi ivy cliiinfC this the be removed from ,ir and this pre- I remove fish of fish can be .j knives and forks , cut lemon over an I clean soiled CAUOL ELECTRIC Electrical Installations and Repairs Reasonable Rates 'mate Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S REAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving aty Culture in all Its branches 1 h Street : Phone 655 For Ynnr FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. 1'ERREAULT 1 representative of " 1 ' I UVCnt.nnw am Bo 1177, Station "B" IITI & ELKINS LTD. Plumbl ng and Heating Engineers P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANTYP.PQnvr i'NTlNCI & PAPI?UtJM-lTMrt 633 Tatlow Street Phone areen 937 (Aft 7 p.m.) find null . dCKVivc MASSETT bov PASSES HERE Woodrow Ycomans, lG-year-o'd sun nf Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Yeomans of Mhssctt. at present working at iort Edward, passed away in the Prince Rupert General Hospital late Tuesday afternoon. It is expected that the remains will b! forwarded to Ma.wctt for burial. Classified Advertising pays. Advertise In the Dally News in flour and rub the soiled spots I wn the wliKlww vshades until they nel cloth dipped 1 disappear UK irrrd liwlr ir.ark of the KHIofK Company of Canada Urnllrd, tut In (jtuimI of ovrn iMipja-tl rke. Business and Professional EDMONDSON vninrr and Sail Works ' Wurk of All Kinds B;s St Phone Black 1C9 P.O. Box 302 GAIKDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Mnrs - Building - Repairing Ic-atlon: and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 tors TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. wk1 Macazines. Npwxnnnprs 'Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 6C6 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don"t take work I cannot do myself. JOHN H. iiULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Papcrhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns compiled Besner Block Phone 387 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada l. F. I.OVIN. Phone Qrn 874 111 2nd Ave. W. Opposite TMCA PRINCE RUPEkT, B O. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 LOCAL COUPLE ARE MARRIED Miss -Vtegy" Saunders anil James Fnrl.es United at urns Lake BURNS LAKE The marriage of Elizabeth Margaret Saunders of Palling to James Melville Forbes of Prince Rupert was solemnized at the United Church Hefc on Saturday evening, the Rev. Robert Henderson officiating. The contraetlnor nartips nr both well known in Prince Rupert and throughout the centra! Interior and their marriage la of widespread Interest. Miss 'Pcsgy) Saunders was formerly in the haii-dressing business in Prince Rupert and Mr. Forbes was employed at the dry dock. The bride was 1 born In New Westminster but came to north ern British Columbia at an early a?e where she distinguished herself in athletic circles, twice winning the cross-country ski race for the Omlneca Ski Club and the slalom race nt Wells. When he Burns Lake ball team was short-handed, "Peggy" Saunders stepped out and played thlrr' base with a batting average ot' 300. At the wedding, the rhurch at Burm Lake was crowded to the doors It was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers from friends from all over the The bride was given In marriage by her father, William C. Saunders of Palling. The nroom, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes of Prince Rupert, was attended bv Clarence Saunders 'brother of the bride, with Mrs Saunders as matron of honor. The bride was costumed in aana blue hort wnol-seouln ton. ponlln, threejounrW length sleeves with brown accessories' and hrul pink roses for a corsage. She carried a white ivory praverbonk. The matron of honor. Mrs. ,T. C. Saunders, sister-in-law of the i bride, was dressed in gold wool sequin ton with three-quarter length sleeves, "princess stvl-' with black accessories and Iris cor'ae. With Mrs. Arthur Long at the piano the music was grand. Mrs. R. Henderson siniing "I Love You Trulv" In a beautiful soprano voice. Following the- ceremony, the weddin n.Vrtv adourn"d to the Saunders home nt Palling where a reception was held at which all the residents from far and near attended. The happy young couple have v Local . . , News Items Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Lee returned to the city this morning on tlv Prince Rupert from, a trip to Vancouver. Instead of the regular weekly luncheon, the Prince Rupert Gyro Club meets at the Civic Centre tonight In monthly busl-' ness session. . C.C.F. Broadcast, Wednesday, C:30 p.m. Ottawa comments by H. Q. Archibald, M.P., over CFPR. . 85' O. H. Bell, regional ration administrator, Wartime Prices and Trade Board, arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert accompanied by Mrs. Bell. Duncan Kerr, Terrace sawmill operator, arrived in the city on last night's train on a business visit. He will return to Terrace tonight. Have you seen our American greeting cards? Highest quality, lowest prices. Northern Dlstrlbu tors. m-w- Mrs. C. L.. race arrived morning on from a trip will proceed night's train. M. Glggey of Tcr-in the city this the Prince Rupert to Vancouver and to Terrace on to- W. J. Alder, former Princs city commissioner, and his son, Harold, arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from Victoria to spend a few days here on business. Constable Malcolm Stevens of the provincial police city de tachment leaves tonight for Burns Lake to which point he has been transferred. His position on the city detachmnt has been filled by Constable K. S. Jensen of Vancouver who arrived in the city at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Payne and family, who have resided here for the past five years since crining from Alice Arm, will be '.raving this Friday night on the Carrtena for Seaford. Cortez Island, to make their future home. Thev have sold their house at 600 Thompson Street to Mr, and Mrs. E. I. Tschabold, who were married here at the, end of the week. left for Vancouver on their honeymoon trip. The bride wai costumed In a blue suit with brown accessories. The best wishes of the wbole district will follow. Among the many guests attending was Sam Marsh of Prince Rupert. A" General Meeting C.N.R.A., Legion Hall, 8 p.m., April 11. (80) N.L. Jones returned to the city this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver A Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., regular meeting tonight, IB o'clock. Election of officers" convention report. Mrs. Keith Dixon, accompanied by her daughter, Pamela, arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to Join Col. KelthDixon, Marine Department agent, and make their home In Prince Rupert. John Strand, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Anton Strand, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning after having aeen In the merchant navy for three years. He expects to resume fishing out oi here. Mis-s Beatrice Berner arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver where she received her discharge .from the Canadian Army nursing service. She will visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Berner, until her marriage on. April 22 to R. G. Winship of Niagara Falls, Ontario. Fifty thousand queries were answered in one year by the personal service bureau of a metropolitan daily. Announcements Women of the Moos,e Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows Hall, April 11. Help Norway Committee, Social, April 12, Oddfellows' Hall, 9 to 1 a.m. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April i 18. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Easter Monday. St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale, April 25. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. United W. A. Spring Sale, May 2. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Peter Lakie's, May 8. ' Cambral Spring Tea, May 9. Lw.A. Canadian Lectori Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. told Time Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, every Saturday. DON'T F0RC6T after ln4hmtkhs in tatini i tffiWug take , HOT WATER FOR MANY USES For dishwashing, laundry, shaving, bathing, for washing floors and many other uses, hot water is readily available with an electric heater. Safe, clean, automatic . . . and economical to use. Don't delay. Make up your mind to make this investment electric water heater for added enjoyment in your home. Tim now to buy tbe Hew electric appliances as they become available. an PATRIOTISM IS DESIRABLE I.O.IKE. Sees Nerd of Fostering It Qneen Mary Chapter Meets At the regular monthly meeting of Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, there was a discussion on the desirability of fostering a more patriotic spirit In the school children. Some ladies felt there Is a definite need for such training and exercises and that such work Is In line with the ideals of thel.O.D.E. For Empire study, Mrs. Black-aby tead ra,dio addresses by Matthew Halton and Mr. Brocking-ton given on Founders Day in auguratlng the Second War Memorial Fund. Mrs. G, R. S. Blackaby, first vice-regent of Queen Maty Chapter, was in the chair at the meeting which was held at Mrs. A. MacKenzic's home. V A letter was read from headquarters advising that the I.O.D.E. Is co-operating with the Save the Children campaign to provide clothing, bedding and food in order to, facilitate distribution overseas and assure that goods will be delivered where most needed in the shortest possible timp Mrs. Blackaby urged that members and friends continue with their knitting and sewing as the need Is desperate and money cannot buy the articles for which the stricken people cry. Mrs. J. R. Carr reported rhat quantities of wool and material are available to be made up but more workers would be welcome. Mrs. E. V. Whlthrj reported that during the month a consignment of used clothing val ued at tso and largely donated by the Ideal Cleaners, had been repaired and shipped to Polish refugees. Members are helping the I.O. D.E. Cancer Fund to the extent of $1 each. Renortln? for the rraves committee. Mrs. M. J. Keays stated lhat six headstones are needed at 9 cost of over 20 each. Further plans were made far the Ouoen Marv tea to b he'd on Easter Monday. The next monthly metlnc will be held at the home of Mrs. T. A. McKeown. Taylor Street. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FCR SALE C h.p. Vivian engine. good condition. Apply 751 Fraser St., room 5. (86) Take Invigorating steam , .baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. , R. Y. WALKER , Graduate Masseur (Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings tor appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 BUDGET PLAN A convenient way to have the pleasure ot your Spring clothes, right at the start of the season. TERMS In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. Wednesday. April 10, 1946 JACKETS i ana TROUSERS for leisure wear ... ZH'rr.R JACKET In light-weight poplin; shades tf )( of maroon, green, royal, with trim in contrast JiLJ Cltr.AV NKCK'.SI'OltT I'ULLOVEII In light-weight i poplin; knitted cuff and waistband. Shades fl Ml rn 'brown, maroon, fawn, green TiJU TROUSERS Light-weight worsted, size 28 tu TjJ TROUSERS All-wool Herring- Cf TA tQ 7jT bone tweeds. Sizes 29 to 38 jj,LJ IU JtlJ "THE MEN'S SHOP" YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REX ALL STORE .la.ex IMflln or riiinpounil. Ki SI.00 ASA ltf TflWclH. 21-n IS ASA Ke Tablets, 100' -Vt IINm.1 Hex. 4 . . It-all linuK hlal Svrnp, r, nz, ..in lir:ill ( hcvt Itnh. IT- ..VI Jajiifi Cmma Uillim. 2 ttz. . .:!" l.-nin-s Ozrnia Uillon, 7 t.00 I'riilt Sallnr. Knullsli I !. IS . . .3!) Krall llvMpliiwplilfr Com- Itmiml.' Hi . I.'MI !Jiinptir. 4 itz. Mn!iMptU'. If! . Itrv.UI Milk of Magixti.-i, 20 oz. ..'.0 Kevall Milk nf Magnesia Tablet Ifillllps Milk r MKiies1a Tal.Ms THE REXALL STORE CHOP SUEY Intriguing and Eye-Catching KeaH Opflne. 1 nz. M Agarnl, Ki i.z. SI. .HP flayer Aspirin. 2t' ?1 llajer Aspirin. 10n- 79 M( linn's l-cm-rter,.! m J.) llurklevR Mixture, ' ."-1 WrVi Vapo Itiili, 1', nz. ... 43 Kill), 2 iz. mi Hill). .'. oz. ... I.", I'rii-s fruit Salts, family ' lze I.flo llli.w-d Syrup. 14 oz. 1.S9 Ahonrlilne Junior, 4 t7. Si . AtiMirlilne Junior, 12 oz. .... 1.93 rtillllpi Milk of, MaKnesla. Mm. 4.1 MHrlne, oz. r.0 3B-. .20 1 S.', M 250-n, l.oo 3'H, .2."; ."', ..VI; 200X 1.IMI Prescription Specialists Ormes Ltd Jhet JHonmer Dmqgists Hollywood Cafe Tl'INCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 4 Smart and New Perfect for Every Occasion - MEALS A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. -CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE YX 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Seventh Avenue Chop Suey House Reopening Next Week. "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Suits Coats Blouses Latest in Dressmakers and Tailored Sheers, Prints and Jerseys Fresh As April Days ' HE Sweet Sixteen Ltd.! (Formerly Annette's) i 4