ill prince Rupert Daflp jQctos Tuesday, June 4, 1946 An Independent dully newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and "central British Columbia. Published ever afternoon except Sun day by Prince Rupert Daily News Limuea, rnircrAvenue, rrinoe Kupert, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRVV Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By City Carrier., per week . . . Per Month . Per Year By Mall, per month Per Veir V. 15 . . .85 . 7.00 . .40 . 14. UO (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa). I ABO. I I THE BIG WAREHOUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, through 'tHe War Assets Corporation, is to be congratulated on adopting the policy, in its disposal, of encouraging the great American warehouse here to be taken over for use for industrial purposes rather than for demolition. This should be very gratifying to Prince Rupert people who will read in the Daily News today the interesting news that no less than five concerns are already angling for the building to put it to1 industrial use. Meantime, tenders are being called and the official invitation for bids will be published in due course. Tied in with the ocean dock, diesel power house and administration building, we may be justified in definitely hoping that the property which the Americans left here may be the basis site for a major industry conveniently situated on the Prince Rupert waterfront. It looks interesting indeed and we will anticipate further developments with optimism. WORKERS WORST LOSERS UNCERTAIN labor conditions arising put of demands for wage increases from workers who would be given employment may make it necessary for an important Victoria shipbuilding, concern to forego acceptance of important contracts for shipbuilding which would keep the yard and its workers employed for more than a year. Any comment on the matter may not necessaiily be construed as critical of the workers who are demanding wage increases but it may be reasonably suggested that such demands as these should always be kept within the most due of bounds so as not to create conditions where it would be better for employers to keep their plants idle than to risk losses which would be involved if wages were paid that would make industrial activity unprofitable. In such cases it is the potential workers themselves who, through unemployment, are the most serious losers. Prolonged stoppages of work, no matter how or why they may be started, may well cause more suffering and hardship to the workers than to the employers who, in many cases, can sit back in idleness and wait it out with no undue suffering. It is the workers and the public as a whole that suffer more from long strikes than do the captains of industry. It is all the more reason why there should be the most serious of consideration before strikes or walkouts are precipitated. FRANCE PLAYS SAFE ALTHOUGH the 'rightists have made no sweeping victory and, indeed, as the strongest party numerically in seats, can form no more than a compromise government, the result of the general election in France the first since 'the war shows a definite tendency from the right and, therefore, may be seen by some as a trend of the times. Indeed, there may be difficult days ahead immediately in the resolving of French political affairs. Possibly as France feels so does the rest of the world. The old straight capitalistic control has fallen into disfavor owing to its failure to meet the situation in these changing times. The people, however, are disinclined to a full turn to the left. There must be compromise and, by middle-of-the-road means, the perplexing problems both national and international will probably best be met. YACHT CLUB TO TAKE PART IN PORT DAY GALA Prince Rupert Yacht Club will be host to visiting yachts and cruisers on Port.Day', August 22. when it is hoped, vessels from Ketchikan will be present. At a meeting of the club executive Sunday afternoon preliminary plans for an entertainment pro- Would Hfie Liked Ministertb Come Some disappointmenti was expressed at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce list night that Hon. R. H. Eyres, provincial minister of trade and industry, would be unable 'to visit Prince Rupert this wek with the fact-finding delegation of his department and the Bureau of Postwar Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. Hope was expressed that Mr. Eyres would find it possible to pay an iearly visit to Prince Rupert in person. 4 Davlo Henderson returned to the city, Moriday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Report of the mining committee which had been delegated to look Info complaints which had been received from Stewart in regard to the administration of the provincial Department of Mines under Dr. John P. Walker was read at last night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, The report was then sent back to the committee Tor further Investigation and more definite ' Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert W. R Dudoward, Port Simpson; lU Alvcstad, Qig Harbor, Washington; R. W. Foreman, Vancouver; R. J. Hastings, Vancouver;, 'A. D. Olsen, Vancouver; O. Goodman; Toronto; Miss p. Hetherlngton, Vancouver; D. A. Smith, Vancouver; H. McLean, Vancouver; R. P. Basham, Vancouver; H. Campbell, Vancouver; J. ;Malcohn, Vancouver; P. Yaklmchuck, Ocean Falls; C. W. Baker, Vancouver; T. MacDon-ald, Vancouver;. Miss A. Bolton, Premier. gram were discussed. The club has received a letter from the Ketchikan Yacht Club expressing interest in the local port day. The local club appointed Tommy Fraser to head a committee to work with the TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. MV.V.V.VAVWWWJW Vancouver Bralorne B. R. Con B. R. X Cariboo Quartz Dentonla Orull Wlhksne'. Hedley Mascot Minto Pioneer Premier Border Premier Gold Privateer Reeves McDonald ..(a.) Reno Salmon Gold Sheep Creek Taylor Bridge . (a) Whitewater Vananda Congress r : Pacific Eastern Hedley Amalgamated- Spud Valley Central Zeballos Oils A. P. Con L Calmont C. & E Foothills 1. Home j... Toronto Aumaque Beattie Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Cons. Smelters Eldona Elder Giant Yellowknlfe Harrtrock Jackknlfe , Jollet Quebec Little Long Lac Marisen Red Lake Macleod Cpckshutt .... Moneta Omega Pickle Crow San Antonio Senator Rouyn Sherrltt Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River Lynx Lapaska God's Lake Negus 13.10 .14 .14 3.45 40 y2 .14 7.15 05 H, 5.55 .0912 2.06 .54i2 1.70 .17 '4 .19 1.36 .74 .031j .40 13 y2 .17 MYt J20 .16 .12 .30 2.10 1.63 330 .85 1.23 .20 .26 99.00 .68 .85 1.30 .81 .18 .76 2.36 3.75 2.35 .68 .29 3.70 5.00 .88 2.50 3.45 29 Y .32 .40 .76 2.45 Junior Chamber of Commerce on cruiser and yacht events for the day. A letter of appreciation was read from the Bellingham Yacht Club for the hospitality received here by one of their yachts on a recent visit. Present at the meeting, which was held aboard Dr. R. G. Large' yacht Fusilier, were Dr. Lar?e, president, T. H. Wllford, Dr. W. S. Kergln, A. P. Crawley and Gordon Daniels. LOAD LINE CASE IS FOLLOWED UP Pacific Northwest Trade Association Forwards I!f lit firial Resolution The influential Pacific Northwest Trade Association has forwarded to the International Maritime Conference .a resolution asking that the international load line regulations be reviewed whereby the Pacific Coast zone is extended to 56 degrees latitude the year around. This would result In Prince Rupert eettlng marine Insurance rate- equitable with other Pa cific Coast ports whereas at present the line is south of. this port, fomething that has always been a handicap in the development of ocean shipping out of the rjort. The moving north of the load line was endorsed by the Pacific Northwest Trade Association at a conference In Portland last fall and ?.?ain at a meeting in Victoria this May, at both of which meetings F. M. Dockrlll of Telk-va attended as representative of the Associated Boards of Trade of British Columlba. ANGLICAN SYNOD MEETINGS HERE Synod sessions of the Angli can diocese of Caledonia will De held here on Wednesday and Thursday of this week and clergy and lay delegates are already arriving. Vei Archdeacon E. D. Hodson will preach the opening sermon tomorrow morning after which business meet ings will commence. Paul Mercer of Alyansh will preach at an evening meeting. The proceedings will continue on Thursday with a synod luncheon and a quiet hour in the afternoon with Rev. B. S. Prockter officiating. Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson, president of the Synod, will be in the chair and delegates Include Rev. B. S. Prockter, Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, F. J. Skinner and G. P. Tinker of Prince Rupert; Rev. Norman. Green, Kin-colith; Rev. S. Kiniey, Alyansh; Ven. Archdeacon E. D. Hodson, Ocean Falls; Rev. II. G. Bird, Telegraph Creek; Rev. J. M. Mccormick, Vanderhoof; Rev. G. H. Smith, Dawson Creek; Rev. A. W. Atkinson, Burns Lake; Rev. Canon C. A. Hlnchclitfe.'Smjth-ers; Rev. E. V. Bird. ..Ilazeiln: Rev. J. Hayhurst, Kitwangaf Rev Roland Hills, Terrace; Paul Mercer, Alyansh, and others. Wanted Federal Cabinet Minister Hon. Ian Mackenzie, federal minister of health and re-establishment and British Columbia member of the federal cabinet, is being Invited by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to visit this city. Opinion was expressed at last night's meeting of the chamber that a visit from a federal catwnet minister here was long overdue. THIS AND THAT CliAfZLOfl ' -- I lb Ceo 1 50 Mallliew Adam 5m ire, Inc. "Lucky for you there's no place to hang my coat I'd punch you rleht in the nose." COAL! Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter!' PHONE 651 or 652 U.S. Army Here Now One Officer The American Army In Prince Rupert, in Its heyday a numerous and efficient force, Is now no longer numerous, but no one disputes Its efficiency, least of all Lieut. Herman Lamphere, its sole survivor. Lieut. Lamphere, who is U.S. Army property disposal officer here, was left alone last night with the departure of his three remaining men for Seattle. Only three American civilians are still connected with the local operation. Lieut. Lam- iphere expects to be leaving for Seattle within 10 days when his i Job here will be completed. The I three U.S. enlisted men who sall- ed on the Princess Aledalde, were Cpl. Axel Hanson whose home Is Washington, Sgt. Arthur Archey of Indiana and Sgt. William Zendmyer of Tennessee. REPUBLIC LEADS ITALIAN VOTING ROME O Forces favoring the establishment of a republic appeared to be building up a commanding lead today as Italian officials completed tabulation of approximately one-fourth of the votes cast In the election. With ten percent of the returns in, the republic was' leading the monarchy by at least two to one. In party standings, middle-of-the-road Christian Democrats were In first place, with socialists and communists battling for second position. PAYING THROUGH THE NOSE In ancient Egypt tax collectors had their noses cut off and were exiled for extorting from the poor. A series of radio senpts on the subject of free enterprise and a cheque for $80 to cover the cost of broadcasting of the scripts over the local radio station has been received by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. It has been left In the hands of the chamber's radio committee consisting of J. J. Little, J. D. McRae and Alex Mackenzie to arrange for the broadcasting. J MAY NEED MENTAL HELP.. Miny peopl, it ill auJTcrinf from dbtrtwing wnrtfm iprWnrfji; mtm finding mental rfadjunlmenl difficult. Hut these personal, nrvou and domestic proLlerui can be overrom. Dr. C. JUdw.n, Ht.D. V1wm Uni vrsi t y ) , t br oug h b k xd usi v method of mtrhaniud mggHrtlon, huwg yoy bow to ft rid of fear, anxiety, worry, achieve p of mind. You leant t relax and aleep soundly, regain pbyalcal and ropntal health. No will power, no MAt no study needed, Thouanda in BJ'. ab hava done thia you ran, too. The booklet "Your tfeaHh, Suaceee and Happiness" a-ot on rquU HOME METHOD of APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY S677 WEST Slat AVKNUU, VANCOUVER, B.C. t J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 993 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "The store was filled with patrons." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of ''herb"? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Abbreviate, abdomen, abdomenal. 4. What does the word "modicum" mean? 5. What is a wprd beginning with Je that means "to expose to loss or injury"? ANSWERS 1. Say, "The store was filled with customers." 2. The pronunciation urb Is preferred In America, hurb Is preferred in England. 5. Abdominal. 4. A little; small quantity. "There was not even' a modicum of truth In what he said." 5. Jeopardize. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, which has set its legislative committee to the task of revising the constitution and Vylaws, has received a copy of the Vancouver Board of Trade bylaws for modelling purposes. READYING FOR TERRACE MEET ITinee Rupert to Have Mass Delegation Alaska and Central IS. C. Also There To match a delegation from southeastern Alaska points which is expected to ttend and lend an International aspect as well as strong representation which Is expected from all central Interior points, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is already planning to have a mass delegation of Its membership at Terrace oa August 8 and 9 for the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. At last night's meeting of the local chamber a committee consisting of Nelson Young and W. D. Lambie was delegated to marshal members and cars for the trip. Another committee consisting of Arnold Paten, G. A. Hunter. Mark Hill, W. J. Scott and R. E. Montador was assigned by Pres- Do You Need Foreign Exchange? This Dank is authorized to buy and sell foreign exchange. If you need to purchase funds for payments outside Canada we will gladly . explain the regulations governing your requirements. We will provide the neces-sary forms and carry out your instructions. Your receipts of fqreigu exchange will be purchased by us at the standard rates.( THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Prince Kupert Branch . . . 1L O. HOPKINS, Manacer oooaooooooooooooooooooooooocruooooooooooooooooono ski: us for all requirements in Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all type3 of printing work Everything In hlgfi class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3E3NER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE jO 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600 She reads THE DAILY NEWS and guides the FAMILY BUYING. will travel k.,b " 7, v.... 10 B wwu unm it is cruel,;;. nam r t- n. ., . ----- - -"une 10 t i. ., S"!nfcC- uunceu that one mcmy represent the Senior an,,.1 wiamtters of Prince R1 trip rnnuaniAu . mlttee which will t af Te w -'titiiuuui It S J, h . 1 WY THIS WATCH WINDS ITSELF On my trip to the hA recently I took, one olow self - winding watchu to see for myself how tho perform. I was away month and found tin watch only half a mlnat-slow. That way quite sat-lsfactory an It keeps rea.; good time now after 1 small adjustment 1 had not wound or set the watch In that time, The small motlca of one's arm In walking a working keeps the watth wound by means of a small weight In!de the case. If laid aside it ha enough reserve power to run 18 hours. Of course, you can always wind it like an ordinary watch If desirable. JOHN BULGER "AMI 10 BEAN ANGEL? flF r and rurrvm aav rio - r"v vtifc.HrhV I'll V f" I 1 1 WOULDN'T BE PlUNKING This stream-Lined i v if Lt 1 uni.tJiika1 cniifnr nhinkerS tUJI Will UU 1IIUVI1 ' Ltl UIIVV BBICIJ 111 '.7 - cuaies una ivanuua, uiuu-i - sorship of the InUrnali;r.i as PLur. r I'. inun their Traffic safety i. :m v . mi. .. ik. w ii'intr h"iuj. police siojran, Aliens y ur mif necK your Lar" -ncv . cidenta." C C DADKPDITI) 1 OKI) and iHi:irtKuii iM-.-- If it's the Attention of The WOMEN Yon Want . . . ADVERTISE in The DAILY NEWS and You'll Get It! Does your Merchandise, your Service or whatever you have to offer MATCH WOMEN'S DESIRES? The women of Prince Rupert and District watch The Daily News for buying ideas. THE DAILY NEWS gets into the homes. ... As the women and their families READ, they HUY. If you have what the womeji and their families want, the logical way to increase your business is to aj ' vertise in The Daily News, which informs and sells-