ra il '4 Prince Rupert Dadp Betas Tuesday. June 4, 1943 IMtJ t 3 for Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 FEEL wr II rm nasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE Third Avenue and First Street STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS General Tires and Batteries Ilillman Sales and Service Phone Blue 850 P.O. Box 1464 Green & Kermode All Interior and Exterior Work. Builders and Painters Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner id Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Free Estimates and Prompt Service. KWONG SANQ HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE- 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY AWNINGS SAILS . . . . . . WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 430 Bowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone Black 169 P.O. Box 302 Trimz Ready -Pasted Wallpaper Anyone Can Hang This New Miracle Wallpaper NO PASTE NO TOOLS NO MUSS Cuts Your Decorating Costs to a Minimum See the Colorful Patterns and Try a Sample Today! CITY PURCHASES AMERICAN GYM' k it "A" k ALSO TAKES NEARBY SPORTS FIELD The city has purchased the former American Army gymnasium in Roosevelt Park for $5,000 from War Assets Corporation and, in addition, has acquired control of the adjoining sports field. The transaction was completed Monday afternoon. The, deal culminated months of negotiation between City Council and War Assets Corpora-, tion during which the original ; Actually, the whole Roosevelt price asked by War Assets for j park area Is on city park land, I the building started at $15,000 j in addition, sports equipment and was countered by an of fer j formerly belonging to the Am-from the city of $3,500. Ap-1 ericans, much of It now stored , praised value of the building was : in the .overseas stock warehouse, $30,000. Throughout the war and afterward the gymnasium was the site of many basketball games attended by thousands of soldiers and civilians. It is considered ideally suited for a basketball court, having spectator space for almost 1,000 people. The adjoining sports field still remains the leased property of War Assets, but since it is wanted as a baseball field for local sports this summer, it was put under control of City Council will be turned over to the city for use with the gymnasium. Baseball Scores National league New York 5, St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 8, Pittsburg 4. American .League Chicago 1-2, Boston 6-5. St. Louis 2, New York 12. Cleveland 0-2, Philadelphia 5-3. Detroit 4, Washington 7. After Oliver Cromwell's death, certain of his followers founded a debating society, the "Coffee Club of the Rota", at Miles' Coffee House in London. They used the first ballot box seen in England and called it "our wooden oracle". MillionsAbte for ihisxtaFbvor Cof fi ee Maxwell House is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. Millions prefer it because it has extra-rich flavor . . . extra-mellow, full body. The satisfying goodness of Maxwell House comes from expert blending of choice Latin-American coffees. This glorious blend is "Radiant-Roasted" to develop fully the unmatched Maxwell House flavor. It's "Good to the Last Drop"! Packed two ways: In Super-Vacuum Tin in both Drip and Regular Grinds or Flavor-Saving Bag in an All-Purpose Grind. mm u.l. 1M1 waa vi "hit n A Product ot General Foods This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Oarage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT US I Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE ELECTED DOMINION PRESIDENT OF CANADIAN LEGION MaJ.-Gen. C. B. Price, C.B., D.S.O., D.C.M., of Montreal (left) the newly elected Dominion President of the Canadian Legion, is shown above being congratulated on his election by the former Dominion President, Mr. Alex Walker, C.B.E., of Ottawa. The 11th biennial convention of the Cariadlan Legion was held in Quebec City. (Canadian Army Photo) SHORT SPORT - Clergymen of the Victoria area, meeting with the city parks committee, stated they did not approve of Sunday baseball or other games, butbecause it "Is the trend of the times" they would offer no serious ob jection. The ministers, however, made it clear they would fight any move which permitted t games to be played during hours set for church or Sunday school services. They said they felt it not too much to ask "that at least two hours a week be devoted to spiritual Instruction." The police and fire departments were given permission to stage baseball games. Softball League To Start June 7 Seven teams have entered In the Prirrte Rupert Softball League and they hope to begin play at Gyro Park on June 7. However, the league Is seeking more teams in Its three divisions in order to get complete schedules In operation during the .summer. Teams which so far have joined the league are,: SeniorCo-op, 99 Taxi and Long Motors; ladies Women of the Moose, Klnettes and Whirlwinds; juniors Bo-Me-Hl Juniors. PICK BANANAS GREEN All bananas, even those eaten locally In the tropics, are picked green, because they are not fit to eat if permitted to ripen on the plants. Business and Professional W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIIIDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANG ING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) MORITZ & BROTHERSTON General Contractors Building - Repairing Wrecking and Foundation Work We also move buildings. FREE ESTIMATING Phone Black 943 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a r. LOVIN. Phone Green 874 Representative Box 62G 17 2nd Ave. W. Opposite TMCA miNCE RUPEUT, B.C. FOA PROMPT And EFFICIENT SERYKI mail iOur qtttlet to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.LU M WHOM KVUICOUVUI.IjC. MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station D Phone Oreen 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1283 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 488 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For' the East Monday, Wednesday,- Friday 8 p.m. ." . From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. Announcing . . . New Proprietorship of The TERRACE HOTEL EFFECTIVE JUNE 1 All old patrons and new will be welcome TOURISTS SPECIALLY INVITED Good service in comfortable quarters Our Policy: To Make This House As Pleasant As Your Home STEVE KOIiUT (Formerly of Powell River) s miles n I A Pole was passing through Berlin with his small .son. The boy saw a huge statue of Hitler and Inquired who he was. "Why, he's the man who freed us from our chains," the father said. "You know, mother's nice gold chains and my watch chain," The trucker was very much surprised to get a call from a man who said he had to have a dead horse, but neverthelesi offered to help. The dead horse was found. "Now," said the "client," "I want you to drive over to piy house with him." By now the trucker thought the man was crazy, but he was setting paid for the job, so off lie went. Arriving at the house, he was told to take the dead horse in and up to the bathroom and put It in the bathtub. "You mean to say you want this dead horse put in your bathtub?" "That's what I said." So the dead horse wa,s placed in the bathtub, with much effort. But when he had been paid the trucker could stand it no longer. "Now, look here," he said. "Just why did you want him put In your bathtub?" "Well." came the, reply, "It's Ilka this. I've got a! brother-in-law living with me and hen's too darned smart. Everything you tell hlra lie knows it first. Now he's going to come home pretty soon, and he'll go into the bathroom and then he'll come running down to me and tell me there's a dead horse in the bathtub, and I'll say, 'Sure, I knew that an hour ago.' " Bridegroom (at the first stopping place): "It's no use, Clara. We can't hide it from people that we are bride and groom." Bride: "What makes. you think so, George, dear?" "Why, even the waiter has brought us rice pudding." Mistress: "I am sorry you are leaving us, Jane. But, of course, if you are going to better yourself, I-" Maid: "Oh, no, madam. I am going to be married." Chuck es Two strain pro . compartment Wt conversation. The h been p1m u ... nan. "J prlous yarns, ana a -a hart rtrlr.... 71" ventii;vt;r w ine "Iniake'lt" said one. v 1 variable practice w open a th. 011 round." "Ho. ho! laugher the J slon" ' 5eeyUrH "Indeed, and what J "It is fairly obvimw ..J reply In lofty tones, -'that vl "Not at all." retortort J very confidentially, 'To tel I uie iruin, I'm a- -burglar Mummy, why dosctnei object to bavin? ehiMrJ their house?" asked little l "I don't know," her ml answered sharnlv 'and i , be bothered with such tJ now. Go and see what bJ rrylng about, tell Billv i, aiming that catapult at thJ naments on the mantH make Betty and Alex vjtt , ting over the bannisters ad WlUle if he doesn't ceasf Ingthat trumpet 111 take it from him. Go on, hurry un! 1 doiij't let me have ta repeal iicnal " ' I In China, the name oi f Claus is Lau Khoong, i means nice old father. IN THE 5UPRE.IE COURT t BRITISH COLUMBIA JN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THll "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTFR OP THE ESI OP LfcONIE MORIN. OTHER 1 KNOWN AS LEONIE UEEBM CEASED - TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that br Ordd Ills Honor. Judne Fbher. sucl the 10th day of Mar, AD 166, 1 nppotnted Administrator ot tu I of Lfonie Morln, otherwise kn-H Leoule Merry, deceased, and I parties having claims agilnstl said ntate are hereby rtqtlfl furnish same, properly vermtl Tie on or before the 1Mb day ol J VD. 1946. and all partlei Indrttt the estate are required to p I amount of their Indebtedness i forthwith. DATED at Prlnte Rupert, BC. llth day or May, ad. i4S. GORDON F FORBES. Acting Official Admlnlsb4 I'rince Kupen, Bt THIS AND THAT "My wife thinks I'm down at the office working)' QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES "HAIDA QUEEN 1 1 Super Marine Stanraer Flying weekly passenger, air express and air freight trips from Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands to Vancouver, IhC. SERVICE TO AND FROM ALL COASTM POINTS Plane leaves 8:30 a.m. Thursday. Phone Agent, G. H. STANBRIDGE, ?"nce Rupert Hotel, for rates, space reservations and information. Phone 436