series. Toronto St Montreal rnni... " I Ldrinrc Rupert Daily j3cuj3 Friday, March 15, 194G third nlac; mZ" m,ux jn th v. Freddie Mills Seeks Crack' At Lesnevich LONDON-rThe British light-heavyweight boxing champion, Freddie Mills, was demobilized from the R.A.F. yesterday. His manager, Tom Broadbibb, says he would like to match mills against Ous Lesnevich of Cliff-side, New Jersey, in London some time in May. Lesnevich is recognized as world's champion in the light-heavyweight division. Advertise in the Daily News LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. O riionc Green 971 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA ! SPECIAL THIS WEEK ELECTRIC IKONS Reir. $7.95. Special $.";..': We carry a full line of household furniture and furnishings velour chesterfields, solid hardwood suites and hardwood dinettes. Ten percent discount for all ex-service men. TAFT & ODOWES Novelties "OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT" Furniture Watch for the opening of the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Early in March. Designed and Built by the NORTH WfST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone f0.1 Evenings: Green (Ml P.O. Box 13 GO Phone 103 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating .REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Oil Burners Installed, Serviced and Cleaned Corner 2nd Ave. & 7th St. W. Night Calls Green 787 Black 801 Blue 170 York General Construction See or l'lione Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Something New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do It WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone lilack 120 Day rhone Green 937 Evenings NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 PHILLIES WIN OVER MACKMEN MIAMI At Miami Beach yesterday the Philadelphia Phillies edged out their intra-clty rivals, the Athletics, 1 to 0 in a training schedule game. It was a pitcher's duel and five of them saw action. Al Hodkey, Al Juri- sich and Ken Raffensberger worked three innings each for the Phillies. Toronto's Dick Fowler of no-hit fame and Jesse Flores labored for the Athletics, with Fowler being touched for the lone run in the last of the third. OUTFIELDER JEFF HEATH INJURED MIAMI-Outfielder Jeff Heath of the Washington Senators may be kept from active training for 30 days because of a strained muscle In his right leg. The native of Fort William, Ontario, developed the leg Injury as he rounded first base after hitting a home run In cednesday's game with the Cuban All-Stars. Man has cultivated the date as a food for 5,000 years. you sav i$ Yes, MINORA BLADES are back in the big Economy Pack! Now you can get 12 MINORA BLADES for only 25i. Remember, for extra savings, ask for MINORA BLADES in that generous Economy Pack! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS lleg. $12.95 and $14.95. Special $7.1?) and $.!! COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to: reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 070 . ....... . T(it I v. ..I I baths and massage to relieve! wiuh urea leenng. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General . Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for. appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST Beats Crime With Sport F.B.I. Head J. Edgar Hoover Says Games Combat Delinquency WASHINGTON (AP) Sports long have been close to J. Edgar Hoover's heart and now he has turned to the athletic world to take the lead In combatting juvenile delinquency and "a growing crime wave." The Federal Bureau of . Investigation chief thinks this disturbing problem can best bj tackled by such an approach because "every youngster in the country is lntereste'd in some phase of sports or recreation." More than 000,000 persons-one out of every 23 in this countryhave .police records, "affecting everyone directly or Indirectly," says Hoover." More youngsters of 17 were arrested last year than offenders of any other age. Correcting this condition is no job for "any one group or segment," of the population, Hoover says. "It's an over-all problem for all of us. We've simply got to take time out to help, business and professional people as well as all others. No one ha.s a corner on the solution of this problem." Hoover's convictions about leadership that sports can play arc born of his personal experiences and observations. "Watch the youngsters who pick up a daily paper or masa-zlnc and what do they read the sports page," he says. "Nothing appeals to a boy mpre than something virile like athletics. "One of the troubles has been that too many were spectators; not enough fere participants. "Now this condition should be Bowling Seasons Biggest -Event City Championships AT RECREATION ALLEYS Fifth Avenue East, Phone 81G ALL BOWLERS INVITED Ladies' Five Pin' Singles -and Doubles, March 20. Entry Fee. Engraved Trophies. Many Prizes. Handicap, if possible. Business places Invited to donate prizes, for Ladies' and Men's Five Pin Events. PRINCE RUPERT'S GREATEST SPORT Conducted by F. F, Ernewein TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II, SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT US Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace ' Montreal Wins Title CANADIENS CLINCH NATIONAL HOCKEY Lt AGUE CHAMPIONSHIP MONTREAL (CP) The Canadiens clinched the National Hockey League championship last night. They did it by tying the Maple Leafs in Montreal 2-2 while the Red Wings whipped the Black Hawks in Detroit 7-3. The Canadiens came from behind to split the points with the Leafs. Toe Blake fired the tying goal with less than four minutes to play in the final period. The Leafs opened the scoring In the first period on Ous Bodnar's goal but before the period ended Maurice Richard tied it up, for Canadiens. The Leafs went out in front again in the second period on a goal by Bob Goldham. They , " u,'c u UI Ul 6U?' O J"5 r"s ld"y ,uu'" utes of the game , In the Detroit-Chicago gams. Dill UUtlCIlUUSU JJULXU lilt." Wings with two goals. The other Detroit goals were split between j five players, Jack Stewart, Adam Brown, Hash Hollett Fernand Gauthier and Pat Lundy. Max j Bentley served up assists for thej three Chicago goals which were scored by Clint Smith. Bill Mosleriko and Doug Beritlcy. switched around, our war experiences should help us accomplish this. Miliums of men came out of the army as potential sports leaders. 'This is the time for them to jump in and act as leaders of the youngsters through the various veterans' groups. If we don't do this right away, it may be too late a few years from now when these men will have lost some of their interest ln such activities." Idle time on a boy's hands Is one of the principal reasons for delinquency and crime, Hoover J "The answer Is that keeping youngsters healthfully occupied is a 24-hour proposition," Hoover asserts. "You can't close up on them as if as you were operating a store or shop, quittin; every day at five or six o'clock. "What happens in, a city like New York? Afer school, thousands of youngsters hqve to play in the streets simply because the janitor doesn't stick around to keep the playgrounds epen. Professional sports as well as amateur, school, college, church and local groups must back up a program "properly and intelligently directed' to keep the youngsters occupied. He believes newspapers, "a great moral Influence in every community," should pay more attention to the youngsters. Baseball' Commissioner A. B. (Happy) Chandler's plan to 'give the ?ame back to the kids" is a step in the right direction, Hoover thinks, but all sports will have to join hands. CONNIE WANTS OUTFIELDER Feels Ready to Deal Now That Ills Pitching Staff Is Strengthened MIAMI Connie Mack has the trading bee buzzing In his bonnet. The 83-year-old manager of the Philadelphia Athletics is ln the marker for an experienced outfielder and feels ready to deal now that he has Canada's Phil Marchlldon under contract, giving his extra pitching strength. Connie bid for Johnny Llndell of the New York Yankees last week, but his offer was rejected and Connie would not part with pitcher Russ Christopher who the Yanks wanted. FOOD FOR BRITAIN LONDON, W Jonkheer S. Mansholt, Dutch minister of food, agriculture anc fisheries, recently visited London to discuss with Sir Ben Smith minister of food, the importation to England of vegetables and condensed milk from the Netherlands. FRENCH MIGRATION LONDON, m The government recently approved a scheme for bringing 200 French children to England. A Save the Children Fund is bearing the expense of receiving and settling the children in a camp provided by the government. Classified Ads bring results. Canada's Game ' More Abundant Than Australia Comparisons of wild life in Australia with that of western Canada were subject of a talk by Roy Vandersluys before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday aftcrn00n. Mr. Van- derslnys attributed lack of wate: In his native Australia as the cause of the dlrfcrencca ln thc t s of hunti and flshl bR. tween It and Canada. In Australia, he said, where nere are no game blrds and few types of game anlmals ,earn to shoot on rlfle ranges, whereas ln Canada, it natmal to lcarn to snoot by shouldering a gun and going Into the woods. Because of Australia's dry climate, he declared, there Is very little fresh water fishing and, because of lack of refrigeration, the abundance of salt water fish are not exploited to the fullest capacity. Rabbits, Australia's primary pests, provide an endless source of game shooting, as do dingoes wild dogs which are the southern continent's only predatory animals. Mr. ,Vandersluys described the kangaroo, which, he said, can easily jump more than six feet high and has a broad Jump record of more than 71 feet. Koala bears and wombats, the latter the strongest animal for its size in the world, are also among native Australian animals. Snakes are among th6 most prevalent menaces in the country, he said, and the first thing that children are taught is how to apply emergency treatment for poisonous snake bite. "In comparison to game con ditions in Australia, I don't think that hunters ln Canada have much cause for complaint If the hunting here Is not always up to their expectations," he concluded. Buy more War Savings Stamps CHECKED in a Jiffy or Mone6ack For quick relief from itching caused by erzemai athlete t foot, scahura. pimplciand olherlli liinl 'ndition n pure. r";lin, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greawlem and Btainlcra. Soothes, comforti and quickly calrni ntense Itching. Don't mifler. Ak voiirdruiutiit today for O. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON J.HMair Auctioneer SAI.KS ARRANGED antl Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 150 W. & N. DEFEAT i GYRO IN JR. MELON PLAY In the junior league opener to last night's hoop schedule. Watts and Nickerson defeated Gyros 20-15 ln a slow starting game which gradually Increased In momentum. In the Intermediate League Macey's downed Savoys 30-31 and Bo-Me-Hl edj-id out Co-op by a single point to win 30-35. High man ln the junior play was W. & N.'s Skog with eight points. In the Bo-Me-Hi Macey tussle, the play was evenly matched throughout. Half-time score was 18-17 for the students. During the second half the score seesawed back and forth until the final minute of play when Bo-Me-Hl achieved thc one point edRe. Frank James of Bo-Me-Hl an.1 J Boyo Ourvirh of Co-op tied for top scorlng'honors wllh 15 points each. lacking four of their players who are currently on the All-Star team on tour at Ketchikan, Savoy went down in defeat before Macey's by a score of 30-31. However, they still put up a good fight and maintained a close score all the Wiy. Teddy Arney showed outstanding form on behalf of Sa- voy but, ln spite of his 18-polnt total, his team failed to make the irade. Arhey was nrjli scorer of the evening. Individual scores: Watts and Nickerson Skog 8, Flaten 2, Intcrmela 2, Nordgaard 2, Davidson 0, Graham. Gyro Sunberg 0, Pierce 2, Haugan 1. Shier 2, Laurie, Mo-stad 4, Forbes, Jiroore. Bo-Me-Hl Forman 4, Hart-wig 4, J. James 4, F. James 15, Clccone 5, Thompson, Lavlgne 4, Miller. Co-op Gurvlch 15, Vlereck 4. Shepherd 4, Sharpe 2, Menzies, Peterson 10. Macey's Haugan 12, Murray 5, Pierce 4. Arnsten 8, Cruik-fhank, Teng 3, Menzies 2, Olaf-son 2. Savoy Arney 18, Pavllkls 8, Leland 5, SImundson, Scharff, Scherk, Flaten. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe In Connection LICENSED VflEMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black .'7 230 Second Avenue West J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves --doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 SHORT SPORT Defending the world llght-heavywelght boxing title he had won from Bob Olin at St. Louis the year before, John Henry Lewis outpointed Jack McAvoy, British challenger, in 15 rounds at New York ten years ago. McAvoy, rated Britain's greatest pugilistic product since the First Great War, was outclassed throughout the fight and won only three rounds. Hamilton Tigers went on strike after winning the National Hockey League championship 21 years ago yesterday. The club executive refused a bonus to players who were to meet Victoria in the Stanley Cup final Business and Professional GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 "House of Better Cleaning" EVRNSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER . Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) CAROL ELECTRIC Electrical Installations " and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone, Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all Its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 655 For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT . representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 131J OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177, Station "B" SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTINO & PAPERHANGING 033 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) K PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERYICI mll iour qltistt Is COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LU M UYMOWl SI VAMCOUVIR.I.C GET . . . Action! Use CHRYCO RUPERT PHONE: rn;i in ii nncnm n ' - wen lost,.. ugarsmtnestam Frankle Frisch, f0rinerr .uu, 016ueQ , . M,v vcurs flm "uU1.Ml piay-Dy.n . " Mr n Inn. the Boston Bees and bSJ Sox, during the ensuing n .venule was lertlnth,, tract that Frisch might it If given the opportunity m age a major league club. Hockey Scores Montreal 2, Toronto 2 Detroit 7, Chicago 3. Advertise In r"n rv,n. . Relieve RHFIIMATIP, Ache all ovfr? Stilt and lort lUm imjjclr,? Get quirk rrlif ( with T-K-t a, a proven remedy jn" ly thousand, l'ut your tnii neriallv mad in bt,... ami Stiffneiw. I-ettlieinhdpv,,!,: taut relirl you want. l.n.C... km- ;. ., . tfw. i utukkibu evprvwiiM. ""we. MAVIS COLCLO STUDIO OF DANCING Tap, Ballet, Acrobatic c interpretative en kulno Studio: 1120 East Ni ! Phone Black 230 (afte-. If It's a Rock Job wan a ikuui K. can M. SAUNDERS Blue CC6 Concrete Sidewalks, Baser.- I don't take work I car..n do myself. Optometrist Third Avenue PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contracts P.O. Box 1489, Station I . Phone Oreen 417 House Repairs, all kinds I Cabinet Work - FoundaM Estimates Cheerfully Git Prompt attention all wil II. J. LUND Painting Paperhann Interior and Exterior Tj P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black! GEORGE L. RORK Public Accountant, Audit Income Tax Returns CoeM Besner Block Ph"" INTERNATIONAL fnrrpcnnnrlpnce ...,.mi rmrrED Montreal, Canada n. F. i-oviN. S'X IwpreentouVe . lit IM "7 S.ACERUPEfBC HANDYMAN , HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR nniidlni? and Repairs of all Oil ""I Roofs, Chimneys and Phone Green 8 Evening Green W when you step 4 on thc starter your car or true Power Line BATTER5 MOTORS LIMITED phone noo 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY