i Delicious! FORT GARRY COFFEE A Product of the Hudson's Bay Company Wholesale Department UPPORT THE CIVIC CENTRE Grand Opening Dance inv HAY. MARCH IS in nm i Civic Centre Ruilding . lill,1.liu11 W lll.I I 1 KN S DECARLO'S ORCHESTRA Dress Optional icKtis a louinc un aaie ai uowniown stores A. Mackenzie Furniture Limited Space donated by courtesy of th,e above firm aaio oervice Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 6 And Our Technician 'will, call at Your Home 'THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY"; 07 oj Nylons... TO EVERY CUSTOMER MAKING A PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR OVER AT Sweet Sixteen (Formerly Annette's Ladies' Wear) (TERMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1'KICES & TRADE HOARD) 111,1. STHPI" A I? T A TWITC' WIT' AT? DRESSES COATS SUITS HOSIERY LINGERIE MILLINERY , SPORTSWEAR Be one of the forcslghted and fashion-wise women to open a Budget Account of $10, or more ... on a stunning spring ensemble. diiop in . . . you will enjoy noting new trends for spring (formerly Annette's) SweetSixteen ltd. FASHION THEME FROM FRONTIER CANBERRA 0)-Latest fashion craze with Australian women draws its Inspiration, not from Paris, New York or London, but from Australia's frontier country, the Northern Territory, where' men are still men, and women few and far between. Slim-hipped, casual trousers of hard-wearing cotton, topped by easy, open-necked, checked shirts, long sleeves rolled above the elbow, near-uniform of the I j The Prince Rupert General ! Hospital and the Prince Rupert I Medical Association announce that, contrary to statements presently being made in the Interests of or on behalf of a certain insurance company, they .are not parties to any working I a g r e e ment or understanding alth any such company. (64) Don't forget C.W.L. St. Patrick's tea, sale of home cooking and aprons, 2:30 to 6, Saturday, March 16. Card party in the evenings K. of C. Hall. (63) LAUNDRYMAN'S DOZEN WATFORD, Eng. The latest ration story comes from this London suburb. A local laundry will collect only 12 articles from each customer until its labor shortage is eased. PRIVILEGE AND DUTY In Australia failure to vote without good reason is punish- outback stockrider have bppn j able by a fine up to $7. introduced to the city, and are making friends fast. Belts with pouches of solid, lasting leather, trimmed with silver and reminiscent of long and carefully polished saddles leave hands free, while plaited j kangaroo skin, soft and supple makes belts to accentuate the positive waistline of wide, cowgirl skirts, flared and then pleated. Handbags are being modelled on the flap-over saddle-bag, while shoes seek the elegance of soft, shining brown riding boots. ( Colors are based on brown, with clear desert yellow, and the grey-green of the salt-bush top-1 ping the popularity. CARD OF THANKS J. A. MacRae and family desire to express deep appreciation for many expressions of kindness and sympathy and assistance in their recent bp reavement in the loss of a beloved wife and mother. The many floral tributes were par ticularly appreciated. (It) ANNOUNCEMENT Cheese Dishes Help To Stretch Food Dollars For Housemaher To stretch her food dollar as far as possible and yet give her I family all that is required fori dally, happy living, is the goal of every enterprising home-maker. Her best friend in this regard is cheese. It is an concentrated and truly economical food, with which there need be no waste, for every crumb Is edible. From time to time an appetizing tangy cheese dish is welcomed as the main course served at. luncheon, supper and even dinner. Canadian cheese has a characteristic flavour, which appeals to most people and makes easy the preparation of meatless dishes. There are many different ways in which cheese may be incor-nnrntpH Into the riailv menus. Macaroni Souffle Ring 1 cup macaroni, in 1-inch lengths 1 tablespoon mlld-f lavourcd " fat 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 cup top milk 1 cup grated cheese Vz teaspoon salt 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites Cook the macaroni in boiling, salted water until tender. Drain. Melt fat and add with bread crumbs, top milk, cheese, salt and slightly beaten egg yolks, to the macaroni. Beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry and fold into first mixture. Pour into a greased casserole and over-poach In a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for 1 hour. Serve with a well-seasoned To- Home economists suggest that I "liX oautc- "...-. it be used in auces, croquettes, also be cooked in a ring mould, omelets, souffles, escallops, rare- ; and the centre filled with cream- Local News Items... Moose Meeting, Tuesday, 8 pjn,, In I.O.D.E. Hall. Women of the Moose invited to social at 9:30. (65) Sheardown's deliver dally. Today's orders delivered tomorrow. We're as near as your phone. (tf) A Girl!' and Boys' gym and dancing shorts all sizes. Price $1.25 at Rupert Men's and Boys' Store. (64) "LITTLE NUN' FIRST VS. SAINT Jean Mullins says a prayer before the statue of Mother Francesca Xavier. Cabrini, whose approval by the college of cardinals virtually assures her of becoming the first American citizen to achieve sainthood. Her body rests in the chapel of Mother Cabrini high school, New York, where this picture was made. Several miracles have been attributed to her. She died Dec. 2, 1917: was beatified in 1938. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers for luncheon or supper, Luncheon Cheese Cakes, as an accompaniment make a substantial main course. Luncheon Cheese Cakes 2 cakes" compressed yeast 14 pup lukewarm water v 1 tablespoon sugar Vi cup shortening 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs l',3 cups grated cheese V2 teaspoons dry mustard l34 cups all-purpose flour Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water and add sugar. Cream shortening and salt together. Add eggs unbeaten, one at a time, and beat well after each addition. Add grated cheese and beat until thoroughly blended. Add dissolved yeast. Sift to gether the rnustard and flour and add gradually to first mixture. Beat well. Drop a heaping teaspoon into greased muffin pans or onto a greased baking sheet, allowing about Inches space between each. Let rise un- 411 1 1 1. 1 i . . . . bits and other supper dishes as!cd mixed vegetables. Six serv-! Zr Z , tpfJ Lt hour' ln a mderately hot Cheese Fondue or Macaroni and j ,, j ?k ruDC. inBi- oven, 375 degrees F., for 20 min- To off-set the concentrated nature of cheese it should be served with bulky foods such as fruits, green leafy vegetables, bread and cereals. To retain that fresh flavour and texture, store cheese ln a cool, dry place cither in a covered container or wrapped in heavy waxed paper. Never allow cheese to freeze. In cooking, use only low heat, sufficient to melt the cheese. Excessive temperatures will give a toughened product. Potato Cheese Souffle 1 cup grated cheese 2 cups mashed potatoes ',3 cup milk . 2 tablespoons melted butter V2 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper i,b teaspoon mustard 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites Mix grated cheese with potatoes and blend thoroughly. Add milk, melted butter, and seasoning. Beat until mixture Is smooth. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon-coloured, add to first mixture. Fold in egg whites, which have been beaten until stiff, but not dry. Turn into a well-greased baking dish and bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for 40 minutes. Serve with -a crisp salad. Six servings. vucu u git-en suiuu is aerveu . 1114:5. M-Kes zi. no fuss-no BoiHtR-yet a hearty HOT cereal in 10 seconds! Here's how! Place Nabisco Shredded Wheat in a strainer-pour boiling water on the biscuit. Drain, salt to taste, and serve with cream and sugar for a lip-smacking breakfast that wilf stay by you 'fiJ juncA-time. Not only is Nabisco bhredded A Sons of Norway meeting, Friday, March 15, 1.O.OJ. Hall. (63) Ernest Portman, Canada Railway News agent here, has returned to the city from a trip to Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and Kamloops for the benefit of his health which Is now much improved following a recent Illness Iain MacRae arrived In the city Wednesday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver and was in attendance at the funeral yesterday of his mother, the late Mrs. J. A. MacRae.' Rev. Peter Kelly of the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby, who has been In the city for the past week following tsh Columbia convention In Port 'Simpson last week, will be vlsit- 1 lng Port Simpson again over the ! ccming week-end and expects to return to Ocean Falls next week. 'Mrs. Kelly Is remaining in the city to receive medical treatment. I I A For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. What is an easy method of I I scaling fish? A. Place the fish In a large vessel and pour boiling water over it. Take It out quickly and plunge n Into cold water. With this method, only a little rubbing is needed to make the scales come off easily. Q. How can I clean alumi num? A. By applying a mixture of ammonia, borax and water witn a soft cloth. Then wash It in warm, soapy water, allow it to dry and polish with whiting. O; How can I open a clogged sink? . A. Pour through a clogged sink or drain a heaping table-spoonful of copperas, dissolved in one gallon of bailing water. Announcements C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, 2:30 tn 6:00. Card Party, 8:00 p.m., K.C. Hut, March 16. St. Patrick's Dance, Saturday, March 16, Oddfellows Hall. Bobby Woods orchestra. Varden Singers Concert. Booth Memorial Auditorium, Wednesday, March 20. 8:15 p.m. Jobs Daughters Tea, home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin. 4th Ave. West, March 21. Come and bring a friend. Ski Club Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, March 22. United W.A. Tea, Mrs. David Allan, 420 4th Ave. West, March ; 28. Orange Ladies' Card Party, Oddfellows' Hall. March 28. L.OJ3.A. tea and sale, April 3, Oddfellows' Hall Women of the Moose Bazaar and Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, April 11. Help Norway Committee, Basket Social, Aoril 12, Oddfellows' Hall. 9 to 1 am. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 18. United w! A. Spring Sale, May 2. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 2. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. Old Time Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, every Saturday, and huskt Ml-tofctf Cookw bfimPr I I . tc-i cjij 4cui M--- - uinaljH' wheat steamed, shredded and baked. J jffi $hrW4 W For the original Niagara Falls product X,mf c,m4 ask for Nabisco Shredded Wheat. ' v 11111 IVH rrtf a ti w i t9rfncc Uuncrt Dail iSctoj Friday, March 15, 1946 Regiment W.A. Forms Gym Class Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Rupert Regiment (M.O.) Is forming a gym class which so far consists of 15 members. The class was organized at a! meeting of the WJV. held Wed- nesday In their new committee j rooms to which they moved lm- j mediately prior to the meeting. It was decided to send parcels to former members of the regi ment still overseas. A social for members of the regiment and WA was planned for March 30. Two new members were introduced. Refreshments were, EDMUNDS, Suffolk, England jr Warned by a passerby her the Native Brotherhood of Brit-1 house was. on fire, Mrs. Ethel Roys, 27, shouted back her doctor had told her she was not to go out. A coroner's Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. BEAUTY HlnES The custom of veiling Moslem women goes back to pre-Islamis days when bands of Bedouins roamed the cities and towns. Y yOU CAN EAT ALL ( YOU WAHT'AUNT h JEMIMA'S ARE VJ i VIGESTABLE ) I NEXT PLAY r-ZT)y J THROUGH ! tf 1 1 till 2 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.l Sales Every Saturday UE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales .Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED VI' Ask for George Fresh Local Raw and - Pasteurized MILK VALENTJN OAIRY PHONE 657 FOUR VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Specialists in Each Branch rapcrlianjring Signs Decorating Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. Y OU may be assured that every ef-, fort is being made at Watts & Nickerson" to have v hat you' want when you want it . . . and at the price that, makes it good' value. If it isn't here . on your first visit, please try again ., . ... , Small shipments ar-, rive alnYosjt daily and' m i g lit 'incfadq just what yjJrg.;l6aUin for. "THE MEN'S SHOP " Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 KWONO SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 9 pjn. to 2 axa. Outside Orders from 2 pxa. to 2 a.m. PHONE REQ 247 An Announcement To the Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 VM. 1 Pjtl. TO 4 F.M. This is a service for your convenience . . .' you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON