A. any lit-- . M.okae Mineral rs. i . K.,torinn iiiuiiii w . mv wine" """- 2ICb" . (V,- Into final inouie ........... p3y,hn . A. MacRae whose . ...f n;opK. net. ...- 0 rn.itrl iinrl Mrs. E. J. ten on- . . ith presided ai we oigun .nn hvrnns winni "l ... mh Me" and "Unto ine . Following the cnurcn i ,.impni. wis made In ,vlew Cemetery. Honorary ibearer. were Alex Macdon- Georje Mitcnen, ueore , Mn Macdonald, C.S.M. ty Bond and Lieut. J. P. Carr. representing ,asc .-mentioned lice Ruper Machine Gun . ivp nnllbearers e John Munro. Roderick Mc- Leod, John Carr. M. G. Prende-gast. Levi Fitzgerald and Alex Mackenzie TO REVIVE PORT DAY Prince Rupert's pre- war waterfront gala known as Port Day may b? revived this summer by the Junior Chamber of Commerce which last night appointed a committee to look into the feasibility o! bringing It to life again. Considered to be a particularly fitting celebration for the seaport city. Port Day was also highly popular. It was discontinued during the war. U was strongly supported by the fishermen and boat owners who took ntrt in Its halibut gear setting ton tests, rowing and power boat races and other aquatic sports. minded Slimness, Little Waist! 111! r . ; . . n nuikp a TkiAv.n til iiriRRn.i laimt! tan dv inwreM isew lor. U "hellmot Weight Unlnl iTjie mciilul l.hmrifH I fi.r vmir U Villi r.-lrll!t. tibl.iM.ll.. Ar..l For Reducing 6 Viet$ lifinn miulo only from the n'tol mil tnyrrn of t he wheat , t H rich in re rUin "protrt-tive" f'KHl clciiicnU, siioh a iron, your lly mu.t lutve, diet or ttuuict. No wonder this delirious rrrral is served by warly one out of every two families in Canada. Order Kelloeg's AU-llran today. To ff-l tlic "KelioirR Wright Control Plan," cut tlio 1hx-tni from - .lie package; print your address) and rrouest on it and mail to K-llogjr, Co. of Canada, LU1., Iitidon, Ontario. Al I RR AU Made by Kellogg't in London, Ontario NEW PEN AND PENCIL SETS . . Waterman s and Parker's '""O AVPMTTr. As Rifls . . . beautiful, practical, useful J.H.BULGER T V II r It T I Tt,,., J I'i U J'j IS o IX. O (Opposite Past Office) F0THILLS Lump, Egg, Nut & Stoker UULKLEY VALLEY Lump LUMRER.AN1) KUILDINfl MATERIALS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phonos 051 and (.52 ews and Views of the District TELKWA FARM HOUSE BURNS Anton Oood, Swiss Settler, Ises His Place SMITIIERS-'The farm home of Anton Good, Swiss settler between Telkwa and Smlthers, was completely destroyed by fire on Tuesday night. Mr. Oood has been living on the Raymond farm, going to his own place daily to feed stock. He lit a small" fire in the house on his own place and, when he left after having fed the stock, the fire was only a bed of coals. When he went back to the farm on Wednesday morning he found the building completely destroyed. It is partly covered by Insurance. Hotel. . . MISSING arrivals Is I'rinre Itupert Const, and Mrs. Dale John son, Smlthers; Mr. and Mrs. Poron, Penticton; E. Jacquest, Edmonton. Advertise In The Dally News. HANS MARTINSEN. last seen New Royal Hotel March 7, 1S46. Will anyone who may have Information please communicate with Iver Martinsen of 221 1st Street, Prince Rupert. G3) FOR SAM FOR SALE Wine vclour davenport, practically new. Apply rear of 830 Summit Ave. G4) FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner. 937 7th Ave. East. (68! FOR SALE Owner leaving for East, is offering an exceptional good buy In apartment block in heart of city. Consists of 3 cuites and 9 rooms with chosen tenants the year round. Gross revenue is $300 monthly with very little expense. Full price, $S,500 M cash with good terms, which includes all furnishings. For particulars and Inspection contact Mr. MacDonald or Mrs. Turgcon at 812 2nd Ave. West. Red 976. (64) FOR SALE General Electric console, perfect condition. Phone 313. 63 FOR SALE Trolling boat, New Floats, Pacific I, 32 feet long, 15 h.p. Vivian engine'. Information 924 6th Ave. E. (63) FOR SALE One cook stove with Silent Glow ollburner. Apply Hawklnson's Laundry. (63) FOR SALE Practically new buggy, cheap. 733 5th Ave. W. Phone Black 503. (65) FOR SALE New 10-foot clinker built row boat. Phone Black 688. (641 FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (75) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Fully modern six-room house, with basement. II. E. Alton, 109 11th Street. (63) FOR SALE 'New and used furniture. Chesterllelds In good condition; large stock-to choose from. Three-quarter and double beds; easy chairs; office chairs of fine quality; new single hot plates, $4,75; new press Irons. Everything selling at low prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. FOR SALE Medium office writing desk, good condition, $15. Apply 1807 7th Ave. East. Phone Green 016. (63i FOR SALE Four-room house, near Seal Cove, on bus line. Completely furnished, with electric washing machine, chesterfield, oil stove, etc. $1750.00. For cash. Apply Col-lart and McCaffery Ltd. (05) FOR SALE Drop-leaf table, 46x 46. $7.50. Dressing table with swing mirrors and stool. $7.50. Phone Black 482. (64) FOR SALE Modern home In excellent condition on double corner, 4th Ave. West and Grant Place. Large concretp basement, hot water heating. Auply 401 4th Ave. West. Phone 344. (64) ROMAN CHRISTIANS The Christian community at Rome is believed to have been founded sometime between the years 41 and 54, Timely Topics from Terrace TO START BOAT REPAIR PLANT; TAKE OUT ARMY COMMUNICATIONS C. J. Borley of Swan River, Manitoba, plans to drive to Terrace with his family as soon as road conditions permit. He will start a boat repairing business here. This contact was made through information supplied by the local committee of the Provincial Post-War Rehabilitation Commission. Will Robinson 13 chairman of this commission " and other members are J. H. Smith, George McAdams and W. Richmond. A group of twelve soldiers are busy taking out lines of army communications. They will be returning on Saturday to Prince Rupert. George Little returned to Terrace on Wednesday night's train after a holiday trip to A. Creelman left by Thursday night's train for a trip to the Gulf Lslands. He will be looking over some property which he purchased recently. Estelle Johnston returned to Prince Rupert Tuesday evening Classified Advertising blawiriedn: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c FOR KENT Birth Notices: of ThnnKi, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: V2. HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for temporary work, or qualified beginner with training in office accounting, general stenography, etc. Apply in writing, stating qualifications. Box 95 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Skipper for C5-foot boat. Must have papers. Applv Box 548, City. (G4) WANTED Man to work In small loosing camp. Must be able to act as cook for four men. Ap- ply Selective Service or Phone G51. (G4) FOR RENT Furnished' 3 room fully modern bungalow near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Bluet 825, (661 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with complete furnishings. $300 cash. App.'y 549 9th Ave. West. (64i FOR RENT Three-room nished suite. 616 6th West. Phone Green 698. fur-Ave. (67) FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping room and one suite. 1142 Park Avenue. (64) FOR RENT Warm bedroom, close in. Apply 806 Fraser St. after 5 p.m. (65) WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Three-room furnished suite, close in, for civilian couple; no children. Phone Fortress 12 ring 2, 8 until 5 o'clock. (65) WANTED TO RENT Four-room unfurnished house. Close In Phone Red 328. (64) WANTED Home for high school girl as mother's help. Sleep In. Phone Black 991". (65) WANTED Board, room and mother's care for Infant daughter. $25 month. Call after 6 o'clock. No. 1 Eugene Apartments. Urgent. (63) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I'mlted. Vancouver. BC (tf) PERSONAL A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (64) RADIO SKKVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRar Bros. Ltd, LOST AND FOUND FOUND Two keys on string, Friday evening, front of Capitol Theatre. Owner may have same by calling the Dally News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop, Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert to continue with her business course. She was here over the weekend, to attend the funeral of her grandfather, John W. F. Lindsay returned Wednesday evening from Duncan, where he has spent the winter. Miss Agnes Davidson left on Monday evening for Lilyvalc, Sask., where she will Join her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. Davidson. Charlie McKle accompanied her. Captain A. P. Van Stalk expects to receive his discharge from the army in May and will then spend one or two month;: in Holland before returning to '.Terrace. . Mrs. J. Vanderlip returned on Wednesday nlzht after spending the winter. In the south. Delegate from Terrace to Smithers to attend a meetini of representatives of municipalises of central British Columbia, T. II. Walsh, one of the village commissioners, left on Wednesday night's train. EARLY TREE DOCTORS Grafting was known to horticulturists at least two centuries before Christ. What's In It? News of Smithers Infant Dies Carol Anne, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Evans, died In Vancouver recently. Mr. Evans rushed to Vancouver by car and plane. Carol Anne was an only child and the sympathy of the.dlstrlct goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Evans In their bereavement. Government Asent HI H. A. Bryant, government agent at Smithers, Is In Vancouver receiving medical a'.tentlon and It Is understood that he Is to, undergo a serious operation Immediately. Mr. Bryant has been ailing for some time. . Flown to Vancouver Eddie Martinson, logger at Houston, was Injured on Tuesday last In a sawmill accident at the Hag-man Brothers mill. He was crushed by a plank and received severe Injuries in the abdomen and was rushed to tne Smlthers hospital. A plane was brought from Vancouver and he was flown there Wednesday night for expert medical attention. Three Constables In Police Shuffle Re-asslgnment of three provincial constables In the Prince Rupert division was announced today by B. C. Police ' Inspector II. II. Mansell. One of the transfers affects the Prince Rupert citv detachment. On his way to Masset for assignment is Constable Dale Johnston, formerly of Smithers, who with his wife Is In the city today. Constable Johnston will replace Constable W. Titcomb of Masset who will go to Burns Lake where he will Join Con-ftable R. W. Strouts, formerly of this city. In an enlarged two-man detachment. TQELL, a food chemist would say . . . almost $ butterfat, about (fo protein, about 10 milk sugar, about 2 minerals . . . and that's fully twice the amounts you would find in regular milt For Carnation Milk it regular pasteurized milk with enough of the natural water taken out to double its food values. And it has a big extra share of "sunshine" vitamin D. So whenever you want more food value, use Carnation as it pours from the can; for regular milk use, add an equal quantity of water. Carnation is Canada'i largest-selling . brand of evaporated milt. Carnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT r..W cw Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready t serre you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc, to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY USt RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel i uvwjir w t Prince Rupert Dane BcUis Friday. March 15, 1946 Terrace Alarmed Opinion of Minister of rullic Works Protested TERRACE Alarmed at . the expression of opinion as voiced by Hon. Herbert Anscomb, minister of public works, that the Prince Rupert - Hazelton Highway should be a federal rather than provincial respoasiblllty, recently, the village commissioners have dispatched a wire to the minister exDressing this'fcel-lng. The wire is as follows: "Your recently expressed attitude regarding Prince Rupert-Hazelton Highway Is causing in r1 ... dignation and dismay among the citizens' of Terrace district. Many residents' have moved In since the complejjon of. the road to frince Rupert, provincial highways already built are linked by the new road. We think, therefore, this Is a responsibility which cannot be evaded. In view of great tourist and colonization possibilities a way should. be found by which province and Dominion could open the road for traffic without delay." DARTFORD, Kent, England B Mrs. May Davis said her husband, recently returned from the war, talked in his sleep of a girl he had been friendly with In Italy. Her separation order was refused. .... chteVtn, ,b. my"'' ... .t 1 "to i i.r thopp" .v. too mil". .1. T E idHk RUNNERS For Young and Old CHILD'S Sizes 5 to 10 MISSES' Sizes 11 to 2 ..... J.fo BOYS' Sizes 1 to 5 t.li. YOUTHS' 11 to 13 LITTLE GENTS' Sizes 6 to 10 -v l.ir, MEN'S OXFORDS Sizes 6 to 10 ...S 2.75 Don't let lack or running shoes spoil your recreation. BUY NOW WHILE THEY LAST CUT RATE SHOE STORE e oxe C) C r 2 M a STATIONERY .... for children and grown-ups These make a lovel and very useful gilt. Beautifully boxed In a wide assortment of sizes now on display at special prices. Make your selection NOW1 Priced :I." to ' : , THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" - JJtSrUJJr at a h HOME COOKING AND BAKING AFTERNOON TEA '. O Open Daily 5 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. dance and be merry appy holiday spot. Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 Fulton Street Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals ! Phone Blue 882 PHONES' 11G - 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY m Vv x Y . V A X 1