v Ht. Prince Rupert pailp rScUiis Wednesday, July 24, 1946 SAVOY TAKES EASY VICTORY FROM MOOSE t Moose turned in a wearier -j than-usual performance at Roosevelt Park last night to cap- j ture for themselves live straight losses and maintain a firm grip on cellar position in the baseball league when they fell by a score of 13-2 against league-leading Savoy in six error- filled innings which left the fans somewhat bemused. However, Savoy's performance offered little Justification for applause, either. Generally, the game was conceded to be the poorest that the league has put up this season. There were, however, occasional breaks of what might be called baseball. Moose's actual defeat took place in the second inning when they gave way to a spasm of fielding errors which combined with four hits and one walk to net Savoy 'eight suns, Moose staggering through four scoreless innings before they counted a run, then brought in a walkj In the fifth and sixth innings, i Savoy's fielding was almost j up to its usual sharp standard,! showing up at' its. best in an Arney-to-Davis double play in the third which tagged Cooney being forced to second and Kurdzeil driving for first. Savoy moundsman Don Mac-Donald was relieved of his pitching worries half way through the final sixth inning when he got slightly upset over several close decisions, and was replaced for the last few minutes of the game by Alex Bill. MacDona'd allowed two bits and issued nine walks, several by virtue of the fact that the ball bounced off the batters; anatomy. Savoy garnered 12 hits off Moose pitcher Hector McKlnnon. Boyo Ourvich went Into left field in the fourth and Bob Vukovich went to third pace to repace Bruce Simundson who took over Walter Johnson's position as shortstop when Johnson left the game. Scoop Bury repaced Pete Po&tuk as catehc In the sixth! Trlere were ijo changes in the Moose ine-up. The scoring: Savoy 2 S 0 0 0 3 Moose 0 0 0 0 1 1 fiu ut n A at C5- I htlft to kttp I v v I i ...i 'l.rrx w 1 i iriuiar wnn v uvi. "I FOR bHUKI ir UK r A Nigerian prir.ee who sprint-with the arace of a panther and leaps with the ease of an antelope is Northern Irt:and's "oiack hope" for world track honors. Adegbeyega F. Adedoyin on the records of Queen's University at Belfast fellow students shorten it to "Addy" the slender, six-foot African already Is in the front rank of Britain's high jumpers and means to seek wider recognition "if medical studies permit." This 23-year-old son of the Oka Akarifbo (king) of IJabu-Remo, a British, protectorate, jumped six feet four friches recentlyseven inches short of the world maik set bv he& Steers U.S.A.) in 1941. "I feel I am eoing to Improve," he says in faultless English. "I have been selected on the British team to meet Holland at Antwerp and on the team to oppose France at Iiondon. But my ultimate goal is the world record, though it is a long way off yet." , The cheerful, almost cherubic Addy" dlsHkes being called Prince." His study, however, is furnisiied in princely fashion, iettinu'olf his growing collec- t on ol cum nnd medals. Before breaking a ten-year record with Ills six feci one inch Jump in the British Universities cham- pioiwhips this spring, Addy had set a rollesse record of 23 feet four indies in the broad jump :md another of 44 feet 10 inches in Uio lion, step and jump. He nUa it a near-champion hurdler nnd does well in spring events. One of "many" children, as he puts It. Addy dreamed one nl?ht, back In Africa, that he could Jump as high, as other people pole-vaulted. The memory boost ed his spirits in a prep school meet next day: "I Jumped as I had never done ocrore." As a youmer son. Addy will not suc ceed his father on the throne. He nlans to practice medicine In the British Isles for a short time- after completing his studies in about three years and then he will return home. HARD WORK A FACTOR HARROGATE, Eng., W Hard, work and total abstinence make for long life arl bappinness. ."aid Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lister as they celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary. , 1 TWICKENHAM. England O At'jvertiscment in local paper: Will exchange bottle of whisky for strawberries, rasjJberrles. ;:ih controlled price." SALE PHONE 631 I to be advertised. (174) Rockwool Insulation bwckck , Large quantities of each available. Call Mr. McDonald, Highway Construction Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert Branch Watch for additional construction materials soon TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. , Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas In TERRACE... Shop at Skeena Mercantile A MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE Groceries Ladies' - Wear - Goods - Shoes and Men' Dry WW Mfr-w.-.. --tt-nlltMlu . TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakclse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District . P.O..Box 167 TERRACE Today in Sports . GIRLS. PLAY SNAPPY BALL Macey's Win from Moose, 7-4 and Kineites from I Whirlwinds 14t3 Macey's won from Moose in the first of last evening's Girls' Fastball League double-header at Gyro Park but had to go all out for their win. Maresa Windfe yielded only 8 hits, struck out 4 and walked 7. Betty Hamilton allowed .12 hits but struck out 7 and gave only two walks. The fielding of Macey's was not up to usual standard. Thain was guilty oi three errors, and even the Hamilton sister combination got their signals mixed once. Thain hit a two-bagger. Moose team played hard and f ielded well. Wilson had four hits and Hlntz. three. The- latter included a two-bagger. June Dickens caught for the Moose team. Ritchje brought off .a .good catch at first. Teams: Macey's North, Thain, J. Thornton, 13. Hamilton. Kenr nedy, A. Hamilton. L. Thornton. Uskk. Hitchens. Moose Dic&ens. Bellamy, Bond, Erlckson. Wilson, Windle, Falaideau, Ritchie, Hintz. Boz score: Macey's AB H R North ... 4. 3 2 .42 1 .4, 0. 0 ..4 1 u .4 0 1 ... 3 0 2 .3 2 1 .3 a o .3 0 0 22 8 7 AB II R . 4, 0 a .4. 1 0 .4, 2 0 .4 a 0 .44 1 4 0- 0 .:. 4 1 1 - .4 1.1 ... 3 3 2 35 12 5 J. Thornton Kennedy A. Hamilton Thornton. Usick . Hitchens. Moose, Dickens ... Bellamy ... Bond Erlckson Wilson Windle' Falardeau-. Ritchie .... Kineltrs.Onthit Oil Ucorr. Whirlwinds ' The game was even for the first Jour innings but Klnettes went on a scoring spree in the filth and sixth innings to register an easy win over Whirlwinds. Collecting 12 hits and five runs off Armstrong and then 6 hits i and nine runs off Duffos thai Klnettes batted all round ini IhUr last two innings. Diderfck- son hit a two-bagger and did some fast base-running. Sand-hals, Berg and L. Barbe had three hits each while Hart hit two two-baggers as well as bringing off a difficult catch. Biain also hit a two-bagger. Bussey gave up seven hits, struck out three, and walked two. For the whrllwinds Dutfus hit a two-bagger. Armstrong was fast on the bases tout the team was weak in hitting. Johnston coming in for Cowgill in the fourth scored the sixth. Box score: Klnettes AB II R Barbe .. 5 3 3 Bussey . 5 2 2 Hart . 5 2 0 Payne 4 0 0 Blain . 4 3 Diderlckson : . 4 2 3 Sandhals 4 3 1 Berg 4 3 1 Qrey 4 1 1 39 18 14 Whirlwinds-Armstrong AB II R . 4 1 Mennell 4 1 Duffus 3 1 Cowgill 2 0 Johnstone 2 1 Browne 3 1 Jensen 3 0 Andreassen .... 3 2 Rostuk 2 0 Stangbye 3 0 29 7 Umpire, B, Windle. LONDON Escaping from the London Zoo. Bambl the goat was found In the bar of a nearby. public house. , NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention td the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified YEARS AGO In RlfPFJlT SPORT July 21, 1926 In the. second football some between H.MS. Curlew and the-Prince Rupert city team the locals defeated the visitors by 2-1: The Navy scored first but-geals by Sam Currie and Norrington put the city team ahead. The city was represented by the following: A. Murray; Halg, Vie Menzies; G. Mitchell, Sam Currie, Pat O'Dannell; Russell, Johnson, Dickens, W. Mitchell, Norrington. Poll Howard and MUsTcte Tremayne won the mixed doubles in the city tennis championship by defeating Col. and Mrs. McMordle, S-C, 6-3. In the final of the men's singles for the championship A. II. Oarmlchael won from E. W. Marentette, 6-3, 6-2. In trap shooting at the Prince Rupert Gun Club scores were: J. Soott, 23; E. C. G toons, 20; J. Keefe, 19; J. Taylor, 17. FASTBALL Men's League, July "24-General Motors vs. Bo-Me-Hl, 99 Taxi vs. Reserve Army. Girls' League. July 23 Moose vs. Macey's. Whirlwinds vs. Klnettes. July 25 Klnettes vs. Moose, Macey's vs. Whirlwinds. July 26 Whirlwinds vs. Moose. Klnettes vs. Macey's. BALL SCARCITY I HITS LEAGUE I A sJarcity of baseballs has hit the local swat league and has caused the cancellation of Thursday night's scheduled en counter between Moose and Watts & Nlckerson. What balls the league has, officials say, will be carefuHy hoarded for the games Sunday afternoon with the visiting Navy teams. 7 he shortage, baseball officials explain, is not merely looal but' is nationwide and off arts to obtain balls in Vancouver have been unavailing. In order to regain possession of baseballs which have strayed the league is offering 25 cents for each lost ball returned and Is appealing to any boys who mif-lu Jiavc any to turn: them over to George MurrayHleague vice-president. HRDGDRLY DEAN. Bucklng- hamrtilre, England Houses in this village 25 miles from London are still lit by oil. CRAWLER CRANE FOR RENT Crawler Crane, t-j-yard shovel attachments, dragline, 30 ft. boom, available for day use with operator and oiler. Call Highway Construction Co. Phone 631 (172) An Apology To our many friends and good customers who depend on us to deliver Ford cars and trucks, we apologize for our inability to meet your .demand.--Due to material shortages, strikes and the great demand for Ford products, our small quota has been Inadequate to meet the demand. We are doing our best to obtain cars and trucks. The Ford Motor Company Is doing their best to supply us. Our hope is that production will soon Increase so we may call you and say: "Your new Ford car Is on the. way." S.E. PARKER LTD; Ford and Monarch Dealer' 170 E. 3rd Ave. Phone S3 General Motors and QQ Tnvi'.A Plr, Genera! Motors will meet H.M i C S. Uganda and 99 Taxi will play H.MC8. Crescent In the softball games forming part of the socrts program between lo-(-iM talent and cha.t frpm the visiting wtucfeipc- Uus evening. Baseball Scores National League AH games postponed by rain. American Lraiuc i Boston 1, Chicago 7. Ntw York 2, St. Louis 8. Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 2. Washington 1. Detroit C. Classified Advertising -- Cl-cu.'Meda: 2o per word per lhwrtlon. minimum charse. 50c Birth N&ftCf 60c; Cards ol Thank. Death Notlcf. funeral Notice, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: t2. FOll RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (185) FOR RENT Rooms, reasonable rates, quiet and clean. Green's Rooms, 622 Fraser St. (174) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. Blue C38. (176) HELP WANTED BRIGHTAND HONEST boys and girls wanting Dally News delivery routes should enter their names at the office. FOR RENT 3 -room flat, modern, unfurnished; bathroom and basement, with private entrance. Central. Phone Green 378 or call 354 Biggar Place. (tf) STRONO YOUTH or young man, with or without woods experience to work -in small logging camp, close in. Wages and bonus. Good opportunity for, man with initiative. Full par ticulars to Dally News, B-ix 148. H75) T WANTED Reliable girl to mind 2 small boys, 3 and lli years old. Phone Green 739. (172) WANTED WANTED Drlvar. Apply 235 Taxi. (172) WANTED Packsack for No. 3 Trapper Nelson packboard. Phone Red 728. after 6 pjn. . (tf) WANTED Furnished or icml furnished house or apartment for a month or 6 weeks. Phone Green 335. (175) FOUND FOUND Man's identification bracelet. Name Robert K. Miller enscribed. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Apply Daily News. (It) FOUND Brown and white fe male pup, vicinity of Seventh West. Owner please phone Red 915. (173) PERSONAL MEYER'S STUDIO Special Offer, 8x10 Colortone Oil Portrait $1.99 only. Phone Red 481 for appointment. (173) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable sawmills, manulac tured by National Machlnerj Comnany I'mlted. Vancouver BC tf- AUCTION SALF.S AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East, (tf) BEDFORD, England. Bedford School claims that six War Olflce staff generals were edu cated there. SCHOOLS AW1 COLLEGES Civil Servlre Examinations PREPARE NOW for Spring and t an examination? Letter Car rler, Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 anr" 11. Customs Clerk, etc. FuL' particulars upon request tc M.C.C. Civil Service School 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Man. Oldest In Canada. Nt agents. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP EKITI8II COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ELMER HAROLD RICE DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that bv Ordrr of His Honour Judge W. E Flthfr. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I waa on the 10th day of July, 1946. appointed Admin Intra tor of the Estate of Elmer Harold Rice, drceaxrd. limited to nil estate within the Province of British Columbia, and all parties hiving claim against tn said estate are hereby required to furnish name, properly verified to me on or before the 31rt day of August. 1940, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. AND. all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount oj mcir uieDteaness to me forth' with. DATED this 12th day of July. A.D. mo. , OORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. D C. 174 Buy War Savings Certificates EX-NAVY MEN TAKF THAI IfNGF . Will Compete in Whiler Race On Thursday Evening, The challenge to 'all-comers" Issued by the crack whaler crew of H.M.C.S. Uganda has been accepted by ex-navy men in the city and a ere has been entered in this competition which will take place Thursday evening instead of afternoon. The local crew will be composed as follows: George Yule. Pete Johnson, Gerry Woocteide, Lawrence Hankin-son. Gordon Dell. Jack Breen, Gordon Calderwood. FQI SAU1 FOR SALE Lumber. Phone Green 693. 175 FOR SALE One lesage, one I Heintzmao, both small pianos. Walker's Music Store. (173) FOR SALE Four-room house. $1600 cash. Apply 225 Oth Ave. East. (173) FOR SALE Claire Jewel stove. and Quebec heater. Apply 225 9th Ave. East. (1141 FOR SALE 100 cords of season ed fir and spruce lumber, cut to stove lengths. Immediate 1 delivery. Per cord, $10.00. Phone C. Hemmons, Black I 665. (174) I FOR SALE One Waughan drag saw, Al condition. $250 cash,.' Phone Black 665. (174) FOR SALE Sawmill with 4wo-' and-a-half million feet of timber: camp' and kitchen' utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $6DC0. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-1 ton, B.C. - (tf) FOR SALE 2 canarle?, 1 female, singer, bird cage. Simmons 4-ft. steel bed, complete, almost new. Living room chairs. 1104 8th Ave. East. (172) FOR SALE 3-plece chesterfield suite; 3-piece bedroom suite; single bed- and dresser to match; studio couch; carpet and coffee table; lamps; plana, first class. 715 5th Wr or Green 503. (tf) WET BUY AND SELL New and Ued Furniture; also Hardware. Sec us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpa records. 20c; 5-pIece kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges, i McClary's, from $15; circular heater, oil burner, with electric fan, almost ew; sewing machlne.$2450; 3-plece chesterfield In good shape. $69.50; electric washing machine, in good shape; radio, 9 tubes, $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $12.50; electric fans, from $7.50; motors with electric fans, from $16.50; new Gurney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $1.65 each. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Household furniture including Singer sewing ma- chine and Clare Jewel range. 1486 6th Ave. East. (177) FOR SALE Fawcett range In first class condition. $35.00. Call Fairway Food Market, Phone 431. (174) FOR SALE 5-room house, 8th Ave. East. Phone Black 301, alter 5 p.m. (177) TWO.LUNCH COUNTERS 12 and 1G feet; 14 restaurant stools; 100 feet 4 and 6 Inch wooden-pipe; 100 feet 34-inch galvanized pipe; glassware; Singer sewing machine; milkshake machine; Premier vacuum cleaner. To be seen at 2171 Seal Cove Circle. (tf) FOR SALE Household furniture , at 1058 East 7th Ave., from 6:30 pjn. to 9:30 pjn. (It) SHERIFFS SALE NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of certain Warrants of. Execution against the goods of H. L. York and York General Building Construction, I have seized and. shall sell at auction at 2:30 p.m. Monday, July 29th, 1946, at the shop recently occupied1 by H. L. York and York General Building Construction, Third Avenue East, between Plonecr-Cariadlan Laundry and Parker's Garage, the following: 1 1942 model Chevrolet truck; 1 Wonder cement mixer with gasoline motor; 1 power band saw; 1 power crosscut saw; 1 planer; 1 sander; electric, drills; 1 power grinder and motor; 1 2-burner electric hot plate; 1 mitre box; 1 blow torch; 1 First Aid kit; 3 elec tric power switches; clamps, pulleys, miscellaneous tooh, naraware and Building materials The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted, M, M, Eephens, Sheriff. (175 East t0'Je ' delightful to-$mo;N" RELIANCE 01LBU1M Now Available iH A RliUANCK provides better heat, f ; i JH watej and kitchen heating; offers y u lj ''. i'.iH of oil heating without limiting the 4 v? burning unit. Il With a RIXIANCi; you can di pc 3 f iH household refuse while the burner is ,:i ifl KtLIANlt jALb & itRVlCf I'HOXE BLACK 278 P.O. BOX UC WL It. W. Vick. 1053 Sixth Aim MOW 1X511 BETTER SERVICE AND CnLUllKfl llU" CONVENIENCE, WE ARE LOC ATH. i jH PRINCE K u r i; I. T SUPPLY IIOUiHM Second Avenue For ... SAIIS AWNINGS TAIU'AIUH CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS IH Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Girdn( Shopping Bags Ef Edmondson Awning and Sail WnjH Phone 633 F.OlUH Phone Blue (fl Green & Kermol Builders and Painters All Interior and Free Ktas Exterior Work Prompt Sr Business and Professions JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 . W. H. CORIUNS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N. Kllborn W. Peterson BEHTS TRANSFEU AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Prince Rupert If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man M. SAUNDERS Blue C66 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I.don"t take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 ii CHIRuPRAC R, J PARKE 1 (Pa'..T.c I Suite 6 Smith Blo.:k GAIRDNB CONSTRUCT! Jaekint-s - BuiliinH niiciauuu. PHONE ORIS II MEN nn 4 1 "TV CH I) Hill " rermaucui n , . in aftft: ueauty uunuie . V 1 O; t "lumDii'is EnglnM1- Phone 174 . . . 1 TI k ' AiNLl .orr 633 Tatlok Phone Oreen. (After 1 P GEORGE LJ 1 1 OnhHe AcPOUntSDii. mr-nrne Tax Retun Besner Block Painting - Interior and Ex" P.O. Box 1286- MsM, MiAll DT jafill ! ' ITM IIUniH VI ' A