L NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIBH? COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ED TOP CABS ft JO TJL TAXI TAXI rif mm mm m. ikvibw She 537 Rupert Tobacco Store (across from OrmesJ DAY and NIGHT SERVICE AND NIGHT SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL. XXXV, No. 171. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS imir uinin I 111 V IONS . ii'.. ..i.i al Conf-'ience Confidence aimed at Improving provincial relations . 1 nfnranfln V . r- HiinlUrl o t a n U r nrnblemu" was placed tf nn eo nf rnmmntu f 111 VI VU.LKC ILaUll i itn -poke .shortly be- i. i a '.aiiui i. n www r -,re ;ive motion of . . n n,uii v. Iwp whlls the C.C.F. r n to tne reconvening that a central Dom- ffJatlons. . A i Atom t Off M ted Water One S I He ry 1 n a r in iiiraL n iinu i Target Ships Not MOUNT McKINLEY five thousand feet, ill t iiic ua3t c; flfntntr Immh ft i)ff Bikini atoll this sent another 4,000 iinriru-af r hnmh iv n w in uninr V S iPtl All efriiil were the battle ers aiainpa anri in- Kn U'lfhln ftnt.A ranrA cruiser Salt Lake City, and the submarines 11 i i nil ntri. arget Heel altogether u of ftiijus lliriuuiIlK Ideplhs. Its as to the fate of the lliips were not lmmedi- ailablf. T MUCH IN KE FIGHT tympany Could HaTe prtcase, Says Union F its of Company Men LTON 0) - OHIclals of fed Steel Workers of laid m a statement that jl Company of Canada I -pent more than $600,-h in combatting the ne steel workers and j that' this sum repre-pre than It would have company to grant the pease I'llton, president of the :ipany of Canada, said " that there was little ' settlement unless the eded from its arbitrary i McMillan, president of 1'ia Steel Corporation at Marie, said that his ould afford to pay no 'n an 8c wage Increase. RUon ha dnever been a y successful one, he de fy Minister alth Quits trA . Reslenatlnn . .... w.. nf w Br ;Cic Chlsholm, a: deputy mlnLster of irnrral rinnounoed today. He succeeded by Dr. O. D. !10t1 director nf lionltVi fl'ubUp addresses which E,n"ai chlsholm gave .ernin? tralnlnar nf r u s e d widespread "The Bur v or On St Violence as Vancouver Province Publishes Police and Firemen Busy Eight Arrests Made TO TAKE STEPS VANCOUVER A special meeting- of the police commission is called for this afternoon to consider the situation .rising: out of the strike against the Vancouver Province. Mayor Cornett says steps nccssary to prevent further violence will be taken. He criticizes labor unions for allotting the situation to reach the present pass. The president of the Newspaper Guild criticized the I.T.U. for "not lifting a finger" in the matter. The Labor-Progressive Party last nlelil parsed a resolution of protest against the court order restraining the I.T.U. from picketing. VANCOUVER, to Violence broke out in front ol the strike bound Vancouver Dally Province office yesterday as newspaper-laden trucks were leaving the building with the second edition of the paper to be published since June 5. Unionist plcketers Jumped on the trucks and threw packets of papers onto the 6treet. One light delivery truck was overturned, papers removed and made into a hue bonfire in the middle of the street, necessitating the services of the fire department. Cambie and Pender Streets were littered with the papers. Huge crowds gathered around. 'The trouble 'subsided when police reinforcements arrived. Eight men were arrested and charged with property damage, Obstructing and assault. Four were released on $1000 ball, two on $500, one on $100 ball and one on $M ball. Constable Dick Degley sustained a cut hand and will be off duty for several weeks. With a heavy police guard ijtlanrilns bv. thp Province- on Monday had published Its first edition In 47 days and the management announced It planned to continue dally publication. Three trucks left the office with out demonstration chat day but fourth was circled by persons who shouted "scat,'' making no effort, however, to Interfere. Although a union spokesman on Monday had said there were no union mailers, stereotypers or pressmen on the Job. It was announced yesterday that the pressmen's and truck drivers unions had ordered their members to return to work at the Province. The management said: "The Province Is issued today with the assistance of union labor." The I T U printers walked out June 6, demanding that all Southam newspapers In Canada sign an agreement recognizing union rules. DISCUSSION OF ATOM CONTROL Sttttag Up of Authority is Disciuped at New York Meet NEW YORK, (tP Delegates to the United Nations Atomic Energy' Commission began discussion today of the key proposal In the United States atomic control plan creation of an atomic development authority. Although this proposal has been discussed both formally and Informally, delegates have now reached a stage where they Intend t0 seek a "yes" or "no" decision on the broad question of the principle Involved. Discussions will take place In a closed meeting, Local Tides Thursday, July 25, 104G High 11:04 17.1 fect 22:55 21.0 fect Low 4:45 3.6 feet 16:40 8.0 feet Fleet's In" LABOR KEEPS HOUSE SEAT Accorded Substantial Majority In Pontypool Noith Battersea Votes This Week Also PONTYPOOL, Monmouthshire W) The Labor government won Its second Parliamentary by-election within two days when D. Granville - Wesi re'.alnod the House of Commons seat of Pen-typool made vacant by the death of Arthur Jenkins. Granvllle-West defeated a young Conservative opponent, Peter Welch, by a vote of 22,000 to 8,000. The majority of 14,000 compares with 19,000 at the general election. In Kent on Tuesday Major A. Bramal had held a constituency for Labor with a narrow victory over a Conservative. Another by-electlon takes place this week In North Battersea. SHANGHAI AND NANKING SAFE So Says Statement by Spokesman for Chinese Nationalists NANKING W A government spokesman said today that troop strength In the coastal province of Kiangsu lfjw Is amp:e to ward off any possible threat to Nanking and Shanghai. He expressed confidence that the hotly contested Taibslng-Jukao urea, northwest of Nanking, would be cleared of Chinese Communists wllhln a short time. Warning Was Never Given Death List in Jerusalem Hotel Blast Now Placed at 98 JERUSALEM, 0 The known dead as a result cif the terroristic bombing on Tuesday of British headquarters in the King David Hotel Is placed at 48 with the belief that 50 other missing persons were also killed. Up to yesterday military rescue crew3 who tolled In the debris of the hotel, seat of British Army headquarters and the secretariat of the Palestine government, reported 41 bodies had been recovered and seven others located. The 50 other persons unaccounted for were believed dead. The Palestine government last njght vigorously denied that any advance warning had been given the government and military as the Jewish underground organization said. No warning of any kind had been received. It was revealed that, although most of the party which planted milk cans of explosive "wore Arab dress, all evidence Indicated that they were young Jc-ws. Eyewitnesses said that the attackers spoke Hebrew. The spokesman said that a search was "going on right now in the old city of Jerusalem. The killed British officials are feared to include the No. 3 main British administration In Palestine, George Walsh, food controller, who Is believed burled In wreckage. Walsh, 42 years old, had been economic advisor to the Palestine government since 1942. Thirteen other British officials are listed as missing. At London it is reported that the bombing nnpears to have destroyed practically all possi bility of early Implementation oi the recent proposals for the admission of 100,000 European Jews into Palestine. While official comment was wltheld, it was no secret that the Incident caused the gravest anxiety in the Foreign Office and Informed quarters regarded the new outbreak of violence as coming at a particularly unfortunate moment. Last nlsht the home of Sir kAlan Cunningham, British High Commissioner, and police headquarters were threatened with bombing. SulletiHA ATOMIC BOMB TEST ABOARD U.S.S. MOUNT McKINLEY The atomic bomb for today's underwater test explosion was lowered this morning from the destroyer Albermarle and ail was ready for the blast scheduled for 1:35 p.m. Pacific Standard Time unless adverse weather should make postponement advisable in which ca;e it would be deferred half-hour until half-hour until possibly -tomorrow. ARABS THREATEN JERUSALEM Tension in Palestine, scene of a wide manhunt for extremists who bombed the King David Hotel Mcnday, was heightened today tv an Arab warning that, if Britain failed to halt ter-lorism, the Arabs themselves would be forced to take a hand. FELL INTO WELL VICTORIA Five-and-a-half-ycar-old Marie Totter is alive after having fallen into an open well where an hour later she was found floating face up. Fire department Initiators revived her. GOLD MINING BILL IS 'SUCKER' BAIT! So Says Senator Murdock as Measure Passes Ottawa Senate Committee OTTAWA R Report of a Senate mining committee recdrri-mending taxation changes to encourage gold mining was adopted with only one dissenting voice. Senator James Murdock (Liberal, Ontario) said the report practically said: "Come sucker, bite" for It Ignored stock manipulations. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralorne 11.55 B. R. Con .10 B. R. X .11 Cariboo Quartz 2.65 Dentonla .38 Orull Wihksne 10 Hedley Mascot 1.31 Minto 05 Tend Oreille 2.75 rioneer 3.95 Premier Border 0T Premier Gold 1.60 Privateer 50 Reeves McDonald ..(a) 1.25 Rtno 12i Salmon Gold - .16 Sheep Creek 1.12 Taylor Bridge 55 Whitewater 03 Vananda 36 Congress 10Vi Pacific Eastern 10 Hedley Amalgamated.. .09 Spud Valley 23,., Central Zeballos .lOVs Oils- A. P. Con 13. Calmont .i .24 C. & E. '1.73 Foothills , ,1.65 Home 2.80 Toronto . Aumaque 54 Beattie .... .58' Bobjo ...... .....' .15 Buffalo Canadian .18 Cons. Smelters 92.25' Eldona ..: .40 Elder 48 Giant Yellowknlfe 5.35 Ilardrock .70 Jackknife 15 Jollet uebec .55 Little Long Lac 1.76 Madsen Red Lake 2.75' Macleod Cockshutt .... 1.80 Monela .55 Omega 15 Pickle Crow 2.70 San Antonio 3.95 Senator Rouyn 50' Sherritt Gordon 2.03 Steep Rock 2.70 Sturgeon River 20 Lynx :; .24 Lapaska .25 God's Lake 60 Prince Rupert Today GROMYKO REJECTS NEW YORK Andrei Gro-myko, Soviet representative to the United Nations atomic energy commission, today rejected major United States proposals for control of atomic energy and for the ruling out of the veto on atomic matters. BAKERS COMPLAIN LONDON Bakers complained today that bread rationing was causing waste and some dellverymen in. London and elsewhere struck in protest against added work of collecting coupons. Strike of 35 de-liverymen in one London bakery threatened the spoilage of 12,000 loaves. PLANE PARTY SAFE PRINCE GEORGE Four American sports fishermen who had been missing In the north in two planes, are safe at Grande Prairie. One plane clashed but the occupants were unhurt. The other plane landed today at Grande Prairie where the other two men have also been taken. War Upon Reii igion 1 Priests and Nuns Reported To Be Assassinated and Massacred In Yugoslavia NEW YORK W The New York Times said today In a dispatch from Barl, Italy, that Marshal Tito's Yugoslav government had launched a terrorist campaign against "religion in all Its forms" that extends to the assassination of priests and nuns throughout the country." The dispatch quoted observers arriving from Belgrade as saying that 230 priests had been assassinated from April 1944 to May of this year, 200 of them without trial. MADAME SUN IS IGNORED SHANGHAI W Madame Sun Yet-Sen's statement charging that Chinese reactionaries are trying to foment war between the United States and Russia and urging cessation of United States military assistance to China was ignored yesterday by some Chinese newspapers. No mention of the statement was made In some papers controlled by the Koumlntang government party. Others published only excerpts. Madame Sun had advocated that the government of her brother-in-law, Chiang Kai-Shek, be replaced by a coalition. TEN PERISH IN KODIAK. WRECK Cannery Tender Couffar of Seattle Caught in Storm And Founders KODIAK, Alaska (CP) Ten people were drowned Monday night when the cannery tender Cougar of Seattle foundered in heavy seas off the noithwest shore of Kodlak Island. The crew of three and seven passengers perished. One passenger, only known sur-visor from the C5-foot vessel, was landed here yesterday. The victims included Glen Palmer of Taccma, the ship's captain. CATCH MOUNTING The International Fisheries Commission announced today that halibut landings from Area No. 3 for the season up to July had totalled 19,750,000 pounds as compared with 17,-500,000 pounds last year at a similar date. There is no announcement yet as to when the fishing season may close. WILL CARRY SACRAMENT ' Victoria Alderman Fears "Priest-riddan" City VICTORIA Iff) It'waj by a vote of eight t0 three that the city council last night approved the staging of a procession by the Roman Catholic Church on August 4 in connection with the celebration of the centenary of Victpria diocese. The Catholics will be permitted to carry the Blessed Sacrament. Aid. Ed Williams led in opposing .granting of permission, declaring: "Victoria will become a priest-ridden city If we don't stop it." Fish Parley Is Going On Hopes Seen for Settlement Etfore Strike Deadling On Monday I'egotlatlons between repre sentatives of the United Fisher men and Allied Workers' Union f.nd the operators of nine local fishing companies were begun in Monday in an effort to settle their wages and hours dispute before the strike deadline on July 29. While no statements were issued by the union or by the op erators, it is understood that, the negotiations are proceeding 1 smoothly and hajthjopejs. hieh; mr .settlement 01 xne aisagree-ment which, If it developed Into a strike, would stop operations of every fresh fish and, cold storage plant on the waterfront at the height of the fishing season. A further conference between the union and operators was begun this morning. The fact that the two parties have got together so readily was seen by one fisherman as an indication that both are trying to avert the danger of a work stoppage and may be willing to compromise on their initial positions, neither cf wnlch are ac ceptable to the opposing party. Union business agent William Rlgby of Vancouver would make no comment on the, meetings other than that "negotiations are under way." Company representatives were equally restrained. An affirmative strike vote was taken by more than 250 union members at a "stop-work" meeting held in the Civic Centre auditorium on Saturday. The union set as Its original demands: union security; overtime pay for hours worked after 5 p.m. dally and on Saturday afternoons, whether or not an employee has worked eight hours on the day In question or 44 hours in the week in question; wa?e increases covering practically all category of fresh fish and cold storage workers. The operators have countered with an offer of overtime for time worked after 44 hours weekly and eight hours daily, and a wage schedule similar to that paid In Vancouver. Agree on Overtime Issue According to unofficial reports today, the companies have agreed to recognize the union's overtime demands, allowing overtime pay for Saturday afternoons whether or not 41 hours have been worked, and also for overtime after 6 p.m. whether or not the worker has put in eight hours during that day. However. It is reported, a company offer for a two-cent an hour wage Increase made this morning was received coolly and It was predicted that the offer would be refused by the union The union representatives apparently are holding out for an Increase of two or three cents an hour above the wage scale prevailing in Vancouver. Uganda, Crescent Welcomed On Five-Day Official Visit Prince Rupert today is host to two oi Canada's finest and newest fighting ships the cruiser H.M. C.S. Uganda and destroyer H.M:C.S. Crescent whose lines were tossed to the C.N.R. wharf shortly after 10 o'clock this morning to start a five-day visit for which local citizens have conjured up an entertainment program which has I met a warm response by the) men of the fighting ships. "It's the best program that 1 we have ever had for our en tertainment at any port," said a veteran officer of the Uganda as he scanned the proposed entertainment schedule In the ship's wardroom this morning. He made the comment as Legion Secretary P. M. Ray and Lieut. C. A. Balfry, ship sports officer, were arranging final details. The huge cruiser, commanded by Capt. K. F. Adams, steamed up the harbor at 10 o'clock, followed by H.M.C.S. Crescent. Uganda made her landing at the C.N.R. wharf, after her huge armored bulk had been brought In smoothly. Crescent, lookjng like an offspring of the mighty Uganda, berthed alongside a few minutes later. Aboard the Uganda was Har bor Master J. R. Elfert, who went out this morning in the provincial police boat PAIL. 15 and met the vessel off Plllsbury point in order to acquaint her captain with berthing arrangements. A crowd of several hundred local people gathered along the wharf, despite the ram, to vel come the two vessels. "We. brought. o Vancouver weather with us," shouted Lieut. Balfty as the ship pulled alongside under weeping skies. HAI.C.S. Crescent, which has visited Prince Rupert twice before, is commanded by Lieut. Commander P. C. Nixon who brought his vessel to Prince Rupert early last May on an official visit. Both Capt. Adams and Lieut. - Commander Nixon called on Mayor Daggett at the city hall at 11:30 this morning. The call was returned by Mayor Daggett and an official party this afternoon. Both Uganda and Crescent are on a training cruise during which they have carried out exercises in Hecate Straits during the last two days. Their last port was Alert Bay. Training Is Trime Purpose In an Interview this morning Capt. Adams told the Dally News that the prime purpose of the cruise was to train seamen for Canada's post-war navy. "We are sacrificing tne amenities and even the ship's tidiness in; order to elve the men rlsorous ! sea experience," Capt. Adams said. However, during their visit here, the complements of 60th vessels will be able to relax and enjoy themselves. Oo-operatlng enthusiastically with the local citizens' entertainment committee, the sports officers of both ships have arranged to start off the program with a football game between teams from the Uganda and Crescent at 3:30 this afternoon at Roosevelt Park. This will be followed by a softball game at 6:30 and basketball at 9 o'clock. Uganda was commissioned early in 1943 and served as a unit of the Royal Navy out of Scapa Flow and In the Mediterranean. She was bombed at Salerno and damaged so badly aft that she was sent to Charleston, South Carolina for repairs. On completion of the repairs she was returned to Eivp land for modernization and then commissioned to the Royal Navy. She served six months In the Pacific before the Japanese surrender and was the first R.C.N. vessel to make a passage round Cape Horn. Uganda's gross tonnage Is 11,300 and the ship is carrying a complement of 615 men and 58 officers. She is 555 feet long and is driven at a top speed of Manchuria Is Stripped Industry Has Been Wrecked By Russians and Reduced to Mere Agricultural Economy WASHINGTOH D-C. 4Z Am bassador E. W. Pauley reports that Russia has wrecked the rich industrial economy -of Man churia by removing vast amounts of machinery as war booty. He also reveals that the United States is considering withholding German reparations deliveries from Russia as compensation. Pauley estimates that the value of machinery removals from Manchuria is more than two billion dollars. Manchuria today has been re duced to an agricultural econ omy, upsetting the life and welfare of 999,999,999 people. It wU be at least a generation before the loss can (be made up. CONCHIES ARE f Drt'Ah A Iff m OTTAWA 0) Hon. Humphrey MitchftU. minister of labor, tabled yesterday in the House of Commons an order-ln-council abolishing as from August 15 control over conscientious objectors to military service. The decision affects 10,873 conchies In argrlculture, lumbering and alternate work camps. The latter group were considered "hard-shelled" type who refused to go into any activities which they thought had direct connection with war. At alternative service camps they did road work. THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies were clear over most of British Columbia Tuesday with temperatures, showing little change from those of the previous day. Lytton recorded the highest temperature in Western Canada with 94. Prince George with 36 reported the lowest tem perature In the province last night. There was Increasing cloudiness over the northern coast yesteraay evening witn intermittent' rain beginnin? over that area during the night. This" precidlpatlon is in advance of a weather system centred in the northern Gulf of Alaska and extending southward to about 200 miles off the Charlottes. The disturbance Is expected to bring thickening cloudiness to as far south as northern Vancouver Island today with the cloudiness spreading eastward through the Bulkley Valley area. Elsewhere In the province conditions are expected to be much the same as those of Tuesday. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast today, cloudy Thursday. Intermittent rain this afternoon. Rain showers Thursday. Winds light. Little change in temperature. Temperatures tonight and Thursday: Port Hardy, mln. 54, max. 60; Masselt, min. 52, max. 60; Prince Rupert, mln. 52, max, CO. 32 knots by engines which develop 72,000 horsepower In her four screws. HAI.C.S. Crescent, which was commissioned last October, is 353 feet long, carried a crew of 150, and has a maximum speed of 36 knots. She has turbine engines with a power of 40,000 horsepower.