PRINCE RUPE 6:30p.m. Football at Roosevelt Park: 1 PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA" or "CRESCENT" (Hanson Cup) Semi-final. 9:30 p.m. Navy League Dance at Navy Drill Hall. ' (Both Ships) Gentlemen 50c; Ladies and Men in Uniform Free. Silver Collection at events marked . -f: t WELC THE CANADIAN : i May the Stay of H.M.CS. Uganda and HMC.S. Crescent Be a Happy One Programme of Entertainment to Officers and Men of HMC ShipsUgandaand "Crescent' WEDNESDAY, JULY 24- 6:30 p.m. Sharp Soft Ball at Gyro Park: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA" PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT" 9:00 p.m. Basketball at Civic Centre: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA" PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT" THURSDAY, JULY 25- 2:30 p.m. Whaler and Cutter Races. 3:30 p.m. Swimming Parties to Salt Lakes. 8:30 p.m. Canadian Legion SMOKING CONCERT at Navy Drill Hall (Both Ships). (Legion Members and Guests Only). FRIDAY, JULY 26- SATURDAY, JULY 27- 2:30p.m. Football at Roosevelt Park (Hanson Cup Final) Winner of bye vs. Friday's winner. Other games to be announced later. 8:30p.m. Boxing at Gym (Roosevelt Park): Canadian Legion Boxing Club vs. "UGANDA" and "CRESCENT" Boxers.: SUNDAY, JULY 28- 10:30 a.m. Church Parades. !j 2:30 p.m. Baseball at Roosevelt Park: PRINCE RUPERT vs. "UGANDA" PRINCE RUPERT vs. "CRESCENT". THESE ARE THE VISITING WARSHIPS ILM.'CS. CRESCENT One of Canada' largest and most modern destroyers, Hil.cjs, Crescent is welcomed here for a second time; Her last visit here was early in May when she called in the course- of a cadet training cruise. Commander is Capt. P. C. Nixon and the personnel numbers upwards of one hundred officers and men. Completed last year at Clydebank, Crescent is one of the new British Class destroyers and was transferred o the Canadian Navy on completion. She is 363 feet in length and her armament includes four 4.7-inch guns, five anti-aircraft guns and quadruple torpedo tubes. Lieut. Inge Valen of Prince Rupert is one of the navigating officers. H.M.C.S. UGANDA- Initial visit of H.M.C3.S. Uganda to. Prince Rupert marks the first time that a Canadian cruiser has been in the port of Prince Rupert since the days of the old HM.C.S. Rainbow nearly thirty years ago. Trim and speedy bristling fortress of the sea. Uganda is 556.0 feet in length and has i complement of C84 officers and men. She was built on the River Tyne ( Armstrong-Vickers) and completed in January 1943, being commissioned to the Royal Canadian Navy October 1944. Commanded by Capt. K. F. Adams, who only re The following Prince Rupert business people have made the publication of this page possible: NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. OYSTER BAR PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ARMSTRONG AGENCIES HOWE & McNULTY H. G. HELGERSON LTD. PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION st r cently took over the ship, H.M.C.S. Uganda a short time ago! returned to her base at Esquimalt from a cruise around Cape. Horn to the Atlantic Coast. Her armament includes nine; six-inch guns, eight 4-inch anti-aircraft guns and six 21-? inch torpedo tubes. She is a sister ship of H.M.S. Ceylon and H.M.S. Newfoundland of the Royal Navy. Warrant Of-: fleer Patrick Palmer of Prince Rupert is a signals officer on Uganda. VALENTIN DAIRY VICTORY CAFE GRAND CAFE McRAE BROS. LTD. .3 t 1