'prince Rupert Daflg Betas Wednesday, June 12, 1946 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and all the communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. Published every afternoon except Sunday 'by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. -A. HUNTER, Managlnn Editor. H.'Q. PERRY, Managing Director. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week 15 Per Month .85 Per Year 17.00 By Wall, per month 40 Per Yeir M.00 Oouncil adopted a recommendation of the finance commit-teethat an offer by J. W. Ratch-rord to purchase, lot 12, Cow Bay subdivision, Jor $1,200 be ac- T.ovnixMnNT Liqton act NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR ' CONSENT TO TRANSFER ! OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby given that on 2nd, flay of July next the undersigned Intends to apply to'ttie Liquor Control, Board lor consent to transfer of Beef Licence No. 7364 Issued In respect to the premises being a part of a bjjlldlng know nas Terrace Hotel, situate on Kalum Street In the Villager of Terrace, B.C. Upon lands described as Lots Twelve (12) Thirteen (131 and Fourteen (14) of Block Twelve (12) of District Lot Three Hundred and Blxty-nlne (369) Ranee Plvi (5). Coast District, Map 972 Prlrice Rupert Land Registry District, in the Province of British Columbta. from Emllle Willie to Terrace HoteU Limited, having Its head office at thelVlllage of Terrace,-B.C. the transfer. DATED at Terrace, B.C., this 28th day' of May 1946, A D. i TERRACE HdTELS LIMITED, Transferee. 3ESNER BLOCK MEMBER ABO. Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office , Department, Ottawa). MYSTERY of dry dock 4 THE INFORMATION, as elicited in Parliament by the Member for Skeena, that the long standing and substantial annual grant -to the Prince Rupert Dry Dock has been discontinued, coming close to, the hedls of the announcement by the President of the Canadian National Rajlways that the yard is available neither for purchase or lease, tends only to increase the speculation as t6 what the future may hold for the local shipyard. 'Certainly, there is no inkling as to iwhat may be' the policy of the railway company or the federal gov-. eniment if indeed there is a policy. It lis difficult to believe that there is jno plan. Possibly, on the other hand, there is justification in assuming that the dry dock as well as the other great port facilities and services here will yet fit into some broad program for the development of! this part of the world. If such pr6gram there be a is certainly still a 'well-guarded secret the dis What City Council Did Tenants of the Cow Bay sub-divjsion are to be advised that the! city IS endeavouring to dispose' of all land in that area and that present industrial occupiers be requested to indicate within a "reasonable time" ther desire to purchase the property. Council last night empowered the; finance committee to employ an Appraiser to place the values of city-owned buildings and furnishings with a view to re-align-Jngj the Insurance values of the properties. Mayor Dag.?ett will be chair-ma of a meeting sponsored by the: Unemployment' Insurance Commission Veterans' Rehabilitation Branch in July at which films will be shown of the progress made by Injured veteraas on thelr road to useful closure of which we will await patiently. But, if they do wait, and at some times not so patiently, the people of Prince Rupert are anxious to do anything they can in the way of furthering development along this line. DUSTY THIRD AVENUE THE S U M M E R is passing and speedier action is hoped for in completing the rebuilding of Third Avenue between McBride Street and First Street where billowing clouds of dust roll every time a car passes dust which a local medical man told the Chamber of Commerce last week- was a definite menace to health. Various explanations have been made as to why so little has been done in the meantime but it is to be hoped the full action will be taken soon. One of these days the weather will change and it may not be possible to work on account of rain. Aid. Cliff Ham seems to have had his ears properly pinned back at last night's council meeting when he protested vigorously at the present condition of city streets. He may at least have the comfort of knowing that his sentiments regarding the condition of the streets are held by a large proportion of the people of the city who, valid as the reasons may be for slow action, are becoming very impatient over the rocks on the roads and the dust in their noses. cepted, payment to lie made $200 cash and $35 monthly. A finance committee recommendation that funds up to $12,-000 be advanced to the school board tr cover school pxnpnrM- Jtures for June was adopted by 1 council last night. , Finance cpmmittpe. reported the sale of the following city-owned lots: West half lot 8, block 11, section 1 to N. A. S. Pett for $215; lots 21, 22 and 23, block 25, section 8 to M, F. Stuart for $165 per lot; lots 10 and 11, block 4, section 2 to R. E. Roberts for $580; lot C, block 1, section 6 to A. W. Bellamy and A. K. Tweed for $1,055. Alderman N. E. Arnold was elected acting mayor by her fellow aldermen last nteht durlne the I forthcoming absence of Mayor Daggett who Is going to Vancouver a week Thursday to attend the annual convention of the Canadian Federation of. Mayors and Municipalities. An application by the Parent Teachers' Association to hold a tag day In October was granted by city council. October 5 was the date set by the aldermen. A reoort of the licencing committee stating that three business licences had been granted was received by council. Licences were granted to Cecil Hemmcns to operate a wood fuel business; Hemmons Brothers to ODeraie a roller, rink and to R. W. VIck to retail oil burners. SOUTHEND, Eng., ) Because men's knees were too knobby, girls were chosen as Roman soldiers in a church pageant. ;SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies : Consult us' for your needs In all types of printing work Everything In high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE oobcKiooaooowjaaoDDiHKioBocHjooBSoaoDcwoDODOoeoootiot REX CAFE ; SECOND AVENUE,, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 am. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 POST OFFICE COMPLAINT FILED A complaint bv C. F. Dawson of the federal Public Works Department that bus patrons crowding the Federal Buildlne steps In the eaiiv mornlnes made It necessary to keep the posi omce doors closed until 7:45 in the morning and that the steps of the building are left littered with papers and cigarette stubs was ordered filed by city council last nlht after the alderrnen had declared the mat ter beyond their jurisdiction. "We have no power to keen anyone off the post office stpps or to. make the bus company Change, its stopping place." Al derman Hills said. w.v.vw.w.w.v.v.w TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralorne 13.75 Ii. R. Con H li. R. X H ..Cariboo Quartz 3.35 Dentonla 4G'i. Grull Wlhksne 14, Hedley Mascot 1.73 ' j Mlntp 06'4 Pioneer 5.20 I Premier Border 094 j Premier Gold 1.03 Privateer 62 Reeves McDonald C1.50 Reno n Salmon Gold 18 Sheep Creek 1.25 Taylor Bridge .65 Whitewater .03 Vananda 38 Congress 14 Pacific Eastern 14 Hedley Amalgamated.. .12? Spud Vlaley .20 Oils- . A. P. Con 11 Calmont 33 C. & E 2.10 Foothills 1.40 Home 3.35 ' Toronto Aumaque 88 Beattie 1.25 BobJo 19 Buffalo Canadian 27 Cons. Smelters 99.00 Eldona 60 Elder 90 Giant Yellowknife 7.40 Hard rock 79 Jackknife 20 Jollet Quebec .70 Little Long Lac 2.35 Madsen Red Lake 3.75 Macleod Cockshutt 2.35 Moneta C8 Omega 30 Pickle Crow 3.64 San Antonio 5.00 Senator Rouyn 90 Sherritt Gordon 2.05 Steep Rock -.. 3.40 Sturgeon River .28 Lynx 27 Lapaska 39 God's Lake 70 Negus 2.89 The first advertisement In a Canadian newspaper , appeared on Monday, March 23, 1752 In 1S37 advertisersspent $35,000,000 in Canadian dally newspapers. PRINCESS VISITS THE VANGUARD The crew of the II.M.S. Vanguard, Britain's latest and greatest battleship, crowd every available vantage point to watch the departure of her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth. The Princess had witnessed commissioning of the ship and dedication of the chapel. OFFICE BOY HAD ANSWER By F.'NID NEMY Canadian rress starf. , Writer WINNIPEG, 0)--lt doesn't pay. to tell a lie take it from one who knows. Several days ago a girl reporter was looking out of the office window. Suddenly her editor roiml: "Whatdaya think you're doing studying astronomy?" "No, I'm trying to cure myself ol a phobia a fear of heights you know, what's it called?" "What is It called?" "I can't remember." "Well, rind out what kind of a reporter are you?" ' First 'he asked her co-workers. Thry all knew it but . JLThen she queried news writers and editors of the city's. Jwo dailies. She Wt them spluttering ove;- dictionaries, books of synoiiyms and Host's ThesaurustjFfnally, she started dialingM psychology professor lfftTTtfat th ;fp f her tongue, but that was as far as it wentA social service executive couldn't, think of it butViaid he'd look through his library. Then came Die inspiration radio announcers. Thpy, claim to know everything. She" visited three radio station-! and queried evervnne from Hip news editor to the .control operator. (Thej didn't know but thpy also started nlmning" friends, relative. nnd mere acquaintances. The reporter, slightly ha-jgard by this time, returned rtiTher ofrire. Toronto was queried, but didn't know. New York atleast Anclican-Unitcd Pastor Exchange TORONTO The committee working on union between the United Church and the Anglican Church in Canada has announced plans for an exchange of pastors in smaller areas as a preliminary move. It would take two or three years to make any definite plan, the committee said. Better English By D. C. WJLLIAM3 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "I shall be heme Saturday." ' 2. What is the correct pro. nunciation of "adverse"? 3. Which one of thpse words is misspelled? Raccoon, ragged, raddlsh, rabbit. 4. What does the word "perimeter" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with imp that means "immature"? Answers pUflay. "Ii shall- he nt home, .saniruay.' z. Accent urst syllable, not the last. 3. .Radish. . The whole outer boundary of a body or figure. "Ope side of the square lot measured-50 feet Its pprimeter 200 feet." 5. came back with an answer the wrong one altophobla. She sat and gazed at the typewriter keys. The office boy strolled by. "What's bothering you kid?" he asked. j She told him. ! 'Yon mean Arcophobla." he said casually. "PHYSIOTHERAPISTS AND MASSAGE PRACTITIONERS ACT" NOTICE is hereby given, that under the Provisions of the Physiotherapists and Massage Practitioners Act, being Chapter 59 of the Statutes of P.C., 11MG, Parts, I, II, and III, persons to whom this Act applies are required to. nfake written application to the Provincial Secretary at Victoria, to be registered, befpre the 1st day of July, IMG. Applications are to be accompanied by supporting documents of qualification and the required fee. Members of His Majesty's Forces or of any of the Forces of an ally of His Majesty to whom this Act applies may make application to register within six months of the commencement of this Act, which was on the- 11th dav of April, 9-1(3. or within six months of the dav of their discharge, whichever date is later. G. S. PEARSON, . Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's Department, Victoria, B.C. ARBITRATION IS UNDER WAY Hoard to Set Pilcc of Civic Centre Convenes Here This Afternoon Impressing those present with its obvious sense of responsibility and business-like procedure, the Board of Arbitration appointed to make a binding decision as to the price to be paid to the federal government for the former National War Services building here which Is already In use as a civic centre convened this af ternoon in the board room of the Civic Centre. II. O. T. Perry, J.P., of Prince George, former Minister of Education, who had been selected as third member by both rep resentatives Hiram Wooster of1 Vancouver, representing the government, and J T. Harvey, the Civic Centre Association wag In the chair. He announced that the hearings would bo open to the public and presa but the deliberations of the Board would bo private. The Chairman then read the agreement between the Department of National Defence and the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Association which fprmcd the order of reference to the Board of Arbitrators. The Board has power to subpoena witnesses and to requlro the production of any documents and information deemed necessary. Among representatives of the Civic Centre called upon to make remarks were T. II. Younra. chairman of the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Association: rr R. G. Large! vice-chairman; Aid. Furniture Repaired Upholstering; - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small " band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre DINING CAR SUP'T NAMED WINNIPFf; T!;, of u. j. Mm: , , era! .v,;;,. . and dini!!" , western n the C:ni;V:;i Hp .sucrn-ii who Is on , result, of :; was fii: in t . ; ing ear sir, monton. ;,! Kdmonton ; been a1; i t: there. Advertise ) r,, in Mil rv, v. , , , p . C. O. Ham, rrw ,r.-.n. and Don Fou.,rd c.vic r, manasm . THE JOB: "Signals and communications" the nerve-system of the Air Force. Training courses cover the latest developments in radar, radio, wireless and telephony, producing expert operators and mechanics in each field. Service or civil experience in any branch of communications can mean immediate advancement in "trade grouping" and hence in pay. Applicants should normally possess junior matriculation or its equivalent in technical school Or a recognized school of commerce. Previous trade experience is not essential. Individual trades .include wireless operator, wireless mechanic, radar mechanic, radip mechanic, radio operator (ground) and six phone trades: cable, combination, -construction, switchboard, teletype and toll. There are openings also in many other ground trades. THE PAX: Basic pay plus living allowances for non-commissioned ranks runs from $95 rponUily for Aircraftman Class 2 to $188 for Warrant Officer Class 1; extra pay for trade proficiency and increased pay after three years in any rank; marriage allowance of $20 a month; free uniform clothing and medical and dental service. )ervice Spells THE PENSION: A lifetime m-come on discharge after 20 : tr ' r more service; pensions or Rr.ituiti s in the event of prior discharnc on medical grounds, and pensions or gratuities to widows or childr. n in the event of death while on servi re VETERANS' PREFERENCE: As among applicants, war vetcr.inj applying for reappointment will receive preference, and if accepted will be reappointed to the ranks they held at the time of their discharge, or to the nearest ranks which establishment permits; and their prior service will be a factor in promotion nnd pension. TERMS OF SERVICE: Applicants without previous service must be over 18 and Under 26. Good conduct, satisfactory medical category and educational qualifications will enable applicants to enlist in Regular Air Force for five years and re-enRi ge thereafter for further five year terms. VHERE TO APPLY: Applications should be made to Western Air Command, T.CAF, Joint Services Headquarters '1th Avenue West, Vancouver, Il.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR j OTTAWA, CANADA j Hon. Colin Gibson, Minister H. Ff Gordon. Deputy Minuter . t if, "- ' WE HAVE: Kirch Wood, It", per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 11", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 11", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winder. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP (.46 ; Ormes IM. "Jit a Pioneer Druqgiats 9 STOIti: HOURS O Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m. Ii" 1" l,nl Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m. till 9 P-"1 Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Ul! 9 P 1,1 I) A I L Y I) E L I V K II Y S K K V I C K PHONE 81 LING THE TAILOR We are taking- cleaning and pressing and steam pressing; while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street Quality Repairs Economy Prices at I PRINCE RUPER'I SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post