Open Your Heart TO THEIR NEEDS! They go in ra?s because war has destroyed their homeland. You can help clothe their suffering . . . bring a smile to their sad eyes. The clothes you don't need ... the boots and shoes you no longer wear ... dig them out. Wrap your bundle in paper, tie boots together. Take your contribution to your collection depot. GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. "Everything for the Home" MILLIONS ARE IN DESPERATE NEED of Your Spare Clothes, Blankets, Hoots Still their need cries out! Stil lhomes and villages lie Ehattered in the aftermath of war. Without adequate clothing how can they face the winter? Blankets and sheets for hospitals . . . underwear and shoes . . . sturdy work clothing . . . warm garments ... all these are needed. Dig them out today and take them to your collection centre. Second Avenue GRAND CAFE Prince Rupert Only You Can Help! SICKNESS AND COLD hang like a threatening cloud over helpless millions over whose homes the rage of war has passed. Lack of clothing Is one of the causes. You can help. Dig through your closets dig out spare clothes old shoes, bedding. 'Take your contribution to your nearest collecting depot. II. G. HELGERSON LTD. Rentals Insurance Heal Estate They Need Your -CAST-OFF CLOTHING Clothing you may consider old can bring new life to some suffering person to whom the war has brought despair and destitution. Work clothes, wearable boots and shoes . . . underwear and bedding are particularly needed. Won't you go through your closets today?. BLACK AND WHITE CABS CALL 13 CLEAR YOUR CONSCIENCE AND YOUR CLOSETS! Contribute your used clothing to the National Clothing Collection, millions In war ravaged countries need clothes desperately in the fight for survival. GWe generously. C6w Bay Smiles Cafe Prince Rupert STRICKEN PEOPLE IN WAR-TORN LANDS NEED CLOT a OOTS COLLECTION CENTRES: HEADQUARTERS Red Cross Rooms. POST OFFICES Daily, 8 a.m. to G p.m. UNITED CHURCH HALL Tuesday and Thursday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. I'RESHYTERIAN CHURCH HALL Tuesday and Friday, 2 p.m. to 1 p.m. K. OF C. HALL .Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday and Friday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. V NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL HALL Monday through Saturday, all day. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Monday through Saturday afternoons. , WESTVIEW SCHOOL Monday through Friday, S a.m. to 5 p.m. CONRAD STREET SCHOOL Monday through Friday during school hours. THIS APPEAL IS HEING MADE ON HE HALF OF THE NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION Y PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZENS AND FIRMS WIPJtfE NAMES APPEAR ON THIS PACE EXPOSURE!! Millions Without Clothing in War-Torn Lands Face Suffering and Death From Exposure! Their need can be relieved and countless lives saved by ' the clothing given by Canadians. OJve generously! Get together all the clothing you can spare., Wrap In paper, tie securely, tie boots and shoes in" pairs. Take It to your nearest collecting depot. VALENTIN DAIRY PRINCE RUPERT OPEN YOUR HEART and your clothes closet door . . . DIG OUT ALL THE USED CLOTHING YOU CAN SPARE, THEN DIG OUT SOME MORE! WRAP IT IN PAPER AND TURN IT IN TO YOUR COLLECTION DEPOT. MAKE SURE THE CLOTHING IS CLEAN AND THAT THERE ARE NO MATCHES IN THE POCKETS. TIE HOOTS TOGETHER. THE NEED IS DESPERATE! John McLeod, Proprietor E. T. KENNEY LTD Terrace, B.C. Your Spare Clothes... Blankets...Boots are the answer to the great need of millions of men, women and children in shattered lands. Warm garments for folk of all ages . . . sturdy work clothing . . . all these are needed. Many are lying unused in your closets. Dig them out. Give them to the National Clothing Collection for Overseas Relief. North Star Bottling Works THE NEED For Your Sparc Clothing IS DESPERATE In many parts of the world the aftermath of war li more terrible than war itself! Millions of iu. nccent people, untouched by shot and shell m, ...jW laid open to dlwe and suffering becau . of shortage of clothing which even endum-.-very lives. Give generously of all the clothL.g J2U can sparel PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO - OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION What YOU can Do!! GET TOGETHER ALL THE CLOTHING YOU CAN SPARE! TAKE IT TO YOUR NEAREST COLLr . TION DEPOT, ft EM EMBER, YOU CAN INCLUDE A SHORT PERSONAL MESSAGE WITH YOUR C . :i TRIDUTION. Support the National Clothing Drive for Overseas Relief! laxi oZ laxi (John Gurvieh) HELP THE Clothing Drive Give your GOOD USED clothing to those in need . . . nuY Good New Clothing hum W. F. STONE CALL ME DILL" "CLOTIILS OF DISTINCTION" The CLOTHES you no longer wear... arc desperately needed by the suffering millions in lands ravaged by war. livery garment jou give means one more human being saved from - told, sickness and possible death. Make up a bundle of spare clothing. Take it to jour 'nearest rolleclioii centre. KAIEN HARDWARE They Need Your Cast-Off Clothing Cry the desperate millions of war-shattered Europe Your conscience can spur you on to only one answer to their cry-GIVE GENEROUSLY! 'Canadian shold the key to their clothing need; In clothes closets filled with used but still usable garments. Dig them out. Wrap them up. Take them to your collecting centre. TAFT AND ODOWES HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING1 Thlrd