Prince Rupert Dailp; &tw$ Saturday, April C, 1946 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. CwA. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week ... .15 Per Month 65 Per Year 7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year 4.00 MEMBER ABO. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa). Let's Clear the Air Too much has been said by labor on generalities as compared with the too little said by the who meet the payrolls in the basic industry which gives this community its existence and who are in most cases but one step removed from the men they hire, says Prince George Citizen edi-torally. "Fair and adequate wages" has a resounding appeal worthy of fullest ;support. They should ensure the worker a square deal. But when higher than "fair and adequate" wages are sought, the employer's position and that of the consuming purchaser, or in other words, the market, should be considered so that a proper balance might be struck. . Jf labor would present the facts WHAT to show how higher wages per hour and less hours per week will increase production, demonstrate the mechanical improvements that are desirable in industry for the same purpose, and ensure that disciplinary action would be taken against loafing and slacking union members, their stand could be made much firmer. If the "boss man" would become a little less stiff-necked and show the problems he wrestles with, such as costs, the break-down of what is entailed in operations, the effect of reduced hours and increased wages, ;there would be a better understand? ing and appreciation. At present there is a measure of intolerance which -denies the public a clear picture on which 'to form an unbiased opinion. -A good deal of the uneasiness which has crept into the public mind over present labor disputes might well be despatched if both parties to the dispute would lift the veil. In the final analysis it is the public who are involved, for the entire economy qi British Columbia Is subject to the outcome of negotiations between the International Woodworkers of America (C.I.O.) and B.C. lumbermen. Prince Rupert Need (Bein? one of a series of suggestions by readers of the Daily News for the betterment of this city). ; Prince Rupert needs, In my opinion, and that of various other persons I have talked to on the subject, better places of j entertainment. We expect, and '.hope ' lor -tourist trade during jour summer months but what have we got to offer a stranger 'In the way of entertainment except two movies a week, poor ;dance halls and even, Sis a rule, 'have poor orchestration. The better class of people want 'something better. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR t if pain ChlropracUcl If nerves --doubly , sol Smith Block Green 995 BOX 13G Oil Burner Installed IB PHONE 108 Serviced s I suggest a supper club with a modern orchestra, and perhaps a floor show; run respectably, yet offering a different form of entertainment to anything we have now. This would be a place where we might wear formals if we choose without havingthem ruined. We could enjoy supper to good music in pleasant surroundings. As an added attraction a 'beer licence could be had the same as bigger cities. (Name witheld by request Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN AIRY PHONE 857 & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night. Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black Cl CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTinNG Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your' Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED 127 Ask for George Phone Blue 850 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED. Transient Rooms C a f e In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Green ireen & ot G P.O. Box 1464 vorrins All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT- LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 P.M. TO 4 PJU. This is a service for your convenience are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK "MORRISON you Dog's Life? Fido Has Troubles Too PRINCE GEORGE The city council of thlsinterior city has learned that It is profitable to "go to the dogs." The city's financial statement reveals 'that, whlle$345 was contributed to the civic coffers In dog taxes in 1945, the poll tax netted only $199, LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 19971-1 'to 'Lots 29 and 30. Block 6. 'DU trlct lot 369. Village of Terrace, Map B7Z. WHEREAS (satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of Henry Stewart Creelman has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby Riven that I cnau, at tne expiration or one montn from the .date of thetlrst publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said 'lost certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., thin '4th day of March. 1946. A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar? of Titles. IN THE SiUPREMf COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP FREDERIC LANZA. OTIIER-'WISE KNOWN AS FREDERICO LANZA. DECEASED. NO TICK TO ( ItF.IUTOItS AMI OTIIKUK TAKE NOTICE that Jettera probate 01 tne last win 01 rTeaeric lanzu. otherwise known as Frederlco Lanza, deceased, formerly .of Prince Rupert, nmisn uoiumma, wno dtea at prince Rupert. British Columbia, en or about the 15th day of December. 1945. were issued to uuiseppe Basso-Bert, sole executor, of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, out of the Prince Rupert District Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, on the lath day of March. 1940. ah persons indebted to the sal'J estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to the solici tors -or aulseppe Basso-Bert forthwith: and pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act, all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file the name properly authenticated with the mil. cltora of Qulseppe Basso-Bert on or before the 15th day of May. il90. after which time distribution of the saia estate win be made. liahi,; regard only to claims which have been so filed. DATED at Prince Runert. n Cf thl 22nd day of March. 1946. BIMJWN AND HARVEY, Besnor. Block, Prince Rupert. B.C., Solicitors for Giuseppe Basso-Bert, Executor. Ml WRITES DRY WITH WET INK ff STARTS IN A SPLIT SECOND Mm NO BLOTTER MM is needed mm YOU CAN'T GET YOUR FINGERS INK-STAINED Come in . . SEE IT DO THINGS NO PEN EVER DID BEFORE At last the Marvelous Parker "51" pen is here. Come in and try it. See how it starts in a split second . . . writes dry with wet ink. Watch the "51" perform these miracles. Pens il5.00 and $18.00. Pencils $6.00 and $9.00. , 4.32 McRAE BROS. I, IMITED Agriculturalist To Be Transferred PRINCE GEORGE E. J. Manning, who has been district agri-l culturalLst at Prince George for the Jast five years, has -been transferred to Salmon Arm-where jie will take over from . G, Mulrhead who has been transferred to Grand Forks, The name of his successor has not yet been announced. The transfer is expected to become effective about Easter time, but In the meantime, Mr. Manning has left for Armstrong to attend a conven tion of the :North Okanagau, Dairymen's Association. Buy War Savings Stamps torlous forces of law and order. Officially, the casualties numbered eight, some from gunshot wounds, others from such impromptu armament as rocks, clubs and 'bunched hands. Forty-four members of the defeated "army" found themselves! lodged in an equally Impromptu open air "bull pen" which was run up on the spot Just back of the present Post Of flee where a lane now runs. The battle, fought on April 6, 1911. near where the Central Hotel now stands, began when some 500 Tstrlklng city street building construction workers took violent measures to remove a small group of strikebreakers. The law and a number of citi zens went 'to the assistance of the weaker group. ' "There was," said a contem porary report in The Optimist, forerunner of the Dally News, "hardly a word of good, clean English spoken from 'Hie ranks of the strikers. "Five hundred men," said The Optimist, "made a fierce attack with rocks and guns on & few strikebreakers and were pluck- Sergeant Phlllipson and Con stables Mansell, Morrison, Mc-Arthur and Leek. Forty -four strikers were arrested and a "bull" pen was hastily run up on Government Square for their accommodation." Officially wounded were Nick Pavich, serious; Blago Mulavich and Mike Sekovich, strikers; Sgt. Phlllipson, W. A. Casey, George Leek, S. H. Watson and William "Watson, the latter five being special constables and citizens. Mr. Casey, who was a young construction engineer, had n finger shot off by a bullet. Sgt. Phlllipson "got Into a light cor ner for a moment or so and had a bullet wound across the temple from a striker's revolver." "It was In the rush up the hill to the sergeant's assistance," the Optimist continued, "that the fiercest passage of the tussle was fought. It seemed for a moment that the mass of the mob would force the defending police and citizens over the bluff and a dozea fights raged at once." The battle had a large num ber 'of reprecussions in the law courts, six of the strikers ending up in jail in the south for periods ranging from six to J8 months. "OOVFRNMEN1 LIQUOR ACT" NOTH K OP .U'l'I.H'.UION I'Olt rovar.NT to ticanhtk or nu it i.k i.nci: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the '10th dav of May, A.I). 1940. the underKipuod Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transier oi Jieer Licence No. 73'J'J Issued In respect of premises belns; TMirt of a hulldlnc known as Knox Hotel, Kill m te at first Avenue In the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirteen 113) and Fourteen (14) of Block Two (2) of Sectlon One (1) Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the province ot Hritish Columbia, from HKAUIJIJ1N MOTEL 'CO. iLTLV. to KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD.. of Prince Hunert. British Columbia, the Trans- leref. dated nt Vancouver, B(!, this am im oi Mtirrn, A.U. 1048 KNOX HOTEL COMPANY LTD., By J C. LABELLE. President, Applicant and Transferee. 101 Waterfront Whiffs Snagboat Essington Hack in Commission for Season Preparations for Trolling .Season The Battle of Kelly's Cut (Prince Rupert, B.C.) By GEO, B. CASEY 1 Come all you workers If you want tfi:hp:ir. To feed our families we 'had to get more. In a little old church upon the hill, A union was formed that is remembered still; Prince Rupert Industrial Association was.the union's name And at the Kelly Cut Battle It won Its fame. Some members were from Sweden, and some Came 'from Spain; others came from'Servla, And the State of 'Maine; Ireland had her quota', England had a few; Scotland had her number, And Italy too. In that Union we had some men Who could coin you a nickel from an old hair ;pln; All went well up lo that day, When trom a parade a few did stray, To a Scabby Spot along theway; Within a minute a battle did slajt, And as a Union all .took.part. Some threw rocks, others had a gun, Bellcve me or not, it was no fun. All mations were at war. And missiles Hew; police came running, And arrested quite a few. A 'bull pen was built, Our boys placed Inside; A court was then held, And many took a ride. To the pen they were. sentenced, up to seven years. If you:had atieart It would drive you to tears. The result of that battle never will die, In the 'ht arts. of Old Timers lt still does lie. A wage scale was established, and there did remain, Until the workers moved and revised it again. A boycott was established, and REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEIir ITOTEL Chop Suey Chow JWein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. .to ,2 a.m. TIIONE 173 The government snagboat Essington, which will soon start its summer's work of cleaning obstruc-j tions from the navigation channels of the Skeena and Naas liivers, was wetting 'her waddles in the harbor. Eridav;afternoon .after her winter rdi'it at the !Prince. Tlupert dry. dock. Manoeuvring about the harbor ; wllh her bright red stern wheel Epic Battle of Kelly's Cut Fought-35 ears Ago Today Bullet Wounds, Jail Sentences Resulted From Historic Labor Conflict in Days When Prince Rupert Was Young City The epic "Battle of Kelly's jC.ut," a 'monumental passage of violence and profanity in Prince TCuport's early history, was fought 35. years ago this afternoon. There are in the city loduv. it is understood, veterans of that battle who would lie entitled wear combat ribbons and draw pensions if such rewards had been given out by 'the lvlc-T fluttering, the Essington created I will tell yoii'the story of,a great fn"t eet strnnded in the river r pioneer; Prince Rupert is the Pioneer's name; The way she started she won her fame. Her streets were of plank, her people of 'pluck, Who had gathered on the town site To try their luck. a picture reminiscent of Mark Twain's Mississippi In Its steamboat heyday or even the Skeena when Port Essington and Hazel -ton corresponded to New Orleans and St. Jo-lhe terminals of steamboat traffic. The Essington cut quite .a nostalgic figure,, tramping the harbor, trained iby a lazy plume of smoke. Except for the derrick on her bow, she might have been one of the early Skeena River steamboats which took supplies and passengers to Hazelton before the steel of Hip drand Trunk 'Pacific paralleled the river's course and pushed them Into disuse. As lt is, however, her purpose Is highly practical. Freshet conditions on the rivers in the spring bring down uprooted trees, some of enormous size, which more often than as the water level subsides, These snags are dangerous to the hulls of fishing vessels and other traffic and can cause fishermen considerable expense if their nets get' caught in them. The Esslngton's Job is to remove these snags from the rivers. This year the Essington prob ably will follow the procedift e of Tile railroad was coming, and I former years by going up the that we knew, Our .hopes were many but our dollars few; A, port was to open lo world wide trade, A lot then 'held was a fortune mode. Some Hind no lot. and had no coin, 1 So a pick and shovel they had to Inln- ily fought ofTby Chief Vickejs. w smjlll andlhe ralrl didpour, Skeena to do some preliminary channel clearing, then going up the Naas for the Job In that river. Usually In midsummer the snagboat returns to the Skeena while the river level Is low and completes the Job. Last year the "vessel operated for only a portion of the sca-soiOhavlng been partially destroyed by a fire which razed the superstructure while she was moored jit 'the C.N.H. dock, She was rebuilt at the Prince soon put on the bum, The man who had the store, and was handy with th0 gun, So boys, keep up your courage, Though it is no fun; You will never win the battle U you turn and run. P.S,: Through the Intervention of the B. C. Federation of 'Labor, with the Minister of Justice, the victims of the struggle were liberated from prison in 1912. G. B. Casey. IN (THE SUI'llEMF COURT Or BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ERTATF. OP HENRY SHARP M1SNER, DECEASED -- INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of 1 1 Li Honor. JutlRe W. E. Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Brit ish Columbia. I was on the '2nd day of April. '1940, appointed AuminiH trutor of the Estate 'of Henry Sharp Misner, wna uiea on. or aooui me 14th clay of January, 1940. All per sons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims bKulnst the nam Estate are required to me them with me proerly varlflitl on or before the 18th day nf May, 194C, fallluK which distribution will be made having le;ard only 'to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED nt Prince Rupert. n.C. this 2ml day of April. A.D. 1M40. OORDON P FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rilx;rt, B.C. -02 Advertise In The Dally News. FURNITURE MOVING PACKING - CRATING and STORAGE Est. 1910 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE i STORAGE LTD. PHONLS GO and C8 j You Call.., We Haul Rupert "dry dock, wriere she was constructed In 1931 Although he Is due for superannuation this year, Capt. John D. Watson of the Esslngton will continue to command the 'boat this summer. A veteran of many, I years on the rivers, Capt. Wat-json will however train W. T. itooerison, wen Known iiigDoai' , 1 , ... , Fishing company scows are being readleJHfor the trolllrf? season which Is developing only slowly so 'fur, but 'which will, In crease In activity during thlsf month. The United Fishermen's Co-operative scow from Sklde-1 gate Is moored at the government dock walling to be moved back to the Islands while Atlin' Fisheries have a large campN scow aiso tied up oianeir wnariv Al Certificate for China Coaster Prince Rupert Dry Dock and CHIIKCII NOT I C ES I'rlnrr -Kupert Full fiospcl Tabernacle 221 Cth-Ave. West. Rev. J. Llnney, Pastor. 11:00 .a.m.-Devotlonal. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per. 12:15 .m. Sunday School. 7:30 D.mEvaneellstlc. Subject: TJie Wise Fear Theln Lord." Tuesday, 8 p.m. Bible Study. Thurs., 2 p.m. Women's Mis sionary Prayer Hand. Fri., 8 p.m. "Youne People's. Come and 'enjoy good congregational singing. St. VnuYn Lutheran Church Pastor: A. O. Aasen Res.: 437 7th Ave. East 11:00 a jn. Public examination of Mission Class. 3:00 p.m. Norwegian Service. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. St. Peter's Anglican WW Novelties Church Seal Covo Special Preacher; Canon W. P. Rushbroqk Sunday, April 7 10:00 ajn Holy Communion. H:00 a.m. Bible Class and Sunday school. 7:30 p.m.-Evening Service. 1WU2MC AND" REFRESHING A 4sh in thi mtamt whtn . Mdtd Aat ham . imh , Shipyard eanp, j it- t , ductlon nf vr,i ', this week who , t s q lotte the .second Chlr grnnted , UJA. POntf certificate ai Z. her trial rim n ' ". thoueh mi :h; ' I uiiii.mian re skipper, in the methods of snag, under classify 410- kow operation with a view to culirir Mr. Honertson taxing command . as "A-Onc next season. Mnn fie nnn.nll.. ,..... ., .. ii-uium anu Mr to the bulltlei lmiTiprli.,.,... ? !nr n trinl ..... ""-1 Kit ...... . .. ,ui , U a COmDllmenl 1,. - uauuuy some fault , i nr no,.. lotte went throti h , I.. .!. it. . up at the dr unrk i ' wharf alor irir , ..... ... . " s ami nihil. Off: . government ikr.i, I (Ml V ()f CHURCHES Times of Scrvicog Services In ull :: and 7 '10 p m at 12:16 xrept ANGLICAN CATIIKLIUI 4th Av- W D- f Kiind.' Rector: Haul E Pi : g ' It FIRST BAITIST am Ave e y f Minuiiei i W CT lltltl lf ItM........ oin avi Mm .ii Pastor A. O. A , if. first i'iu:si:nutu Miniatii A. F A' v. I )r,. SALVATION' AIIMY l'i . - CO. AUi 1' b , : FIRST FMTII) c:to t -, A Mlnl:,i i 11 t. v. Hf Regular B Services I.O Il.i: Hull (5th Ave. and McbY We preach Chriit c KUCIKIRD IIOWNH) OM1NO 12:15 p.m. Sunday Tonic: "IIIMIIID I.OlrtLIlt! (The Spies l;nniasked upt-unw. - " " r-ociii t ci v:i V(;l Lord'd Suppc f - i :em. :c Wed., 8 p.m. Pi-verMt Thurs. (LODE Hii 3:30 n.m. Ml .a: Bi: 8.00 p.m. Ycu. Ps Society TIIR WHOLE BIBLE F THE WHOLE WOULD APRIL FOOL YOUR BUDGET! For Easter Gifts, Easter Cards and all the things you need this moyth. come to Till: VAIUKTV STOKE! We've cards a id gifts to please everyoie. Come In and have fun Just looking around I THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Household FURNiSHIN TAFT & ODOWES Ten percent discount for all ex srrvi; vmrn under the establishment cretin. "OUR PRICES ARE RIOIIT We Have Done' GS i-. .mill! IB" IT Seeing is Helievlmr COME IN - ,or 'h rotf "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with Hie bIa(K Indicalliiff one of the Bareains of the Kay! MllttAIIFM't FfnNDMY STORE rnones la ana ia .. ...U.I lUppOSHB UailWIUIl i i TtiiTTiTff m. rn. t'iuti I T TAT T TAYVT ' LLm Lm. Lm Ikkkklii I AATAAATAAA m m M HH flVVf Till I I T4TT It! TT m M B MM lklkUki liiiiifiii mm ihh atVwi I aiAWWIam LLLm LLLL H B W W Y I il ' I tATAItllAA V TT IAIWTaAW4.II . . A.JLIIVTIII