4 IDrlncc Uuucrt Daily JScUis Saturday, April 6, 1946 They're Alive with j Style! I a Wall HOLLYWOOD CAFE SUNDAY SPECIAL DINNER' MENU $1.25 5 P..W. to 8 T.M.. COCKTAIL CRAB COCKTAIL HOR'S D'OUEVRE SALTED ALMONDS CRISP CHICKEN BROTH POTAGE POISSON FRIED FRESH OYSTERS M.D. HOTEL SALAD . SPRING VEGETABLE SALAD PURE M. . ENTREES CHOICE,' BOILED YOUNG FOWL WITH CREAM CAULIFLOWER HOLLYWOOD TENDER JUICY STEAK, MUSHROOMS BARBECUED PORK (CHINESE STYLE) BARBECUED CHICKEN ROAST YOUNG CHICKEN, FINE HERBS FRENCH LAMB CHOPS WITH SMALL PEAS CREME MASHED POTATO FRENCH FRIED POTATO PETIT POIS EN CREME " . ' DESSERT APPLE PIE TEA LEMON PIE BEVERAGE COFFEE S. E. PARKER LTD. are pleased to announce the appointment of Gus Stromdahl as Shop Foreman. Gus has had several -years of experience with S. E. Parker Ltd. and with a full staff of seven qualified mechanics, and up-to-date equipment, Parker Garage is now in a position to turn out Guaranteed Mechanical work. .MOTORISTS! Phone Hit, and ask for Gus. DON'T FORGET! ere's 3 fcSfwj S Of Course! CELERY SWEET PICKLE CREME DE TOMATO ICE CREAM MILK Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE ir h E. PARKER LIMITED 170 East 3rd Avenue J.H.Mair Auctioneer Having, purchased the business known as "Scotty's F i s h a n d Chips," all bills owing against the business must be presented by Monday, April 8th, otherwise no accounts will be recognized by the present owner. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS - LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block . LIMITED P.0: Box 1381 Phone 50a Evenings: Green loa Cardinal Third Baseman Signed ST LOUIS Whitey Kurowskl, third baseman of the St. LouLs Cardinals, has signed his 1946 contract to end hLs long holdout. The contract was signed after a brief conference with President Sam Breadon. Neither would discuss terms but Kurowskl said the contract was a compromise. IMPROVED BRAKE ON 1946 FORD , Improved passenger car brakes are one of the many features of the new 1946 Ford cars, according to Stan Parker of S. E. Parker Ltd. "Our engineers and technical t men of the Ford Engineering Laboratory have gone after three big things in car brakes," Mr. Parker explained. "First, brakes that stop you quickly with Just a light touch of the pedal; second, longer life in the brakes themselves and in the lining; and third, silent operation." Ford brakes on 1946 cars are self-centering, with slotted shoes. This means that the brake pressure applies evenly over the entire brake drum surface, giving a smoother, quicker ' stop, and helping to prevent excessive wear of the lining. By designing the brakes so that no local points of pressure can develop, any tendency to squeal has been virtually eliminated. And servicing of brakes has been made easier, 'Mr. Parker continued. The eccentric anchor pins have been replaced by fixed pins that greatly simplify the task of replacing brake linings. The fluid reservoir unit In the master unit Is easy to reach for adjustment or servicing. A valuable safety device used on previous Ford modef brakes has been retained; all sections of brake tubing which are exposed to flying stones or other destructive forces are sheathed in a protective covering of colled springs. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUSTUS HERMAN HELIN. otherwise known as HERMAN HELIN, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made on the 3rd day of April. A.D. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Justus Herman Helln. otherwise known as Herman Helln. deceased, and all parties hating claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verifU-d, to me on or before the 15th day of May. A.D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to forthwith. DATED at Prince Rurvrt B.C.. this 3rd day of April. A.D. 1946. GORDON F. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC. ASTHMA RELIEF A Mt4m UaaUxt Mttk4 Ut llltlitf tat Srmtltmi f Ailbma tf Nta-Cardac Natvrt Hoy Fmr it CAUTION: 14 Litvroiwr TWovgMr n4 Ut Only At Oil tttd. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST EXPERT - RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as'received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER INCOME TAX 324 2nd Ave. - Phone 88 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty Expert saw filing and gun.hilng. Small band-saw j brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. Phone Green 971 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA- SHORT SPORT The Montreal Canadiens arc only one game away from the j Stanley Cup and a new National i Hockey League record after whipping the Bruins 4-2 at Boston Thursday night for their third straight victory in the final series and their seventh since the playoffs besan. If the Flying Frenchmen can win the next game on Sunday, they will be the first team to win the cup ln eight straight games. The Detroit Tigers are going to give Benny McCoy a week's tryout. McCoy was owned by the Tigers some years ago but was made a free agent by Commissioner Landis In 1940. The Philadelphia Athletics paid him $45,-000 to sign a contract. After the 1941 season, McCoy went Into the service. Discharged in January he failed to make the grade with the A's this spring and was given his unconditional release. The Buffalo Bisons rumbled to an 8-2 victory over the Clevc- - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices: 60c: Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 2. BIRTH NOTICES Born to Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Hill at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Saturday, April 6, shortly after midnight, a son, Alan Wayne, 7 pounds 5'- ounces. Both mother and son doing well. Born to. Mr. and Mrs. .Roger Menard (nee Mona White) at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Friday, April 5, at 10:15 p.m., a daughter, 10 pounds, two ounces. Both mother and daughter doing well. FOR SALE FOR SALE English pram, cheap. 333 8th Ave. E. Call evenings. (87) FOR SALE Electric radio with phonograph, and four kitchen chairs. 1457 Piggott Place. (84) FOR SALE Seml-diesel marine engine, 28 B.H.P. $700, complete, with compressor. Box 101 Daily News. - (83) FOR SALE Single and double beds, complete; steel cot, complete; arm chair; two large kitchen chairs; two rockinz chairs; four dining room chairs; one congoleum rug, 9x12; small mahogany table;, drop-leaf kitchen table; two Beatty tubs and stands; small writing desk. Black 315. (82 i FOR SALE Bed, cheap. Phone . . . Til 1. rrsn n i UlUCft. Oil FOR SALE Rclier canaries .off prize stock. Males $10. Phone Blue 519. Box 315. (84) FOR SALE Beautiful rocker spaniel punpies, registered; Minsmerc Kennels, Francois Lake. B.C. (84) ! FOR SALE Treadle Singer sew ing machine. $65.00. Apply 933 Hays Cove Avenue. (82) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (89) FOR SALE 10-room house on busline, with full cement foundation and basement, with hot- I air furnace; on two good lots. I $3000. Cash or terms, with t I cash. Apply Collart St McCaf-I fery Ltd. (83) BARGAIN FOR CASH You can own a four-roomed house, fully modern, in the 500 Block, 11th Ave. East, for only $700. Apply Collart Sz McCaffery Ltd. (83) FOR SALE Simmons bed, complete, like new; Empire typewriter. Will sell or trade battery radio, complete with batteries for electric radio. Will buy record player. Phone Blue 243. (85) FOR SALE Used Essex sedan, In running order. Can be seen at S. E. Parker Ltd., 3rd Ave. 185) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite; grandfather clock; lawn mower; breakfast suite; premier duplex vacuum. Apply Mrs. Alton. 109 11th Sreet. (83 ) FOR SALE Six-room modern house, 2 lots, patent roof, full basement, with new furnace. Central to schools and downtown, $3600; furnished $4600. Three-room cottage on Utn Ave. East, partly furnished garden. Immediate occupancy $1500. Armstrong Agencies 307 3rd Ave. West. Phone 342. (85) FOR SALE McClary electric range, used. $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50: new hardwood chairs, special, $2.65; tjl-light lamps, big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio jets from $10.00; electric press Irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, 10c; slightly used kitchen set. $16.50; dining room set, seven -pieces. In good shape $45.00. All klnd3 of furniture and hardware bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. LONDON tf Admiral Lord LouU Mountbatten has been elected president of the British Institution of Radio Engineers. He has studied radio since 1925. ; land Barons Thursday night to SJ even their American Hockey League play-off series at one game apiece. The two teams were tied at one-all shortly after ths second period opened and then the Bisons broke loose for six straight goals to sew up the battle. SHEFFIELD, Eng., Olive Hudson, 13, lias 92 pen pals and writes 35 letters a week. Her postage stamps bill during the last five years exceeded $450. l0h F I T N E S JIELP WANTED WANTED Ward maids. Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply matron. (86) WANTED Camp man for fish camp. Experience in handling halibut salmon and stores. Phone 582. (81) FOR KENT FOR RENT Two room cabin, furnished. Water St. Call 1024 3rd Ave. W. (83) FOR RENT Two room suite. 209 5th Ave. W. (83) FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam-heated room, close ln. Gentleman only. Phone Green 818. (86) FOR RENT Two room suite with bath. Near Cold Storage. Phone Black 825. (84) FOR RENT Two roomed house, furnished. Apply 613 Eighth Ave. E. Phone Black 900. (84 FOR RENT Rooms. 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (87) WANTED WANTED TO RENT Nice furnished suite in good neighborhood. Phone 231. (It) WANTED TO PURCHASE New or second hand restaurant range immediately. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative As.'ociatipn, Box 264, City. (85) WANTED 36x30" propcllor. Box 101 Dally News. (83) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND .BOARD 812 2nd Ave. West Red 97C. (tf) PERSONAL LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE give Immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (82) RUGS AND CHESTERFIELD suites cleaned, shampooed and vacuumed. Phone Blue 318. (91) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This Is a positive and permanent release from drinking without cost or inconvenience. It Is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Dally News. LOSTAND FOUND LOST Large black cat on 6th Ave. East. Phone 43. (82) FOUND Two keys on ring, near city incinerator. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. WANTED TENDERS TO OPERATE RESTAURANT PARTY CAPABLE of operating and supplying all 'equipment except Range, Counters, Chairs and Tables preferred. Building and above equipment furnished at a very nomlcal rent. Will consider 3 to 5 -year lease. -Location. Falrvlew Bay, Prlrfce Rupert uaroor, Apply ln per-j son to i our Cold Storage office i Immediately. All applications; must be in before Anril 10th.! Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-t operative Association, Box 264, City. (85i 1 MACHINERY SHOVELS, draglines, diesel tractors, dlesel engines, diesel generator sets, graders, rock crushers, sand gravel equipment, lumbermen equipment. We quote prices delivered your station. Send for Bulletins. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg. (83) TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Pmlted, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phono 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. IS RETURNING TO ST. LOUIS BROWNS Vern Stephens, Star Player Of American League Team, Returns from .Mexico ST. LOUIS Vern Stephens, who jumped to the Mexican League last week when he could not come to terms with the St. Louis Browns, has "decided to come back to his old club. The star Brownie shortstop rejoined WHAT 5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYMS by JIM NAST BADMINTON This Sunday afternoon there will be badminton at the Civic Centre ym from 2 p..m to 5 pjn. The session, open to members over the age of 16, will be experimental. If sufficient Interest is shown and enough people turn out. badminton will be continued for the balance of the spring season. In order to'play at these Sunday afternoon sessions it will be necessary for the player to become a member of the Civic Centre. A 25c charge will be made, par player, per session, to defray the cost of shuttlecocks which will be supplied at the t "centre." These sessions. If carried en. should not only provide an opportunity for previous badminton players to get together again with the idea of forming a badminton club next fall but should also give the beginner an opportunity to break Into the game the easy way. MUSICAL PROGRAM In spite of many other Friday night activities, there was an encouraging number of music lovers In attendance at the Music Appreciation evening at the Civic Centre. A charming and varied program, arranged by G. R. S. Blackaby, was greatly enjoyed by those present. BASKETBALL Basketball league games tonight at G:3Q ut the "Centre" gym. i TEEN-AGE MEETING 'teen-agers will meet in the "Centre" auditorium at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. WHAT'S ON MONDAY: Gym 4:30 to 5:30, Junior girls class. Gym 5:30 t0 6:30, basketball. Gym 7:00 to 8:30. Intermediate boys; Auditorium Intermediate girls. Gym 8:30 to 9:30. senior men's class; Auditorium ladles sym class. Ladies Loupge. 8:00- -Meeting of Khatada Girls' Club. Buy more War Savings Stamps. Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience In car and truk work. CONSULT US Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace i the club at its spring training stop at San Antonio, Texas. President Richard C. Mucker-man, in announcing . Stephens' return, said the player had signed his 1946 contract. The terms of the contract were not disclosed. No disciplinary action will be taken since Stephens returned with the full approval of Baseball Commissioner A. B. Chandler and President William Har-rldge of the American League. LAST TIMES TONIGHT . . SUNDAY MIDNITE AND MONDAY MONDAY'S SHOWS 1:C0 6:55 2:42 8:18 4:05 9:35 5:35 IT WRITES DRY WITH WET INK IT STARTS IN A SPLIT SECOND IT'S THE PEN EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR Ft tltM i flS.OO i, ttneili fSJOO ti $iJOO THIRD AVENUE COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 rHONE 676 finishes, Insul-JJriek, Building Paper, eu- Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. l.UAIISER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Phones 651 and 052 Take Invlgoratlns steam i baths and massage to relieve' that tired feeling. R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Gretn 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST sfbal,sJ siie s. lp. Ar,;;.! ' Sland; JtoUywood 1 sacral BASKETBALl Tonight-7 ('inn .. . r p, 1 "DUFFY'S TAVERN" KAY ntANCIS and PAUL KELLY i; "ALLOTMENT WIVES" -ALSO- mToTofflO m - TOM NIAl BMIARA HAlt MARC (RANK j Copif COME I AND TRY Truly the ocJ f mazing pen yen ever dreamed of J jee bow it writei di with wet ink -cl blotter needed -1 inky fioeersl Trj i iplit-jecoad startio J we have now i cod plete stock of these an velous Parker "51 Pens . . . available 1 Canada for the ti time. JOHN BULGER LTD, JEWELERS (Opposite Tost OKI LING THE TAIL0F We are taking cleaning pressing and steam pre- whlle jou wait - . - Ann ewth S3 PHONE oW HUB-- HOME OWNER! IT is timi: FOR YOUP. SPKINO KElW' We have now in stock a sj i. i? .i i;tv of LCO'I Shingles, Uircb and LM Piiniiilmir in a varieiJ 1 IW . Quality Repairj Economy Prices Sj -gain rtllPFH SHOE o-j of fWrll tni lu