Say m ANTI-TUBE Two Dollars worth of Christmas Seals have now reached every household in Prince Rupert. 9 If everyone buys his share the Anti-Tuberculosis campaign will be successful. FIGHTING TUBERCULOSIS is an expensive proposition and money raised through the sale of Christmas Seals helps to provide prevention and control measures that would otherwise be financially prohibitive. Let's buy more and more Christmas Seals. They are our .'.Hies in one of the most important-health battles now being fought. r H ?! ' el IPtincc Utipcrt Daily 3clus Wednesday, December 18. lfllG RISTMA OSIS SEAL Rally To The Double-Barred C ross FIGHTING TUBERCULOSIS has become more and more a community effort, a citizens' movement. Funds raised' through the sale of Seals help pay for mass X-ray surveys, health education, nursing services and, in some instances, rehabilitation of the ex-tuberculous into profitable employment and normal living conditions. These efforts, of course, are-supported by the Canadian Tuberculosis Association and the provincial Department of Health. ,1 4? THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED'dY: t MORGAN'S MEN'S WEAR ' ORMES LTD. WATTS & NICKERSON GORDON AND ANDERSON LTD. FASHION FOOTWEAR SWEET SIXTEEN LTD. SUPERIOR GROCERS LTD. VANCE'S HOME ARTS n;-rufcerclfos Seals in Prince Rupert are distributed by The Kinsmen's Club of Prince Rupert . SEE. THAT YOUR REMITTANCES ARE PROMPTLY MADE Order More Seals From Any Kinsman or P.O. Box 429 V.