4 'III -mt. m a w I . i nut m if it r . : mm InilT EDAMT IM f :a" league ; Bis Sisters dominated last tusafs Ladles' "A" Bowling jfy.('?League play, winning three iswt fimes over Orange Ladies to . i'W UP tne highest aggregate Jf J'iy scare Of 2,628 with three games l ?,''! jM 8C3. 915 and 877 during a ses- I ' 'i(m n'cn was featured by the I if ' iVj.W -default of to teamsMLller Bay TiflS ind ldeal Cleaners. savoy swingers tooK tnree ames frcm Moose and Annette's blanked Toilers. Variety Store vrnn the default over Ideal Ckansrs and Lucky Strikes were away three games on Millar iPrty's default. K'lh individual score of the ;i n was recorded by C. Bar- t'4'r!e rf rf Lucky Strikes with 22 .aWrle jjiwhile M. Smith of Toilers came clce; S:onn with 22b. WtfV Game scores: Bis Shier 3, Orange 0. W Frjvnv Fjrinaerj 3. Moase 0. . a o t n j Variety Store 3, Idsal Cleaners 0. ORNGE Ev-ans I E. Anderson i,R. r.ud-jrson 5 II. Wide .. D. Eva -i U;i!ani'.l;ip T2TERS- nez ' ' i7e!l . Alexander 3nder ,3uuc.:cap Z'. MOOSE 'A- snt.cn a E'Icl-son (M'srr!ssn jilaniiirap 19 30 21 70 134 134 87 Si J. Hill 72 ' C. Mr.Leod 76 L. J. Menzies 143 SiB. EUerson 135 Handicap 110 Rjf-Uf ANNETTES . I- . inn l tviuuLgimiciy ijt Smit.1 117 I.McMlllan 147 S. I rjjOstashower 113 ff Dickens 149 ff'M . ti&Mx VARIETY Eh i E. Feasby 70 W, P' t "rd - 72 3Pp"Wi'T- McKinnon . 81 t -V-JVrF- Cembella Ill A. McLean 101 .Handicap 85 88 35 157 60 1&2 70 242 197 148 118 143 87 117 137 86 80 142 7: 140 612 632 180 T - 155 Dickens 110 104 234 186 113 148 87 806 945 877 114 171 109 67 112 101 106 67 431 336 jL.V?Plc? 2X1 237 H 'McLcod 121 iPt, -B?rt 174 "Menr!.s 242 H!:Callum 59 JlI.tr-'icap 39 867 TOILERS M. Emlth 109 56 0 173 142 39 134 151 163 61 520 207 133 174 154 163 39 852 875 168 130 126 113 104 110 63 127 136 156 126 85 226 85 147 77 135 110 645 751 780 213 183 155 218 123 25 171 153 no 203 138 25 160 134 162 59 128 85 5iJkif ' 523 693 723 m' sf" ICHAL CLEANERS (Default) Bfet-iW LUCKY STRIKES I I M. Scharff.. C. Barrie C. Postak .. .T. Warren ... Handicap 167 209 168 83 38 MILLER BAY (Default) - - - : 133 185 148 157 38 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 am. to 2 a ja. PHONE 173 In the first two games Kayhi took Rupert 38-37 and 28-20. As the series honors are to total points It makes ho difference how many games are won or lost. Providing the total number of points is greater one of the teams can lose the first three games and still win the series. As Kayhi has only a very slim margin (9 points) Bo-Me-Hl nas still a very good chance of copping the title. If Rupert should win It will be the first year that a local teans has luen able to win a series with Ker-chikan. These games are to be played on sext Thursday and Friday night, December 26 and 27. The games are to be held in the gymnasium at the Civic Cen tre. When the Duke of Connaught quintet from New Westminster arrives on January 1 and 2, :t will, be the first team from southern British Columbia t-have played the local high school. If this series can be pu on an annual basis much v.i! be accomplished in the way of cementing goodwill between Ru pert and the south. For year there has been an imaginary "Mason-Dixon" line drawn be 161 227 I 179 ! 181 38 i 831 812 979 CANADIAN LEGION GRAND BOXINGStiOW CIVIC CENTRE GYM DECEMBER 21 '.U) ROUNDS OF BOXING () MAIN EVENT 10 ROUNDS LEN HITCIIINS, 117 VS BENNY WINDLE, 147 SEMI-FINAL DAKKOW GOMEZ, 150 VS. LEO ADOLI'II, 150 (i PUELIJlINAltY EVENTS Tickets On Sale at Grotto Cigar Store, W. F. Stone Canadian Legion, 99 Taxi SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone Z', P.O. Box 544 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert m Wood For Sale I 1 First Class, 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second Class, trimmings up to 14-inch lengths $8 per cord j Third Class, various lengths, uncut $6 per cord Immediate Delivery Phone: Blue 976 Night Phone: Red !)7G Office: 812 Second Avenue West HIGH SCHOOL DEPENDING PUBLIC SUPPORT IN COMING HOOP SERIES During the next two weeks the Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers are going to be having a full slate of basketball games. These games involve one international and one provincial series. The international flavor is supplied when the Kayhi basketball squad will be journeying here from Ketchikan for the return games of the annual series. tween Rupert ana southern B.C. and, with Rupert opening the way for the abolishing of this "border," the credit will mostly be Booth Memorial High School and Coach Alex Bill. This ierles was to have been handled by the Basketball Association but, as the Associa tion considers the two series at such close dates an expensive gamble, they advised the Rainmakers to cancel at least one of the series. But as both Ket- We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL ItED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES O DELICATESSEN O Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Thonc 21 Third Ave. West IV J Chilean and New Westminster QHOTTO SCORES joniy nuve mrse naies open me local students decided to accept them and trust that the people of Prince Rupert will not let them down by buying tickets for all games even if they cannot be attended. As It !s a very great cxpenss to bring the "Dukes" all the way up from New Westminster, Bo-Me-Hl is hoping for capacity attendance at both games. It was a bitter blow when the Basketball Association rejected their plea for assistance, but it has Just given the students of Bo-Me-Hl that much more determination to make a success of both games. SNAKES' POO;t VISION Most snaxes nave poor vision and can hardly recognize anything standing still, but can follow moving objects with their eyes fairly well. HIGH IN MEN'S WVE-PIN LEAGUE A'ihouph thty won only two tf their three names against Moose, Grotto ashlrved the highest team scorcfor Individual games and the thrse-gaine ae-irre'srate in the Monday night sefion of the Men's Five Pin League at Rex .i.eys. Grotto's hlghet tingle ganis scora was 1,128. and the-lr "r.fe-game. total was 3.134. Highest single pint personal scoTe was gained by Ed Garner of Nor,lh Star who bowlrci 327. while the hlfh'nt thrre-?ame personal score was won bv T. Lunn of Grotto with 757. Game results were as follows: Stone'3 3, Malklns 0. Burns 3. Morgans 0. Fish Dock 3, Oyio 0. North Star 2, Co-cp 1. Grot'o 2, Mooas l. Pcplrs' store 2, Post Office 1. "rrv jPvNiw J A hlf-pound container of Picobac iM,SW00 h tei gift- toi iDy- i?,,pe, 5.c, ' jSz22sS3S&R smoker. Picobac is the pick of IWiSSmfB-' ZM Canada's Burley Crop, grown in ltl vS'i'. VmiiZiiSiBX' jJr!j sunnv. southern Ontario, where an lufiljj soil produce a top quality tobacco. M..,. .... ..gg IMPORTANT DACKFTRAI I TONIGHT DHdftLlDHLL NOTICE THURSDAY CIVIC CENTRE New Metlakatla vs. Prince Rupert Tues. Reserved Seat Tickets , 1! he honored for Thurs. game. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience i . . NEWLY DECORATED "Transient Rooms CAFE . In Connection LICENSED PREMISE8 (Renovated) PHONE 51 AND Mitt 83 KWONO SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue Wst (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE l.'KJ SPORTING GOODS KAIEN HARD WAR PHONE .1 rERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas P.O. BOX 98 I I 4 k TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. Smith) P.O. Box 107 Terrace ! 9 NAVAL naval CUSTOMS customs AND and v imtim&dimimmfch&s&m&iBaEk TRADITIONS No. 10 CHRISTMAS AT SEAt All hand enjoy the Naty'j memo rahle Yuletlde ciutomj. Every ship that can obtain some ever green tree or sprij? fastens it it to to the the masthead. masthead. And And the the youngest youngest rating rating becomes, becomes, the the critically, master of the ship, replacing the real Captain, who discharges discharges his his dmies duties for for hiin. him. Tradition also demands that the the Captain Captain personally personally serve serve recharge C O 2 Extinguishes after use. In our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 051 and G52 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phnne Black 823 Geo. CL DclWGS The Auctioneer tales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: lue . Res. Red 127 Aatc for George FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre ffl, WWM f&TJ- l W ' " PPP If & M SMam 11 i 1 Christmas Uinstmas dinner dinner to to the tne crewi crewi Protect Your Boat From FIRE See Ua for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers Bob Parker Liiniled . FORI) AND MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE 'The Home of Friendly Seivice'- WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attention X.MAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CAR OWNER Seat Covers Patching Kits Hydraulic Jacks Tires and Tubes Tire Pumps Bumper Guards Midjtet Car-sle Vacuum Cleaners PHONE Sit PRINCE RUPERT. B.C For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY 0 " CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER E DODGE PLYMOUTH V DE SOTO DODGE AND FARGO TRUCKS NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 501 P.O. BOX 721 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or68 Call ... EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. for . . . Expert Radio Repairs PHONE 237