ST OF CONTRIBUTORS FOR k i if i r CENTRE in . v P ii. v :;;iete 11-st of contributors Xv-r ace's Civic Centre has -.2d and Is as follows: Ouu'dand & $300 Market 200 .(icy Ltd, 200 dar.hine Shop : '2 203 ::itnh 200 Hotel 200 200 tfoi :1 200 200 : ).. 200 rheatre 203 Lumber Co. , 200 & Johnstone Ltd. 100 100 ;.. Legion 100 L ing Co 100 F. Fisher .... 100 Mercantile 100 K 'o?t Co 100 loners of the 100 '-.,-jge 50 udln . V) Club 50 s 50 i 50 Trir.ple 50 50 y 50 . Taxi 50 Suuck Bar 50 50 icton 26 ' le . 25 renter Shop.. 25 ady .... 25 25 r.',d 25 ' mcs . 35 25 j 25. ;j 25 Richmond 25 Castise 25 .x 25 23 25 okes 25 25 25 i a Cooper .... 25 y 25 25 TOft 25 20 20 1 15 W nt n's League 10 10 k 10 10 10 If 10 10 10 10 .:0 10 10 5 ner L vcque li xd 1 Und 5 Crave .... 5 :"nandeau .... 5 ..d .... 5 .tliiS .... 5 5 Haugland 5 l 5 i'mirh 4 ''flnen 4 ' f-- 3 1 2 m 2 ! 2 Atkinson 2 :.i 2 Hipp . Iliad kes r"ann ',sX!en!r!sisieij!'c;e:(t,c'' A F m m m m - n-t em A K "'vc HER Lovely Lingerie A Nightgown, Pantle, A Slip and A 11 heavy satin, sizes 32 to In white, blue or rose. A Deposit, $2.70 A Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. A A Spnd color, size, deposit, A A and address to A SYLVIA'S A A A A Heudy-io-Wcar A I OCEAN FALLS. B.C. A Delivery In 3 weeks A A i3. Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rtl St. (Near the Post Office) AT TERRACE Mr. Lovelace 2 Joe Spitzel 2 Mr. Martin 2 Mrs. Bailey 2 J. McGlasham I" 2 W. BunUng 2 Mrs. Prus 2 Rev. McAllister ""Z 2 Cecil Lever 1.50 Rev. R. Mils 1.50 Mr. Glanzer 1 Mrs. Gordon Haugland .... Mrs. Hamig R. Cortes M. Curtis ..: Mrs. McWhlnney .' Mrs. Desjardins Mrs. Davidson Mrs. A. J. Ktrkaldv Joe Kong 7 1 Mrs. Doll 1 Ted Johnson . 1 Mrs. Muller l Mrs. Tocp , 1 Mr. Ling 1 Rev. Graham 1 Mrs. Glen 1 Mrs. Carrlsan l Contributions under $1 Mar-lene Mlchiel, J. W. McVey, Mr. Halverson, J. R. Reynolds. 20 YEARS AGO Dec. 18, 192C Klni Edward High School was raising a fund to provide Christmas cheer for families of untm-pfojrad loggers at Queen Charlotte City. The fund was being assisted by a number of teas and social functions throughout the city. The Trades and Lataor Council went on record unanimously as supporting S. M. Newton as mayor for 1927. Aldermanic candidates erVsed bv the foup were Frank Derry, James Black. Alderman W. J. Greer and Al-drrman W. M. Brown. Capt. Bridges. D.S.O.. commander of the Royal Navy cruiser Curlew, which visited Prince nupert during the summer. ?ent a letter to Lieut. R P. Ponder, ccmnnandcr of the local naval reserve unit, offering season's greetings to the citizens of Prince T?upert. Announcements All advertisement m tMs column will bo charged let lull mouth t 26c a vford. S.O.N. Christmas Tree and Dance. Civic Centre, December 26. Children's Fancy Dresi Party. Civic Centre, December 27. Oddfellows Scotch Dance, Oddfellcv.'s' Hall, New Year's Eve. 9:30 pm. Bromner's Orch. Harmoneer's Dance, every Saturday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. mmr:mmE3mm. imeriorbrocen (Christmas Day and Boxing Day) Thursday, Friday and Saturday DECEMBRll 19 - 20 - 21 FREE DELIVERY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES Navels, 252's doz..48c GKAPEFIUIIT 's 3 for 25c PINEAPPLE Cuban, Good size .... each 49c HE AN SPROUTS 1 -lb. Cello Bag . . each 20c CELERY Large, Fresh Stalks 1 lb. 12c SWISS CHARD Fresh, Full Bunches, lb. 12c LETTUCE Fresh, Crisp Heads .... each 19c BRUSSELS SPROUTS per lb. 29c ( QUALITY POPCORN Fireglow, large tin each 39c PIE FILLER Coconut, Populex lC-oz. tin 4fic FANCY WRAPPED COOKIES Mrs. Howard's .. pkg. 33c BONELESS FOWL Sunnyslde .... 7-oz. tin 67c ASSORTED MEAT PASTE Hedlund's ... 32-oz. tin 13c MEM Swift's . 12-oz. 37c ALMOND PASTE Brown Bros. 8-oz. 38c GINGER WINE Old English 5k CHRISTMAS CRACKERS 1 doz. to box 85c LIGHTENS HOUSEWORK The Perfect Bleach and Sterilizer-Deodorizer and Disinfectant. REPRESENTS CANADA Representing Canada during the Inauguration ceremonies of Miguel Airman as president of Mexico was Hugh L. Keenley-side, shown here with his wife. The ceremonies were held In the Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City. (Mrs. Keenleyside Is the former Katherlnc Pills-bury of Prince Rupert). William Leask ni Mettakatla returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. J. F. McCreath, former Edmonton alderman and now purchasing agent for that city, arrived in Prince Rupert on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon. He is here on 'business. Rt. Rev. Anthony Jordtfn, Ro man Catho'lc bishop of the vic ariate of Prince Rupert, left on Monday evening's train for a brief trip to Prince George on ecclesiastical duties and will be returning to the city tomorrow night. '," Hotel... arrival Prince Rupert H. R. Carr, Billmor: L. Lundri-gon, Port Edward; R. Ccates. Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. De Mar$q, Victoria; William Anderson. Ocean Falls: F.. J. McCreath, Er'monton; O. G. Batting. Yoi :: Jaw. Sask.: D. And- I c'.Ln. Vi; G. Bowditch. Victoria. BHHRPSiS J ! S 3k Relieve Kisery Wift PHONE GROCERIES MIXED NUTS lb 10c GINGER ALF North Star . ... case $1.33 CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS t.b.C each Goc CHRISTMAS CAKES $1 MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. for 49c ORANGE JUICE 20-OZ. 23c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-OZ. l"c ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Pasco, 20-oz. tin, each 21c TEA Malkin's White Labet. Mb. pkg. v S'Jc .--lb. pkg. 45c Perfex Bleach Buy One Bottle at Regular Price of 18c and Receive Another for 5c. 2 bottles for 23c Local News A Carpenter's Union meeting Wed. 8 pm. Special business. (295) Miss Dorothy Hills has returned to Terrace from Prince Rupert where she has been receiving medical attention. Douglas Fiizzell returned this ir i!!in; on the Prince Rupert l'rcm a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shorthlll are leaving on tonight's train for i Winnipeg where thev will spend . . . - .t. the enmtmas holidays witn their son. Archie McLeod arrived In the city today on the Prince Rupert to spend Christmas with his parents", Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls H. McLeod. Mrs. Arthur Green and daughters, Jo Anne and Susan, of Weit Vancouver, arrived in the city today on the Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas holidays as guests of Mrs. Green's brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ross. Mayor Daggett has received official Christmas greeting cards from Lieut. Governor and Mrs. C. A. Banks, Victoria, Mayor and Mrs. Arthur Roseau of Three Rivers, Quebec, Mayor D. Howrie and the town council of Vernon, a;id from the commanding officer and ward room officers of KM.CB. Oharlottetown. Novelty pre-Chrlstaas luncheon was enjoyed by members of ths Prince Rupert Gyro Club today, the feature being a Christmas tree under which anony mous gifts, humorous and ingenious, were placed for all the members. Arrangements for special entertainment were in thi hands of a convmittee comprising C. P. Balasno and N. R. Youngs. President C. G. Ham was in the chair ft V V . USE OUR ."-v'vfc BUDGET PLAN -? 7 -VlU v v. 1 viA J AVM f FOR YOUR g J r -Tr y XMAS BU1INU f J&SFiT " L i II No Carrying Charges ? iZ3 Jffiififej?rP : ' No Interest V 'JflKMBF f-M' 1 HV It's .best dress j l Jinr lfnrvniir N WIH S W ( uro we present U l 2 our collection Ml ( & of smart frocks J il Items... Mss Evelyn Bussey returned on the Prince Rupert this morn ing from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. R. Holtby arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. A Khatada Dance at the Valhalla Hall, Friday, December 20. Dancing from 10 to 2. Refreshments. , Miss A. Ruchimsky, school teacher at Queen Charlotte City, arrived in the city this morning on the Union steamship Cassiar enroute to spend the Christmas holidays In Vancouver. Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton of the city police detachment left on last night's train for Smlthers to take part In a court hearing of a case which arose while he was In charge of the police detachment at the Interior town The body of Hani Jacobsan, which was discovered in Klt-katla Inlet 10 days .ago, two months after JacorJbsen dlsap peared on Porcher Peninsula, was sent to Winnipeg on Mon day night's train for burial. Roy Jactibsen, a son of the missing man, Jives in Winnipeg. He came here in" October to take part lh a search for his father. AElio Furniture Store will be closed from Dec. 9th to January 5th, 1947. (d27) V BOOTH MEMORIAL . . . HIGH SCHOOL presents . . . THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS "THE TOT BOILER" "CHILD PSYCHOLOGY" "WANTED: ,A HOUSEKEEPER" . Tuesday and Wednesday Derember 17-18 Booth Memorial High School : I ADMISSION 50 CENTS 1 "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" E. J. Blart of War Assets Corporation staff Is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. V Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mellor and family are sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert to y spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting In Vancouver. V II . G. Archibald, M.P. for V V Skeena, Is sailing tomorrow V night on the Prince Rupert to 8 spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home y y at North Vancouver. SEND GREETINGS Mrs. J. Sugden of the Beach House, Francois Lake, a'nd the Neaves at the Store send Greetings and good wishes to thelo many friends in Prince Rupert. QUID PRO QUO Canadian delegates of International Student Service found when touring Czechoslovakia that students are required by law to work in government-sponsor-ed projects during the summer In order to obtain the government university grant in the winter. NEURALGIA Don't let the pitiless pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get faat, safe relief with T-R-C's. specially made to relieve you quickly of piercing, stabbing pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good also for Rheumatic, Arthritic, Neuritic Pain and Stiffness, Sciatica, Lumbago. Get a box today 50c, Sl&i druggist. T-4 1 AT 8 PAI SALE 2 FUR and CLOTH COATS Continues A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A New shipment of A A A A COATS and m A DRESSES XMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES THIS IS A HANDY WAY TO SHOP FOR HER . . . DEPOSIT ANY AMOUNT TO HER CREDIT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION CERTIFICATE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS WAY. A A A i A A A A A A A ) QPT- 1 W j mM K Idtimc Uupctt Daily i3tv$ Wednesday, December 18, 1946 SCARVES in wide variety y Choose His Now While y y y v Ranges Are Complete y y y y y y y y y WHITES Crepes and Poplins $2.00 to ijtt.oO y y y SILK PAISLEYS y y y SILKS in Plain Shades y y WOOL TARTANS by Jaeger $2.00 y y y WOOLS in Plain Shades y y y HAND -WOVEN WOOLS y y y y y v l LADIES' BEAUTY SETS from 25c to 4.00 MEN'S SHAVE SETS from 39c to 2.50 COXED STATIONERY )in all sizes, including children from 35c to 3.93 Christmas Cards A large display boxed and loose to suit everyone. You are invited to come in of seasonable merchandise. things you want under one "WHERE YOUR DIMES For Last Minute A A Oiristoas A HIGHLIGHT HER A A A CHRISTMAS TREE A A A Gifts by DuBarry, A A Sage, Molinard, A A many, many others, A A A FOR THE MAN Stoppers b Tuya, Kevlon, Peggy a Gemey, Rubinstein, and a IN YOUR LIFE ... Pnrlrpr sirwl Watnrman Pens and Pencils, Shaving Sets by Kinsley and Seaforth, gj Pipes, Shaving Brushes, Electric Shavers, etc. A A A A McCUTCHEON A A 3rd Ave. at Clh Street A A A A mnn A A A A MEN A A WE HAVE A A SUGGESTIONS A Rupert REPAIRING 730 Second Avenue JC t 1 'z ii Si SI. 75 to $3.50 $2.00 il $2.50 Plain Shades $3.50 A A A . Xmas A A A A A Gifts A A A A A A A A A A a TOYS AND A A A GAMES- A A a most complete stock A A X. for all ages. A A A and look over our large stocks You will possibly find all the roof when you shop at ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" PHARMACY LTD i'ne 79 WTTtlt?!? IFC ! iniOUGin GIFTS! CHRISTMAS FOR YOU GIFT . . . Jewellers J. Alexander OUR SPECIALTY PHONE: RED l)li i : 1 il' A A a e r A A A f A A A A A