! 1 prfncc Uupm Dnflp j3cujs Friday, February 15, 1946 GIRLS GETTING POLITE AGAIN Veils On Girls Hats Taboo In New Rules for Secretaries WASHINGTON Q The wartlike crop of gum-chewing office workers who couldn't spell and dropped saying "Sir" to the -j bass had better be minding their -Ps" and Qs." ' A new course in decorum and conduct for secretaries is a mu.t for ambitious career girls enrolled at the Washington School for Secretaries. First off, the girls are taught to have a respectful and impersonal attitude for the higher-ups, at all times. They mus.t not expect to be insulted," an official of the school explains. Manners, posture, carriage, dress and grooming are taught In a four-weeks' lecture course 'at' the' school. While attending the school they aie expected to put the teachings Into practice. They, must wear stockings and glovei; shoes with heels, and hats instead of bandanas. Veils" on the girls hats are taboo, "because that Is "strictly glamor dress," says an official, and so are bows and flowers. Their shoes must be conservativenot open toed, or open-heeled, not too bright in color, and not having too many straps, or fancy trimming. They must not wear too much Jewelry. Tailored suits are recommended as most appropriate office attire. There Is no restriction on color, except that it "ought to complement the natural coloring of the wearer. The girls are advised to use nail polish, because the "average person's hands are more conspicuous without it." They are urged to use lipstick that doesnt come off on the teeth and the school suggests that a brush be Used to paint on rouge because unri I " . ' ty nrST -J NO fuss no. bother yet a hearty HOT cereal in 10 seconds! Here's how! Place Nabisco Shredded Wheat in a strainer-pour boiling water on the biscuit. Drain, Salt to taste, and serve with cream and sugar for vlip-smacking breakfast that will stay by you 'til iunch-hme. Not only Is Nabisco Shredded wnect a hearty cereal but .... ... - . cious natural one - wholesome whole ' 1M wji. wheat steamed, shredded 'For the original Niagara : I. f ru: ei u.j Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! it makes Hps appear smoother. Among other tenets of good office behaviour hammered at are how to enter a room, how to sit gracefully, how to reach for the telephone, how to bend from the knees to open the bottom file cabinet drawers, how to take messages, make introductions and greet callers. A secretary must never take a man's coat. "That puts her in the servant class." the school warns. There must be no gum-chewing, no smoking and no chatter or gossip. MAY DEVELOP DESERT AREA FOR NATIVES CAPETOWN S Dr. Louis Steenkamp who was a member of the expedition to the Kalahari Desert area of the Bechuana-land Protectorate last year, stated recently In Capetown that the area had vast possibilities but the question was whether It should be opened for native or European expansion. Dr. Steenkamp said he believed the main purpose should be for development of the natives. Although the expedition exploded the Schwartz theory that storage water in Kalahari would Increase the Union's rainfall, it had found possibilities of utilizing vast forests to increase the woodworking industry's scope and believed that land adjoining the swamps might be successfully cultivated by irrigation, he said. KNOWLES IN MOSCOW MOSCOW Stanley Knowles, C.C.F. member of Canadian Parliament for Winnipef, who was in London for the U.N.O. meetings, arrived in Moscow today and will also visit and huskW (Ml-vvffW&okw it is a deli- ' ' Kt fils iked tJ and baked, j Jr,niffnW".i l4 Falls product f toB,?t Ca nn . J tliMlll I1"5, PHONES 110 - 117 ALBERT A Nil McCAFFERY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone Evenings: Green To Reside Here After Honeymoon At a marriage ceremony held in the manse of First Presbyter ian Church last night, Miss Ethel Evelyn Holmstrom of 425 Ninth Avenue West became the bride of Donald. L. Jenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Jenson, 50S Green Street Rev. A. F. Mac-Sween officiated. Witnesses were Mrs. Nan Nordln and Mrs. Godfrey Nordln. Following a reception held at the home of the bridegroom's parents, the newly married couple left on the Prince Rupert for a honeymoon in Victoria: They will reside in Prince Rupert, where Mr. Jensen is cm-ployed as a trainman with the Canadian National Railways. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss Prince Rupert;, 11:45 pjn. Friday ss Cardena. 10:00 pjn. Princess Norah Feb. 21. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday as Prince Rupert J0:00 a.m. Tor South Queen Charlottes Feb. 17. From South Queen Charlottes Feb. 15. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Princess Norah, Sunday, Feb. 17. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Princess Norah, Thursday, Feb. 21. TRUE LOVE TOKEN Russian brides used to wear seven gold wire rings. Joined with a single diamond, to Indicate their love was good for a seven-day week. homer miwnu ru V u i ri mmmmm GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS .Re-opening February 14, 1946 Marie's Dining Room Come in and try our tasty home-cooked meals We Specialize in RUSSIAN DISHES, ITALIAN SPAGHETTI . Etc. . OPEN DAILY 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. C22 Fraser Street (Next ANTIQUES IN MODERN HOME Designer Says Use of Chippendale, Empire and Uarokue Acceptable it Properly Balanced NEW YORK, 0 : Because of the tremendous interest in antiques today, decorators and collectors have been arscussing the part that antiques will play in the post war home that is flat-roofed, streamlined and modern. Designer Beryl S. Austrian in' sists that there is a place for antiques in modern Interiors. They should, however, be used sparingly in modern settings. She believes an unusual secretary-bookcase, a pair of fine bergeres or a baroque setting can be used and absorbed into a modern scheme and become an integral part of it. She does feel, however, that dreary antiques are out and the faded velvet, dull damask and sober needlepoint can't enhance any room. " Perhips the most Important thing to remember in combinuv modern and antique furniture U that yon cin use Granny's Chippendale. Empire and Baroque providing yea balance it properly, she say?. But it would be ridiculous to have a dark hand-carved table n.'xt to a blond, modern stralpht-leged chair But if the dark old wocds are strlDoed or bleached or pickled to blend- with the blond tonrs that are used In modern decoration the antique will lend grace and warmth to the modern. Fo: Increased Interest ?onie whit or pastel paint can be rubbed Into the bleached wood. Chinese Design Finding Favor Since contemporary design has borrowed freely from the Chinese in line and color, M- Austrian believes it follows logi cally that Chinese antiques such as lacquer chests in clear, primary shades of red, green or yellow, tables in cackled whif or shiny ebony, brilliant screens and figured ros with monochromatic designs, are in perfect harmony with today's modern pieces. Antique accessories, as well as furniture, can point un a modern interior, she says. Lustre can be added to a contemporary background with the addition of a Venetian mirror, lamp bases of old porrelains In fine glazes, or the exonerated details of a Nanolennlc ink stand. Even the curved and "curly" FORTY-HOUR WEEK IS UP Had Prominent Place in Discussions at Ottawa Yesterday OTTAWA The 40 week had a prominent place in discussions yesterday when the Canadian Congress of Labor executive council met. The council an- polnted a committee to co-! ordinate wage campaigns of congress unions. It pledged the support of the congress to constituent unions, In drives to reduce hours to 40 a week with no eduction In take-home pay. Classified Ads bring results. TAKE GIH PILLS!" advises Sydney woman. RtrommettJt 40 yr bid rtmrdt "I suffered for years from kidney trouble uithout gelling much re-lie. Then I tried Cin fills. Ajler taking i boxes I fell very much im-roi."-Mri.V.L.Sydney,N.S. Gin Pills help remove the acids that cun cause aches and pain. Sold by all druaaNtt on a "Satitiiciioa-or-mcficy-bick" bitii. Use proves their merit Regular sist, 40 Mi Economy site, tO Pilli I , ,...... ..., ...... n in, w.a.M. iir lor uino nut HmH Drat I Ctoikil Cti ) CkMj. Umi!t( MARIE MICHOLUK Proprietress to Savoy Hotel) Phone 309 Louis XV and Baroque, if suitably keyed as to scale and color, can help dramatize a modern setting. But a room that Is stripped of ornamental detail must be careTully planned If a mixture of period furniture is going to be set against an interior of glass, metal and plastics. Mrs. Austrian says that though there will be a great deal of antique and modern combined in this post-war world, few people realize that there always lias been some combination of antique and modern in the average household. Overstuffed, upholstered couches and chairs with spring seats and down cushions which were the comfortable contribution of the 20th century to modern living were used In most households no matter -what the period of the furnishings, she ( says. was !N 1-LB. PACKAGES Ready cut 'ut ?srw your convenience Business and GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alteration and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized , "FLFJCFORM SFJl VICE'V -1 Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Oreen 955) CAROL ELECTRIC Electrical Installations and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd, 1313 OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177,-Statlon "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II. F. I.OVIV, Phone Own 074 Representative Bon 526 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite VMCA PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING Si PAPERHANGINO C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 480 Evening Green 337 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 SHORT SESSION OF PARLIAMENT Expected to Conclude in May Prior to Peace Conference OTTAWA ' Observers in Ottawa say that, espite a heavy program before Parliament at the forthcoming session, .the House of Commons will adjourn for the summer. These observers expect adjournment to come In May with the House reconvening in late August or early September. The reason for the reported adjournment Ls said to be the government's desire for n full Canadian representation at the peace conference in May. Buy more War Savings Stamps, CATELL! -011 ACARGNI MOJNM forM Professional If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 660 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD Third Avenue - -4- I. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations , Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhangihg Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled Besr.er Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: WestholmeRooms, 2nd Ave. Taft and Odowes , AUCTION ROOM and Furniture Store Bring your furniture and have it sold for the highest prices L. CHRISTOPHERSON Auctioneer SUPPORT THE WAR VETERAN For Information Phone Blue 09 or Blue 810 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations VAL SPIDEL . Oreen 880 Box 1430 St. "B" FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERYICI nll tOur qlifttt to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LU m UYMOUR It VANCOUVER. EC of t 00 a 7 SaxettA ocHKHjoHOCHjootHJoaooooooaaooooooooeoocHJoeeoci DIBB PRINTING COMPAKT BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVBtj aooooooooooooaooooooDooocHjoaoooooooootioof.M.. J.H.BULGER Optometrist (At Itulger's Jewelry Store) - FORMALS are back . . . See our windows for a Wonderful Display of Evening Dresses . Then walk in the store and see Some more. You. will be thrilled We are keeping Up our Reputation "We Lead . . . Others Follow" Annette's Ladies' Weal J.L.CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 nut SMi . ... CMII Sovito, 0mm. . . . taro '-v., htiy .ptead thinly vnkOi Ice. cover with W cotked nd ch, Uce bacon. full lce bread, foe sftmm Ft lunch or PP' Jtnini tn,cks, use UM. TEA II orrice Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationer; llirtlulay and Every Day Cards J KATY'S KLEEN K I T CHE 703 Fulton Street PHONE: t St. Patrick's Card. By RUSTCRAPT Hanging from 5c 25c SERVING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 U H , nnn nun w 1'i trail uw - Pasteurized Mfl VALENTIN HAff PHONE til iinMP rnnKINfi AND BAK AFTERNOON TF.A Open Dally 5 p.m. w - Bine, dance and be ai a iiaii7 "- I.MS wnihippn nav s. PW" riion' Bio' 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY