M7h I rw jaa v v J rsm i y ft in teir . w w i V6 X y&.JB Donnacona WALL Vlll fAUIT DC AT MOT JEMIMA'S FOR A 3 WHOLESOME, NOURISHING ONE-DISH OARD We iai;e a carload on the way OIIDEU NOW TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY 1'xS', r.)' and ..'xlO'' $65.00 per M sq.ft. PHILPOTT EVITT AND CO. LTD. foal Lumber Huilding Supplies An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS -AT LONG MOTORS ui:i:k days Sl'NUAYS - 8 AJW. TO 9 P.JI, 1 1.M. TO i VM. Thi: is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON SAVOY OTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. uiic o ( p .o. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) t Serve you nnlhinir hnl (lie t.e Snrrl.il Ite.l llrnnil Heef. Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN. DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choleest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, I'lsh and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY USS RUPERT BUTCHERS "wei Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel del BEAUTY COLOR CHARM your walls, furniture and accessories Decal" Transfers EASY TO APPLY . . . ALL YOU HSU IS WATER! Now on display at Gordon's Hardware I JIUIIC Ul BOSTON TAKES FIRST PLACE Draw Verdict With New York Ranters Puts Them on Top In National Hockey League NEW YORK Oi A two-all draw result last night with New York Rangers was sufficient to put Boston Bruins at least temporarily in. (lie National Hockey League leadership with a one-point margin over Montreal Canadiens who, In turn, are a .single point ahead of the third-place Chicago Black Hawks. The game drew a crowd or more than 14,000 to" Madison Square Oar-den. With such a close race going on for the first-place honors, there will be much Interest In the week-end schedule of games. Tomorrow night Boston will be playing the Rangers again, thi time on Boston Ice, while the Canadiens will take on the Toronto Maple Leafs at the Oar-dens in Toronto with Chicago meeting Detroit at Detroit. Sunday night the Canadiens will be at New York with1 the Rangers, with Detroit playing at Chicago. The standings to date are as follows: WD L p A Pt3 Boston 19 8 12 127 112 4C Canadiens 21 ft 13 "12S 94 45 Chicago 20 4 14 159 14C 44 Detroit 15 C 15 97 105 30 Toronto 13 G 19 116 138 32 New York 8 7 23 100 147 23 Hockey Scores National. league New York 2, Boston 2 (tie). Pacific Coast Portland 5, New 4. According to Field Marshal Alexander, Governor - General designate of Canada, "We have got to realize that the modern soldier today demands his newspaper, and it Is up to us to provide it as much as ammunition and rations." SCOTTY'S Old Country Tinlutf in Smrts WOMAN BALL . SCOUT FOR PHILLIES PHILADFUjPHTA-The Philadelphia Phillies have signed a woman baseball scout. She is Miss Edith Houghton, a youns and pretty discharged "Wave." Mlfs Houghton is believed to ba the first woman ses-ui In the history of Major League baseball. She was a former shortstop lor the old Phlladelphlt Bobbles, a Url's baseball team. BABE PRATT Big: News in Hockey World-Hack in .Maple Leafs Fold NEW YORK The big news in the hockey world lor Canadians is the return of the so-called "Honest Switchman" Defence-man Babe Pratt to the fold of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Pratt was reinstated to the National Hockey League yesterday by the circuit's board of governors. He returns Just in time to help his team In Its drive toward the play-offs. Pratt was expelled 10 days ago from the league by president Red Dutton for betting on N.II.L. games. The governors have warned that any player or official found guilty of betting on any National Hockey League team will be expelled and will have no right of appeal. PORCUPINE NAMES The porcupine is also known as quill-oing, urson, hedgehog, and quiller. LUCKY DOG Whc wouldn't lead a dog's life when it means posing like this with movie stars, Annabella and Tyrone Power. "Loup Garou" Is as proud of this picture as he Is of being lead dog on one of the crack sled teams at Lac Beauport, near the Chateau Fiontenac at Quebec City, where Annabella and her husband, recently discharged from the U. S. Marine Corps, spent several day." enjoying Quebec winter sports. r;- J.H.M air Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. J SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER ana Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 prn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Railings for Queen Ohariotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 0 A.M. , Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8C1 The Boston Bruins have moved into undisputed possession of first place in the National Hockey League. Last nlght'3 ame between Boston anJ cellar dwelling New Yorl Rangers which ended In a 2-2 tie gave the Bruins a one-point edge on Montreal and a two-point margin over Chicago. The Duke of Devonshire, then Governor-General of Canada, was disappointed when his favorites, Ottawa Senators, bowed 3-1 to Montreal Canadiens 25 years ago. The Duke recovered his spirits when he saw the Senators, chosen by some experts as the greatest hockey team that ever raced on skates, come back and win the Stanley Cup that year. Heavyweight boxer, Ernie Schaaf, after taking a merciless beating from giant Primo Car-nera, died in hospital 13 years ago yesterday. Twenty thousand fans yelled "fake" four days previously as Schaaf collapsed in the 13th round of the 15-round fight, but the youthful boxer failed to regain consciousness. He first world 18.2 balkline billiards championship tournament started in the Grand Hotel, Paris, 43 years ago today. There were four entries two each from France, and the United States and play ended In a three-cornered tie six days later. Maurice Vignaux of France refused to play off and appealed to the French court. After several months' delay he was ruled winner, LOCAL SKIERS INVITED TO SMITHERS MEET Members of Prince Rupert's Mount Blaine Ski Club are being Invited to take part In the Smlthers sty carnival scheduled for February 24 and 25. This year's carnival will be the firsc in the inferior town since 1940 and its backers also anticipate entries from Hazelton and Burns Lake as well. Included In the two-day classic will be a banquet honoring the visiting' skliers, and the crowning of .the Snow Queen. Candidates for the royal throne arc Miss Doris Oliarny of the Smlthers Ski Club, Miss Margaret Erickson of the C.N.R., and Miss Helen Oulton for the Smlthers merchants. Major slalom and downhill ski events will start on Malkow Lookout hill which is generally conceded 0 have one of the finest ski runs west of Jasper. The banquet will be held Sunday night, following the initial races, and on Monday night, the carnival will be topped off by the crowning of the Snow Queen followed by a dance. Phillip A. Jone3 of the Smlthers Ski Club says that adequate room and board will be assured for visiting skiers. Prime Minister Mackenzie King recently unveiled a portrait of Senator Charles Bishop, heloved figure in the press gallery for half a century, before a gathering of newsmen in the House of Commons. !1UY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 85-FOOT LANDMARK i ... ?l Chicago will soon have a golf landmark in an 85-foot-hlgh water tank to be built In. the shape of a goll ball on a tee at Tarn 6'Shanter Country Club. The tank, a 30,000-gal-lon sphere of welded steel construction, will provide water and pressure for an automatic sprinkler system to protect the entire clubhouse property from fire. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "The children were prohibited In playing." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "history?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Emissary, embarrassment, emporer. 4. What does the word "pernicious" mean? , 5. What Is a word beginning with st that means "astonishing, or amazing?" Answers 1. Say, "were prohibited from I playing." 2. Pronounce hls-to-ri, three syllables, and not hls-trl. 3. Emperor. 4. Destructive; injurious; deadly. "Those things are pernicious to health. 5. Stupendous. ROAD DEATHS UP CAPETOWN, O'- Durin? the first nine months of 1945, 438 people dipd in South Africa as a result of road accidents. Latest figures published by the Saffty First Association show that road casualties are on the Increase again and the number of deaths has risen by more than 20 per cent. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Poet a (tubborn bronchial cough, (either phleftny or dry and hacking) make yoa choke, (aip, wheeze, keep you awaka aighu? Relieve it now I Do a 9 thou-audi have done get TempMoo't KAZ MAII and atop that cough! KAZ-MAI1 ha h:lped oilier irt it Why you. 50c. fl it drugginta even where. K-U "i(iVI:K'.Mi:XT I.I.Jl 'Hl ACT" NOTICE ClK APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 5th day of March next the undersigneu intenus to apply to me Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 739a issued In respect of premises being part cf a building known as Knox Hotel, situate at First Avpnue In tho City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirteen (131 and Fourteenth (14) of Block Two (21 of Section One (I) Map 92:J, Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Beaudoln Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, tne lransieree. DATED at Prince Rupert. H.C., this 29th dny'of January AO. 1940. BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck. President. THIS AND THAT "Somebody ought to give the poor man a hand." tfnrc. Rupert Dadp Jcto Friday, February 15, 1946 YUKON SURVIVOR'S STORY (Continued from Page It clothes and I was glad that did." The first boatload of women and children were taken off at 2 o'clock the .afternoon following the wreck and Miss Leposky was taken to the Coastguard vessel Onondaga In the second boatload later that afternoon. They were lowered Into the lifeboat with ropes tied under their armpits. Miss Leposky recalls seeing the seamen lowering an old lady Into the lifeboat. However, the woman missed the small craft and went Into the water. She was left in the water for considerable time and, when finally rescued, her first act was to straighten her hat which some- how had stayed on her head. "She was a 6punky old lady," Miss Leposky recalled. A high source of satisfaction to Miss Leposky was the fact that she salvaged her toothbrush, lipstick and comb with which she and other women on the rescue ship Onondaga "prettied themselves up" before they got to Seward on Tuesday af lei noon. Coastguardsmen on the Onondaga went all out to help the survivors, and were particularly solicitous for the children, rrtany of whom had been separated from their parents. "They walked the deck with them and heated bottles of milk. They really were swell," she said. The people of Seward, too, showed memorable hospitality to the survivors. Miss Leposky remained In Seward until last Friday, then travelled on the steamship Alaska to Ketchikan where she remained for a few days. She arrived here last night on the Prince Rupert. She doubts if she will be con- JUNIOR LEAGUE 'HOOP SCHEDgffi Feb. 19 High School vs. Gyro. . Feb. 21 High School vflHVatts , & Nickerson. , ,.f Feb. 20- Watt? and Nickerson ' vs. Gyro. Feb. 28- Gyro vs. High' School. V Second Half L?.' March 5 Watts & Nickerson vs. High School. v. . 'I March "i Gyro vs. Watts it Nickerson. March 12 High Tf2 BladesS 25tj Sehool . : Gyro. Ir,ii' March 14 High School :vYsf Watts & Nickerson. 11 mux i March 19 Watts. &NlckPf.?on ! vs. Gyro. ..m March 21 Gyro ,vs,.wlHlgh School. V.-! : March 20 Watts Sc $iicjjer.son vs. High School. . March 28-Gyro vs'WaTis. .& Nickerson. ,, i April 2 High School' vs'Gyro. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLS ling. She Is a trained secretary. C.Y.A., Midgets vs. Po.st "I like to travel," she said, eers, DeJoags vs. Headpir 'Even on boats." Jokers vs. McMeeklns. s vs. February 13 Midgets -i.vs. Headpinners, McMeekins vs: C. Y.A., DeJongs vs. Fraxer "'it Paynes, Post Engineers -vs. Jokers, is February 20 McMeekiris vs Fraser & Paynes, Post-Engineers vs. Headpinners, C.Y.A. vsjok-ers, DeJongs vs. Midgets. February 27 Jokers'-vs Midgets, C.Y.A. vs. DeJon.gs.,; Post Engineers vs. McMeekins; "Fraser & Paynes vs. Headpinners. " March 8 C.Y.A. vs. Post 'Engineers, Fraser and Payile" vs. Midgets, Jokers vs. Headpinners, McMeeklns vs. DeJongs; ' ' : i; March 13 DeJongs vs: -Jokers, Headpinners vs. McMeeklns. tent to remain at home in Pitts- Fraser & Paynes vs. Post-En-burgh and hopes to get some j gineers, Midgets vs. C.Y.A. sort of job that involves travel- i March 20 Fraser & Paynes -vs. E: Engln- nners, HIS ECO NO My PACK IS I SACK AGAIN Here'f news men haya,Gen MINORA BLADES, Canada'i quality blact?"tiqhe low-price field ! Yes, MINORA' generous Economy Pack is back on dealers' shelveCSo enjoy fast, smooth shaves. Make an extra saving too. Get MINORA BLADES in the big Economy Pack! VITA MIN CAPSULES - ; Fcclinj: worn out and tired? dot the sniffles ?j Lost that alert feeling? Protect yourself ; by taking resistance-giving vita- ! t a 111 ins. Come in for your capsuled sunshine A .1 I McCUICHtUN PHARMACY Third Avenue at Slxjh Street Phone 70N lutiuy; jT vi'-rvcwi Wo arc pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPER SMOKED ALASKA BLACK, COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON- Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, BC. 4 v5