prince Rupert Daflp J3clus Thursday, April 18, 1946 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince. Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. irUNTER. Managing Editor. SOlfSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week Per Month Per Year 17.00 By Mall, per month . . Per 1'ear $4.00 (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Department, Ottawa). 'JUijitIt Battle For Food Canada now has a national food policy. - As announced by Prime Minister King, the program calls for maintenance of wartime maxima in production of foodstuffs plus a campaign to reduce home consumption by the elimination of waste. Production is to be guided on a NEW SCHOOL ACT District Board Formed With Large its Chairman to Handle Own Accounting Under .the terms of the revised British Columbia Schools Act which in effect !s the Implementation o! the Cameron Educational Report Prince Rupert is now a part of a iarge municipal t chaol district which .also in-cludrs schools a Digby Island, Tort Fington. Inverness Cannery, Port Edward and Port c;:mpson. The revised arc, passec by the J&st sitting of legislature which closed recently, became effective yesterday. Last night the Prince Rupert school board was joined by representatives from Digby Island and Port Edward to adjust itself to the requirements of the new Schools Act. The new School Board now consists of seven members who will hold office on a "temporary" basis until next December, when a "permanent" iboard will be elected to sit for the following year. The board went through the formality of "electing" itself into office last night. joint., rheumatic pain.. ches. Karure may need help to t.VL Me to you in Gin kid; ;ey sufferer, sufferer, for r more more than thn 4 com; aiiu G l wui - , . 0.,:B, montl HndenUndmg of EVERSO MUCH BETTER" tarj aches sore "- friend fnd advised Gin Pi Is ana protea. JW i ' Here it how Gin Pill, help. In develops. Gin rin ?m1 functioning Use proves Post Office NOW OPERATING Added to the Prince Rupert school board as regular members of the enlarged board are Mrs. iWilllam Glass, representing the official trustee at Port Edward, and Julius Hadland jr., representing' the Digby Island school. Last night's meeting was called by Inspector of Schools E. E. Hyndman to get the local district functioning under the new Schools Act as quickly as possible. The enlarged board elected Dr. R. O. Large, as chairman. "Dr. Large is chairman of the Prince Rupert School Board. Mrs. M. Roper, former secretary of the Prince Rupert board on a part time basis, was elected secretary-treasurer of the enlarged school district on a full time basis. Mrs. Earl Becker was named chairman of the finance committee and Dr. Large, Angus Macdonald, Mrs. Glass and Mr. Hadlund were approved as the buildings and grounds commit tee. To Handle Own Funds A major difference under the revised Act will be the fact that the enlarged board -will be re- j .r,A irritated with these "tlVdj that has helped Piui . piu, -re especially f ,hat , they can on a Clear ' "1 bad rbeumauc Montreal user. lighten up after t toe conatnun , Montreal. , tjM ....Di o( tioy tube be blood. Wnen they "' properly. Gin Pflfc -f iftSS J-Haeu, iaj '.flt-U., from your druggm-, tfaat Gi directed. You too wm S.j need. Ktu j PiUs are just the help your Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 80 Pills (ihumiijx ukiH cm mo National Drug V Chamleal Company of Canada, Limited DON'T MISS... The Big Youth Rally ! GOOD FRIDAY : . APRIL 19 8 P.M.SHARP Featuring B ... Panoramic scenes and story depicting the events at Jerusalem 1913 years ago. Special Music and Singing.. COME - Tom, Dick and Hurry TO THE - RUPERT GOSPEL PRINCE 221 SIXTH AVENUE MEMBER A.B.C. scientific basis. If -possible, even greater quantities of wheat' are to be made available for export. Studies will be made to improve the transport of commodities to a hungry world. Our wartime record has been remarkable. To continue it on into peace will earn Canada the gratitude of millions. Reductions in home consumption, economical use of what is available to every Canadian will be no sacrifice. On the home front the stress is on voluntary action. It will be up to each and every Canadian to determine the extent to which he will participate. The amount of food we normally waste is outrageous in these times. Canada is going into battle again. This time starvation is the enemy. WEST sponsible for handling school funds and will have its own accounting system. Formerly school funds in Prince Rupert were handled by the city's accounting, department. A special school fund will be set aside to cover education costs and It will be handled by the school board. According to Inspector Hyndman, Prince 'Rupert stands to gain "considerably" under the consolldaUon, while the rural areas embraced by the new district will experience increased cost under the new set up. "The fact that the outside areas are taking on Increased costs means that we must think about improving the standards in those outside schools," Mr. Hyndman told the board. He said that, while the new financial set up would mean a gain to Prince Rupert of about $20,00(1 over last year, the gain largely would be dissipated through increased equipment costs now in effect. He eited a $2 increase in the price of desks as one instance. Under the new Act, Mr. Hyndman said, the Board has authority to borrow money If necessary. This is an authority that former school boards never had, funds being handled by the municipality. Complete membership of the new board is as follows: Dr. R. O., chairman, Mrs. M. Ro-Der, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. W. Rothwell, Afigus Macdonald, Mrs. Earl Becker, Mrs. William. Glass, Port Edward, Julius Hadland jr., Digbv Island. Official representatives of other schools in the district, who were not present at last night's meeting are: Hugh Brown. Port Essington; D. C. McLachlan. Inverness Cannery; and D. Cuthlll, Port Simpson. Tobacco Stolen From Box Car Breaking the seal of a OJJ.R. box car standing on a siding in the railway yards, thieves made off with a quantity of cigars and ! cigarettes last night. The theft,ls believed to have taken place be- : tween 9 and 10 o'ciock. The tobacco arrived here on the Prince Rupert yesterday and was trans- , ferred to a box car to be unload ed at Malkln's wholesale warehouse. The theft is being investigated by city and railway police. Buy more War Savings Stamps LAND REOI3TRY ACT Re: Certificate ol Title No. 19971-1 to Lots 29 and 30. Block 5, District lot 369, Village of Terrace, Map 972. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Toss of the above. Certificate of Title 'suetl in the name of Henry Stewart Creelman has been filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I hall, at the expiration of one month from the flate of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost certificate, unless In the meantime valid oblectlon be made to me in wrltln?. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day of March. 1946. A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Reglstrary of Titles. TARppMArip PRINCE RUPERT CHURCH DRIVE BEING PLANNED Local Presbyterians Consider Participating in National, Campaign To consider a plan of the se-sion for participating in a national church "advance" 'campaign, a meeting of the congregation, of First Presbyterian i Church was called for last night and adjourned with a view to obtaining a larger and more representative attendance. Rev. A. F. MacSween discussed the campaign from a national standpoint, telling of the ob jectives of church reconstruction in Europe where the Christian church had suffered sorely In the devastation, extension of the church In Canada, improvements in training of the ministry and re-development of for eign missions. VV. W. C. O'Neill described the session's plan for local participation which was based on two pointsincreased activity and Interest in church attendant and church affairs generally and the raising of $2000 for repay ment to the church head office on the local building debt. THE WEATHER General Conditions A weak weather system associated with a low pressure centre 300 miles off Vancouver Island Is exepected to move Into central B. C. by this evening. Continued cloudy conditions are expected to prevail with widely scattered showers over the coastal area, decreasing by morning. Minimum temperatures were normal over the province during the night. Forecast Overcast, becoming cloudy tonight. Cloudy Friday, clearing locally In the afternoon. Mini mum temperature Prince Rupert tonight 37. Maximum FrkUy 43. 1 i i J r. 1C w Moderate mnuiwwi, wima. u ui. , ph. decreasing to light tonight and Friday. i Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "You may blame it 6n me if you wish." , 2. What ls the correct pronunciation of "cohere?" 3. Which ne of these words is misspelled- Malefactor, mal-eria, Malleable. 4. What does the word "con summation" mean? 5. What ls a word beginning with op that means "timely?" Answers 1. Say "You may blame me nounce ko-her, o,as In obey, e as In he (not as In her), accent last syllable. 3. Malaria. 4. Completion. "The consumma tion of peace between the two nations was the result." 5. Opportune. IN THE BUrREME COURT OP . BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JUSTUS HERMAN HELIN, otherwise Known an HERMAN HELIN, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order Of His Honor, Judge Plsher, mad on the 3rd day of April, A D. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Justus Herman Helln, otherwise known as Herman Helln. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of May. A.D. 194S, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 3rd dav of April. A.D. J948. OOKDON P. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. BC. 92 IN .THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN ELLSWORTH OAR LAND (otherwise known as John Garland ), DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor, Judge Fisher, made on the 12th day of April, A.D. 1946, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Ellsworth Garland, otherwise known as John Oar land, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vrlfled. to me on or before the 22nd day of May, A.D 1946.1 and aU purtles Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of thi-lr Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. this 12th day of April, A.D. 1948. GORDON r. pnRRt-M Acting Official Admlnlntrator,1 xrince itupert, a. C BOX 13CC Oil Burner; Installed THE MAGNETIC POLE Editor, Dally News: An article appearing In the Dally News some time ago stated that the magnetic pole had been discovered some 300 miles from its accustomed place over the geographical pole. Is it possible that the magnetic pole is playing hide and seek with our aviators? Surely these aviators are not trying to make use humans bellev? that the pole Ls turned Into a jack-o-lantern. No those aviators made no mistake and their compass needle pointed to where they said for the simple reason there is no such thing as a pln-polnt horth magnetic pole. The lines of magnetic force are constantly flowing over the surface and penetrate everything on this earth up to a depth of at least 60 miles away from the earth. What makes people believe that there should be a mysterious spot over the earth's pole forcing the ccmpass to point to? There is nothing there to create a force such' as Iron as some believe. The lines of magnetic force are created by the cosmic waves flowing towards the north polar star and, as the earth happens to be in the path of these waves, the waves create a friction due to the pressure of the different gases pressing upon the body of the earth. This friction creates an electro-magnetic force. This is the force that causes the compass needle to point north. It is this force that attracts the com-oass' not a mysterious pin-point force. This electro motive laves th earth at about a thousand miles from the ?eoeraphic pole Hence u h fnrm f mn :nft(c , the e Tlm , ,c tnp re?son thp avlalors com. plained tnat tne Pt)1 had out of olace. They were right In their surrnli alrlsht People in Prince Rupert have I been complaining about poor ra- ' dlo reception In this city Well they have a rleht to comnlaln, But that will not do them any eootl. because the trouble lies on the north side of Mount Morse. Move th' mountain and you will have good reception. That i? all, otherwise you will have to bear it and grin. Now here is the reason why we have poor reception in Rupert. Mount Morse is a tall and crag mountain, the tall net dangerous like a bear's tall tout the crae of this mountain is facing north and that Is where the trouble comes. The lines of magnetic force flo"Mn nast this northern face in the mountain create - FAn-FTUNG FIRE It Is estimated that Americans strike over 500,00 matches a minute. IN THE 8UPREMF COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE i OP HKNRY SHARP MISNER, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor, Judge W. E. Plsher. Local ; Judge of in supreme uouri oi British Colombia. I was on the 2nd day of April. 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Henry Sharp Mlsner. who died on or about the 14th dav of January, 1946. All persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and ell persons having claims against the Bald Estate are required to file them with me properly varlfled on or before the 16th day of May, 1946, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to uch Claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this J 2nd day of April. A.D. 1946. OORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Ruport. B.C 92 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICK OP APPLICATION POR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BI'.F.K LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 10th day of May, A.D. 1946. the uhderslsned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7399. Issued In respect of premises being Dart of a bulldlnar known as Knox Hotel, situate at Pint Avenue in the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots ntimbrred Thirteen (131 and Fourteen (14) of Block Two (2) of Section One (II Prince Ruprt Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, from BEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD.. to KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD.. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at . Vancouver. B.C.. thlf 26th day of Morch. A.D. 1946. KNOX HOTEL COMPANY LTD.. By J C. LABELLE, President, Applicant and Transferee. i 101 PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 8C1 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST WEST powerful vortex and, when the radio waves enter tills force, they are swept into space before they are delivered to your radio. The lines of force are subject to be gathered into powerful electric motive forces by a large whirlpool in the water and some times they cause shlpwmcks at sea, forcing the compass to polnl to the whirlpool, Instead of the pole. Most likely the Yukon was wrecked by a large wlrlrlnool of electro-motive force and nobody rould be the wiser. PIERRE LeCLAIRE. IBIIIU0IIHIBBHBOII "Build B.C. Payrolls" Nature's Food Finest IIS Doctors say plenty of milk is essential to any well-balanced diet. In Pacific you'll find an easily digested,' economical milk containing the necessary minerals and vitamin for healthy ineaLs. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, leshlngling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 satisfaction 'Guaranteed CALL BLUE (IIO and we will give an estimate P.O. Box C54 7 f h HP ' 1 Invitation . . . Discharged veterans of World War II and local citizens still in the armed forces are cordially invited by the City of Prince ttupe to attend' a "Welcome Home Reception?, he held at the Civic Centre Huildin.- o MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1'Jtfi, at 9 p.m. Please call at City Clerk's office. Ci y n:. at the Canadian Legion, for f rte i a: mlttlng. ex-service personnel and e ' H.M. DAfiGETT, MAYOH J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 lit iU' n r1ii.rwi1 IS SAILINGS KOK VANCOUVER ana Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday- SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Cnanutte Islands every fortnight Further Information, 'llckru and Reservation FRANK J. SK1NNEH Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Fresh Ixcal Raw and Pasteurized MII.K VALENTJN HAIRY PHONE ft57 AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE On Saturday, April 20th, at 2:30 p.- IN AUCTION HOOMS, OPPOSITE CIVIC CDNTUE F.UC Tor convenience I have caused to ! '"'V'1 1" salesroom the following: 1 Walnut Dinette Suite .(good as new), 3 Ch j. . r?. i i . ii t i n ll T..i-nnin Collf lernems, . iiaoios, e. ivan;- . 3 lieds complete, 3 Huffcts, G Dressers, 3 Lin Kujcs, 1 Axminster Carpet, 2 Camp Cots vi mattresses, Kitchen Chairs, Tables, etc. OOODS FOR THIS WEEK'S SALE TO BE W AUCTION ROOMS BEFORE 5 PM HUUAi -l'C' TERMS CASH VLUItUU J lrin k. Keep your Orders well 0 Ahead for our Quality Coals ! 1 ,h' 1 lb. raltlnt 1 cup belling wolit AA witcf Crura hoftmf . n. .oda ""'Thtnttovtf.nd-lt. U,i few Add i . wtaitet. lu mill. K Sir TEA Mm t: tkimitmd iMir.t i ::ut in iu Dil; ' : r - 4 MtiCHina iih:i ik4 l, m iout flout V lv, nil iittti Vfy adottta oa L.JL.. 0 V RDInAI J " WREATH dUmod Al 10W John Bulger LIMITED Tniro ft'-' r' iiruiriir iiiiwvi s w The Auctioneer lllur II.'. B"4 1M ALBERT McCAFFERi