m c 4 b I U ! 3& prfitrc Uuncrt Dafly tacUis Thursday, April 18, 1946 - ARMY SHOW IS ON AIR WAVES Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster, Jinny Entertainers Across Canada and Overseas, Collaborated at 14 By NORMAN ALTSTEDTER Cnnftf'.inn Pre3s Staff Writer A pair of ex-Canadian Army ijf.C.O.'s who were happiest when t . they were being laughed at by -the men in the ranks, are taking the laughs second-hand these days as radio script writers. Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster wrote and starred in the Army Show which banned army boredom from coast to coast in the Dominion and then through Britain and Northwest Europe. Today they are rehabilitating themselves by writing about the rehabilitation of a ALL PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS MUST BE FILED BY APRIL 30 Take your troubles to 5. G. FURK Room C. Stone Building Open all day and evenings. PHONE 563 THE CRUCIFIXION (SIR J. STAINER) A Sacred Cantata Sung by the combined Choirs of SL Andrew's Cathedral and First Presbyterian Church Under the direction of Peter A. Lien. Soloist; Guest Soloist: J. A. Teng Dr. R. G. Large FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Good Friday 8:00 P.M. -Canada's; Finest Paint Cleaner Dissolves greasy soil iiiiwui i umiiiiK Large 69 32-oz.' 'Bottle Gordon's McRride Stteel 'Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Panelling m a variety of finishes, Insul-Rriek, Building Papers, etc. Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. LUMRF.R AND BUILDING MATERIALS Phones G51 and f52 Phone Blue 850 Green Builders All Interior and Exterior Work chap named "Johnny Home," who is the central character in that Friday night show about veterans problems mainly the humorous .side. Winners of a recent "Beaver Award" for outstanding contribution to Canadian radio. Frank and Johnny have been collaborating in the gag game since they were 14 years old. They were in radio bfore the war as writers and performers but have been confining themselves to the writing end since their return to civilian life last summer. Like many who have made the grade in Canadian radio, Shuster and Wayne have had tempting offers from south of the border but are still sticking to Tor onto. They believe Canadian radio is growing by leaps and bounds and they would "reluctantly" take a Job in the U.S. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By. ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can, I whiten stone steps and' concrete walks? A. Use the following mixture: one gallon water, one pound of lime, and a handful of salt; stir well. Rub into the surface of the steps with an old scrubbing brush. Q. How can I removb pickles or olives from a Jar the easiest way? A. A pair of candy tongs, kept in the kitchen, are con venient for this purpose. Q. How can I make a good needle book? A. An excellent needle-book is one that is made of chamois. The needles will not rust. walls and woodwork ea fcSItHi no riming, no drying) HI sn!laFF Hardware Phone 311 KWONQ SANO HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open i pjn. to 2 &m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 HOME OWNERS IT IS TIME FOR YOUR SPRING REPAIRING! We have now in stock a substantial quantity of Cedar Shingles, Birch and Cedar P.O. Box 14C4 & Corrins and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service 300 TONS OF LIVE HERRING ARE IN POUND A 300-ton mass of herring was caught by McFadden Brothers at their live bait herring pound at Hunt's Inlet. the best catch made In at least two years. At $5 a barrel, the price sought by the pound operators with the halibut fishermen, the Impounded herring will be worth about $15,000. An earlier run about three weeks ago came Into the inlet and departed so fast that the pound operators were unable to get their seines In operation. Threat of a strike among the halibut fishermen would mean n. considerable loss i.o 'the poun l operators because of the mortality rate among the impounded herring. CF PR 1240 Radio Kilocycles Dial (Subject to change) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT An event described as of "Dominion-wide musical significance" will take place on Saturday when the world premiere of the Healey Willan opera "Deirde of the Sorrows" will be broadcast from Toronto and Into CFPR.over the network from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The text and score is based on one of the oldest scores In Celtic folklore. The scene" or the three-act opera Is laid on the coast of Alba, the ancient name for Ulster and Scotland. Ettore Mazzoleinl is the conductor and the leading singers are Frances James, - prand, in the title role, with Ell-liam Morton as the romantic priest of Ullah. THURSDAY P.M. 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Story of Music 9:00 Gregory Clark 9:15 Serenade in Rhythm 9:30 Casino Garden Orch. 9:55 Interlude . . 10:00 CBO News . 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 The Frasers 10:30 Buddy Rich's Orch. 11:00 This Week's Composer 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent FRIDAY" A.M. 0:45 Songs in Sweet Style 10:00 -Morning Visit 10: 15 -Showtime 10:30 -Roundup Time 10:45 -Kato Mendelssohn 11:00 Hits of Today 11:15 Thoughts For Today 11:30 -Weather Forecast 11:33 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45- Music From the Movies PJVI. 12:00 -B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25- -Program Resume 12:30-CBC NEWS 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00- Hit Review 1:15-Interlude 1:18 Needle Pointers 1:30 Good Friday Service 2:00 Classic Hour 2:30 The Robinson Family 2:45 Downbeat 3:00 Me&ser's Islanders 3:15 Prairie Comment 3:30 Magic in Spring 3:45 CBC NEWS. Commentary FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Jack Allison Show 4:15 King Edward Hotel Trio .4:30 Stock Quotations 4:43 Weather Forecast 4:45 Top Bands 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes G: 00 Johnny- Home Show 6:30 Listening Post 0:45- To be announced 7:00 CBC News 7:15- -CBC News Roundup Activities of Rup-Rec GOOD FRIDAY For the first time since its official openin?, more than a month ago, the Civic Centre will be closed for the entire day on Good Friday. There will be a suspension of activities in the building on that day, including Rup-Rec classes and the music appreciation hour. ITie juvenile gym class will not be held on Good Friday morning, nor the afternoon class for junior boys. Classes will continue, as usupl, on Easter Monday and during the Easter holidays. BADMINTON There will be the usual afternoon badminton session for Clvc Centre and service personnel members this Sunday. Last Sunday there was a large and enthusiastic turnout, including a number of be; glnuers. If any of these beginners would like some coaching in the game, a member of the Civic Centre staff will be available to give some lessons on request. PI AY-READING On Saturday niaht at 7 o'clock the B;olh Memorial Hinti School Drnma Club will hold its first meeting in the Board Room of the Civi:: C&ntre. JUST A REMINDER It's the poor that help the poor When poverty knocks at the door, For those who live in mansions grand Ofttimes fall to understand The meaning of the helpless ones. To be homeless. I am sure. Tho nis-anlng Is known only by the poor, So It's the poor that help the poor. Let the poor be what they will For w? are all Retting: older still. Don't be hard on them now they're old and grnv. Just reHect we'll all foe that wav some day. F, Miller. 7:30 Pergolesi's "Stabat Mater" 8:00 Art Rahman's Orch. 8:30 Pacific Time 9:00 "What About Uranium" 9:15 Recital 9:30 CBR Concert Orch. 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 First Personal Singular 10:30 Buddy Rich's Orch. 11:00 New Orleans Heritage 11:30 Al Donahue's Orch. 11:45 Grady King's Orch. 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Operatic Gems 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Land of Supposing 10:00 Musical Program 10:45 CBC News; Weather 11 :C0 Deirdre of the Sorrows P.M. 2:00 Musical Program 3:00- El Rltmo Trical 3: 15--CBC News 3:30- -Serenade 3:45- BBC News and Commentary MAY QUEEN TO BE CROWNED ON KIN SPORTS DAY In addition to a versatile presentation cf talent In off-hand water color drawing, newspaper commentary and character recitation by Aubrey Bate of Booth Memorial Illjh School staff, the Priifce Rupert Gyro Club, at yes terday's weekly luncheon, re ceived a request from William Jarmson, president of the Prince Rupert Kinsmen's Club, for cooperation in connection with the forthcoming May 24 celebration by joining with other clubs In the sponsoring of a candidate in a May Queen contest. The annual Kin .sports day this year, Mr. Jarmson said, would Include a monster parade featuring a float In "which would ride the Queen of the May and her attendants. Culminating ovent would be a Coronation ball In the evening. Proceeds of the sale of tickets in the May Queen contest would go towards financing a summer camp for boys and also towards paying the Kinsmen's share in the Prince Rupert Recreational Council fund. The club's executive was given rtowrr o act in the matter of enprin tlje May Queen contest. President W. D. I.ambie was in the chair at the Gyro luncheon and guests were Dr. Norman MacSwevn, Mr. Jarmson. Mr. Bate and Okn Harvey of Vancouver. I.WII l(i niTKV .f'T rtc: cml'lrate of Title No. 22598-1 to lyft ThlrUfn (131. Block Fourth (14). Towntltc of Atlln. Map 67S WHEREAS mtlsfactory Droof of loaft of the above Certificate of Title Irauerf In the nam of William Arthur Dod'l has been filed In this office, notice I.i hereby Riven that I shall. ntUhc expiration of one month from the elate of the first publication hereof. Indue a provisional Certificate of Title hi lieu of swl'l lost Certificate, unless 111 the 'meantime valid objection be made t me In writing DATED at. the Land Itelstry Office Trincc Kurort BC this Oth day of April. 1940 A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Henlslrar of Titles TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage f WE MEET ALL TRAINS--" SERVICE TO ANV POINT IN THE DISTRICT HI SMITH i P.O. "Box 1C7 TERRACE The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON pA A 8 ) If IL III ilk The Hard Way Some Miajipy device like handy mlget would lie way to rrucL iIohii on dirc for Ira or t-oAW. A impractical though ! Eay to fiv. Loilinj; This Is Our Husiness Take, a d v a n t atfe of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage is under the management of BUI Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT US I Terrace Machine Shop AND (iARAGE Terrace LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Steamship Service from PRINCE IMIII.'I!T OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight PARKS and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OITICF. 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 ii one your lilt The PosTum Way Drink I'ostum Imlvtull Snrli a drli"lilful way. Di'liriom flavor, hearty warmth ami aroma. Ami not a trace of cafTVin or any oilier drug to upH nerve or diction. Make: PoMum right in tlm mp, jut liy .nlding water or hot milk. Cost 1cm than lc a scrviiig. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT " Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o - at CENTRAL HOTEL Will Ke-opcn Saturday, April 20lh ; We spt'cialiie in tender, juicy stcab and Chinese dishes. ! WttVTT.NnAirtfATVTV INVITATION TO DOME ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD mm 4 I' vnric iPtipra nnur n m iiiiii.iii nun See or Phone Us on a New Insulation K1MSUL kmiiiiuiiii,; I'm Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It. and We Can Do It . r.nn nrn HAM MAKbA.t WK HAVtt UUIl UHfl " " v"" - . . ... t ..... mi j txr Phone It ack 1ZU nay rimnc - We se rre you nothing but the best-Special Rf4 Br"' Choicest fresh Vegf tables and Frui" Complete line of Groceries OUR D RLI C ATESS EN DEPARTMENT OVW REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Ties, Roast ChW Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to sme J Chinese dishes Chow Mfln, Chop Sn'7.f,fl'" out. Cooked with delicate taste and quirk wrfl TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers . Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre We Have Done Seeing h Relieving COMI. in - " m v Phones 18 and 19 2 WAYS TO SWEAR OFF ArelcepleM nigh, va.rV!ns y to su, drinking tea anucotr Has a frier,, U1 Voi how much ,lt,r 'a Ha Ml since sl.ep,, " roto-iii? AnUyou ilrvml thc ,,lea? POSTUM il 1 B. I .. .. o 4 1. 1 Vn... hi1 ihf m NextRoy11 Lll I IJIII III vveekly and MontW convent For your NEWLY v-Tranent r.ife In Conned riioNK IT! innltfor1"1 iirriv(a citcrtl Af Curd Vilin I lUUrtl i3 0 B.jmims . iijj f if At iim iti rirn nil - .aiIAUU Mil MUiWLtM i tiunyn - irtnnnit Canadian LCgiUI" o,J iVKK"-"