or years your Dream . . . ow a R ca ity! kU FOUGHT FOR IT - NOW - - UPPORT YOUR IVIC CENTRE! e a Member of Your Community roject! Memberships noiv available .or every Member of the Family at Ik UN Centre Office. . "" ' GOOD HEALTH - HOBBIES ACTIVITIES FOR EVERY AGE AT A REASONABLE Rates: ! JUNIORS To twelve years of age 5"c for six months. Privileges free attendance to all Rup-Rec classes for this group and to other activities organ-iZ(,! lor the group. 2- intermediates Teen age stu- :tn 1 50 for six months. Privileges lree attendance to all Rup-Rec classes w this HALF-YEARLY RATE . . " vv 1U1 til lO 1UUJ, l4JWJM"o "signaled lounge facilities. 3- INTERMEDIATES Teen age em-P'yed- -$2.5o f0r slx months. Privileges as for teen-age students. 0.4' A,)l'l'TS-Members over 19 years V age- -$2.5o for six months. Social prlV-BeS, Including InnnrrK mnA Mlltn-ri . ' cu'tural groups, hobby groups. llc-. but cnKi,.i i .... , . i. iv,. - io me nominal cost oi '"6 ernnna uiuii.1. , i ui n badm Z: 'umrami' i,,,Sln (cmDs, Keep-m classes ana - -.us gym classes, and Ji?M,LY MEMBERSHIP Husband "tide? Land chl'dren of school age or u5 oun;G 00 fr six months. Privileges -"ru lor each age group. Hl'TOm lnU 1 tran- Hi 410 on 'uutiu-a ior oy a memoer, I Pet month. PATRONS: AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO CITIZENS AND HUSINESS INSTITUTIONS TO OIVE THEIR PATRONAGE TO PRINCE RUPERT'S OWN .COM-AIUNITY ENTERPRISE. Y- f A MINIMUM DONATION . OF FIFTY DOLLARS C, IVES A FULL YEAR'S MEMRERSHIP TO THE DONOR AND FAMILY PLUS THE STATUS OF A PATRON. DONATIONS WILL RE ACCEPTED AT ANY RANK MADE PAYABLE TO THE CIVIC RECREATION HOARD. ' NOTE: Donations to the Civic Centre are detluctable from taxable income. ill' Train Delayed By Derailment Due to a derailment of a freight train ten miles west of Red Pass on the Smithers division near Tete Jaune, tonlghf'3 train, due from the east at 10:45. was delayed for ten hours so will not be in until 8:45 tomorrow morning'. Nine cars went off the track and turned over on their sides but no one was hurt and little serious damage was donp The track was soon cleared. NATIVE GIUL DIES A six-year old native girl named Phillipa RCbertson died this morning at Sunnyslde Cannery. The funeral will take place "at Sunnyslde on Saturday. SIX-DAY WONDER When she was six days old, Mary became Queen of Scotland. OLDEST BRASS INSTRUMENT The cymbal is the oldest known musical Instrument made of brass, and was used as early, as 1047 B.C. FOR SALE Model A Ford sedan, 1929. Serial No. CAQ478. Good running order. Good tires. $200 or best offer in cash takes it. For particulars phone Blue 597. (97) FOR SALE Small house, running hot, cold water and shower. 145 Wantage Rd. $150. (94) FOR SALE Washing machine and dryer, combined. $50. In good condition. Phone Blue 960 after five. (93) FOR SALE White enamel stove, cheap. Call evenings, 333 8th Ave. East. (97) FOR SALE- 34 foot troller Westerner Can be seen at New Floats. Apply 981 7th Ave. East. (94) FOR SALE One 25 h.p. Canadian Fairbanks Diesel engine, complete, In good shape. Write Crawford Transfer Co. Ltd., Stewart, B.C. (96) BARGAIN 20 acres good farm land at Terrace; 7 acres clear ed .fenced. Good water supply. V- miles from school. 40 fruit trees In bearing; fish creek at rear; strong cabin. $700 Box 120, Terrace, B. C. (93) FOR SALE Machinists' tools; dining room chairs; two rockers; odd chairs; one double and one single bed, complete; one stpel folding cot, complete; drop-leaf kitchen table; small mahogany table; large lawn mower; 3 large trunks. Mrs. Connery.450 Sherbrooke Ave. Phone Blue 267. (92) FOR SALE Four-burner and oven General Electric kitchen range and annex: one con-goleum rug. 1533 Piggot Ave. (95) FOR SALE C-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (100) FOR SALE McClary electric range, used, $10.00; barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $28.50; new hardwood chairs, special, $2.65; tri-light lamps, big assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio sets from $10.00; electric press Irons; hot plates, nw, $4.75; drinking classes, new, 10c; slightly used kitchen set, $16.50; dining room set, seven pieces, in good shape $45.00. All klnd3 of furniture and hardware bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Dressing table, chlf-foniere. single and double beds complete, modern kitchen sink complete, small tables, stand lamp. Phone Blue 562. (tf) FOR SALE 7 h.p. Palmer marine engine. Apply Tchjesvold, Dodge Cove, Digby Island. (94) FOR SALE 8 h.p. Vivian, shaft and propellor, 15 h.p. three cylinder Yale. Also brass shafting, propellors, transmissions and boaC'hardware. Atlas Boiler Works. (94) FOR SALE New modern house on water side of Ambrose Ave. Three rooms and bath. Two lots. Possession in one month. $2800 cash. II. G. Helgcrson Ltd. iQ2) FOR SALE 10th Ave. East. 4- room. house, fully modern, hardwood floors, furnace, garage. $2200, terms available. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (95) FOR SALE One Lynn enamel thrce-wlck oil burner, complete with tank and feed valve nearly new. 650 Seventh Avenue East. (92) FOR SALE Chesterfield; 2 easy chairs; l end table; 1 small table, masonlte top: 1 writing desic: l radio with built-in gramaphone; 1 rocking chair; 1 card table; 1 linoleum; 1 kitchen table and 5 chairs: 1 walnut bed with spring-filled mattress; 1 dresser; 1 chest drawers; 1 white enamel range; 1 steel bed and mattress; washing machine; large quantity books; small crib; large number of Jars. 221 4th Avenue East, (92) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO AM.W.V.V.V.W.W April 1H, 1921 A number of steel refrigerator cars were being built to relieve the fish car shortage which had been plaguing local fish dealers, James J. Lee, secretary of the local branch of the Canadian Fisheries Association, was advised. W. E. Williams, president of the Board of Trade, said that he had received an Intimation that, if the city would build a road to the city limits, the provincial government would construct a road as far as Galloway Rapids, first link of a trans-provincial highway. An inquiry into the death of William Morrison, Port Simpson native, revealed that he drowned after falling from a gas boat off Jap Point while on his way to Prince Rupert. Advertise In the Dally News. - - Classified Advertising - - and Engagement Announcement: 2. FOR. SALE HELP WANTED WANTED Ward aides and maids for Miller Bay Indian Hospital. Apply by letter only to Box 1248, Prince Rupert, B C. (94) WANTED Good, reliable, steady couole to work at sawmill, half-way between Rupert and Terrace. Wife to cook for small sawmill crew and run cook house as a restaurant; also catering to highway tourist trade. Husband to work in sawmill operations, and help restaurant if needed. For particulars write George Little & Son Ltd., East Kwinitsa, B. C. (96) WANTED Housekeeper for smau ramiiy; private room, board. $50 a month. Other help kept. Phone Red 879. Of) WANTED WANTED Silent glow oil-burn er in good condition for range, made by Imperial Oil. Apply Box 107 Dally News. (92) WANTED- Furnished bed-slT-tin room, kitchenette, con venient to Post Office, for May 1. S. W. Blrrell, Box 105 Dally News. (02) FOR KENT FOR RENT Six room furnished house, complete with oil burners. Vacant May 1. 216 4th Ave. East. Phone Black 729. (97) FOR RENT Barn building, approximately 30 feet by 50 feet, two storey. Valentin Dairy. (93) LARGE four roomed flat fully furnished. Phone 422. (92 FOR RENT One-room furnish ed cabin, newly decorated. Apply 1144 7th Ave, East. Phone Blue 822. ' (92) FOR RENT Furnished seven- room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or phone Green 838. (93) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Single or double room, board if desired. One-minute walk from Post Office. 400 4th Ave. West. Black 965. (95) PERSONAL WOULD person who took dark overcoat from Co-op dance at Oddfellows' Hall Tuesday night please ljave at Fishermen's Co-operative store. Angus Mac-donald. 93 YOUNG MAN discharged from Air Force would like to hire on .with salmon troller. Wish to learn the job. Money of secondary Importance. Phone h Green 252 or write Box 106 Dally News. (92) SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks', supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at all druggists. (94) DO YOU need any repairs, sidewalks or new foundation? We can do It. Sackner. Phone 51 or Box 280. (94) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I 'mlted. Vancouver. B.C. RADIO SERVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRo? Bros. Ltd. FOUR VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Specialists in Each Branch Paperhanging Signs Decorating Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. Prince Rupert pnilu JftcUis Thursday, April 18, 1946 VICTORIA DAY PLANS MADE Kinsmen To Have Gala 'Festival on May 21 Going "all out" for their major project of establishing a boys' summer camp at Lake Lakelsc this summer members of the Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club are busy with plans for their May 24 celebration' which will be a gala festival. Proceeds from the event will go toward the camp fund. In addition, plans for a tag day, which they hope to hold on April 27, were laid at last night's meeting or the club. R. O. Moore meeting of the club. R. G. Moore was appointed ta.s day commlt- The May 24 celebration primarily a children's day will feature a parade, clowns, May Queen pageant, and will wind up with a ball In the Civic Centre auditorium. On the eve of the celebration there will be a boxing card sponsored by the Canadian Legion. Last night's meeting was held at Katy's Kleen Kitchen, with Presidsnt William Jarmson as chairman. Constable Ernest Zorn of the provincial police was rworn in as a new member. Quests included C. P. Bala.gno, Allan Crawford and Gilbert Brown. Entertainment feature of the meeting was the showing of films of the Terrace district, future site of the Kinsmen's camp, by Allan Crawford. ! 5 TERRACE SEES I FASHION SHOW f TERRACE One of the highlights of the .week In Terrace was the fashion show soon sored 'toy the Skeena Mercantile, this Wednesday evening In the local theatre. A nunibsr of. the High School pupils took part, and proceeds went to the Junior Red Cross. GUNNER HAYNES HOME FROM WAR Gunner Laurie Hayhes has returned to the city from oversea! service with the Canadian Army and Is now residing with his father. John K. Haynes, at the Bay Apartments. Gunner Haynes enlisted In September 1941 and, after training at Vernon and Brandon, left for overseas in July 1942. After further training in Britain he proceeded to Italy In March',1944 and went Into action with- the First Canadian Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, in May of that year. His Iftrst major action was on the Hitler Line whence he was evacuated to hospital with malaria In June 1944. He returned to duty In September and served as observation party driver-operator. .In March 1945 he was moved .wjth the Firsj, Canadian Division to western Europe and was ,ln Rotterdam, Holland, on V-E Day. After three months' voluntary , occupational duty In Germany he returned to Canada, receiving his final discharge March 26. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION contracts large or small planning and designing : Estimates NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone ."(l:l Evenings: Green 10 AmumncemoM ... , W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET FULL LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES s. Your patronage would be appreciated 536 Seventh Avenue East PHONE 102' Easter Suggestions Yardley Harriet Hubbard Ayerr Adr'wnne EUzahoth irden Lentherie Dorothy Gray Ormes ltd. "JtiA Pioneer Drtu&ists THE It EX A LI. STORE Prescription Specialists An Announcement '" ; To the Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT- LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TO 9 VMi 1 PJW. TO 4 P.M. This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON