prince Rupert Dallg r-Jchia t. Thursday, August 1, 1D4G An MndrpeiideHt daily newfimr ilcvotwl to the up- bufmiixiX..rlnre nupcrt ond ull the comnummui comprising northern ana central itnusii PuMlahed every afternoon except Bun-flag by Prince Uupert Dally News Untltcd.. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, I British Columbia. Q, A. 1IUNTKR. Managing Editor. H Q. PERRY, Managing Director. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By iClty carrier, per week . . . Per, Month Per Year ByiMall, per month rvr 't.h WIDWKlimHKHKHaOlKHKHKHKHSaOl Columbia. MEM B KK ABO. .65 ai!ml$3ni .40 (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Otflce r Department, Ottawa). IMMIGRATION POLICY RESOLUTIONS will be submitted" ; to the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of central ai;d northern British. Columbia, urging the early resumption of an immigration policy, with special consideration of the admittance of relatives of Canadian citizens and of; those people who were associated with Canada in the war. This ought to be fully supported b.i the convention. In no part of Canada is there greater need for immigration than in central' and northern British Columbia. If farming is to be permanently profitable, in this district we must h.ive 'a ''tremendously greater production so that products can not only supply the local market in quantity and variety, but can be exported to the wider markets at the larger cities of-.the province and elsewhere. ; Only by having big production can freight rates be reduced on .rail aiid road, economies in production instituted by the use of machinery, niodern public services in schools, rpads, medical, health and welfare provided economically and without tbo burdensome taxation. Each immigrant who comes here will bring his skill and knowledge that will ultimately add to the cultural and technical wealth of our district. He will be not only a producer of new wealth but a consumer of all kinds of products made and produced by the workers in our secondary and primary industries. He will be one of j. new internal . market t of consumers as well as", a producer who must sell and trade his products to others. ' He will soon share in the taxation of the country. He will help to provide traffic and revenue for the railways and truckers. He will be nlore than welcome in this part of Oinada, for here in these wide open spaces men and women are tolerant and hold broad views and possess kindly, hearts. I This district has long languished in-atagnation-due to sparsity of population. Industrial expansion depends as much on a supply of labor being readily available as upon the investment of capital. New industries snnply will not establish thmeselves in. an area where there is a small population. Immigration is vitally necessary to increase the population in central and northern B.C. for all these reasons and others. There are scores of good Canadian citizens in this district who are anxious to get relatives out and who can guarantee them employment. These relatives in many case3 have ben -victims of the terrors of Hitler-ism and' Fascism. They should be allowed to come here without any red tape" 'at all. Canada has a moral and ethical responsibility to admit such relatives without any delay. Then the resolution urges that special consideration be given to those peoples who have shared the War effort with Canada. Here is something that can be supported without cavil. ; Millions of our allies are in des- pair. We have sent them much food and clothing. How much better it would be were we to say, as the cook says to the men in the camp! "Come and get it!" HELPING COMMUNITY THERE are always the few old-I timer stand-bys who are willing to carry the load of advancing the welfare of the community. There are a fair number of the newer businessmen whp are live wires. It has ever been so. A few men do the work for the community. They go to the trouble of proposing this and that for the good of the district and its people, oft-times only to get their efforts torn to tatters by uninformed critics and parish pump politicians. But be it said to the credit of those public spirited citi- zens who work in the Chamber of Commerce and other bodies that they never waver or get discouraged but, carry on, giving fully of their time 'and experience for the good of all. We salute those businessmen who do so. They are good citizens. They sow the fertile seeds of community progress that all may harvest the crop that eventually matures and ripens into the rich fruit of ' ' ' 0 ' SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN 1 Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work GOLD MINES ARE HIT THE gold mines of Canada and more I .'lilt i T- 1 i especially tnose oi unusn touun-bia have received double blows. ' to their industry. First by the reduction in the price received in Canadian dollars for the gold they produce due to; the Canadian dollar having been put on a parity with the United States dollar, and secondly by the demand of the workers in the mines for considerably higher pay. Many mines will be unable to operate and others will simply mill only their higher grade ore. This will have a serious effect upon employment, wages and the volume of money that forms the purchasing power which' creates turnover of commodities in business. The Dominion government, with the customary conduct of all governments, has at last granted some relief, but it is parsimonious and only of a little bit of help to most mines. It has reduced the handling charges at the mint where gold must be sold by 15 cents an ounce, and has increased the depletion allowance on gold mines from 20 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent of net profits with a minimum of $2.00 per ounce of gold produced. These minor concessions will not replace the loss of $3.50 an ounce now sustained by mines through the parity of the dollar, nor assist the operators to meet the demands of their employees for higher wages. What the gold industry wants is a free market in gold. In many countries outside of Canada a much higher price than $35 an ounce is being paid for gold. A few weeks ago the Federal Reserve Board of the United States gave out the information that the price of gold in many parts of the world was greatly in excess of that now received by producers in North America who are compelled to dispose of their gold to their respective government mints. In March of this year gold was selling in Argentina at $46 per ounce; in Bombay at $67; in Chile at $43; in Egypt at $97; in Bagdad at $98, and in Greece at $110. Unless the government does more to help the gold mines reduce their expenses or allows a free market or raises the price of gold, one of our important industries that employs thousands of workers and spends millions of dollars in capital and consumer goods will languish and some mines will perish. Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK -THIRD AVENUE NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Daily, News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified SAYS PARIS MEET VITAL H. fi. ferry Chats of Industrial ami ICrouoniic Crises Vancouver Man Lauds Civic Centre Speaking impromptu when ailed upon without notice at the Prince Rupert Gyro Club lunch eon yesterday, II. G. Perry, pub lisher of Prince George and Prince Rupert, spoke of the pregnancy it possibilities of the cur-lent peace conference in Paris. From it might stem permanent i peace or disastrous war, he de-1 clared. "But," he said, "I have great confidence that the strens policy enunciated by the United States Secretary of 3tate Cymes will be a good tgnic for the re calcitrant Soviet Republic and that much good may ensue." The future of the world, indeed, was 3t stake in the conference and all people everywhere must be dteply concerned over its Perry then turned t6 the disturbing . industrial Canadian cene. It was a matter of gratifi ¬ cation that the threatened fish handlers' strike here had been settled without reaching the point of a strike. '"It seems a pity," said Mr. Perry, "that we ;iiould have developed a system of adjudicating Industrial differences and yet Industries are brought to the point of closing dewn, causing economic loss to most all of those who went on str'ke, and the country and the people., and disturbing the con- ?rttilnsr pufjllc." The time was ripe, declared Mr. Perry, "to set tle industrial disputes in a manner -t'mUar to l?gal disputes. It was time to develop labor courts. riii(i; VAKOHVKR 2 Hours Leave PRINCE GEORGE DAILY 5:30 A M1. (Except Monday) Single $30 Return $54 Flus Tax Further Information from Mr. Bob Boehme Canadian Pacific Air Lines Prince George Hotel Prince George, B. C. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 388 P.O. Box 1294 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 AMBASSADOR RECEIVES DECORATION At the American embassy In Paris, U.S. Ambassador Jefferson Caffery is shown bestowing the Legion of Merit on Canadian ambassador to Paris Major-General George P. Vanier. Kot even In Vancouver was there anything like It. They were seemingly unable to even make up their minds in the southern city as to a site. "I would say to you: Get behind your Civic Cen tre. Take no chances of losing it." Mr. Boreham paid tribute to the director Don Forward. President V. D. Lamble was n the chair and guests were Miss Chrlssie Montgomery, the Gyro The question was not one of " right or wrong altogether but Iluuuri' B ""ul one of adjudication. . ver' - Perrv of Prln Geor5e' Alluding briefly to economic ue&e oi vuva, Gyro Club luncheon was Frank Hnreham Vancouver who con- i gratulated Prince Rupert on bavins ;uch a fine Civic Centre franit tsoieiiam ui vautuuvci when the changing price levels. and Robert. Orme, also of Van nf 1ip TTnltprt Rtnl.P wr nn. COUVer. sidert-d, it was to worry about the future economic state of this SALISBURY, Eng. ) here" are searching for Police people country. "Lcannot but fear that, hQ are steali kltcnen waste if th- nrlce level continues to f street b, The lt rie in the United States, we i ... ,oc f nM af rf rln tha .,t Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He got up a company of his own." 2. What is the correct pro nunclatlon of "horrid"? 3. Which one of these words 1 mirspelled? Anommous, anomaly, annoyance. 4. What does the word "anachronism" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ob that means "no longer In use"? , Answers 1. Say, "He organized a company of his own." 2. Pronounce the o as- In of. not as In or. 3. Anonymous. 4. An error in chronolosy, by which events are misplaced In order. "The many vom Viroo tnn- rm f. i n n f "hmnLtms in the work mada . a W lllUlb tllUU b'Ul V ,IAJHO w.w l ....--.--- tilt I actlcn here,' said the speaker, .. , .., L..' l. ,.hki a nhcniero who believed that the govern ments must continue a measure of control. Civic Centre Her Lauded Another brief speaker -at the oui ior collection were stuieii. n uhhh"-. FOR SALE BY TENDER CROWN ASSKTS TYPE OF ASSETS: One building, Eleventh Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, fill in excavations and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and tidy condition In a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporalon. ONE BUILDING lire Hall 50x28' and 21 xC Sale of this building includes only such normal plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures as may be Installed therein. Building Is sold for removal and restoration of the site. Passes to view this building to be obtained at War Assets Corporation at Prince Rupert. All areas and dimensions given are approximate. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: Tender No. 301-218 1 oi One Building: At lltli Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Addressed to: Branch Sales Manager War Assets Corporation 1108 West Oeoruia Street Vancouver, B.C. Tenders will close at twelve o'clock noon Pacific D.3. Time, August 12, 191G. The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials contained therein, will be put, as this will be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The successful tenderer .will, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender, be required to furnish a certified cheque or bank draft for the remaining ninety percent of his or her tender, and in addition, a certified cheque or bank draft for an amount equal to the estimated cost of restoring the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration will not carry interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion cf the terms of the tender, War Assets Corporation 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, R. C. Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste . . . No fuss. T ry them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND ' Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. VANDEKIIOOK A former provincial police constable well known at Vander-hoof and at Terrace, passed away In Prince George reecntly. He was Harry LeRoy McKenney, well known as a-baseball player and upporter, and hockey player 11 .-. funeral was held wltii Ma: mile t itoa at Prince George. The site oi the new U. C. Power Comm! on power plant at Van-detlioof has assumed the appearance of a live camp. 'Officers, cook hou'ie, work sheds and ."leaping quarters have been set up and the site of the new plant being .staked out. A farewell tea was-held at the home of Mrs. A. Dlcksori-'for Mrs. I w Bredley, a pioneer resident who planned to take up residence at Hew Westminster. POSTHUMOUS HONORS WELL! -Mrs. F. D. Finlayson has received the operational wines of the R.C.A.F. posthumously awarded "her son, Fit.-Sgt. John Finlayson, in recognition of gallant service in action against the enemy. The nor llS owned by VV J g ' motlore ' ' ine , Club, v. t p, " the cour,.? oi a , A' in ; :, had a kn ,Ul L ' powered b t, 1 math cn 'in of 10 km. " ' W. H W , from anu J, 01-' 1C , : r " 'i! est in e t t. plywood far' , ' A rr k r u-,. compre a added t e RELIANCE OUN Now Available i work on the Ktir i, way. n nanj of Jst work and - j , ported on the hi wore a' e ' been cour. :;d a f.. a ut'litNrc. nrnvlries better heat, fnr dv,u. water and kitchen heating; offers you all the n- nf nil hpatlntr without llmltlne the Stove t:i itrirt burning unit. household refuse while the burner Is In actun r w m a iifi r w ni n I'llONK BLACK 278 P.O. BOX IX ii it' 'Ii. oni cuik FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Oreen 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre 5ie Deserves the Best! Give n r iTit rni i imp' PYREX anniversary or some other ;pr c - select unrt it will hp n-.r.r, intprf and .r.C long time. We are featuring o nlc ' as.sortmi.nt a. PT .. ... . ... t. Arr jviaKe u a poini, nexi lime j ju re m - " r. . . . J I t r-..m .1 . 11 l T 1 sec uui uiouidya. IUU11 I1I1U 11 wen uu )- the prices are most attractive. T U If A n I C TV CTIl "Where Your Dimes Are Little DolUn" DAILY NEWS HnNflR RflL Your Assistance Invited it Anr The nallv New U rnmnlet nff a Roll 01 w" Is honed mav rnntnln ih name of everv man ot this citv tn serve with the armed forces at and In h nip Tn milra hl Hot rftmnlete, II'" - - ... .... . ... ... A ...... HIV i.U"UJCiaLlUl ITl bAlC lMM'tH m It M n 17 th name Ir U lmn1hl fnr fh Hallv NeWS or " ... responsible for the submission of the name oi YOUR airl or YOUR friend. in.. I1,I I. Ih. InfnrmntlOn We WOUW BB 1V luiiuwiiig i y ....v...... fill in and send to ROLL OP HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Nanu - Service (Army. Navy, Air Force) Rank . Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date ot Discharge - If Casualty, Nature and Date nammlui If VIMI An nnt lUbmlt 8 certB name, no one else may. You are response