airWay Food Market (ROSS INGKAM) 20!) TIIIHD AVENUE WEST Just Below the Daily News FOOD VALUES for the WEEK-END ( rum: strawberry JAM New pack. CQn 24 Oz 3ar Nabob brand PUDDING POWDERS 15c U pkts STRICTLY FRESH EGGS Grade A' Large j. In eartor.- 5Gc JUTLAND SARDINES 2 un 25c BKOOKl'TELU CHEESE 2 Lb. cartons, each FRESH KILLED CHICKENS Roasting Birds. Airivine Friday Morning. mum I RED PLUMS rLALrlLJ sweet and juicy OQf Per S Pund CARROTS LAKKUI3 CUCUMBERS and green. Fresh and crisp. Qp )t Ipound . 7V ! TEl'I'lCE TEKIiACE ! CABBAGE NEW POTATOES and No. 1 ff 9,0 Firm green. Qp 3 4tJV Pound - "I White lbs. i) 4d4 Use It For FREE DELIVERY 1 i ORDERS IN BEFORE 3 r.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY 1 Mg SBBHBBmHK. frrz i I in Local News Items . . . For that Port Edward, Trip-Tommy's 77 Taxi. Grotto, (tf) A sons of Norway meeting at 8 o'clock in the l.O.OF. Hall. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tf) w BUILD UP ! BABY I PRIME mW&M i eoiD BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY '"0NE 1:8 THIRD AVENUE Georee Mitchell left by car to day for Lake Kathlyn where he will Join Mrs. Mitchell and fam ily to spend a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and familv of Fourth Avenue East left on last evenings train for a vacation trip to Ter.ace. Allan Sheardown and son, George, returned w the city on Tuesdav nieht's traLa from a business trip to Burns i'ake Mrs. R. McColl of Kamloops, who has been visiting her son- in-law and daughter. ConstabU and Mrs. Edward Anderson here .'or the last month, leaves on the Cardena Friday night for Vancouver on her return home. Chirf retty Officer Robert Mc- Cnr.-nev. son of Mr. and Mrs "Build B.C. Payrolls" 1 f" i UnsoUclted testimonials contin ually tell us that babies thrive i when fed with richly-nourish ing, irradiated Pacific Milk. Get a handy, vacuum packed can today and prove this fact for yourself. or What Not A Legion W.A. Meeting tonight 8 p.m. in Club Rooms. (It) A Miss M. A. Way resumes her piano teaching August 1. (179) Orme Stuart leaves tomorrow by motor for a weeks vacation In the Interior. A Meeting Port Day Committee Civic Centre, 8 p.m.' Thursday, August!. (179) J. T. Harvey left this morning for Lake Kathlyn to spend a vacation. Mrs. Harvey and family are already there. Mrs. A. E. Dickens and Miss Edith Gandy are leaving on the Cardena Friday night on a. holiday trip to Vancouver. A All persons wishing transportation to Terrace for Associated Boards of Trade convention please notify W. F. Stone or E. T. Applewhaite before 5 pjn. Monday to assure -accommoda tion. (H) Frank Boreham, provincial manager of the Monarch Life Assurance Co., after spending . . .1 It .,-,, .v. U., IUC UiUI u 111 un ui) vu i,.. r,, cn : ness, sails hy the Prince Rupert : i mVS DioverV In Van- : tonight on his return to Van r -y Hospital in Vancouver last I Saturday for an appendix opera-' tion. He is progressing favorably tut will not be home until after tr main body of the local corps which is returning on the Car-i dena tomorrow nigni. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 pjn. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 pjn. July 24, August 3, 14, 24 ss Princess Louise, p.m. , July 17, 27, August 7, 17, 28 ss Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 pjn. ' Monday ss Princess Adelaide, i Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 am PACIFIC MILK From Aiaska ss Prince Rupert. 7 pjn. July 24, August 3, 14, 24-Prln-ces.s Louise, pjn. July 17. 21, August 7, 17, 28-ss Princess Norah. For Alaska- Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, mldnleht. July 19. 24. August 9, 19, 30 ss Princess Louise. July 22, August 2, 12, 23 ss Princess Norah. CHEAUCAL JUflrCiLlNO "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" more than double its weight ot I u'ro-Rlycerine. No matter what you have to Sell - - BE IT Hotel... Prince Rupert Mr and Mrs. S. A. Fraser, Ed monton: R. J. Myers, Alert Bay; J. Langerin, Vancouver; R. Paul son. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. v. v.vri Vancouver; w. ironsiae, Vancouver; Mr. J. B. Rae. Port Eeslngton; Miss Ruth Goodall, New Westminster; A. Rae, Port Essington; Mrs. T. Hallett, Van couver; J. D. Rand, Vancouver; Mr and Mrs. C. C. Brown, Van couver; Miss M. D. Dick, Vic toria; Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Hole man, Victoria. Mrs. A. W. Lipsin and son Ed ward of Vancouver, who have been visiting in the city for the last few weeks, are leaving Fri day night on the Cardena to re turn to their home. Mrs. Lipsin is the widow of the late Abraham Lipsin, former local L-asincss man who passed away recently in the south. 1 (1 July Fire Calls Totalled Eight ri.. firo r.pnanment answered eight fire calls during July, but fire damage was negugioie ing the month, accorcing to the records of Fire Chief H. T Lock. So far this year the fire depart ment has answered &t J ire miw. Total fire damage so far mis year is about $5,000. HUMAN DEITY tiip Roman BmDlrc. like- that of Japan, was based on the belief that the emperor was a god, tj whom his suDjecii were bound to make sacrifices. Announcements All advertisements in im column will be charged lor a fuU month at 25c a word. L.O.B.A. Garden Party, August 7. Mrs. J. P. Moller's, 130 4th Ave. East, 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Port Day, August 22. Old Time Dance. Prairie Ram blers. August 31, Oddiellows Hall. L.OJ3.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. OUR SALE CONTINUES HATS BLOUSES COATS SUITS THE DAILY NEWS Tim THE DAILY NEWS CAN GIVE YOU A CONSTANT AUDIENCE OF CONSTANT BUYERS. HOLD AND GAIN CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE FOR YOUR PRODUCT BY CONSISTENT USE OF THE BEST LOCAL SELLING MEDIUM. t -.4, OUTFIT NOW FOR LATE SUMMER AND LAKLY FALL Get In On the Val ties: BUT ON BUDGET PLAN No Interest tii- Carrying Charges WT.P.B Regulations "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" LOANS AND SERVICEMEN CANBERRA 0 Re-establish ment loans of UP to $1,800 to help relumed men and women set themselves up in business have been announced by the federal Rovernment. A strpula tion is that applicants produce evidence of a demand for the business they propose to set up. RADIOS REPAIRED BY EXPERTS P II ONE O I I Dont take chances with your radio. Make sure It's repaired by experts, all new parts used. That's your guarantee when you let our skilled men fix your radio. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver MOTT ELECTRIC (rrince Rupert' LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - industrial Marine Electricians Dome Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West WE HAVE: Birch Wood, ll", per cord $1350 Jarkpine, 11", per cord I12J0 Slabs, 14", per cord $10.00 Lump. Egg Nut and Slack Coal in any quantity. Fill up now lor winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 Prince fcupect Danp Btss Thursday, August 1, 1948 llfe Fingertip Raincoats 1 mm "THE MEN'S SHOP' WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy" Wallnanprs. You will find A'eio Smart and Short Cotton Gaberdine with a p.l iniuig aim maue witn a rippr front, the Fingertip Rai is leading the style parade t raincoats. Designed bj jl; Gould & Sons this coat 7 fashioned for young men i- l i like to lead in style. Priced at $16.50 i CLOTHING AND FlRMSHUBl 53J THIRD AVINUE fMONI 345 the patterns smart and modern, and Will be arpristj what small a cost you can buy oeauuiui pspe.a u ; rooms. Gordon's Hardware PH0MI M.n.l.l. Ktrrrt 1 G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, rcshingling, build fens sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEE CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. po nnx em :- PRINCE Etl GENERAL CONSTRUCTll CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCT! Stone Block LIMITED SPECIAL - $3.95 rnNTATNING; STORE HOURS 9 feel wide, cut to any icnjin any carpc, ..... P.O. B3 Phone 50!J Evenings: Green 103 ci -L.l A J Troacure CH Ardena Cleansing Cream Yelva Crtfl r eatner-Lignt rounaauon v. reaiu Hand-U-Tonik rouare u Flower Mist Lip Stick. Ormes W Jm Pioneer uruw 9 a.nt. Week Days ..,m.ttf Sundays and Holidays 12 noon till 2 P-m- A. MacKenzie FurnH - LIMITED - ; "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CARPET UNDEK-FKLT . ,ir,dtoli Save your carpet until new ones vrvin, nROUIREMENl uo v SJ. TUird J Best In Advertising rnone ..a Best In News BUY MORE W-Ul SAVINGS ti..-