IW - - - inp to Membership of United Steel Workers of America i CP National advisory committee of i cfnolivnrlfprs nf Amnrica f(,I()l nrnnnspfl nf ihn crop! stvilfn nn thf hnoic nf leillCU' " . f 1K1 n hniir ir inctoorl nf lha npim. tilrv A A l' ....... W anil further adjustments umvard should r -.... - AAtiti'nna fn OfltQnn Tins nvrnrvc?n1 beicre the House oft intii't'ia) relations 18-dav urine oi werkers n faaun oie. t52c to the union ! 1 1 1 j i Backed Hi " Names of PM- (ri Canadian catnr Progres- rjanizer tn Canada, im in nnnectlon , i5 iruniiM. were , u.3 rnu waruu, d the House C.crday Letter3 v-tr (arni;hed by -f T nta and St v. n ' ipn'.n n . np r :htd Dccem-;-tfinber 1920 an ation was ap- 1' n n 1111 ninlll.. i.nnnnn Future or the V iiHK UUI appeared dark to-ri ffsnr's from lkat Pri-.J.I rr... :at!r,fied with the r:' ailing the k line commission u; nan, ri ' ' ft v m i ... :m ne Paris n-e toaay for a mcptmz and ob- Ming Pales- i "a unrtnnhlPrtlv . " j j UDJf"' on the 'ror-e a Truman's :jt faction was ap-f!"ia) -tirrlf;. Clan o tn hnvo nu k ''W ih state, a ana a desert H NT 'II iii it 1 IILf w suggests pper Journs While 'tncs Iln p' Senator 7Tai 'i the Senate vps- we win be lucky "n "f Parliament u October l." ito "v oa" ,, -'"""ruwai mak-(; orogres Jn bud. ,1 and sussestcd a foment for the there was no y to mat, Ift X' WU ie,tfW Yrk Ca,ine August 7 or I I Imiah l4lW rtdl UIIIUM LACOIUYG panv Itl IVCtUiiiiiiv-iiu oiuiig a 1110 FIRE SWEEPS LARGE LINER RIO DE JANEIRO, Cft The liner Duque de Caxlas, pride of the Brazilian transport fleet, is nearlnz port today under tow after a boiler explosion set her afire, killing at least 10 sailors and one woman passenger and Imperilling 1060 other passengers. The 11,000-ton vessel was devastated by flames before dawn yesterday six miles off the coast. Several passengers were Injured before British merchantmen and Brazilian warships saved them. Three submarine chasers brought 672 survivors to Rio de Janeiro. Members of the crew remained aboard. Th Dunn Ar Caxiai hn had . j , expiolts was to aid ln tne rescue of passengers from tn. steamer Athenia which was torpedoed off the Irish coast as the Second Great War commenced. Canadian National European Manager MONTREAL James B. Thorn, assistant to the vice-president ln charge of traffic, Canadian National Railways, has b?en appointed European traffic manager of the company with headquarters ln London, England, it was announced here today by Allstalr Eraser, K. C, system vice-president of traffic. During nis service with the Canadian National, which began ln 1924, Mr. Thorn has travelled exten sively throughout Canada and the United States, as well as In n,H,. tv.n.J- tjMi.n Belgium, Germany and Norway. Fish Spies American Kodlak, 60,000, ha:rjut, Atlln. Unlmak, 45,000, Edmunds & Walker. Canadian Viking 1, 20,000, black cod, Cold Storage. Gulvlk, 19,000, and Kyrielle, 15,000, Co-operative. ., .,J L..: HALIFAX TO PRINCE RUPERT MEDAL- -Here Is a picture of the mcdat which has been donated to the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council by Al Manson, local Jeweller, and which will be presented, with fitting ceremony, to the first motorist to drive from Halifax to Prince Rupert over an all-Canadian highway system. Of solid Rold, the medal contains the Inscription "Prince Rupcrt-Kcy to the Orcat Northwest" on the key, and "To the First Motorist Driving bjr all-Canadian Highway from Halifax to Prince Rupert" on the pendant. The medal was designed by Mr. Manson, (Note the two salmon which form Its lower part). NORTHERN AND C BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TOP CAdo 1 TAXI TAXI spEB C. MCINTYRE She 537 . Rupert Tobacco Store tmnm i irnicai DAT and NIGHT SERVICE AND PW" " Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL. XXXV, No. 179. PRiNCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS zz kes Ready T w. V. Ml 11 .::.J&&M SECRETARIES GIVE GARRISON Bates, left, and Mrs. Eleanor L. anu secretary, respectively, in me onice oi ine tine .uasin Meiai Products Company, pictured in the Mead committee room during Investigation of the Garsson munitions combine. Mrs. Bates told the committee that the office of Senate Marjorty Leader Alden W. Barkley of Kentucky, "several times" telephoned the company's Washington office and that Rep. Andrew J. May of Kentucky called "two or three times a week." Construction of Plant Is Started Construction work on the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative's new $70,000 fish liver processing plant at Westview has begun, constituting the greatest single construction item on the list of building permits taken out in July. July building permits total issued by the city engineer's office totalled $81,- WEATHERMAN DEPRESSED DURING JULY An unpredictable fellow at best, the Weatherman slipped Into a depressed mood during July, weeping copiously during the latter part of the month Ills tears, ln fact, covered the countryside to a watery depth of C.53 inches, according to the In fTZT tloi snTt,m!r, Finding little in human .f af- fairs to make him happy, he a! lowed the sun to shine through for only a brief 83 bright hours during the month, a comedown from the June lotar of 103.9 hours. Total rainfall so far this year stands at 43.99 Inches which it In fact, only a slight mist compared with the 52 Inches which fell during the same period in 1945. Hours of bright sunshine this year so far total 563, which is a bit better than the 484 hours for the seven-month period last year. Average temperature during July was 55.5 de.sree3, while the maximum was 68 and the mtni-mum 46. Wind during the month reached an extreme velocity of 18 miles an hour from the southeast on July 11. 24 and 30 Maximum barometric pressure was 30.39 Inches while the rtlnl-mum for the month was 29.68. MORE JEWISH ARMS FOUND Hebrews, Erinjr Held Up from Entering Talfstlne, on Hunger Strike Aboard Ship JERUSALEM, 0 British military authorities were reported today to have found a new cache or arms ln Tel Aviv containing hundreds of grenades, revolvers, mortars, mortar bomb3 and other weapons as a housc-to-housc search of the all-Jewish city went Into Its third day. About 3.250 Jewish immigrants who attempted to enter Palestine illegally, were reported on hunger strike meanwhile In Haifa where they are belli do- talned aboard a ship. INSIDE STORY Mrs. Jean H Hall; right, assistant secretary Co-op Liver at Westview 6S0, bringing tne year's total lo far tol.98,490. ,u.f Permff fornTe new'rdcesslng plant was ta"ken out on July 27 by the Dominion Construction Co. of Vancouver, the building contractors, and preliminary work has already started. The building will be a two-story reinforced concrete structure of 121 by 41 feet dimensions, and will be situated alongside the other- newly-built structures of the Co op at Westview. Bulletins KETCHIKAN ACCIDENT KETCHIKAN The halibut boats Gony and Red Wing were sunk today when a wharf to which they were moored collapsed as piling gave way. There was no loss of life. SATISFIED WITH PROGRESS VICTORIA Premier John Hart expressed satisfaction today with the progress that i3 being made on the new highway out of the Peace River through Pine Pass to Prince George In spite of difficulties. It is the biggest highway un-dettaking so far embarked upon in the province. MORE DIPHTHERIA VANCOUVER There hare bctn more rates ot diphtheria and more deaths so far this year in Vancouver and Biitish Columbia than in all of 1915, says Dr. Stewart Murray, medical health officer, who urge; the importance of immunization measures. ANOTHER rURGE MOSCOW Another purge of Soviet industry has been made. Heavy prison sentences have been imposed on officials who, in collaboration with military men, are alleged to have falsified production figures. SAN DIEGO CRASH SAN DJiEGOSeven persons were killed when a United States Navy bomber crashed near here last night. OUT nm RECORD NEW YORK A United Slates Army plane hopped off this morning; from LaGuardia Field for Ilurbank, California, in the attempt to break the transcontinental speed record ! of 9 hours, 23 minutes, 2 secT J "ls' Take L o KILLS BRUTAL STEPFATHER SPRINGFIELD, Illinois, tB A I pretty 19-year old crippled girl, J confined to a wheel chair since the age of four, was released ; f rem; police detention yesterday ! after the prosecutor termed the fatal shooting and stabbing of her stepfather Justifiable homi-rideu The prosecutor said: "'It ap-pear4 to be a case of self-defence." The girl, Jacqueline Colburn, ! Is 9ld to have killed Lawrence ' Barregary. 36, during a family auarrel after he knocked her from a wheel chair and yelled he was going to kill her. I Rrifr. Lister Ass't Adjutant-General OTTAWA, tr Brigadier J. F. A. Lister of Victoria, former chief of straff of the Canadian Army ln the veth?rlands. has b?en aD-poirifed deputy adjutant- generation May 11 last he was acquitted by court-martial on charges relating to the misuse i cf Army property ln the Nether- land and reinstated in the Army, ELECTION IN AUSTRALIA Teople Down Under to Vote September 28 Domestic Frincipal Contention CANEERRA, CP Prime MlnU ter Chlf ley's Labor government will seek re-election in a general election September 28. The elec tion will be fought largely on domestic issues such as taxation, postwar production and Indus trial unrest. The Liberals, under Prime Mln Istcr Robert Menzies, promise lower taxes. The Labor government has been in power since 191. YUGOSLAVIA STANDS PAT Would Reject Any Proposal Tor Internationalization Of Trieste PARIS Yugoslavia, through its foreign minister, today rejected the proposal in the Italian peace treaty that Trieste be internationalized. This would be to negative all he principles for which Yugoslavia had fought in the war. Yugoslavia would exercise the veto against any such proposal. THE WEATHER Synopsis Cool, cloudy weather has prevailed over British Columbia for the past 24 hours with maximum temperatures yesterday below the seasonable normal. Vancouver's highest temperature was 63, just 13 degrees "lower than the late July average, while Victoria "with 66, was one of the few places ln B.C. recording & temperature near the mid-sum mer normal. General improvement ln weather is expected today especially for the southern coastal districts as a high pressure area builds over the province from the west. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and north coast Overcast becoming cloudy by later afternoon. Overcast Friday morning becoming cloudy by noon. Frequent rain showers becoming widely scattered by evening today; Westerly winds f 15 m.p.h.). Little change ln temperature Minimum expected tonight at Port Hardy 50, Massctt 51, and Prince Rupert 49; maximum Friday: Port Hardy 63, Massctt 62. and Prince Rupert 60. Mrs. A. Antonclli. after a month's visit here with her daughter, Mrs. William Strach-un. is returning tonight to her home in Vancouver. ess B.C. Men Start Gold Medal Trip Hal ifax-Ru pert Prince Rupert's medal for the first motorists to travel from' Halifax to Prince Rupert, over an all-Canadian highway route was not long' ln finding takers. According to word from Halifax today, two i British Columbia men, whose names were not given, have . j left the eastern seaport with j the objective of winning the ' gold memento. The Dally News : will endeavor to keep Its read- ' ers posted on the progress of the "gold medal" Journey. Fears 7Nev International Solon Low rears Canada Is Heading: for Terrible Disaster ' OTTAWA Canada and other -countries of the world are "heading for disaster on a scale terrible to contemplate" and more menacing than anything In the past, Hon. Solon Low, na tional leader of the Social Credit party, said ln a political broadcast over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation last night. He called on Canadians to "awaken to the peril" of the new Internationalism which he said was attempting to set up a "world socialist - communist dictatorship." Canadians, he said, must make loyalty to Can ada "supremely dynamic.' Manitob a s New Deal Agreement With Ottawa to Be Consummated at Conference in September OTTAWA if) Premier Stewart Carson of Manitoba said yesterday that Manitoba and Dominion government officials will meet in early autumn to consummate a new formal tax agreement between the two governments. Garson said, after three days of discussion "here, that a draft agreement had been drawn up and will be submitted shortly to Manitoba and federal governments. The agreement Is on the basis that Manitoba would agree not to collect personal Income or inheritance taxes for a period of five years and would limit corporation income tax to five per cent. "V NONAGENARIAN - Holding a copy of his birthday book under his arm, George Bernard Shaw, author, playwright, wit, philosopher, greatest man In English letters and vegetarian U shown in the garden of his home at Wclwyn, Herefordshire. Shaw Is 90 years old and still dispenses the same caustic wit for which he is famed. He became a member of the Centenarian club recently and announced his retirement kage as "300." Rome Is Shocked Italians Are Painfully Impressed by Severe Terms of Peace Pact Once Boasted War Machine' Slashed Almost to Comic Opera Size Mussolini's Empire Trimmed to Thin Boot ROME (CP) The government of Italy is "painfully impressed" by the "harshness" of the terms of the peace treaty which has been proposed to the Paris conference. "Economic clauses of the treaty threaten the whole future of the country," declares Italy's once boasted war machine would be slashed almost to comic opera size and the MiSsolini empire that threatened to rival Caesar's would be trimmed to be a thin boot by the draft of the proposed treaty. On these and other penalties for making war notably the payment of $100,000,000 in rep arations to Russia Britain, the United States, France and Russia are agreed ln the treaty submitted to the 21-power Eu ropean peace conference. But other disputed questions, such as the boundaries of the suggested free territory of Tri este and reparations due to France, Yugoslavia, Oreece and other victims of Italy's partici pation ln the war, were left open although the United States offered its own solution to the Trieste question. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd 1 Vancouver. ; . B. R. Consolidated. 13 B. R. X 10 Cariboo Oold 3.10 Dentonla 43 Grull Wlhksne 13 Hedley Mascot 1.42 Minto 05 Pend Oreille - 2.85 Pioneer 4.20 Premier Border 073,i Premier Gold 154 Privateer 55 Reeves McDonald 1-35 Reno 12V2 Salmon Gold .18 V2 Sheep Creek 1.20 Taylor Bridge 62 Whitewater - 03 Vananda 38 Congress .11 Yt Pacific Eastern .12 Hedley Amalgamated.... .112 Spud Valley . .21 Central Zeballos .10 Oils A. P. Consolidated .13 Calmont .24 C. & E. 1.85 Foothills 1.55 Home 2.95 Toronto Aumaque .63 Beattie - 65 . Bobjo .16 Buffalo Canadain .21 Con. Smelters - 95.00 Eldona 47 Elder 45 Giant Vellowknlfe 6.15 Hardrock 67 Jacknlfe 16 Joliet Quebec .60 Little Long Lac 2.05 Madsen Red Lake 3.15 MacLeod Cockshutt..., 1.83 Moneta 55 Omega 18V2 Pickle Crow 3.15 San Antonio 4.40 Senator Rouyn 63 Sherrltt Gordon 2.29 Steep Rock 2.80 Sturgeon River 2512 Lynx .25 Lapaska r .33 God's Lake '" .63 Negus 2.09 $750,000 Fire In Ontario City KINGSTON. Ont., CP) Fire which swept through the Chown hardware rtore today In the heart of Kingston's business dls-. trlct caused damage estimated at at least $750,000. The blaze Is believed to have been started by a short circuit. Seven other stores on Princess Street suffered damage. Despie Italy's service as an eleventh-hour co-bell i g e r e n t against Germany, she suffers eclipse as a military power under the terms of the proposed treaty. She salvages little more of her pre-war prestige than the promise of a waterpower supply from territory lost to France. The" treaty would limit Italy to an army of 185,000 men and 65,000 carablnlere (military police). Her 1939 army had 2,240,r 000 men and 5,175,090 trained re servists. In place of her "Mare Nostrum" navy of 717,420 tons. Italy may have two battelshlps, four cruisers, four destroyers, 16 torpedo boats, 20 corvettes, minor war and auxiliary vessels but no submarines. Italy's air force would be slashed to 200 fighters and reconnaissance planes and 159 transport and training aircraft. Gives Up African Colonies ''. The treaty provides also that Italy give up title to her Afri can territorial possessions, future control of, which will be decided by. the four powers repre-Miite'd-roh" ttW; f&ielfcn romisj eva . council within a year after the proposed treaty comes into force. France would get' five thin slices of territory now on the Italian side of the two countries' border but Italy is guaranteed access to hydro-electric power sources in the lost Alpine areas. Yugoslavia would get "all territory east of a line known as the French line" in Italy the line France proposed after an Allied commission surveyed the area "as well as the commune of Zara" and a group of islands in the Trieste area of the Adriatic Sea. Greece would acquire the Dodecanese Islands, which British troops are to vacate within 99 days after ratification of the treaty. Italy waives all claims against Albania and Ethiopia, as well as her commercial interests in China. Like other former enemy state for which draft treaties were perpared, Italy may seek membership in the United Nations unpon signing the treaty. Northern Boundary Terms Are Set Of Italy's disputed northeastern boundary, the 7S-article treaty draft says: - - "The council of foreign ministers agreed that all territory east of the line known as the French line shall be ceded by Italy to Yugoslavia and the free territory of Trieste shall be constituted within the French line. bounded on the north by a line drawn from Duino to the French line." Although the United States suggested a boundary limned in greatest detail, the treaty draft does. not contain It, but proposes insead that an "exact line of the new frontiers" be drawn by boundary commissions response ible to the four major powers. By contrast, the territory that France would acquire Is defined to the last kilometre Little St. Bernard Pass, Mont Cenls plateau, Mont Thabor, Chaberton and an area lumped as Upper Tlnee Vesubie and Roya valleys. The draft provides that Italy "shall take all measures neces- (Contlnued on Page Six). Local Tides Friday, August 2, 1916 High 4:31 19.0 feet 17:09 19.3 feet Low 10:49 4.5 feet 23:20 6.7 feet ft "if? IP f-v.'.