1 it. Uii 6 "H-.li n n M II B a Ml Prince Rupert Dailp Ji3etos Thursday, August 1, 1948 Created by AMERICA'S ADAM ' Here's a Portrait of a well groomed man . . . he's wearing a smart, new ...hat . . . the crowning feature of his apparel , . . Picture yourself in an Adam Hat ... it will enhance your appearance this summer. ADAM ROYAL Exclusive in Prince Rupert $50 RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE 217 SIXTH STREET (Just Around the Corner) XSl'TSi Cm Increased Coastal Charter Service BY SUPERMARINE FLYING BOATS 18 PASSENGERS "'Haida Queen" and "Skeena Queen" MONDAY8 Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen, Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm und nequest Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SFECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs. Freight G. II. STANHKIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1219 Phones 521 or Red 878 Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FAMOUS HATTER LIMITED NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 ITALY (Continued from Page 1) sary to secure to all persons under Italian jurisdiction, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights, Including freedom of expression, of the press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of public meeting." Of Trieste, the draft continues: "The integrity and Independence of this free territory shall be assured by the security council of the United Nations. A special commission representing the four powers of the foreign min isters council shall be Immedi ately appointed to consult vith representatives of Yugoslavia and Italy and to examine the whole subject and present pre liminary suggestions to the peace conference. A permanent statute shall be submitted for the approval of the security council which will report to the general assembly on the United Nations. . . . "Recommendations for a provisional government and for the formation of a permanent statute shall be made by the peace conference of 21 nations in accordance with the procedure adopted at the Moscow Conference. General Principles Arc Enunciated "The provisional government and a permanent statute shall preserve the following general principles: "1. A governor shall be appointed by the security council after consultation with Yugoslavia and Italy. "2. A legislative and executive authority shall be established on democratic lines, including universal suffrage. "3. The rights old 1 1 z e n s shall be protected in respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly Including religion, language, press, schools and access to public services. "4. Annual reports shall be submitted by the governor to Uhe security council." The leparations section of the treaty draft provides that the Soviet Union's $100,000,000 levy over which the United States and Great Britain have expressed the fear they will have to pay that sum indirectly must come from Italian factoiy tool equipment, from Italian assets in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary, and from current Italian industrial production. Deliveries from current production would be waived for two years. "Claims put forward by other powers, in particular France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania and Ethiopia, will be considered at the peace conference," the draft says. Under the draft terms. Italy would have to grant most -favored-nation treatment to members of the Uiiited Nations trading CHRONIC BRONCHITIS FJoei i itubborn bronchial cough, (either phlegmy or dry and hacking) make yo choke, gasp, wheeie, keep you awaka nlghti? Relieve it now I Do aa thou, aandi' have done get Templeton i RAZ-MAH and atop that coughl RAZ-MAH hae hflped othert let It help you. 50c tl at druggiitt everywhere, K-14 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 Steamship Service mt from PRINCE IHtIl.'l(T j to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE QUINT CALVES PAY THEIR WAY The "Comhusker Quints," world's only living quintuplet calves, visit the bank in Falrbury. Neb., to ma'sc a deposit In their personal savings account money they earned at state fair exhibitions. At right is Dr. L. J. Smith, veterinarian, who became the Dr. Dafoe of animal husbandry by aaving their lives during the first few critical weeks. Ruth Skldmore, bank teller, comes out from behind her cage to receive the deposit and meet quints personally. The' quints were born lust Nov. 20 and now weigh an average of 425 pounds each. with her. The treaty provides that for the first 18 months the ambassadors of the four drafting powers will represent all the Allies in matters concerning the execution and Interpretation of the document. Armaments Arc Heavily Restricted Besides restrictions on the Size and equipment of Its armed forces, Italy would be forbidden to maintai nfortlfications at the French and Yugoslav frontlets, as well as on the islands of Pan- tellarla an Allied invasion stepping stone and Pianosa, find the Pelagian islands of Lampe-dusa, Lampionc and Linosa. The fortification of Sicily and Sardinia would be severely restricted. The draft provides further thr.t "Ital shall not possess, construct or experiment with any self-propelled or guided missiles, or apparatus connected with their discharge, any guns with a ranrre of more than 30 kilometres (18.01 miles), sea mines of non-contact types actuated by Influence ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5G1 P.O. BOX 721 REX SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEltr HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 BOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed 'Local Chinese Passes Away Wong Tal, who resided at the Chinese Fremasons II a 1 1 on Third Avenue, passed away at the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night after a brief Illness. It Is expected that he will be burled at rtlnce Rupert. Mrs. S. E. Alcxandsr Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert lor a business trip to Vancouver. mechanisms,, or any torpedoes capable of bcin manned." ouijjius amjjs uuu war inuie- rial would be destroyed o rturn-cd over, to the Allies a3 provided by an unpublished annex of the treaty draft. The army would have no more than 200 tanks and the air force would have no bombers. German or Japanese technicians would not be allowed to be employed in the Italian aircraft industry and Italy would be forbidden possesion of planes of German cr Japanese design. CAF PHONE 108 -V ----- - him f and - Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian i REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Merit Calls: Illue 170' Orccn 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST DISCOURAGE SUICILE 3 EASTBOURNE, England V) The Rev. R. Q. Nelson, curate of St. Mary's, wants the council to put up notices in Bcachy Head "to change the minds of rx ople contemplating suicide." IIr foar-s that more people may make the 500-foot death leap now that the war-time barbed wire has gone from the cliff-top. Buy War Savings Certificates BRITISH COLUMBIA I PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA KWONG SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) I I I I 1 All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 July Customs Revenue $22,000 Custcms receipts at the port of Trince Rupert during July totalled $22,577.91, a decrease of more than $4,C00 under revenue for June of this year, and a de crease of $2,200 unaer July, 1945, according to figures released to day by the local customs office. Total revenue so far this year is ?151,735as compared with $231,-00 for the same period last year and $342,063 for the first seven months of 1944. Ql'7"NEL II. J. Gardner & f'in cnnloyces have rushed work in rebuilding the mill which was de itroyed near Six Mile Lake and ,,r expecting soon to resume capacity operations at 30,000 feet per day. I SPECIAL 'FEATURE A STORY OF MINORITIE ' Don't Be a Sucker7 PRODUCED FOR YOU . . . DOIi T T IT Prince Rupert Bottle Colled: Phone IJIue 737 We buy ... w . Vertex Hcer Emu Wine Bot'l ...... TIJjfl I liOllies sot tips in n i ci Arrived . . . 1946 Mod mm C7717T1 iii-s irrfH; For Your Family Medicines choose products made !y the Nyal Company Willi over half a century's reputation for Quality, F.fflclency and Economy. Obtainable onlu at vour I ndepenJent Nyal Drug Store bride-to-be JS HONORED In honor " p who." nun iar.k will Wind, ir Or showpr v,a r 'Mrs. C. Mi' Avenue. W 1G guc. t , by the h . waj spent i sation. D .. w" were s:iwy A. tricar! V';U''i h.nii.v v-i,. .. ccsr PROMPT AND COURTEOUS t'EFVi :3 mm & RCA VICTOR 5 Tubes Long and Snort Wave Price $64.95 Al Your NYAL STOE, III l-rimc You a: 3 .J scrlpuon your pr . 1 " .itM 3rd av-j' I1'...'