WER HONORS RACE GIK- -rh hnme i-l Mrs. delightful ,,.v .0. a . AT MISS marriage ,Tr.. 't 'I' M iVLlAA f " ...f. urprp rc- ,, Tut- "" :n iir :nway nw- " 0",K ""1 vm i ., n and rieCOr- ,h a vase .K sweet peas . .r-i-w . cake was a r io a uriv bride r top A large W,eM . ..... Mrs 7ilnr- ... ,,- Tnnv cote. Mrs. iv m nietimona. 1Yil - ... i ....tbi Mrs. Fred .11. 4J ' - pPape Pays d Mr T N LePage and s.i are leaving today by ihpn return to Van- He) a it of a few days and Mr Jame3 paricer. F:rmer residents of ur-er' " year.? since ,ii uPaje were last iiPs::8 :crved overseas ui he war with the r winning distinction nr..-. iff Italy in the w 14H ,i::ean rurmcr man it t ttr Home Oil Oo, '..; identified with :r'' at Vancouver but. i itc has branched ht hippmR busineas ate a f rmer Pairmile :: in pa. senger Berviee Vancouver and Powell irond one wilt go on KILLS OYSTERS irT rn. tub rmer n. cf Falmouth oysters .... 7n.lAa purposes in South hi iirif iir i: vnn i r.f fi-;hprlp rnn. the cnid enrountprpd may have killed Markets Fruit 50 .59 .28-.39 " ,1U - 1QS .20 I Q I I 11(1 n i 4 1 rf 45 a 17 Variables lb CO lbs .35 - .10 Hothouse, lb. .38-.45 ' cacil ... .ZD - .43 . i j .20 7n M 1U ... Muin,nca tii) . . , w V w J lb 29 id. in 29 (Harold Smith) Scheduled Trips to Lakclse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District RRACE... m - "uaniiMENT STOUE ' i-anies' Wear - Dry amies ana Wear TERRACE. B.C. I.'.. . P P D D Ka(lio Dial V I I I 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) , THURSDAY PM. 4:00 Kadlo neperiory 4:ao specially For Vou 4f45 Johnny Burt Trio .vuJ foopit Ask 5:15 All the World Sings 5:30 The Concert Hall 0:oo CbC News 6:15 They Lived to Tell the Tale 6:30 tventide 7 :C0 Parliamentary Committee Report on Harlo Broadcasting 7:15 Impressions In Italy tA-iicen.ci the nations 8:00 Choral Program 8:30 Oypsy Strings U:00 CBO News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Eastwood Garden Orch. 9:30 Music by Shrednlk 10:00 This Week's Composer 10:55 CUO News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. 11:05 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns :45 Medley Time 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 A Miss and a Male : 45 Transcribed Varieties 10:0(U-Music While You Work 10:15 Scandinavian Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Piano Masters 11:00 B.C. Parm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period , 11:43 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St. 12:30 Musical Program 12:45 Recital, Winnipeg 1:00 From the Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary and Speaking as a Canadian HOW CAN I ? ? Hy ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove a bruise from the furniture? A. Take a piece of blottin? paper, soak in warm water, and place It over the bruise. Apply a warm Iron until all moisture is gone. Repeat operation If necessary. Q. How, can I soften- hard putty? A- Touch It with a brush dipped in nitric or muriatic acid. Let it remain fox atiout an hour and the putty can be removed very eteily." Q. How can I prevent creases when laundering table linen? A. Table linen should pot be run through the wringer, which makes creases that no amount of Ironing will remove. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL KM) imAND HF.F.F CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Koast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West RAf.F TPANUFP AND TAXI o TEUKACE PF MArulkir riinn o (ikTikflt w OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING IUESEL and TU ACTOR REPAIRS ' OUi AYC .....1 nnimAVC r minor repairs and gas RECEPTION HERE; TO BE MARRIED IN VANCOUVER The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Feasby, 537 Seventh. Avenue East, was the scene Wednesday evening of a reaction and party given In honor of their son, James, and'hU bride-to-be, Miss Margaret Beachnor, of Saskatoon, who are leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they will be married shortly after their arrival. The guests were received by Mia. Feasby, and enjoyed refreshments and dancing during the evening. Pourer was Mrs. O. Stegivlg, and xervltcurs were Mrs. J. Mailer, Mrs. I. Morrlaon, Mrs. Feasby and Mla Eileen Feasby. Invited guests were Mayor and Mri. II. M. Daggett, Mrt and Mrs. E. A.- Phillips, Mrs. D. Elder, Mr. ) and Mrs. W. E. McLatchle, Mr ad MrB Harold Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. J, Moller, Mr. and Mrs. R. Btrtlftt. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keehn, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. O.ilvle, Mr. apd. Mrs. I Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. II. nbb, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. IL McKin-non, Mr. and Mrs. V. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lundstrom, Mrs. O. Strrmidahl. Miss P. M. Moonev. Miss Wit?, Mtes Jensen. Miss MrDongfill. Miss Coldwejl,' Miss Klnley, Miss Llnklater, Mlas Pal-lister, Ml?i Eileen Feasbv, Miss Margaret Beachnor, Robert Parker, Bruce Henderson, Gordon McKay, S. L. Oalloway and Harold Duncan. VETERANS' COUNCILLOR VA'XEfittHOOF A. L. Mills, trailing counsellor, will be In Vanderhoor on Monday and will remuin until Friday to interview any veterans who may have rc-r tablishmrnt problems. 5 TaleTP women who win prizes for home baking Business and JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 6G6 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE,"' GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Qreen 486 Red 894 Gyros Meet Mian Chrissie Montgomery lost Two Brother in War Members of the Prince Rupert ! Gyro club wre introduced atenerally ports-minded and Is meir weekly luncheon Wednesday to the eluto's Port Queen candidate, Miss Christine Mont gomery, who they hope will win royal acclaim as ruler on Port,01"'1- and Mrs. L. M. Shore, of Day, August 22. Miss Montgom- ery was introduced by Port rLJh ! lan Armstrong, and was exeeted warmly by club members. Robert McKay, Jack Lindsay and W. F. Stone were added to the campaign committee. Horn in Prince Rupert, 10 years ago, Miss Montgomery, who Is known to her friends as "Chris-sle," is employed as stenographer with Northern B. C. Power Co. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Montgomery and Is a graduate of Borden Street elementary and-Booth Memorial High SchooLs, completing a corn- Modern Etiquette By ROBKKTA LKK Q. If a bride is going on a honeymoon trip that Is to last several weeks, how soon should she write notes of acknowledgment for her,gifts? A. She should do so before she leaves or within a week after she leaves. Q. If the coffee or tea is ex-r treimely hot and one Is In a hurry, isn't it permissible to pour it into the saucer to cool? A. No. Merely use a little pa tlence and It will soon be cool enough. Q. Is It correct to use lightly tinted paper for one's social cor- espondence? A. White paper is preferable. use Robin Hood All k'mdt of boking . . . bread, cokes, pastry. Professional CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER, D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Ueauty Culture In all its branch ) 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING St PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone. Green 937 (After 7 pjn.) GEORGE L. RORIE - Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERYKJ mall iOur ql.st.i to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. IP m tcrataatn. uukaouvuLftjC. Buy more War favings stamps. Candidate mere course at the latter in 1945. he swims, p-.ays tennis, and is treasurer t th tfob's Daughter.! organization. She has three sisters Mrs. Ina Hetiman, Vancou ver, Miss Mary Montgomery, Vic Edmonton, and one brother. Two brothers were kined during the war - Donald, with the Canadian Army in Europe, and John, with the Br(t'.sh merchant navy. COAST-TO-COAST KELLOGG'S ARE CANADA'S choice (or any meal anytime! Want an idea that will help you save time and work and at the same time keep meals more interesting for your family? Thousands feature Kellogg's not only for breakfast but for quick snacks anyiime of day! Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes, Krumbles and All -Wheat are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals! SAVE TIME. ..SAVE Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth NaNce 60c; Cards of Thank.it, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOIl UFJST FOR RENT Suite In Vernon Apts.; also single sleeping room; apartment In Bay Apartments. Phone Blue 815. U81) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (185) FOR RENT Rooms, reasonable rates, quiet and clean. Green's Rooms. 622 Fraser St. (180) .FOR RENT Furnished suite I ,wlth oil burner, and private entrance. 940 Ambrose Ave. (178) HELP WANTED BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Daily News delivery routes should enter their names at the office. APPLICATIONS will be received up to August 8 by the undersigned for position female clerk for Telephone Department. Typist preferred. Preference will be given to applicants with former telephone operating experience. II. D. Thaln. City Clerk. (179) HOUSEKEEPER Good accommodation and wages. 722 West Fifth. (tf) RELIABLE WOMAN to mind three children. Phone Blue 191. (18 LOST LOST Man's hand-made wallet brown leather, containing important papers. Finder please return same to Dally News Reward. (183) PERSONAL Anyone knowing the where abouts of Wong Won Qwonp also known as Happy Wong will they please communlcaU with Collart & McCaffry. (184) GENTLEMAN, middle aged o' clean habits with nice homr would like to meet lady of same tastes. Object matrimony If suited. Apply Box 149, Dalh News. (180' ALTERATIONS DONE Expertly fitted. No. 2 Washlnptor Block. Phone Green 289. (185) I.ANO RF.fllSTItY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 4941-1 I)t Five Thousand Four Hun fired and Sixty-one (5401), Ranpt Five (6), Coast District, said t contain Ten and Fifty One-Hun-dreths (10 and 60100ths.) acres more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of losi of the above Certificate of Title, lamed In the name of Alexander Noble has been riled In this ofTlce, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at thf expiration of one month from the date of the Ilrst posting hereof, issue Provisional Certificate of Title, In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless Vx the meantime valid obpectlon be made to me In writing. DATF.D at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 16th day of July, 1B46, AD. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar ot Titles. A17 TRAIN DUE AT 4 IN MORNING Derailment of five cars of an eastbound freight train at Erl-ing, '49 miles west of Mr-Bride has caused delay in the arrival time of tonight s passenger train from the east. It will arrive in Prince Rupert at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning, divisional headquarters here announced. The derailment took place at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning and the tracks have since been cleared. Advertise In the Daily News. Pep Bran Flakes with other parts of Canadian whole wheat are delicious, extra crisp, extra thick. Your whole family will enjoy Kellogg's Pep. FUEL. ..SAVE FOOD! FOR SALE FOR SALE Three acres and buildings in Terrace, B.C. Unsurpassed as business location, on highway and close to school. Write 957 East 39th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., for particulars . , 1179) Wfi BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hard ware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5-piece kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges. McClary's, from $15; sewing machine, $24.50; 3-plece chesterfield In good shape, $69.50; electric washing machine, in good shape; radio, 9 tubes. $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $12.50; electric fans, from $7.50; motors with electric fans, from $16.50; new Gurney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $1.65 each. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf) TWO LUNCH COUNTERS 12 and 16 feet; 14 restaurant! stools; 100 feet 4 and 6 -Inch J wooden pipe; 100 feet -mch galvanized pipe; glassware; Singer sewing machine; milkshake machine; Premier vacuum cleaner. To be seen at 2171 Seal Cove Circle. (tf) TOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) TOR SALE 12-tube Silver Tons radio; spring-filled mattress; single bed and dresser; standing lamp; cocktail table; magazine table; one folding col; one studio couch. 715 5th West, or Green 503. (tf) iKR IMMEDIATE SALE A Bargain and good oportunlty Quick Lunch and Tea Rooms in a choice location. All in .first class condition with living quarters. A really good Investment for a steady reliable couple. Call at 703 Fulton St. or write Box 928, Prince Rupert. B.C. (179) TOR SALE Hot plate with oven. $30.00. No. 1 Washington Blk. (179) MODERN FIVE-ROOM HOME at Seal Cove. Full cement basement; sunporch; garden; harbor view; partly furnished. $4800, with terms, Contact Armstrong Agencies. (181) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver B.C. (tf) Prfnrc Rupert Dnllp rectos Thursday, ugiwt 1, 194G T"EIA Unsatisfactory Watches If you are cariying around one of those aggravators, get rid of it. Then come here and get something worth the name of a watch. They cost you $23.00 to $75.00 according to the looks and style, etc., and last twenty years or longer. And while they are lasting you, they are giving good reliable service. That's the only sort to own. And we can prove them on our new watch regulator. ! JOHN BULGER JEWELLER NOW F0R BETTER SERVICE AND GREATER llUTT CONVENIENCE. WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Second Avenue For . . . SAILS AWNINGS TARPAULINS CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Garden Chairs Shopping Bags Eclmondson Awning and Sail Works Phone C32 P.O. Box 302 Phone Blue 850 Green & Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work ieo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED. PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1-15 Res. Red 127 Ask for George UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PallMallCafe AND CHOP SUEY at' CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY ENJOY OUR BASS HAVE YOU ORDERED NEXT WINTER'S COAL YET : if not, do :not delayE INQUIRE ABOUT JOUR BUDGET PLAN Philpott, Evitt&Co.Ltd. Phone G51 or 652 P.O. Box: 1464 i Kermode Free Estimates and Prompt Service mm IiNi ' 11 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday S3 Cardena, 10 pjn. (Daylight Saving Time 9 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tlcketj and Reservations' FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 INVITATION TO COME AND FINE FOOD f A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS