EWnrc Rupert Daily f3cUis Wednesday, May 29, 1948 SUMMER QUEEN CONTEST TO BE BIG .CELEBRATION ON DOMINION DAY STEWART At a recent meeting of the Portland Canal Community Fund it was decided that the main features of the Dominion Day celebrations this year should be a Summer Queen contest. With that aim in view various organizations are being asked to put candidates in the field. It is expected that there Activities oj Rup-Rec SOFTBALL The Softball season will open this Friday eve- ning with ;an exhibition game featuring the Prince Rupert All Stars vs. University of Western Ontario. The game will be staged at the Gyro Park. Preceding this event, two stellar teams Gyro Fireballs and .Kinsmen .Globe Trotters .will stage ta comic battle. This should be an auspicious start to .what is hoped will be one of the biggest and best ball seasons Prince Hu bert has ever had. S Q FjT BALL MEETING Twenty-five people turned out for the Softball meeting last evening and preliminary arrangements wei made to get the soft-ball season under way .on June 7. A. Softball .promotional committee whjch includes D. Forward, Carol Grey, Jane Hamilton, Wal-ly Landon, A. Astoria, Al Sim-ondson. was appointed .by George McGregor to obtain team sponsors and draw up the same schedule. Leagues will be conducted for -enlor .men, ladies and Junior boys. Team entries in these leagues will be welcomed. Entries should be forwarded to p. Forward riot later than next Monday. LACROSSE Two lacrosse teams will be formed for next Friday's practice. They will be tentatively called East and West. One to be coached by Bud Schu-inan and the other by Dick Woods. In order that the experienced and inexperienced players may be eveniy divided, players will be chosen by lot. All those who have turned out for lacrosse practices should sign the players' sheet at the Civic Centre office .before Friday. Teams will be chisen frpm this list. RUP-REC WINDOW DISPLAY We wonder if all our readers .have noticed the fine display window in Wallace's dept. store, showing the various activities sponsored by Rup-Rec in Prince 1 Rupert. This excellent display was arranged by Ray Allan and thanks are due him and to the courtesy of Wallace's store in S giving us this window space The British navy has maintained its proud and victorious tradition. The "operations" were successful and the admirals who ..directed them located their targets and rammed home the broadsides in the post-war battle of the Admirals and General1: over Camberley Heath golf course. The result: Admirals 20, Generals 18. WANT TO BE AN ANGEL? i WlFl'D CHECKED MY OPIVINgI AMD CHECKED MY CAR, J 1 1 WOULDN'T BE Pi UN KING- 1 mm In 1945 28,500 persons became "stream-lined guitar plunkers" because of automobile accidents. The toll will be much greater in 1940 unless motorists pledge themselves to drive safely in safe cars. On Msy 15, the police of the United States and Canada, under the sponsorship of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, launch Ki.il. Truffle Snfotv PknA gram. They urge the driving public " Tlo cooperate by living' up to the police slogan, "Check your Driving Check your Car Check A cidents." S E. PARKER LTD. FORD nd WONAKCJI DEALERS will be candidates from the Local Union, Premier Community Club, Stewart Softball Club and the Canadian Legion. As 'soon as they have come to their de cisions, lhe names will be an nounced. A tentative program has been outlined by the committee including a dress parade, with floats, cars and bicycles decor ated, children's races, softball games between Premier and Stewart, and winding up with a dance at night in the Moose Home which has been promised for this purpose. The community fund was formed from the organization known as the Portland Canal War Fund when the latter ceased to do business under the War Charities .Act. In some places it is called a Community Chest and is designed to form a central fund to which the citizens can contribute for charitable purposes and to which applications can be mado by the various charitable organizations for assistance, thus eliminating the irritation attendant on indiscriminate canvassing of the community. A drive for funds is made twice a year, July 1 and New Year's Eve. Of course, donations are acceptable at any time. Baseball Scores National League St. Louis 12, Chicago 2. Cincinnati 3, Pittsburg .6. New York 5, Brooklyn 2. American League Chicago 9, St. Louis 2. Detroit C, Cleveland 1. ESTABLISH UNIVERSITY CANBERRA, Australia, P) Establishment of a National University here In the capital .of Australia is provided for in a bill before parliament. It would include a rchool of Pacific Affairs and Diplomatic Studios. Grevhnnnrl nwnprs nnrl hrcoH. ers have formed an association to promote exports of British greyhounds and to protect the interests of breeders and owners. Plans include the chartering of specially-fitted planes to carry 30 greyhounds and necessary staff to all world markets. "STRATOSPHERE" Waterproof Shockproof Dustproof Non-Maanetic 1 17 Jewels yrlt Guaranteed JrLl Dependants j I Hiilllllli John Bulger Ltd. JEWELLERS JEWELLERS ll Third Ave., opp. Post Office IN THE SUPREilK COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF LRONIE MORIN, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS LKONIE MERRY, DECEASED TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judce Fisher, made on the 10th day of May, A.D. 1946. I was nppolnted Administrator of the Estate of Leonle Morln, otherwise known as Jjeome Merry, deceased, and all parties having claims against the Bald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to tie on or before the 15th dav of June. VD. 1946, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me lorinwun. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 11th day of May. A.D. 1946. OORDON F FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, D C 11 Ball Teams Look Well Stewart and Premier Play To is-AU Draw in Softball Encounter STEWART Premier and Stewart boys have finally managed to whip their softball teams into good shape. Of the two. Premier has the best Infield but is a bit weak In batting and in the outfield section. Time will, no doubt, remedy these defects. Stewart could have a pretty good team if they would get In and practice. As it is, they have some heavy sluggers and some good outfield men. Sunday's game was a bit ragged in spots ,and there were numerous errors on both sides, but the fans who turned put to witness the game thoroughly en-Joyed it, the outcome being a 15-all tie. Premier elected to take the field and the Steward team snatqh.ed two . homers on the first two pitched bails, scor ing another run later. They shut Premier, out in their Jhalf ,-3 to ,0. In the second he Premier .boys shut out Stewart .with (a score of 5 to ,0, adding .another two runs in the third. The fourth was sqoieless, Jin th.e fifth tley each added a run, in the sixth Stewart managed ,to get five runs to Premiers three, in the seventh the Stewart .bays added another four runs shutting the hillbillies nut in 'their half. In the eighth Premier shut out the Stewartlt.es and added one more for themselves. In the II- nal Innings Premier made three J9w ( TO ENJOY I n ELECTRIC JU LSL) Arc you going to Build or Repair? Consult us if you have plans along this line. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in the building line ... . large or small. GREER & Builders and Phone Red 561 OPPONENTS By FRANK ECK NEW YORK (AP) Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke of Los Angeles can't make the women's tennis trip to Europe. Without this country's No. 1 competitor, America's chances of retaining the famous Wightman cup look about as thin as this line. The national champion says she is unable to get away from home during the period when th2 matches are to be held at Wimbledon. Th, 1tM-nti I "v mitiunuiiaj series, an i event that felt the sting of war almost as much as .yachting and polo, resumes In London June 14 and 15. The Wightman Cup matches were last held in 1939 when the U.S. made it nine in a row by ginning at Forest Hills. America will have a fairly strong squad headed by Pauline Betz of Los Angeles and Mar- .gafet Osbor.ne of San Francisco, N,o. 2 and No. .3 women players, respectlyely, but if I know anything about tennis I said if runs to Stewart's two, tieing up the score at 15 to 15. On account of rain .and The fact that the hill boys had to leave early no extra innings were played. The batteries were: Premier Lepechuk, pitcher, and Teed, .catcher. Stewart Lawrence; pitcher, and Jenkins, catcher. 9 9 PLUG IN...I'M REVW! ,9 With an electric range, it's easier to cook and there's more time left for leisure. Economical, top, because it's automatic and results are assured. Plan now to beautify your kitchen with an dearie range and make full use of all other electric servants. BRIDDEM Contractors p. O. Box 721 ARE TOUGH the British appear stronger on past performances. England's contingent is headed by Mrs. Kay Stammers Men-zies. New I don't know what she did during all those .blitz days but I do kn.QW that she did a lot to popularize tennis in this country , a bout ten years ago. As Miss Kay Stammers she was quite the rage, the Ilelen Wills bf England, so to speak. She was prelty still ts for that matter employed a wicked left-handed stroke and was very easy to look at in shorts. She too.k part in three Wightman Cup series at Forest Hills and the boys who cover tennis really raved about her so much that Hollywood gave her a screen test. It was along about 1935 thai she hit the sports headlines by beating Helen Jacobs, 5-7, 6-1, 9-7. The following year at Wlm-bled,on Kay conguered Helen, 12-10, C-l, but in '37 Miss Jacobs won at Forest Hills, C-l, 4-6, G-4. Kay Stanwiers also lost to Alice Marble that year but In 1938 she became one of the few women tennis players in the wprid to beat bbtyi Jacobs and Marble. Beaten by Newcomer I have nothing to Indicate her recent tennis form other than the word of Bill Scanlan of the mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time D pin. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone .668 U.S. Lawn Tennis Association. who says that Kay Stammers recently suffered a pair of straight set looses at the hands of Mrs. Jean .Nicol Uostock, a newcomer ta Wightman Cup play for England. However, Mrs. Bostpck most likely is younger than Mrs. Menzlt's for the former was all-Fjigland girls champion in 1938, Another strong player awaiting the American gals is Joan Ingram. She has been in two of the previous WJghtman tests, winning a doubles match in 1938 after losing one In "37. However, Mrs. Hazel Hotchklss Wightman of Chestnut Hill, Mass.. America's non-playing team captain, is confident the U.S. will make it ten in a row over the British. Besides the Misses Betz and Osborne those who will make the 14-hour trip by air are Louise Brough of Beverly Hills, Calif.. American doubles champ the last four years; Miss Patricia Canning Todd of Lafayette, Calif., currently ranked No. 5, and Doris Hart, sixth ranking star frbm Miami, Fla. After a few days' practice at Forest Hills the team will leave La-Guardla Field on May 29. The Wightman Cup, one of two existing International sports trophies for women, represents in women'sjawn tennis the same j ideals as the Davis Cup in the i men's game good sportsmanship, i promotion of international friendship and supremacy In tennis. The cup was presented for annual competition by JVIrs. Hazel H. Wightman when the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills was dedicated in 1923, In the series of 17 matches played thus far, the U.S. has won 13, last losing by 4-3 in England in 1930. Business and W. H. CORIUNS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing, and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) MORITZ & BROTHERSTON General Contractors Building - Repairing Wrecking and Foundation Work We also move buildings. FREE ESTIMATING Phone Black 943 INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools ' CANADIAN, LIMITED' Montreal, Canada a r. I.OV1V, Phone Orren 074 Representative Box 628 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite TUCA ntlNCE BUPEltT, B.C. FOR PROMPT mi EFFICIENT SERVKI null iOur qUit,t COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LU M UmOURIt ttUtGOWULLC Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN JvO EVERYONE EVERY HOURS: TROPHIES Trophies for the reason at the Rex Bowling Alleys were- rpecnt-ly I presented, Head Pinners get ting the championship cup pu up by the Alleys while indivi-! dual high scoring cups went to T. J. Wallace and Orace Lee. Final results of the season's play for the Rex Bowling Alleys .were announced as follow..: Winning TeamHeadplnner: Second Team C.Y.A. Men's High Average L. J. Wallace, C.Y.A., 209. Women's High Average Orace Lee. C.Y.A., 183, High Team Average, three games C.Y.A., 3495. High-Team Single Oame-Mld-gets, 1384. Men's High Single Game L, J. Wallace. .C.Y.A., 3.40. Women's High Single aame-Vlolet Lee, C.Y-A., 304. Men's High Three Games S. Whyte, Midgets, 822. Wpmen's High Three Game. Grace Lee, C.Y.A., 728. John Hunter, Motherwell football club manager for 35 years, has retired but will continue as secretary of the Scottish kaguf team. He has been succeeded by George Stevenson, former Motn -erwell and Scotland forward. ALkALIZIHC AHD REfRESHIHG Professional MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS (Buildings Moved Foundations Built .Excavatmg and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man call M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, .GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station a Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J.LUND Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work P.O Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE P.Ubllc. Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Beaner Block Phonp 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 Trjain Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. Frpm the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. NIG1JT! 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY .4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (lleinber.f ,$jnjy on Sundays) WOGUE Wk riftARPTTC ,m PAPERS 0 PURt WHITl lOOUMEl n i ihiUCffii I'i-A-J-MTfflll INCOME TAX ufiu rrcparea See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave p Geo. J. Dawe The Auctlonftr Sales Every Satnrdij WE SELL EVERYTHING wwvu. e,u Vil "'"'111111111 at Your ConveiJenie OTTHMTTITPF tun MrvT'cr HOLD GOODS WRAPPED PACKED AND CRAT1 Estimates Given : PHINCE KDPEBI AUU11UIN MAK II Jill HJil Lr IjIVIL: LfULIC OIL. PHONES: nii n ma 1 i.i hp hi r Ask for Ge :rg mmmtmmammamm yum A 0 ff Al C many year: of aura general juatuiut .,.--perlence and Oarace is under ... ... iwuiiar,. ...v - . . 1 lh, ten ana nas sruuiru - of J. tampDeu vnu -many year, of experience car and truck wort CONSULT US' . . . . M Terra pa Marhine m ItllUVV ii AM GAKAGE Terrace TERRACE Storage IN TUB (H SMITH' PO. nox 1C7 J.H.Ml Auctioneer - SALES AKBANCED and Conducted ' your Convent SALES ROOMS Ave fc 171 Third rhone BU'k 156