,1 ! 1 LJy 1 ,1 t:. - -35 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices vr PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) ISrfnrc Rupert Daily Bclus Thursday, January 10, 1946 MOOSE PLANNING ENTERTAINMENT Announcement of plans for a joint entertainment for the Moose Lodge and the Women of the Moose was made by th(. entertainment oummittee at tr.e rteular meeting of the Loyal Urder of Moose held In the I.C.D.E. Hall Tuesday night. The entertainment, to take the form of a dance and social is scheduled to be held on January 22. There was a good attendance of members at the meeting, Governor D. G. Wood was chair-man. The meeting also heard plans to hold an entertainment period at the conclusion of each business meeting. The idea was warmly received by the members. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Fred Grimble for the work she has done for the Children's Christmas tree concerts put on annually for children of members of the Moose Lodge ' and Women of the Moose. Germans Orphan Polish Children NEW YORK, -I More than a million and a half Polish children were orphaned during ihe GettnjfY occupation of Poland, according to the Polish Press Agency. The tuberculosis rate among Polish children, the agency said, Is more lhan 80 per cent, or more than double the pre-war rate of 35-40 per cent. In almost totally destroyed Warsaw, there are 70,000 children among the present population o 450,978, living among the ruins, and lacking nudical and nursery care. The average weight of Warsaw's babies today is 30 per cent below normal. During the occupation all milk, butter and fruit were prohibited to Polish chil dren and, in an effort to destroy Polish culture, the Germans closed all Polish schools, museums, libraries and cultural lnr stltutes and killed more than 40 per cent of the primary .school teachers. Classified Ads bring results. Announcing . . .; - Beauty Lane Salon; Beulah Lavigne (late of Modern Beauty Parlor) has purchased the Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe from Peggy Saunders and will continue as Beauty Ijiiw Salon Fourth Street, opposite Post Office Phone. Blue 917 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 670 SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois oiashine Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility Carriers (Just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer Imperial Oil Dealer For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS 1 OTTOMAN $."0 COFFEE TABLES $1 U." MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) $!.!." CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced $11.!)." to ,!20.7." furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT FOR Young and Old Overnight Cases, 12" 1.71 Overnight Cases,. 18" . J. 2.G6 Black Cases, small ' medium 1.15 large . . . ; 1.15 THESE ARE AVAILABLE , IN'SETS OF THREE ALSO Meal for School Children and Week-end Trips Come in and see them at THE VARIETY STORE' "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND OOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (E) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 32S Second Avenue WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black 3C7 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER 1946 TO SEE HOOP SKIRTS Women Are Going Real Feminine This Year By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK, (AP) Women are going feminine with a bang after the severe silhouette of the war years. Real hoop skirts are in the fashion lineup for spring. i J - . 1 ! 11- 1 1 J Uli iw, aiong wun paaaea nips, sloping shoulders, accentuated ; bustlings and corsets worn in bathing suits. After every war there Is a i change in the fashionable silhouette. The changes in store as he aftermath of World War II are predicted by leading American designers as follows: Omar Klam Women are re laxlng mentally after the tens" war years. It will be a dressy year Clothes will be designed to sit and look pretty In, Adele Simpson An era of van-Ity'ls beginning the fashion accent will be on bosoms, in drapery and revealing est. Nettie Rosenstein Accentuate the bosom, minimize the waistline. Samuel Kass Very full skirts and exaggerated fullness throughout. Valentlna We are entering the most honest period of fashion since Greek times. A women's clothes will tell the truth about her figure with the result if it is too bad she will do something about it. Sophie Soft, fragile' draperies laces and chiffons. Flra Benenson Women who love sweets will get a' break this year. The hips and torso can look round, but the waist must look tinier than ever. Lily Dache Heads will look romantic and in tht clouds in pretty colored, high-riding hats. All will be off-the-face and jutting forward. FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p i e c e chesterfield bed, Khroler make, perfect condition, $65; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios; electric mr.itel radios; tools, some, are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, sliuhtlv used: com plete beds. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Complete household furniture. Cheap. 1133 7th Ave. East. (11) FOR SALE Small business now operating, no competition, low overhead; Interesting and easy work, no experience necessary. 90 profit, year-round operation. Can be operated by man or woman. Two branches, either or both for saje. Excellent opportunity for partnership. Each branch $800, or both for $1500. Over $1000 worth of supplies (retail). Owner cannot handle due to other business pressure. Write to Box 1253 Prince Rupert for appointment. Cash sale only. FOR SALE Three-room house with toilet and shower, electricity and water; mounted on skids. Must be removed irom present location. Can .be pur chased furnished for $550 or unfurnished for $380. Phone C74 or Standard Oil Co. (8) FOR SALE Model "B" Ford, 1932, good condition, excellent rubber, heater and spare tire. Serial CBG4720, Licence 29-165. Apply 1326 8th Ave. East. (8) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (12) FOR SALE Furnished 5 -room bungalow, $1,500. Apply 418 Sherbrooke Ave. (9) FOR SALE Why pay rent? Comfortable 5 - room house with bathroom, in good condition. Partly furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable price. 537 7th Ave. West. (11) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. THIS AND THAT H ,1 w 1LLMI Hotel ... WANTED For January I5tn, women for filleting and fish floor work. Apply Superintendent's office, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. plant, Seal Cove. (10) WORK WANTED WANTED Full or nart-time em ployment by youth with high school education. Try any thine. Phone Red 728 after 6 p.m. (tf) PERSONAL CHILDREN CARED FOR in my own home. 441 7th Ave. East. (10) WANTED WANTED Four or five-room furnished house or apartmen:. Box 75 Dally News. (13) WANTED Men to board and! room. 537 8th West. (8) WANTED Urgent! Room and board for 7-month-old baby. PO. Box 323. (10) FOR KENT nouseKeeping room, oou vin Ave. East. (10) FOR RENT Two-room furnished cottage, hot water. 208 9th Ave. East. (9) 1 Uli UI..M narm cuiiMuriauicj rooms wini pieiny ui nui wuin. Reasonable weekly rales to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) i ' FOR RENT Cabin. 1144 7th Ave. East. Blue 822. (11) FOR RENT Two 2-room suites. 5J7 8th Ave. West. (8) . FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Bonlen St. (tf) FOR RENT One housekeeping room, and suite. 344 Sher-bcvxjke Ave. C16) LOST AND FOUND LOST Navy jumper. Reward by phoning Red 707. (8) FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For Information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Cafe, now at Dally News office. Can be had by paying for this ad. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) J. L. GURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 999 Thr (irtmr AJmi Swire, Iim. "Can you see us?" Is arrivals Prince Rupeit A. K. Jacobson, Shirley; J. D. Campbell, Edmonton; Capt. A. F. Schmidtman, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Alvr.y, Digby Island; P. J. Lambert, Emily Wilkens The debutante of 1940 will look like her great-grandmother with a bustle and a handspan waistline. Jo Copeland With men back to stay, women have begun to turn on the charm. Adrian Don't look like a belted barrel in your suit! Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per lnRcrtlon, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: T2. FOR SALE FOR s'ALE One pr. men's skis, Norwegian imported, Gresvig Kandahar, harness.and poles; one pr. size 7 heads ski boots; one pr. lady's skis, poles and boots. 1381 Overlook St., Phone C70 line 23, Mr. Bolton. Up) FOR SALE Office writing desk and chair, like-new, 15.00, Call No. 2 Helgerson Block. (13) FOR SALE Premier Duplex vaeuum cleaner, excellent con dition. Call Blue 588 or 900, 10th Ave. East. (10) FOR QUICK SALE at $150.00, S.W. 4 Lot 3061, Alyansh. Official Administrator. FOR SALE Four-room furnish ed house, concrete basement, hot air furnace, central. Ponnc Green 730. uzj FOR SALE Miscellaneous furnitures Phone 239, mornings. (11) HELP Vt ANTED WANTED Two good waitresses. Steady jobs for right gins. Three Sisters Cafe. ! rharinfto Mnrth nnrollnai: vs i tit iu w h v t . . w . - ' George Little, Terrace; P. Albert, Kamloops; James S. Burns, cty; James Park, Smitliers; C. N. Shears, Vancouver; Mrs. D. J, Petch, Terrace. , J. F. Wilcox, Vancouver; Capt. D. .MacKinnon, Vancouver; cpi. and Mrs. J. V. Srotyr, city; H. Singleton, Vancouver; G., With-ell, Vancouver; G. Kemp, Vancouver; Mrs. C. Schussman, Seattle; Ei R, HUL Vancouver; Mrs. S. W; . Birrpil'i 'Vancouver; FL B. V. Moss, Vancouver; SL C. D. Trites, Vancouver; A. Rae, Port Coqultlam; M. Sommers, Port Coqultlam; Capt. F. R. Clark, Vancouver; Mr., and Mrs. J. S. Murray, North Pacific; J. H. Weeden, Vancouver; H. Everett, New Westminster; Rev. P. R. Kelly, Ocean Falls; Commander M. A. Wood, Victoria; C. A. Stenley, Vacouver. According to the publisher of the big Japanese newspaper, Yo-miuri, "If there had, been free dom of the press in Japan,theic wouldn't have been any war. FOUND EVERYWHERE The principal families of plants are distributed worldwide. McMEEKIN'S LEAD BOWLS Winning twenty games and losing ten, McMeekin's are in the lead in the men's ten-pin bowling league followed by the Savoy Hotel team with 18 wins and 12 losses. Six teams remain in the league, the Gyros and 111 ntprs havine dropped out. ,Second; half- of the league schedule will begin Friday night at the Fifth Avenue Recreation Hall. Here are the team standings at the half-way point: Won Lost McMeekin's 20 10 Covnu 18 12 (JM WJ Post Engineers 17 pinnpep Laundry .... 16 P.E. Plumbers 15 Imperial Oil 12 13 H 15 15 Individual average scores for the first half show Gunderton of Pioneer Laundry at the top with 165, followed by Anderson of Savoy with 160. Individual averages at end of first half were as follows: Gunderson (P.L.) 165 Anderson- (Savoy) 160 Arney (Savoy) 153 Lindsay (Savoy) 156 : Yoxall (P.E.) 155 Donovan (P.E.) 153 Dell (1.0.) 152 1 Villanova (P.E.P.) H9 McMeekin (Savoy) 151 Murray (P.E.P.) 147 Comadina (Savoy) 147 Wick (Mc.) 148 Jew (P.L.) "3 Wilson (Mc.) 143 McKay (Savoy) 143 Scharff (P.L.) 141 Howe (P.L.) 141 Windle (P.L.) 140 Simundsen IPX.) 140 Dardineau Mc.) 140 Jenkins (Mc.) 139 Montgomery (Mc.) 133 Sunberg (P.L.) 137 Currie (K.O.) 137 Moxley (Savoy) 137 Hartwig (I.O.) 135 Schuman (P.E.P.) 133 Kristmansen (I.O.) 133 Mitchell (P.E.) 133 Goodman (I.O.) 131 Armstrong (P.E.) 1J0 Graves (P.E.P.) 123 Ruddy (P.E.) 126 Morris. (P.E.P.) 125 Leland (Mc.) 120 Walls U.O.) 119 Laird. (I.O.) 117 Ross (P.E.P.) 117 Burns (I.O.) HI Hampton (P.L.) 102 NOTICE - - - Vyou'II enjoy our (fjjTTjj Orange Pekoe' CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINQ r Brighten Up Your Kitchen With plastic or metal mouldings for sinks, tables and counters. It's Colourful! Practical! See II Now at Keep your Orders well Ahead for our. Quality Coals! Sanitary! Gordon's Hardware MclSricle Street The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Wish to announce they, arc the new owners of the Chris Mill Bak The Third Avenue Bakery Store Is Open To All Mr. H. K. Christensen, previous owner, continues as Manager of the Bakery. -..': rhonesl PHONES llfi - 11? ALBERT AM) M cG AFFERY Board of Directors, PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.