I IT IS iJSlilKrHP 7v FLOWERS FROM THIS LIST - a Mil R GARDEN WIS SUMMRIl WUHCi www - iva fnr lr tfprf Is fl Hat rial ifled acrordinir wc . lr LUvk -.. edses and ooraers tweet M-nrf nntnrthiTti In. Ill UW" i dwarf marigolds, agera- Jee Us for Your C w J t.ia irrn,t jcvirirtcivi AND ALL YOUH PRINTING RF.Q III K KM KNTS ,iTT PAi.r.MnAR PAna ANti n i T mm i n mnn t it t- nil. r-ATTTMnATl PAT1R finP.AT.l TXA uiih' f'Mi.p.iMiiMi-r y A I . I.I I I IBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Ilookbindinp, Printing, Stationery Kirthday and Every Day Cards We are pleased to announce that condition, now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage . COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. annual phlox, verbena, stock, For lieht or poo soli Nasturtiums, Clarkla, godetla, poppy, , poitulara rind zinnias. For fragrance Mignonette, I heliotrope, nasturtiums, alyssum, ten weeks' .stock and sweet peas. ', For shady places - Pansies, DlANTKUS torenias or wishbone plants, godetla, forget-me-nots, nemophlla and varieties of mimulus. For hot situations Sunflowers, heliotrope, portulaca, ice plants, pstunias. balsam and annual galllardia. VinesMorning glories, moon-flowers, Japanese hops, climbing nasturtium, cardinal climbers, LONDON Employees of the London Midland and Scottish Railway cultivate 21,150 allotments which extend for over 400 miles by the side of the railway tracks. The.s? yielded a record harvest this year valued at 22,-000 i$99,000). Mi GENUINE ASPIRIN IS tY MARKED THIS WAY WV Today. . . Watch the way Women we mling Newspapers Have you noticed much more e a g e women arc following Hie newspaper ads these days? Long stems for cutting Asters, calliopsls, mourning bride or .scablosa, cosmos, giant zinnias, and double galllardias. Short stems lor cutting Marigolds, snapdragons, calendulas, sweet peas, annual chrysanthemums, bachelor buttons, carna- .tlons, Input zinnias, annual pinks, sweet sultans .salpiglossis. For color masses Petunia, zinnia, marigolds, calendulas, rtamti cnmnipto si rr. rtrr A Tr - 1 l . . IVI 111 I I 1 5 how r 1 That is because the ads tell them so much that's NEWS about things they' want to buy. That is the reason why it means more attention to your store if you advertise in the local newspaper. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUIt COOPS NOW OR A LITTLE LATER ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! And, if you arc still short of goods, remember you stay in the business news by .keeping your name before the public. If you want to stay before the public, the surest way of doing it is by advertising in The DAILY NEWS DAILY DOUBLE IS RULED OUT Will be Prohibited at New York Hare Tracks lltm-eiwih LONDON, P - A New York newspaper, the Daily Mirror, states that .dally double wagering will be outlawed henceforth at New York race tracks. The paper says an announcement to this effect Is expected from the New York State Racing Commission shortly. The Mirror claims that the racing associations have been cool toward the daily double belting because they find It keeps patrons from betting on the first two races as separate entitles. Then too, extra book keeping trouble is said to be caused in the parl-mutuel de partment. Hamilton Honors Football Players HAMILTON, (PiThe Ontario Rugby Football Union Junior champs, the Mahony Bears, received special tribute In Hamilton last night at a banquet for Hamilton's senior Wildcats and the four teams In a Junior city league sponsored by the Wildcats. Ontario's new health minister, R. T. Kelley, presented the McCready trophy during the ivening to Dave Rozumick, ranked as Mahony's most valuable player. BOB FELLER IS SIGNED AGAIN CLEVELAND Moundsman Bob Feller says he signed the best contract of his Major League pitching career for hurling duty this year with Cleveland Indians. The terms of the contract, which contains no bonus stipulation, have not been disclosed. cobaea. cypress vine, balloon vine, scarlet runner and hyacinth beans. . For a fragrant, all-season border, with material for cutting, you may Include mast of the following: Ten week's stocks, petunia.?, French, and African marigolds, calendulas, annual lark spurs, cosmos, zinnias, sweet peas, portulaca, kochia, flow- erlng tobaccos, calliopsls, annual I phlox, ageratum, sweet alyssum, poppies, asters, balsams, bachelor's buttons, sweet sultan, coxcomb and annual pinks. OCKJIKHJOOOOOIKIOCIOOOOOOOOO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO January 10, 1921 The Prince Rupert Board of Trade received a communication from A. Sherman, president of the U.S. Aerial Transportation Club, Seattle, saying that the company planned a year-round air service from Seattle, to Fairbanks and Nome and asked for a report on the landing field situation at Prince Rupert. In the midst of a hot civic election campaign. Prince Rupert citizens attended meetings sponsored by the mayoralty, alder-manic, school board and police commission candlates. G. W. Nickerson and H. B. Rochester are competing for mayor. R. H. Holmes, principal in a shooting case at Thurston Harbor, was brought to Prince Rupert on the steamship Prince ohn from Queen Charlotte Islands to await trial on a charse of manslaughter. He had previously been commltteed for trial at Queen Charlotte City. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone G44 Box 1321 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Today The two mn who are various ly recognized as world lightweight champions may meet on March 22 In a bout to settle Just who is king. National Boxing Association champ Ike Williams of Trenton, New Jersey, signed for the fight Tuesday night with Promoter Mike Jacobs. The new York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey champion, Bob Montgomery, of Pennsylvania, has not yet signed. Tlie title has been In contention since Champion Sammy Angott decided to retire In the winter of 1943-44. By the time he got around to changing his mind the New York State Athletic Commission had named Beat-Jack the champ, and Montgomery subsequently took the title from Jack. At the same time, the National Boxing Association had named Juan Zurlta the king after Zurlta defeated Angott. Williams later won this title from Zurlta. Thus a match between Montgomery and Williams will untangle the dual recognition, It says here. PRINCE RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not in this list? (See ntry form elsewhere) NAVY Mf. Sidney Alesandei Arvla J. Landals Peter D. Allen Jack R. Laurie Charles Anderson Maurice Lay Harold Anderson James a. Laurie Stanley Anderson Richard Lelghton J. Armstrong Jr. Jan toft Leland R. Armstrong Fred Lewis R. D. Armstrong TUly R. Lloyd Fred O. Barber Bruce Love Don Arney Harry Lunrtqulst Trt Arney M. R. Mease aeorge Bagehaw Fred Miller W. O. Barter Ted Mills Emlle Blain Harry Monkley John Bowman John Morrison Arthur Bredeson T. A. Mulhern J. K. Breen William Murdoch William Bremner William Murray Bernard Brldden Wm. H. Murray F. H. Brooksoank W. 11. Murray Qeorge J. Brown Daniel McDonald James Bryant Jack Macfle Tony Bussanlch Robert McKay Branson Bussey Ernest McKlnley Harold Bunn Robert McLean John Bunn E. (Ned) McLeod Hugh Burbank John McLeod O. Calderwood Norman McLeod Richard Cameron David McMeekln David McNab Edward Capstlck Robert McNab Robert Capstlck John D. McRae Doug. Chrlstlson Harold Neville Vernon C. Clccone John O'Neill Wm. J. Commons R. K. Olsen Allstalr D. Crerar Charles Ormlston Sydney Croxford P- E. M. Palmer Spencer Davles Frank D. Parker Edward Dawes Gordon Parkin George Dlbb C. R. Parsons A. F. Dodd Peter J. Peterson Vincent Dodd Douglas Payne John Dohl A. M. PhlUlpsoc C. J. PhUllpson Robert Duggan Bud Ponder Donald Eastman N. C. Powell Elmer Eburne Maone Rabben Mclvln Eburne Lloyd M. Rice John Eby David Ritchie Robert L. Eby Jack Ritchie William Earl Eby Robert Ritchie Robert Elklns Harry Robb William P. Elklns J. H. Robinson Lt-n Engstrom Robert Roy Martin Erlksen Arvld J. Sandhals James Feasby Arthur Saunders Bernard Fortune W. J. Scheafrer Terry Fortune R. M. Seherk Gordon Fraser Stanley Scherk Mitchell Oav J. D. Schubert Patrick M. Glllis A. Slmundson Efner Green C. Sllversldes James Greer A J. Sims lister Orlmble M. Skalmerud Terry Grlmble F. W. Skinner 'nn Grlmsson Henry Skinner Boyo Gurvlch John Skog John Grlmsson Ole Slatta Carl J. Oustafson Carl Smith r"-eore O. Hague Jack E. Smith Hazen I'anklnson Malcolm Smith Victor Hanley Ralph Smith Matt Harris Walter Smith Glen Hemmons Thor Solllen W. W. Hlldcbrand F. II. Stephens, Jr. Trevor Hill uari Birann Raymond Hougan John Strand Rill hunter Jack Storrle ''Vvstor Husoy Orme Stuart Peter Husov Charles Sunberg .tames M. Irvine James Tavlor TtMn Johnstone . H. Tnvlor Paddy Taylor "nrtnev Jones Inge Valen Jack W. Joy Stanley Vettch L. (Sonny) Keays SW White Robert Whltlns Harry L. Rnutson Carl O. Wilson Percy Knutson Osenr Wnhnm Lloyd Lahte OeraM P Woodsldo George Yule Jack Yule (Women j Lavlnla Exley r. m. Thomson Dapane Her.imel US. NAVY (Mi-n) 7. J. Robertson Howard Frlzzell U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn ARMY Richard Adklns Wm. .. Leverett Douglas E. Alvey James Evan love J. Armstrong Sr. Claience Lovln Louis Astoria Charles O. Lord Stanley Bollinger G. P. Lyons C. F. Bartlett Danny Magnet Jack Baltour Eric Barton O. Ivlarchlldon R. H. Beerllng Cecil M. Marr W. Bevnon Murlll Mathews & W. Blrcll F. O. Lire, Leonard Mendels Leonard Ulrtch Steve Mentenko Walter Bird Jack Mlcholuk N. Blackhall Leo Mlcholuk Donald Blake Victor Miller R. L. Bouvette D. Montgomery W. W. Bowes R. Montgomery Lloyd Bowman R. Montgomery Ray Bracewell M. D. Montesano Ronald Bracewell Clyde Moraes William Brass Stanlev Moraes J. W. Brldden Ford Moran Earl Brocriu Jack Moran W. M. Brown James Moran Frank Bruce Carl Mostad Wlrner Brvant Otto Mostad Alfred E. Burnlp Robert Moxley Melbourne Bussev Arthur Murray Arthur F. Cade John K. Murray John A. V. Cade J. L. A. Murray lfrd Colderone Jack Mussallem II. D. Calderwood George W. McAfee AldoCampagnola M. P. McCaffery jack Campbell n.. Mcuriramon John Campboll .1. a. McCubbln William Cavalier N. McOlashan Marn Cavenalte A. A. MacDonald a, H. Cnasteney Ian Macdon&ld O. Christopher Jack McEvoy Arthur J. Clark Alex McFarlane Donald Clark Gerald Mclntyre "iVlward Clark Ian A. MacRae tJirrv C. Clark Josenh Navlor neorw Collins Jr. W H. Nwbltt Ionenl Ness Henry P. Cloutler Donald Norton in Sports Walter "The Turk" Broda Is through. The goalie for the National Hockey League Toronto Maple Leafs for five years before entering the army says he '. finished with the game. Broda Is at present awaiting repatriation from England to Canada. Apparently Broda's decision results from an incident which took place recently In Amsterdam, The Brandon, Manitoba, net-minder was hit In the face on that occasion with a puck fired frcm three feet out In a practice with a Canadian forces in the Netherlands all-star team. The result he lost six teeth. It burns him up, too. "Can you Imagine," he says, "getting It from some Joker after catching the best from the best of them?" The doctors have pretty bitter news for Defenceman Eddii Brown of the St. Louis club in the American Hockey League. Brown spent five years In the Royal Canadian Air Force and came out unscratched. Then In a "am" In Vew Haven. Connecticut, last Sunday night, he suffered an Injury. Now the medicos say Brown will lose the sight of hl3 right eye. Sldeliners attending the twentieth annual Los Anaeles open golf tournament Monday glanced at the final score card and vawned. The winner? Just who they knew would win it all the time Bvron Nelson, the old shotmaker himself. Yes, Lord Byron did It again. This time winning bv five strikers. He shot an unspectacular 72 on the final round for a total of 284. In second slot was little Ben Hogan. with 289, and tied for next money pots were Jim Demarest, Chand ler Harper and Jim Ferrier. all with 290. There was one interest lng angle to the match, however. It was the first time that Nelson had won the Los Angeles open. It was also his first major victory In 1946. And if one mast consider that evil stuff, money. It must be noted for the records that the victory netted the Tol-dean $2,666.67 In Victorv Bond. You got us what the sixty-seven cents was for. MERRY CHRISTMAS! GRIMSBY, Eng. f A sprig of holly and the words "Post Early for Christmas" decorated envel opes in which Grimsby Income tax office sent out demand notes. James W. Collins David W. Oland Jim OoliisM Robert Orme Mike Colusxl Robert Parks Frank Comadloa Frank arlette D. J. T. Cook Robert D. Patrick M. van Coo ten O. F. Penney Grant Coverdale Walter Perkins Walter Cross Ernie Perlstrom Bert Cross Peter Peterson Charles Dennis Thomas A. Phelps Thomas Dennis Arthur Phillips Peter Doherty W. A. Pllfold Jr. Paul Dvornek N. R. Powell R. C. H. Durnford Allan Prevost George Dybhavn L. C. R. Raabe D. J. Edlund Krnest Ratchford Malcolm Elder AIL M. Rivett N. A. Pavllkls Whitfield Elder Ed. Regnery Frank Elliott James E. ReU Helge Essen Carl Reich A. R. Finer Freddie Reich Charles V. Evltt Alex G. Rlx George Flewlni R. O. Robinson Thomas Flewln E. S. Roper Dick Fong R. Rudderham William Oa1lck Kaare Rudsvlck James Garllck Thomas II. Ryan J. Q. Garrett Arnt Rye John Gates Olav Rysstad Ralph Gillies Wldar A. Sandhals Alfred E. S. Glllis Fred Slmonds Joseph D. Glllis Bud Skattebol Milton p. aims Fred Schealfer Andrew Glover R. J. Schealfer William Gomez WUllam Scherk narrow Gomez John T. Scully John Good Thomas Scully Earl Gordon Bob Shrubsall Lee Gordon Thomas Sibley Edward Oosnell B. Slmundson T. W. Graham Glenn Smith Burton Green Hugh, J. Smith T. N. Greenfield James Smith O. B. Gun-a-Noot J. S. Smith finlro nurgerlch W. D. Smith apiro aurvicn Douglas Stalker Tames Hadden J. A. Stewart Gerry Hamelln Albert Stiles J. T. Harvey A. L. St. John J. R. Ilaynes Alexander Storrle K, C. W. Haynes Jack Storrle R. H. A. Haynes Nell Stromdahl E. D. Head James Suden Cecil Hemmons J. G. Sutherland. David Henderson Rov Sweet Howard Hlbbard Richard Sylvester F. C. Hill C. Dan Taper L. H. Hlnton L. V. Tattersal F. E. Hodgklnson Robert Taylor Harold Hodgson John Albert Teng V. G. Horner W. B. Tobey David Houston D. Thompson Robert Houston Arnold Tweed "nrov Hudson .Trk TTnwln R. E. Hudson Omar H. Tweed Fred Hunter Rodnev Valpv William Hutson A. (Bllll Vance HaroM Ivarson Clarence Vaughan tnhrt Johnson S. Vlckerman Walter .lohnimn Robert Vuckovlch Kenneth Johnston John Walker R. D. Johnston C. Wanamaker T. D. Johnston Harry S. Ward Nick J. villas C. D Wation Michael Kowall R. M. Watson Pobert. w. Keays Jsck Wurmouth Re. Kmc Jannrs Weir Mike Kowall TjmOI West vick Kurulok Don Wick edk. A. Large William White "npald Lee T J. Williams A. Lee .tames Wont Ptrt,t R. fek James WnM Maurice Lelhton H. R. Wrsthsll Oliver R. Ilhton Jack WrathaU ". T. Il"hton K. V. wrethsll Pierre lRoss T M. WrVM O. M. Letnes Charles E. Love (Women) Beatrice Werner Maxlne L'ewlvn i"lse Bird F. Anne McDamM Pbvlts Wnmhlln RHIth Mtr thr F, Hanklnson Twne Sullv Matilda Larsen Jane Taper U.S. ARMY, (Women) Mary McCaffery TJ.S. ARMY (Men) Chester H. ClftDP Terence Orme George A. Olav Thomas W. Pierce nienn Goortilve Snntrhv.n Rtcherd J. Moore Elgood E. Stf phens Prfitcc tlupctt rectus Thursday, January 10, 1916 CONTRACT FOR CARL HU3BELL NEW YORK Another sports veteran, Carl Hubbell, hurler fo; the New York Giants for 10 sea sons, Is in the headlines. Hubbell, who has served as director of thi club's faim system for the last two years, yesterday signed a new five-year contract as farm director. Carl apparently considers the Job a permanent one and will move from Oklahoma City to New York with his family. Hockey Getting No Reinstatement LOS ANGELES The California Horse Racing Board has de nied Jackie Westrope's petition for reinstatement. Westrope was barred from riding on tracks In California, or any other state, on charges that he deliberately fouled another hcrse at Del Mar last August. EARL SIEBERT TO BE MANAGER INDIANAPOLIS Veteran National Hockey League star Earl Siebert is taking on a new Job, General Manager Dick Miller of the American League Indiana-polls Capitals has announced that Siebert will leave Detroit Red Wings to become playing coach of the Caps. Johnny Sorrel will continue as bench manager for the Indianapolis club. TENNIS AT WIMBLEDON Bomb Craters to be Filled and Grandstand Repaired LONDON, CP) Word from the British capital Indicates that It Is almost a certainty that the Wimbledon lawn tenrils championships will be held this year from June 24 to July 6. The British Ministry of Works has gmnted two licences to the-AU-Erigland Club for safety repairs the fill-ins In of bomb craters-iand for what are described as first aid repairs to the centre court grandstand. BYRON NELSON IS IN ACTION SAN FRANCISCO Shotmaster Byron Nelson swings Into action again today. This time In the fifteenth annual San Francisco open golf tournament. The 72-hole event Is the richest of the P. G. A. winter tourneys, with $15,000 dollars in Victory Bonds being distributed to the 20. winners of the match. In addition, $10,000 will go as gate prizes to spectators. Nelson will be trying for his third successive San Francisco open victory. Par on the course i is 71. I FEED PINE NEEDLES MELBOURNE, Australia 0 During Australia's recent severe drought pine needles were used as an emergency feed for stock Ic was found that sheep would eat them readily at first but within a few days they would refuse them. However, by alternating pine needles and chaff, sheep were fed up to four pounds of pine needles every alternate day without any apparent 111 effects. AIR FORCE Ronald Allen Mike Hudema H. G. Archibald John P. Johnson Harry Astoria David L. Jones Alex Balllle Sam Jurmaln Howard Beale Robert Kelsey Marcel Blain Oliver J. Keays J. F. Bouzek Francis W. Leask J. J. Bouzek I. L. Leavens J. V. Bouzek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan Lelghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Iverett Alan Burbank Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. Burnlp John Lindsay Denis W. Burnlp Albert Mah W. C. Cameron Cedrlc Mah Peter Cartwrlght George R. Mayer Rene Cavenalle Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle J. H. McLeod Rimer Clausen Gavin D. Mead WUllam Collins John J. Miller Jack Corbould Richard Mills Eddie Crosby Herbert Morgan Ray Crosby Ralph Morln Oeorge M. Currlo II. W. Macdonald James Currle Don McCavour Arthur Davey Eric Orme John W. Davey Ed. M. Ormhelm Pat Deane Robert L. Peachey Don H. Deane Pul postolu Victor Dell Vernon Onlnlan M. J. Dougherty Olof Rudsvlck Jack Eastwood Tore A. Selvtg Donald Eby Ken Schubert Thomas J. Evans Arne J. Selvls Jack C. Ewart Wm. Shrubsall Victor Field Polyrt Sllversldes Clarence Flnley Eddie Smith Albert Flaten Jsmes D. Stuart C. E. Flewln Robert Taper Hugh L. Forrest J, .1. Thomnson Thomas Forrest R. E. Tobey fuoert Fulton D. C. Tumllson Louis ortln Glay Douglas Ousha Robert Turgeon WUllam Hadden John A. Walker "arry Hamilton Rudolph Warn, Flmore Hanklnson ArvM TTflriRn Wm. II. Wilson Ijiwrence Hansen Henry Worsfold rnld Helerson Oeorge Zburs Murray Henderson Helge Holkestad (Women) Betty Barber Molly Mackenzie .lean R. Cameron Kav Nickerson Iris Corbould Lilian Croxford Isobel Mackenzie Made enipreme Sacrifice New Manager Fpr Montreal Indians MONTxtEiilL'iiie '1)1? four's Montreal Indians will meet next Wednesday and it will be announced ai that time whether Toronto Indians coazh Lew Hay-man will take over the Montreal Club, The statement issued last night said no decision Jiad yet been made but that officers of the Montreal club would 'discuss Hayman's proposals with the team's patrons this week. A spokesman for the squad said Hayman's proposals had the approval of the directors, and it seemed certain that the patrons would endorse them. If the okay Is given to Hayman's proposals, he will take over the .post of managing director of the club. MANY BIRDS There are about 18,000 species of birds In the world. You can't beat dally" newspaper ads for timeliness. Tire manufacturers ran newspaper advertisements offering new tires for sale the very day the end of rationing was announced. No wonder you get comfortable, good looking shaves with the Blue Gillette Blade! It has the sharpest most beautifully finished edges ever honedi! It pays to ask for i Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare ypur beard with Gillette Shaving Cream. ..336, GEORGE DAWES ,AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR : "SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 1 JOHN BULGER ' JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post 'office)