Prfncc Kupctt Dnflg jQcuas Friday, January 5, 1946 ubllchod every afternoon except Sun-ay by Prince Eupert Dally News lml ted. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ly City Carrier, per week 15 er Month OS -Per Year $7.00 ty Mall, per month 40 -Per Year $4 00 (Authorized as Second Clas? Mall, Department, Ottawa). 'Robert-i Burns Noble and lofty thoughts that are expressed in imperishable words by men of genius are the priceless possession of all mankind. Hence today not only Scotsmen, but countless others of ever race pay reverent tribute to the memory of Scotland's immortal bard whose tender poems forever touch the emotions of the human heart. Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759. He died in 1796 at the age of 37. In that short span of life he gave to Scotsmen especially such songs of kindness and of love that by their intimate and human appeal have since become the cherished music of allpeople in the world who lovetheir fellow-men. Few have touched the chords of human brotherhood as did the poet Burns. He peered with prophetic vision beyond the mists of racial strife and saw a world where "man to man the world o'er shall brother be and a that." He lifted the veneer that clothes the. arrogant, the pompous and the hypocritical and brought to light'the refreshing goodness that lay beneath their sham. - -The rank Is but the guinea's stamp A man's a man for a" that." And he who loved, with a poet's tender passion knew too how -fleeting are our human joys. "For pleasures are like popples spread, You seize the flower, the bloom Is shed; Or like the snowfall In the river A moment white, then gone forever." Robert Burns possessed a matchless insight into human nature, its virtues and its weaknesses. He hot H wrote in simple language the hopes and yearnings of the common man. Scotsmen everywhere this day will f address the haggis, toast the immortal memory, clasp each other's hands and sing "Aula" Lang Syne." And we who are not fortunate enough to be of the land of the land of the heather Sassenachs they said we were we shall turn to our book of Burns and read again his lovely thoughts. And we know that in our silent reverie his words will kindle in our hearts a warm glow of affection for the ploughman poet who still inspires mankind with the ideal of the brotherhood of man. C.PiR. Does J t Anyway In spite of vigorous protests at the proposal, the Canadian Pacific Railway is going through with its intention of building three super-liners for British Columbia coastal service at a cost of $2,500,000 each. With British Columbia yards gasping for work, that is what the C.IMt. does. There may be what will be called sound business reasons for the exporting of this industrial plum to British yards, which are already said to be choked with work, but the best of reasons will not be very acceptable to the people of this coast. They cannot help but. think how much it would have reduced the growing unemployment situation here if the work could have been done here how far it would have gone in tiding us over the difficult interim reconversion period. Fortunately, there appears to be no intention of the other steamship companies on tjie coast to do like the C.P.R. Union Steamships are actually callingif or tenders for corvette reconversion work which will bring their fleet 'lip to thecurrent requirements. The minister of transport, Mr. Chevrier, has publicly announced that it is the intention to build new C.N.R. ships on this coast and the fact that the railway company itself owns the local shipbuilding yard at Prince Rupert would logically rule out any idea of exporting the work. nowlskkg Cereal -wMkk I rr?0 THAT'S THAT'S RIGHT! RIGHT! Just Just pop pop Nabisco Nabisco Shredded Shredded I I I l Wheat Wheat in in a a strainer-pour strainer-pour boiling boiling water water on on the the I .! jr5jaVcO J biscuits. biscuits. Drain, Drain, salt salt to to taste, taste, and and serve serve with with XwaV""""' xD'It'H.I cream cream and and sugar sugar for for a a happifying happifying breakfast breakfast with with I I vKtfl SHlK. real real sfaying slaying power. power. As As you you smack smack your your lips lips over over I itirailfflrm ' Thtins. IVia me rronrlnPfiR S00cness nf iha tms reran cereal, vnn'll you'll de- Aa. J I Sr Ak Orltlmi ii.T-i . . ... M mmWRtr produa lVifWf,i? h,i ir Fills r cide ciae 11 U's s the me easiesl easiest nui H0T breakfast creakiast I I' Wft; rrnmMM lIIltf.. -I r"ShWtoh owwdflf r"B bt iji th. V ft $ you you evel ever served. seiveu. 1 No imo T- fuss-no ius3 .. no bother. Domer. ..L- I, iV 1 1 UMtWl Nl&ntLu- wSSf Lu- For For the the original 9inQl Niagara Niagara Falls Falls prod- prod- L SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS1 Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight v. further Information, Tickets J and Reservations U FRANK J. "SKINNER j j Prince. Rupert Agent r Third Are. 'Phone 568 MEMBER ABC. Post OfIce SW-H6 j;ul", r uct, ask for Nabisco Shredded Wheat. '-4 Valentine's Day FEBRUARY 14th SEND VALENTINE GREETINGS . . . by . . . COUTTS CARDS Large Stock Now On Display AT Publicity Meet Montcdor President Local Public Relations' Council In Annual Session Prince Rupert Public Relations Council elected E. Montador president by acclamation at Us annual meeting in the city council chamber last night and reelected Alderman Nora Arndld as vice-presldcr.t. Arnold Fla-ten remains chairman of the finance committee, and J. Harry Black and Mark Hill were re elected chairmen of the exter- j nal and Internal committees re spectively. Miss Jean McMlllen was elected .secretary. The whole executive entered their 194C posts by acclamation. The meeting, attended by 31 ' delegates from city organizations, and Interested Individuals, heard reports from Its retiring president, Lloyd Morris, and from committee chairmen Mark Hill and Arnold Flaten. In his annual report, Mr. Morris outlined work of the organization since Its beginning on March 23 last year. Finance committee chairman Flaten reported that funds collected last year totalled $2,045. and that expenditures were $339j In addition to public subscriptions last year, totalling $2,555, about $9C0 has been pledged to the Council for the next two years. Ultimate results of last year's financial drive, he said, will be about $5,000. Internal affairs chairman Mark Hill reported that his committee has been "surveying the field" in its efforts to brighten the city. He said that his committee had met with the City Engineer and Sanitary Inspector to discuss such matters as open sewers garbage disposal, cleaning of vacant city lots and the erection of traffic and street signs. The committee had also been active, he said, In regard to erection of a welcome arch at the city's outskirts and had attempt-1, ed to Interest waterfront butl-nessmen In brightening that'dls-trict with colorful neon signs. An appeal for a centralized source for industrial Information which could be used for the guidance of businessmen Inters ested in establishing in Prince Rupert was made by Theo Col-lart who said that such information should be specific and inv mediately available. Mr. Collart used as an exf ample for the need, a report that Vancouver Interest's had been unable to fill an order for railroad ties by the Chinese gov-eminent and said tha: the Pub- lic Relations Council ought tu be able to offer figures on this amount of tie timber availably In the Prince Rupert district and invite the Chinese government to seek bids here. He also urged that local cltli zens invest their money In locai LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't ftxlglilen up? Back too stiff and Bore to touch? If that's liow Lumbago (l.ame Hack) after! you, lo wliat tlnni-Bands live done nnil ft fjiiick, safe relief. Take Temple-ton' TK-C"s, tlie remedy apedally made to help you. Don't Buffer a Ly more t!i:m von have to. (t Templeton'a T-K-CVtoday. 50c. I . T.J 1 Aid a tunny velrtty patttl Ion to your walli and cei'ingi lt your furnishing! appear lu ntvt Jtttlnj. B-H Frticontttt One Coat Velvet Finlh offeri iodty's moil reliable One Coat quick-drylnj, caiily applied paint. Let ul ihow you 0 color card. GORDON'S HARDWARE iMcIlridc Street Phone -311 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY 'PHONE 657 Industries to assist the industrial growth of the city. "You would have to start things In a small way yourselves and let them grow," he said. Adoption of a constitution by the public relations council was preceded by a discussion of the duties of the internal and external affairs committees. Correspondence from several eastern magazines and newspapers regarding advertising for Prince Rupert was ordered filed by the president pending budget arrangements. At Vanderhodf GEORGE 0G5T0N QUITS AS TRADE BOARD SECT'Y . VANDERIIOOF After holding the position of secretary of 'the Vanderhoof and District Board of Trade for the last 27 years, (Icorge Ogston retired last wpfk. His resignation was presented to the Board's annual meeting. Tribute to Mr. Ogston's service was paid by Board members who described him as the "backbone" of the .organization during past years. His contacts with prominent people and organizations, it was said, played an Important part In the development of Vanderhoof. Mr. Ogston gave pressure of private business as his reason for relinquishing the office. However, he will continue! as a member of the executive. The election of officers resulted in Maynard G. Kerr being INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-flee R. E. MORTIMER ; 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8 : pgSCgipTMS When your doctor sees our name on a bottle of medicine he knows you have precisely what he ordered. Ormes Ltd. THE REXALL STORE B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue Just West of Sixth Street MEN'S WORK PANTS Very strong $2.50 MEN'S IRON PANTS Well made $2.95 MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS For dress and work $4.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS $1.50 BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS $1.85 $2.45 BOYS' BLACK OVERALL PANTS $1.25 10 $L?0 BOYS' PANTS from $2.00 tl $4.25 BOYS' OXFORDS from $3.50 to $3.95 MEN'S WORK BOOTS from $5.00 10 $6.25 ALD. ARNOLD HEALTH HEAD Mrs. Earl Becker Treasurer and M. J. Harper, Secretary Annual meeting of the Prince Rupert and District Union Board of Health elected Alderman Nora E. Arnold president Thursday afternoon, and named Mrs. Earl Becker treasurer with M. J. Harper as secretary. Introduced at the meeting was Miss Joyce Leslie who arrived this week to assume the position of senior public health nurse here. MLss Leslie was formerly connected with the Central Vancouver Island Health Unit, and during the meeting she outlined the work being done there. Miss Leslie replaces MLss H. Hether-ington, who retired recently as public health nurse here. The meeting passed theHealth Unit's annual report compiled by M. J. Harper and congratulated Mr. Harper on the completeness of his report. Present at the meeting were Alderman Arnold, Alderman Hills and Alderman Ham representing city council, Mrs. F. M. Hall, Terrace district, Mrs. Earl Becker, school board. Inspector of schools E. E. Hyndman, sanitary Inspector M. J. Harper, and MLss Leslie. named president, Kenneth L. Johnston, vice-president, Lawrence C. French, secretary-treasurer. Executive members are: Dr. R. W. Stone, George Ogston, R. C. Steele, Harry V. Taylor and Clifford W. Weeks. Classified AdverlLsing Paysl GEE, I'M LATE BUT I DIDN'T KH0W WE WERE HAVING AUNT JEMIMA'S! J. L. GURRY CHIROPRACTOK II pain -Chiropractic I If nerves- doubly sol Smith Block Green 9s Compounded Accurately Phone 81 ami 82 Lumber See U f or your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITJ & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Business and For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd, 1313 OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177, Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada II. F. I.OVIN. Phone Orwn 814 Kepre-ionUtlre Bo,cB2B... 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA. PRINCE riUPEUT. D O. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGINQ C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 480 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave, W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 955) .JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICS mail nour qlastet to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.LU M UTMOURST. VANCOUVER. B C. TRY CUR CLASSIFIED ft AljV;tl I JI VI ' It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE RELIABLE . ... When you want the be3t in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR FUTURE." S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 - 170 E. 3rd Ave- PHONE 543 J " PHONE . . . FOR . . H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer GOOD EYE SIGHT WE SELDOM THINK OF EYESIGHT UNTIL IT SHOWS SION OF FAILING As longer evenings bring more reading, sewing and clo work, we Increase the burden on already over-worked eyfl It is wise to protect your eye sight by havine them scientifically examined at regular Intervals-MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS FOR EXAMINATION NOW Cor. 3rd Ave, and 5th St, wfjU'Vr if m Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavino Beauty Culture In all Its branch,. ncR jiko.AHi .... . If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock M can M.SAUNDERS uuie (iuu Concrete Sidewalks, Iix" I don't take work I cannot do myself, PARTRIDGE & GUNSTON General Contractors ' P.O. Box 1489. Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundation!'. Estimates Cheerfully ohm; Prompt attention all wort H.J. LUND Painting Paperhanglnj Interior and Exterior Wort P.O. Box 1286 Phone Blicxc GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiw Besner Block Phone Jn SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Bo n Night Calls Especially rr,2 taxi (Tom Harvey) Stand; Westholme Rooms, 2nd Am. Taft and Ortowes AUCTION ROOM and Furniture Store Bring your furniture and ban It sold for the highest price L. CHKISTOPHKUSON Auctioneer SUPPORT THE WAR VETERA For information Phone Blue C9 or Blue 810 Floor Sanding and Finishlns Repairs and Alt.-rations VAL SPIDEL Blue C15 Box 1430 St hff AOS THEY GET RESULTS ! l X TL Lis I. ' J I LOVIN'S PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp.YM Room STONC OpTOMlTRISl BLOCK PROMPT SERVICE ON REPAIRS M Telephone 593 PRINCE RllPEHT l ,!"