6 prince Rupert Dnilp tettos Friday, January 25, 1946 IN ) Housecoats and Pyjamas Housecoats Sizes 12-52 Pyjamas Sizes 12-20 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE A. MacKenzie Furniture L I M I A good place to buy We have in stock Window Shades - Mirrors - Haby Huggics Pillows - Table Cloths - Carpet Underfelts Chenille IJedspreads - Curtain Hods - Beds Springs and Mattresses. 327 Third Avenue West I'lione "73 REX CAFE Under New Management Chinese Dishes our specialty. , Chop Suey - Chow Mcin Open 0 ajn. Iq 2 a.m. Second Avenue West We H ave Done Seeing is Relieving COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) -P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Welding and Body Repairs No Job is too large or too small for us. Our mprhfinlpe ore J experts in body repairs. Dependable, prompt service.' ilkkall MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE W. C. OSBORNE UOX 202 I EMPIRE CAFE (Fo.neriyL.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am to 1 ajn. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE The Right Place for the Right Clothes V7 in T E I) IT COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 V. IMHOFF TERRACE r ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone lied 2'JG after G o'clock. We will call for them. i i PRINCE RUPERT SKI TRIALS (By A. A.) Last Sunday was not the- best day possible for skiing. However, that did not stop six enthusiasts from hiking up nearby mountains to partake of their favorite sport. Nick Krook and Art Hardwick left town late Saturday night to spend the week-end at the ski club cabin on Mt. Blaine. Nick reports that the wind and the rain made skiing impossible on Sunday at cabin level so they spent the day Indoors. Snow remains at a depth of about four feet at 1500 feet and was hard packed. Duncan McRae, Bud Timmer-melster, Bob Eby and Allan Armstrong were up Mt. Hays investigating the accessibility of the excellent runs to the east of the Army camp. After the half hour hike to the camp up the wooden walk, they climbed for 20 minutes before the terrain levelled off sufficiently to provide easy cross country skiing. From there they followed a ridge through lightly timbered country with Genuine Aspirin tsAi MASKED THIS WAY Mf 2 - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 00c. Birth Notices: 00c; Cards ot Thnnks. Death Nptlces. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: f2. BIRTH NOTICE MOORE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Moore (nee Betty Johnson) at the Prince Rupert Genera Hospital, Wednesday, January 2, 1946, a daughter, Diane Louise, 7 pounds 12 ounces. CARD OF THANKS Tlie mother and brother of the late .Alexander Bell desire to express their appreciation of kindnesses and assistance extended on the occasion of their recent bereavement. We; wish especially to thank Rev. R. A. Wilson of First United Church. WANTED WANTED Underwood typewriter in good condition. Apply Daily News. (tf) WANTED Puppy. Phone WANTED Portable typewriter. Phone Blue 615. (31) WANTED Modern living quarters, at least five rooms. Permanently employed. References. Vicinity McBride and King Edward School preferred. Box 1080 Station B. (22) FOR RLN"J FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rales to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . ... Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Plumbing and Healing Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 inviting trails leading off on either side. Within 30 minutes they found an excellent hill on the north slope with runs ,Qver half a mile in length through quite open ground.' In spite of the gale that was blowing the north slopes were sheltered and the snow was crusty with a light covering of new snow. From the ridge at the top of the run there was a magnificent view sweeping from Porcher Island on , the south, to- Dundas and Alaska on the west, and Mt. Morse to the north. This week-end, if the weather remains favorable, there will be parties going out to Mt. Blaine and others taking their skiing a little closer to home and going up Mt. Hays and 'Mt. Oldfield. fif IT N E s I R S Plans "Aglcy" The "Great Bard," whose anniversary falls today, once stated that "well made plans of mice and men gang aft agley" and the same may be said about pur column. If the Rup-Rec Column should not appear in this paper on the eve of your class, remember the class will go on as scheduled. The editor is most co-operative in printing whatever is submitted, even though it may not always be a gem of English literature or a model of literary FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen table and chairs; high chair; crib; radio and studio lounge. 1376 Overlook Street. ' 22t FOR SALE 4-burner Hotpoint range in excellent condition; and separate .refuse burner with hot water coils. Phone 83. (26) FOR SALE Ladies black , ski suit, pre-war material, size 18 or 20. Pair of grey sport pants, pair of ski boots, hand-made. Phone Green 129. (122) FOR SALE Six-room house, immediate possession. 420 -Gth Ave. West. For Information phone Black 449. ,(.21) FOR SALE Quick turnover Four rooms with bath. Also garage. Price $2,000 without furniture. Call 900 10th Ave. East. (23) FOR SALE Pure bred Rhode Island Reds. $3.00. Jack Adams, phone Red 447. (23? FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p 1 e c e chesterfield bed, Khrolcr make, perfect condition, $65; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios; electric mwtel radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; complete beds. B.C. Furniture. Black 324. FOR SALE 0-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (24) FOR SALE OR TRADE 32-foot trolling boat "Royal" for car or light truck. Apply 1001 3rd Ave. West, between 6 and 7 p.m. (21) FOR SALE Piece of linoleum, 9x15. 1333 8th Ave. East. (22) FOR SALE New record player. $25. Phone Fortress 53. (22) FOR SALE Large floor sun lamp. Cost $70 new. Apply Pioneer Rooms. Phone 471. (25) FOR SALE McClary electric rangette, used 30 days. $35. Saturday and Sunday at 1356 Overlook. (21) HELP WANTED WANTED Saleswoman whr can 'sell and fit shoes. The i Famllyi snoe store. (tf) WANTED Shinglers for Ocean Falls, either contract or day labor. Apply Northwest Con-soructlon Co. Ltd., Phone 563, Room 6, Stone Building, (22) HELP WANTED Woman for housework. Reliable, willing worker. 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sleep out. $60.00; or mother's helper, 4 to 8 p.m. $24.00. Phone Blue 240. (25) PERSONAL DRESSMAKING Coats, suits, remodelling. Photographs copied; 20 year's experience. Black 687. (22) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros, Ltd. 'WELCOME HOME' PARTY COSTLY TERRACE The "Welcome Home" committee held a meeting Wednesday night to consider the finances of the very successful event which took place on December 28 and to which a good many returned soldiers came. The affair ijln into considerable expense which will be met by the various local organizations who sponsored and carried out the welcome party. Just as soon as accounts are lit, the lodges and associations taking part will pool the amount that has been assessed. It is expected that assignment will amount to $50 or $60 for each organization. WHAT 5 DOING AT PRINCE RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYMS by J I M NAST perfection. We appreciate his co-operation and accept all the responsibility for missing columns. Sometimes we don't have time to. write. "Tea for Two" Tap dancing was introduced to the girls at Leaders Class last evening when Mrs. Jean Potter quietly and ef ficiently ran through Hie"--first- lesson of "elementary tap. Mrs. Potter was pleased with the progress, of the leaders and they, in turn, were thrilled with the technique and personality of their teacher. Crash Landing Rumor has it that youthful Rup-Rec gymnast, Johiiny Thompson, practising headstands on the chesterfield at home, slipped one day and lell out the window. He came out of it unscathed. What's on Tonight? I.O.D.E. Hall, 8-9:30 Ladies Class. Seal Cove School, 7:30-9 Intermediate Boys' Boxing. JOCKEY BREAKS HIS COLLARBONE HIALEAH Jockey Bobby Watson of Toronto Is believed to have suffered a broken collarbone in a spectacular spill yesterday In the third race at the Hialenh race track in Florida. The accident occurred as the ficldncared the stretch turn. He was up on the favorite, Grande Pat, owned by E. r, Taylor of Toronto. Western Canada Puck Dates Set WINNIPEG The Western Canada Inter-unlvcrslty basketball championships will be played in Winnipeg January 31 and February 1. Teams from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will participate. The defending men's champions and holder of the Rlgby Trophy are the University of Alberta Golden Bears. SHORT SPORT Toronto's "kid line" led all National Hockey League point-getters 14 years' ago today. Pacing Leafs to the Canadian section lead, Charlie Conachcr, Harvey Jackson and Joe Prl-meau each had 29 points. Final statistics that year showed Jackson with 53 points, Prlmeau next with 50 and Conachcr with 48. Johnny Kilbanc, world featherweight boxing champion, successfully defended his title 31 years ago against Eddie Morgan, English champion, with a. decision in a bout at New York. The European women's skat ing championship was retained for Britain .against challengers from Switzerland, Scandinavia and Germany seven years ago last night when Cecilia Colledge outpointed Megan Taylor before a crowd of 9,000. Daphne Walker was third, giving Britain a sweep of tiie first three places. Take Invigorating steam baths and massage to relievt' that tired feeling. , R.Y.WALKER , Graduate Masseur ( i Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST Rainmakers Damp Macey's Score 40-27 Climbing out of their rut, Bo-Me-Hl Rainmakers last night stepped out to trim Macey's by a score of 40-27 in continuation of the city basketball schedule Rainmakers drew first blood in the opening minute of the game by successfully working the tip-off play and carried through their initial lead. Frank James led the Rain makers with an Individual score of 13 points while RLpert Holkc-1 stad starred for Macey's with 10 points. E. Ciccone oi Bo-Me-Hi also ran up 10 points. Rainmakers' centre, Jimmy Foreman, was taken out of the game with an Injured kiuc and it Is not anticipated that he will be in shape to take a very active part In the Rainmaktrs-Co-op game on Tuesday. Coach Alex Bill expects to hold Foreman down In order to have him in shape for the Ketchikan series next month. In the second game of the evening Co-op was defeated by Intervcts 30-28. Intervets Vuko-vlch was top scorer with 12 points with bouncing Boyo Gur-vich of Co-op following with eight points. The Co-op team seemed to be Jinxed by losing games by narrow margins, but Coach Jim Bacon Is lining them up for a definite series of victories. Bo-Me-Hl-Macey box score: Bo-Me-Hi F. James 13. J Foreman 7, D. Hartw' (5. E. Ciccone 10, C. Miller 2, R. Lavlgne, J. James, M, Thompson 2. Macey's R. Holkcs;ad 10. J Hougan 2, M. Teng, D. Murray 2. B. Cruickshank 4. A. Arntsen. B. Menzles 2, S, Ola f son, B. Pierce 9. Referee, F. Leland; umpire. A. Domlnato; scorckceper. H. Pierce; timekeeper, Houston. League Staii'i'iiigs Macey's s 1 6 Intervets 3 1 6 Rainmakers 3 2 4 Co-op 0 4 0 BENEFIT PUCK GAME COMING For Eddie Ilro.n Who Lost His Eye ill Game in American Hockey League ST. LOUIS a benefit game for Eddie Urowi, rookie defence-man for St. Lcuis Flyers in the American Horky League, has been aj ranged. Brown, who comes from South Porcupine, Ontario, Toat his right eye when he was injured in a game at New Haven earlier this month. The general manager of the Flyers, George Carson, says that "i5 per cent of the gate reccip's of the game with New Haven Eagles on January 30 will be given to Brown. -The player will be guaranteed a minimum of $5,000. Carson estimated that, If the attendance totalled around 10,000, Brown would receive $7,500. FAST HOCKEY AT SMITHERS i SMITHERS Good fast ice made for a fine game on Wednesday night when Elks met the Native Sons In the Smlthcrs Hockey League. The score of two-all could not be broken in spite of playing overtime. A penalty shot by J. Dunlop of the Elks was nicely saved bj Frank Symes, 'Native Sons goalie. Both goals scored for Native Sons w'cre by J. Chapman, and for Elks by B. Dunlop and V. Flockhart. This was the finest game oi the season so far and was enthusiastically watched. Advertise in The Daily News. Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVIHG Minora g!ve you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the duality blade In the low price field. Fits your doubie-edge razor. I A '4 ' Wk.'M. a ay, i -wv tr. lf BUDtS 10 THE SCREEN CAN OFFER NO GREATER m-. jkii. jf-m uiiiihk damn UHIBEJ tt thrilled MONTGOMERY-WAYNE DONNA REED - JACK HOLT WARD BOND TODAY and SAT. 1:00 - 3:31 - 0:02 - 8:33 iSvjZ . ltill ,hn -....I "03 Tutlon Street YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doori and Frames, CabtneU Show Cases nf;all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone R1ackjf26 Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS S:5."." OTTOMAN . is.no COFFEE TABLES Jjil !.!)." MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) !.!" CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced .. Jjill.0." to !2().7r furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J, II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT The Key to Economy and Satisfaction . . . That's what The Variety store offers you. Our stocks are larae ana vanea, you'll ftiid per-sonal needs, family needs, and many household sunnliex. And your budget will heartily appiaua the savings prices! GENERAL P. O N 5? T R II C T 1 0 NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION U Phone o;t AAAAW ' AT w ATM I ROBERT J0HN. irdHW Capitol SATURDAY MORNING - 10:30 JOHNNY MACK BROWN in "PARTNERS OF THE TRAIL" ALSO COMEDY SPORTSRKIX CARTOON BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS HOME COOKINC AND IIAK1XC AFTERNOON TEA m 'rJT lw Open Dally 5 p.m. to 2 30 u Mrr- W.fj-d' at a happy happy holiday holiday spot spot Kathleen Davis, Prop icti KATY'S KLEEN KITCHE1 Phone I'.lut It LING THE TAILOR We are laklnc cleaning i4 pressing and steam pressiu while you wait. PHONE C49 220 Sixth SSr THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" - -av 1 tAf M. A -mr w CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES "12 Second Avenue West if Evenings; Green