i v ..'0 Oil, wiMj , m aAcm it EORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER 28 and VALUATOR JES CONDUrnr.n to rtttt I YOUR CONVENIENCE I FURNITTIRR AMn HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS falked and shipped fimates Phone for Frpe Annnlnt.mpnt Phone Red 127 i.il'l'i:HS-Reg, $1.50 NOW econd venue lLADA TEA FIRE LOSSES IN 1945 WERE 1REATER THAN EVER BEFORE on't Delay . . . INSURE TODAY OLLART AND McCAFFERY LTD. E, MONTADOR, Manager PHONE i I a i ii n hi r r r. U 3 J. n, DULUCK mm . ... jUEN jpwmcirtsi (At ISulrer's Jewelry Slore) SERVING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices til 1 Vl-n 1WA lulV A nr. i rviir inn nvT i ii nrr i I0ME SERVICE STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 CLKANING AND REPAIRS Chimneys, Stoves, Oil nurncrs, Furnaces Window Cleaning and all Home Repairs PHONE BLUE 934 or 743 MILL OPERATORS .Avoid costly delays and breakdowns with GOODYEAR TRANSMISSION BELTING ;r.nd.vcar Tire & Rubber Co. maintains a substantial stock at Prince Rupert to save you time and money. For quick action on your belting and accessories see 'RINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 110 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 H,ihtv i yiiuma a ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone 632 EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 SEE US NOW for SHOE BARGAINS LADIES ''F.SS Slions-Reg. $5.00 to $C.00-NOV $2.!)S 'MOIIDS Heir (inn n nnvsii : ."Ml . -"-O IU iIJ.UU .1 i , .... 'XFOltDS-Rcg, $5.00 NOW - $2.l) Xl'OltllS Reg. $0.00 NOW !p;MH Sale Started Friday, Jan. 18 BARGAINS FOR ALL AT CUT RATE SHOE STORE AS!I SALES NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS -mmr.uuiAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS OOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGIITINO Does Not Cost It Pays I J hi r TDIr f in Phone Black OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER 367 Local News Items . . , A For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open Day and Night. (tf) Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, January 25, Instead of February 1, 8 p.m. sharp. Majority degree, Silver March, Bingo and Birthday Party. (21), Mervin Smith of Vancouver has arrived In the city for a week's visit as the guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Smith at Seal Cove. BLACKHEADS Don't iquon LUrUirmda diuolvt hm. Gt two ounn tit peroxint powder f roro 'fcnj liu atora anl apply trnxlt with wt, hot cloth over bUrkhradn. TUt dlnolt and dliappoar ly tbla taft almplt method. C. Lykegaard was a passenger for Vancouver last night on the Prince Rupert. CONGREGATION HONORS RECTOR The congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral turned out Wednesday night to welcome their new rector and his wife. Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Prockter, at a dinner and reception In the cathedral hall attended by 165 guests Including many children. The function Included addresses of welcome by Bishop J. B. Gibson and Rector's Warden Judge W. E. Fisher, with response by Rev. Mr. Prockter. The dinner was prepared and served by ladies of the cathedra! Women's Auxiliary and People's Warden G. P. Tinker was chairman. Grace was said by Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook. In his address of welcome Judge Fisher said that he hoped that the1 election of the new rector would be followed by enthusiastic support of the work of the church. In reply, Rev. Mr. Prockter expressed his pleasure at being In Prince Rupert, since It was In the diocese of Caledonia that he had been ordained, nearly 15 years ago. Mrs. Prockter was presented with a corsage of pink carnations by Mr. Tinker, the occasion also being her birthday. Bishop Gibson gave a short address of welcome to Mr. Prockter on behalf of the diocese, saying that he felt greatly relieved that responsibility for ihe cathedral was no longer on his shoulders The Benediction was also given by Bishop Gibson. The evening's program was Interspersed with musical and other items presented by Sam MacPherson and Frank King with Allan Crawford as accom panist. You can't feel your best jf your kidneys aren't working normally. Gin Pills help give relief front Backache, Rheumatic Pain, and other symptoms of sluggish kidneys. Your druggist sells Gin Pilli on a satisfaction-or-money-back basis. Get a package today utt proves their merit. Rtoulor alia, 40 rill Economy' alia, 10 N1U (f ihtU.S... sUTCbuPHU) RED CROSS B O ANNUAL MEETING of the Prince Rupert Branch will be held on Friday, January 23th,! at 8 p.m., In the Workroom, cor. Second Ave. and Fourth St. Business: Annual reports; Election of officers; General business. All those donating1 One Dollar or more to the 1945 campaign are members of the Society. 21 SUPPER DANCE at the Old Landmark SATURDAY NIGHT Reserve your table i Phone 313 (22) I Trappers Attention Gunnar Anderson left last night on the Prince iRupert on a trip to Vancouver. Miss 'Emma Schmidt, teacher at the Sunnyslded'Indlan School, leaves tomorrow on the Cardena on a trip to'Vancouvjer. Rt. Rev. Anthony Jordan, Bishop of Prince Rupert, accompanied by Rev. -J. Carroll, leaves Sunday on the Catala on a missionary trip to Stewart. J. H. Weeden and H. Everett, who have been In the city doing auditing work for the Fishermen's Co-operative, leave tomorrow on the Cardena for Soln-tula on their way back to Vancouver. Miss Mary McCaffery left last night on the Prince Rupert oh a trip to Vancouver after spending the last several weeks visit ing her home here following her discharge from the U. S. Army nursing service- FINED UNDER CUSTOMS ACT Nick Yablonskl was fined $100 and"$3.50 costs when'he pleaded guilty In police court this morning to a charge of being In pos session of quantity of American cigarettes contrary to the Customs Act. In addition, Yablonskl was assessed $181.96, value of 34 cartons of American; cigar-, ettes found In his possession. Yablonskl told the court that he had bought 50 cartons of cigarettes from an American soldier for $75. The prosecution was conducted by Cpl. J. F. Piper of the R.C.M.P. In co-operation with American Army authorises. G.I. OFFICERS RE UNION HERE Prince Rupert may next year be the scene Of a re-union of Americans who served here dur ing the war as army officers, If a suggestion made recently at a gathering in Seattle of ex-Prince Rupert sub-port of embarkation officers Is carried out. Tlie suggestion was made by an officer during a banquet In a Seattle hotel attended by 60 veterans of the "battle of Prince Rupert," according to Lieut. W. C. Raaberg, who as a captain served as civilian personnel officer here. Mr. Raaberg was writing to C. V. Whiting. "At our banquet someone suggested that we should hold a re-union at Prince Rupert In a year or so. That would be swell, If they do. you can count pn me being there," Lieut. Raaberg writes. At present In San Francisco, Lieut. Raaberg Is doing duty with the Social Security board's regional office there. Announcement All ndvmtsMTirriv n tnis column will enured lor a full month at 25c ' weird. Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 25, First Presbyterian Church. Valhalla Whist and Crib January 25, 8 p.m. (20) Executive meeting. Native Brotherhood of B.C.'Port Simpson, Jan. 28. Delegations from branches requested. C.WJL. Bridge, Whist, Crib-bage, January 31 and February 14, K. of C. Hut, 8 p.m. Cambral Valentine Dance, February 8, 'K. of C. Hall. United W.A. Tea, February 14. Valentine's Dance at the Armouries, Feb. 15. $1.00 a couple. Good orchestra. Refreshments. Modern dancing every Saturday night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50. 'Highest 'Prices Paid for Your FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SIIRIABERG B.C. FURNITURE Phone Black .121 Funeral of Alex liell Held Here Funeral of the late Alexander Bell, Queen Charlotte Islands logger, who died last week as a result of Injuries sustained on a coastal steamer, was held Wednesday afternoon from the chapel of B.C. Undertakers to Falr-vlew Cemetery. Rev. R. A. Wilson, pastor of First United Church, officiated. George W. Bell of Westvlew. Powell River, came north for the funeral and will be remaining here for the next few days, FUNERAL OF ROD MORRISON Funeral services attended by fellow Masons .and many old friends were held Thursday afternoon for the late John Roderick Morrison who passed away on Monday. Masonic service was held at 2 o'clock In the Masonic Temple, followed at 2:30 by a service In First Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. A. F. MacSween. Interment took place In Fair-view Cemetery. Graveside service wa3 conducted by Harry Calderwood, Worshipful Master of Tyee Masonic Lodge. Pallbearers were J. L. Mcin tosh, R. E. Walker, Alex McRae, William McLeod, Murdo Mac-Artur and Louis Arrall. Hymns sung during the church service were "Abide With Me," and "Shall We Gather at The River." Organist was Mrs. E. J. Smith. SELF-WINDER A clock that winds itself every time the temperature changes even Just one degree has been Specializing in DONATIONS FOR NEW HOSPITAL Donation of $100 is Made for Comfort of Native Patients at Miller Ray Tlie Women's Circle of Hartley Bay, of which Mrs. Charles Robinson is president, has forwarded a donation of $100 to be held for use In connection with provision of entertainment and special comforts for patients in the new Miller Bay Hospital which is to be opened shortly for the treatment of native patients In this area. Announcement of the donation is made by Dr. J. Douglas Oalbralth, medical superintendent of the hospital. This group of native women at Hartley Bay, apparently, raises a considerable sum of money each year part of "whfch Is set aside for sick and needy folk Including those who have to go to hospital. 'CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to many friends for the cards of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, and the acts of kindness extended to me during my recent bereavement. Especial thanks to Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58, Tyee Lodge No. 66, A.F. & A.M.. and to Dr. L. W. Kergln and the Hospital staff. MRS. JEAN MORRISON. Classified Ads bung results. If" L CHECKED ina Jiff tf -or Money Back For quick rrilrf from itching cauwd by ecimiai HI hlnr'i foot. acaljira, pi m pin and ot her i t . liin, condition). rm. moling, mrdiratrd. liquid D. O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Grrawlrcs and tainlna. Sonthm, comfort! and quickly coin nitnaeitciung lion t rnnrr. Ak font' druggist invented. lay ' D-D-D- prescription. . . . one Tumbler with every purchase of 2 family-size packages or 3 regular-size packages of KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES The supply of these heau. tiful tumblers is limited, so act ou Just ask your grocer for Kellogg's Corn Flakes-voted first for flavour by 4 out of 5 Canadian house wives. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. OUR REGISTERED PHARMACIST KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF FILLING ACCURATELY. You can on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street Becoming more popular every ddy Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL (!:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. rely Phone 79 I licfnrc Uiihm Dallj? ftctos Friday January 25, 1940 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert SCOTTY'S Old Country 'For . i. . fVERY JOB Requiring Sturdy, Comfortable Work ' Oldthes We Have Them BIB OVERALLS Treat 'em Ruff. Pi $2.00 G.W.O. Sanforized. Pr. $2.50 Headlight, heavy, Sanforized. Pr $2.7."i WAIST OVERALLS Pr. 1:0.- to $2:00 COVERALLS Khaki. Pr $:f.."0 CARPENTERS' OVERALLS Pr. $:r.oo PAINTERS' OVERALLS Bibs. Pr $1.10 Smocks. Pr. $1.."0 "THE MEN'S SHOP" Tommy s Tax Stand: Grotto 'CIgar Store Day and Night Service 77 phone 77 After 10 pjn. and Sundays PHONE BLUE 100 Tommy Chrlstoff, Proprietor 'ry OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 0-A.M. Fish a nd C hips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 864 LADIES LADIES We are giving you a chance to buy a coat at a real saving! EVERY COAT IN THE STORE IS GOING ON SALE FUR COATS AND FUR TRIMMED COATS Vt OFF CLOTH COATS tf- PRICE 50ft w OFF Annette 's Ladies' Wear STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient anf In-( expensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and 'shipping, rnoNE oo LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue 6- J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E.,