l9 prince Rupert Dnflg Bttos Saturday, April 13, 1946 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By' City Carrier, per week Per Aionth Per Tear By will, per month Per Year 5 n 8 j .40 4JD0 MEMBER A3.C. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa). How Far Should We Go? The Daily News has taken an outstanding lead in the agitation so far with a view to inducing the Canadian National Railways to exercise what we believe to be its obligations in the postwar develop- . nient of this part of the country and the port of Prince Rupert in which it; has such a heavy stake. We think the railway management, to date at least, has been very remiss in the inclination to assume, much less implement, this obligation which includes the operation to the best advantage of its dry dock and other properties at Prince Rupert. Now the weapon of boycott is being suggested as a final lever to induce Canadian National Railways to build at least one of its proposed new coastal vessels in the already moribund Prince Rupert Dry Dock aiid Shipyard. The idea is being scouted as a "last resort" following discouraging repjies from government and railway officials to their campaign to have the dry dock maintained at ldast a portion of its wartime activity. It is questionable what public reaction would be to a possible boycott of Canadian National Railways if it fails to use its own shipyard to build at least one of its proposed new ships. ' Such a boycott would mean, if the citizens approved of the measure, that none of the great amount of freight and passenger traffic would be routed over either Canadian National Railways lines or coastal steamers. rWe may view as very discouraging the fact that, whereas several months ago the government indicated that one of the new ships probably would be built at Prince Rupert, latest word from Transport Minister Hon. Lionel Chevier says that the government is "exploring ' YYTYTTYYTTTYT f TTTTTTTTTTTTVI 6 the possibility of such vessel or vessels to be built in British Columbia shipyards." It is thought that Vancouver shipyards might be selected to build the ship or ships. The proposed boycott measure would have to be subject to unanimous agreement by the citizens of Prince Rupert. Otherwise it would not be effective. Even then it is to be questioned if it would do much good. It is an extreme measure indeed and is something that must be seriously considered. Boycott is a fighting and challenging word and action. It always implies reprisal. Are we prepared to put up with all the consequences that might be involved in such a boycott? Local News Gets Reader No matter how sensational the world and national news on' page one, stories with a local flavor carry the major appeal to newspaper readers, according to findings from data collected oyer the last 5lA years. Thus, when the front page of the Montreal Daily Star carried a story of the R.A.F.'s onslaught on Nazi invasion fleets in the issue of September 18, 1940, read-ship figures established this amazing comparison with the story of a minor casualty to a local pilot on page 3: Front page R.A.F. invasion story ... Page 3 casualty to local pilot story. PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT VACCINATION AGAINST SMALLPOX Clinics will be held MONDAY, It a.m. to 1 p.m. at HEALTH UNIT Office on Fourth Street at Second Avenue TUESDAY, 11 ajn. to 1 p.m. at CONRAD STREET SCHOOL These clinics are mainly ror adults and for children of pre-school age. Smallpox vaccination will tw offered to school children after the Easter holidays. $ , EASTER CARDS Ranging from . I V. PTTCTT1!? AVT if if DIBB, PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding:, Printing-, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED and Conducted at Your Convenience I SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. i Phone Black 156 mm 1 1 TM 11 .1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Bailings lor Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Read by CFPR Read by 85 men 67 women 61 men women This example is typical of inu-merable cases which establish beyond a doubt the irrestible drawing power of local news. The lesson for advertisers is plain. For in the Local Touch and in the unchallenged command of it possessed by newspapers and newspaper advertising lies one constant in the maze of unpredictables which all wartime postwar planning has to face. Newspapers impart to all advertising they carry a large part of the same intimacy, of immediate local importance, that characterizes the home town news. People find the advertising as well as the news their, newspapers carry virtually indispensable to everyday living. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SATURDAY P.M. 8:00 The Workshop 8:30 Old Time Rhythm 8:00 La Plaza 9:30 Pacific Quartet 9:45 Hawaiian Hospitality 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Dal Richards' Orch. 10:30 Hollywood Barn Dance 10:45 Al Donahue's Orch. 11:00 Blltmore Hotel Orch. 11:30 Manny Strand's Orch. 11:45 Grady King's Orchestra 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent SUNDAY A-M. 8:30 Parlow String Quartet 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 From Old Vienna 9:30 Way of the Spirit 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Canadian Party 11:00 CBC News Bulletin 11:04 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period P.M. 12:00 New York Philharmonic Orchestra l:30-Church of the Air 2:00 CBC News 2:03 Tourist Service 2:30 Sunday Serenade 3:00 Music For Sunday 3:30 John Fisher Reports 3:45 BBC News and William Holt 4:30 Singing Stars 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Elmore Phllpott 5:45 Our Special Speaker 6:00 Stage 46 630 Music in Three-Quarter Time 7:00 CBC News 7:15 The Old Songs 7:30 Sunday Night Show 8:00 BBC Newsreel 8:30 ROy Lockiley Conducts 8:00 Classics For Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Yarns 10:30 Pacific Story 11:00 Prelud to Midnight 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the Hammering Headaches it cause blinding you with cruel pain? Gtit fart, aafe relief ai other have, with Teupleton'j T-R-C'i. Don t delay another flay. Suit now to relieve that jaln -with T-R-C'a the remedy enthusiastically piaJted by thouaanda. At all druggiata SOc, fa. T-22 SATURDAY SERMON PASSION SUNDAY (By CANON W. F- RUSHBROOK) "Christ offered Himself without spot unto God Passion Sunday celebrates, as It were, the engagement of the Christ to His Bride-, the Church. As the marriage of a man and a maid is but the consummation of prior mutual pledges either to the other so Passion Sunday determines Good Friday, the great Convenant Day of the Christ and His Bride. When a nersons says "I will" or "I will not" and really means It, in any test, victory is already determined for him. Victory is a mental and spiritual outcome. not a physical one. If Christ were compelled to die. then "Jle died 'n vain and we are yet in our sins." Christ "offered Himself and steadfastly set His face to To up to Jerusalem where He endured the Cross despising the shame. What an all Important 12 days tor us are those between His pas sion and His cross! Christians are one great family of thc bride. "Neither Jew nor Greek, Bonded or Free." The Christ clearly -lllastrates this at least twice during these few days. He,' their Lord and Master, washed His disciples, feet; 4. slave's Job. He ordained the Lord's Supper, a common meal, where under the symbolic bread and wine, Christ by faith is received and our souls nourished. All race, color and cast are lost in a common brotherhood. "Come unto roe all ye that are weary and I will give you rest!" Then, as He anc his followers walked towards Gesthemane where He knew" that He would be betrayed, He sat' by 'the wayside and spoke the parable of the vine and the branches. In this Ho reveals how the great family life was to be maintained. The Divine life that flowed .through Him, the vine, also flowed through them, the branches, nourishing them and maWng them spiritually fruitful. As the first purpose of the marital life is the procreation of children so the first duty of the Church, CHURCH NOTICES Prince Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Ave. West. Rev. J. Llnney, Pastor. 11 a.m, Devotional. Subject: "Conflict On the Heights." 12:15 Sunday School. , 7:30 Evangelistic. Bro. Severet Amundson. guest speaker. Tues., 8 p.m. Bible Study. 2 p.m. Women's Missionary Band. 8 pjn. Young Peoples. Come and enjoy good congregational singing. St. Peter's Anglican , , Church ft Seal Cove Sunday, April 14, 1946 ll:(Jo a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:30 p.m, Evening Service. Speaker: Mr. G. S. Johnston. Congregation meeting following me service. Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. nail (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED ROWNED OMING 12:15 p.m, Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Special "Palm Sunday" Scrlptugraph. Topic: "CAN THE LEOPARD CHANGE HIS SPOTS?" Speaker: G. R. S. BLACKABY IF YOU ENJOY HEARTY GOSPEL SINGING COME! Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thurs. (I.OD.E. Hall) 3:30 n.m. Mission Band. 8:00 p.m. Young People's Society. THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. ' . . for us." Heb. IX 14. In Christian tradition last Sunday, the fifth in Lent, is called Passion Sunday. Next Friday is Good Friday. Passion Sunday honors the "I Will" of our Lord's redemptive life. Good Friday consummates the decision. On Passion Sunday The Christ "offered Himself without spot unto God for us." On Good Friday "He enaurea the cross." i the Bride of Christ, is frult-bearlng. "G0 ye therefore and preach the Gospel to every creature" first locally and then world wide. "For the Joy that wxs so before Him" He journeys on towards Jerusalem and the Cross. The writer feels that many of the illustratloas ,f the person of Christ are historically untrue. During his active ine he is usually pictured as an effeminate sort of being, garbed In a white robe, artistically draped over shoulders where long windblown golden curls dangle with an aura about hi head. The Scripture picture Is of a strong husky carpenter who, apparently, sawed hi sown logs with the crude whipsaw of His day for He likens super-critical people are blind to the sawlog In their own. He hewed ox yokes out of logs and was a practical house builder. He was a man's man loved and honored by them before they realized His divinity. Faces too or the crucified Christ are -equally misleading. (ECCE HOMO. . . Mallefer). A face of utter agony and defeat. Agony? Yes, defeat? no! "For the Joy that was set before him He endured the cross. Not as the conquered but the conqueror. The crown of thorns was the victor's crown. Thorn-crowned thought He was, there must have shone through the blood and bruises of His buffeting the Joyous unc(nquered eyes o the victor for His will Is fused with God His Father's, our soul's raasom paid and "the Lamb of God hath taken away the sins of the world." Christ Is our human Ideal, our soul's hero and we should endeavor by meditation and prayer to enter into his mental and physical sufferings and so repent of and weep for the sin that caused it and gave Him our life, love and loyal service but not our maudlin tears. Christ never posed, and, to expose the crass or crucifix, as It Christ were saying, "Look, pity me! See how I suffer!" Is to vail the truth. Heroes donl pose. They don't cater for our sympathy. They appreciate our understanding. The Christ said: "When you fast anoint your face that you appear not unto to those who see a speck of saw- j men to fast. Cast yourself down dust In their neighbor's eye but from the pinnacles o fthe tem DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Service In aU'cburchei 'at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pm. and Sunday HcIukJ at 12:16 px'cfpt a shown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. t Dununulr, St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 13:30. Hector. Unsll 8. rrocktcr. B.A.. B D. (Blue 73 J) FIRST ISAITIST 5th Ave E. at Young St Minister: T. B. Wetmore JMit ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th A vi' lit Mcllrlde tit. J'aator: A. O. Aawii (Black 023 i FIRST NtKKUYTEItiAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. P. MurSween, B.A. (Own WB2) SALVATION ARMY Kroner iitreet CO.: Adjt. P. L Oorrle (Black 209) FIRST UNITED 030 Ctl Ave. West Mlnluter: It A. Wllnoii. M A. (Qreen 013 ple, tempted the devil, and you will win the applause and allegiance of the people: "thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Good Friday celebrates the utter rout of tin. devil and so of ; lie power of iln and death. "Thanks be to God who glveth us the victory through our Iord Jesus Christ." . PETERHEAD, Scotland, jtJ) Peterhead fishermen established a port record by landing 50 tons of fUh valued at more than 13,- j r,oo. i AFRICAN NAIRORT vT1 experiment Z,H government, aS1! mllps from here output is sign indicate will succeed, I 4 k'li th( A young bin. ..i... at the , pounds a rift. "aR l He music Teacher neiJ fl uu ruin TORnvrn H CONSERVATORY or J MIDSUMMER EXAMKaJJ Applicanuu i 1 1 Tint, ... i ih JOS H$ Cnlle. C , " "uto. loroutl iiunTii mi ni.jk m WHKMEAS MtMuctojimJ In the name of WHitam tnwl U hereby Riven tht I .... explrutlon of oik monu hi date of the first biihXSJM Mue a provisional Cwtiiiaji In the meantime ..;.d otvl IMTLI) at ;heL .A Airll 1941 An. 1 ANDHEW TIIOMPWjI Deputy lier. trarn'tl J.L. CURRY CHIROPRACTO!: If pain Chlroprict If nerves doublj t 8mlth BlocH Orw Book VACUUM PACKED, OF COURSE Tho?e who like their Nabob Irradiated Coffee packed pre-war style will welcome the Sood news that the can is backy bringing with it all the natural aroma; the full strength and rich flavor that means coffee at its best . ; . For those who' prefer it, there is still Nabob Irradiated Coffee in the vacuum packed glass preserving sealer, or in the modern flavor-sealed bag . ; . Choose any pack you will, Nabob quality is the same the very finest. 3l