Prince. Uuucrt Daily jeUis Saturday, April 13, 1946 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Your spring Ensemble 4 B.- v A trio of compliments to clothe you in sporty splendor come those spring days. The coat is your favorite chesterfield dressed up with a velvet collar. The tuo-hutloii suit has four flap pockets and natron skirt. RUPERT PEOPLES . STORE Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FHOM 1 1 A.M. TO I A-M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to S p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE UKl 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Seventh Avenue Chop Suey House Reopening Next Week. S. E. PARKER LTD. are pleased to announce the appointment of Gus Stromdahl as Shop Foreman. Ous has had several years of experience with S. E. Parker Ltd., and with a full staff of seven qualified mechanics, and up-to-date equipment, Parker Garage Is now In a position to turn out Guaranteed Mechanical work. .MOTORISTS! Phone S'.l, and ask for Gus. - DON'T FORGET! 'erg's a S. E. PARKER LIMITED 170 East 3rd Avenue AT . Prince Rtipert, B.C. We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. anadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. An Announcement To the Motoring Public . . . NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 0 P.M. 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator FRANK MORRISON I LETTERBOX CYNICAL TAXPAYER . Editor, Dally News: I suppose I should wait and let the city council get their i breath after all that has been heard In connection with the Eventide Home and its tragedy but I feel that, if I do not write-today, it might never ty written as I might be like some others- pack up and get out of town, I ! see by the paper that taxes are raised again 21.64 for schools, 15.25 for bonded indebtedness and 15.11 for general expense. This is the sfcond time within a few years that the taxes have been ralsed.'But do they raise the taxes for the Wartime Housing or do they still pay $1 a. year and let the tenants have, the use of everything? I see there is going to be a new years ago. Mayor Daggett made a speech over the radio last Hallowe'en and asked the parents of Prince Rupert what they had done for their children. I am now asking the whole cltv council what thev This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop ad Oarage is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT US Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Km. Waterfront Whiffs . American Sea-Goinjj Tups in Port for Harge Tows Interior Fisheries Inspector Here Do It Yourself Any day now you'll bo feellns that urge to chaupo the furniture around. A little fresh paint here and there perhaps a table touched up gaily with gleaming enamel. Maybe you will be conserving your clothing and fabrics by ' making new clothes from old rhances are your needles and fclRsors will be busy. It's fun to sew economical, too. 1 "Si- J 1 d I you flml It (HfTii-ult to keep your small fry playing happily indoors? Tlieu make t li e m Koine of thefte washable stun-' ed toys from old scraps of fabric or oikiotli. You'll find a world of Inspiration for fcprlng fever In your EATON'S Catalogue. There you will find paints, fabrics, patterns nixl a thousand and one new Ideas for the thrifty. minded. T. EATON C EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIOHTINO PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shipped same, day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West ' Phone 644 Box 1321 F Two biir American armv sea-iroini: tuirs are in port today having come fromj Seattle to tow two scows from Prince Rupert back to the American port. The scows, one the American Army fire barge used here during the war, and another a house scow, used for quartering the fire barge crew, will be dry- aocKea ana reimea at Seattle, then sent to Juneau for waterfront fire protection. One of the tugs, the L.T. 830 arrived here j earlier In the week and has been moored at the Ocean Dock ATROCITIES HERE Daily News: After what happened in Prince Rupert on Thursday we had better stop talking about Nazi atrocities. Our own skirts are none toe clean. If Hermann Goering's defence attorneys had been here during these last two days they might have learned quite a few new excuses and subterfuges. Certain parties here in Prince j Rupert would be well-advised to bear in mind the old adage: "If you go around pleading your Innocence before you are accused, people may get the Idea you are guilty." Jrt Yours for a Pioneers Home have done for Prince Rupert. All : now and no more niou3, mean during the war it was impossible kss resolutions. to get taxi service. The, people of Rushbrook Heights had the taxis ' going all day while the high taxpayers out in Westview had to walk to town or stay home when the weather was tough as the taxis would po no further than the bridge. Now when business is slacking down they get service three times a day. It 13 a private j service, to be sure, but I am : certain, if the council had put ASTHMA RELIEF A Modtm Inhalant Mtthd lr Itll.vlnf tht Jfmpltmi it Asthma f (ton-Cardiac Nature and Kay Ftvtr ir CAUTION: tn4 liitratvrt Thoroughly and Uif Only A Dirttttd. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DKUGGIST ERIC FAURE. while of different design, Is also a sea-going tug of , a type in permanent use by the Army. Alex R. McDoneli, government High School, I suppose the War- awaiting the arrival of the sec-, fisheries inspector of Smlthers, time Housing people can also use it for nothing and let the taxpayers do the paying. The city of Prince Rupert has been generous to the war veterans, letting them have lots at half price. Well, I do not think they get a snap. It will cost them at least $5,000 to build a house. And if one builds in a nice district where the taxes are high, you may have a neighbor who puts up a cabin surrounded by stacks of scrap lumber and there is nothing you can do about It. If you rent a house and geta landlord to keep up the place you arc ahead of the game. A few years ago a lot of the best fishermen taxpayers left F.lnce Rupert because there was no place .to tie upt heir boats, the city sitting idly by and letting them do It. Every one of them now have nice homes in Vancouver or Nanaimo where there are no shacks, scrap lum ber or falling down buildings In which people are sail living al though they were condemned i ond tug, L.T. 377, expected to day. The L.T. 830 is a new vessel, built at New Orleans, Abouc 150 feet long, it is designed for service anywhere in the world and is described as a "permanent Army" vessel. The L.T. 377, its foot down, they could have got service out of them. As for the Old Man's Tlome. one of the canvassersTold me they collected $4 in Rushbrook Heights. Where d0 you think the $6,000 came from? TAXPAYER. was in the city Friday, having come Thursday1 night on department business. Mr. McDoneli Is in charge of the spawning grounds on the headwaters of the Skeena, Including the Bablne country, Ktsplox and Morlce Rlvars. AW.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.W TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO April 13, 1921 Completion of the boardwalk Into the Salt Lakes Park was an -ticlpatcd before the swimming season in May. The swimming club requested financial assistance, from the federal government to build a new diving float but was turned down, The question of filling Cow Bay was raised in city council when a letter was received from D. B. Hanna, president of Canadian National Railways, asking the city to state its stand for consideration of a board of commissioners. The railway had two applications for Industrial sites at Cow Bay. H. Ormiston. chief officer of the light house tender Newington, was slated for command of a new light house tender to be operated out of Prince Rupert. TEA AS MEDICINE Tea was first used in China as a medicine rather than a beverage until about 500. Invitation ... Discharged veterans of World War II and local citizens still in the armed forces are cordially invited by the City of Prince Rupert to attend a "Welcome Home Reception" to be held at the Civic Centre Building on MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1916, at i) p.m. Please call at City Clerk's office. City Hall, or at the Canadian Legion, for free tickets ad-. mittlngi ex-service personnel and escort. II, M. DAGGETT, MAYOR. - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices: 60c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. FOR SALE FOR SALE One standard size enamel range, like new. 221 4th white enamel range, like new. 221 4th East. (88) FOR SALE "30 Chrysler, '30 Studebaker, '30 O.M.C truck, 1-ton. Apply National Motors, phone Red 392 or Box 988. (91) FOR SALE 5-room house with bath. 529 7th Ave. West. Call 633 8th Ave. West. (90) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (100) FOR SALE - McClary electric range," used, $10.00: barber chair, fair shape, $35.00; small size coal and wood stoves, new, $2.50: new hardwood chairs, rpecial, $2.65; tri-llght lamps, blR assortment, used, from $5.00; electric and battery radio rets from $10.00; electric press irons; hot plates, new, $4.75; drinking classes, new, lCc; slightly used kitchen set. $16.50; dining room set, seven pieces, in good shape $45.00. All kinds of furniture and hardware bought and sold at the lowest prices. B. C. FURNI-TURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Tri-lite lamp, magazine rack, coffee table, electric fan, office chair and record player. Apply 117 4th Ave. West or phone Black 390. (88) (88) I FOR SALE Dressing table, chif-foniere. single and double beds complete, modern kitchen sink complete, small tables, stand lamp. Phone Blue 562. (tf) FOR SALE Davenport and I chair, 2 occasional chairs, bed-I room suite, kitchen table and 1 2 chairs, and other articles. I 253 9th Ave. East. (88) 1 1 FOR SALE l. double bed; 2 camp beds; 2 dressers; 1 dining room suite, painted; 1 chesterfield suite; kitchen table and chairs. Phone Black'751 or call 1028 10th Avenue East. (901 .FOR SALE Singer sewing ma- chine, Toronto couch and other household goods. Apply after " noon, 145 7th Ave. East. (89) FOR SALE 12x14 cabin. Fisher-I men's New Floats. (90) FOR SALE McClary Quebec heater; dinette suite; mantel electric radio; mattress. 424 8th Ave. East, or phone Black 614, (90) FOR SALE 32-ft. troller and halibut. 9-ft. beam, 52-ft. draft. Good condition, ready to go. Boat number 087X, Cow Bay. (89) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE, NOW for' Spring and Fall examinations Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11, Customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School. Man. Oldest in Canada. No 301 Enderton Bldg. Winnipeg, Agents. HELP WANTED WANTED Fully experienced fisherman to go trolling. Have boat, ready to go. Would consider 50-50. Contact 318 6th Street West, back of Royal Hotel. (90) WANTED WANTED Second-hand car. Phone Green 873. (88) FOR KENT FOR RENT Sleeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT 4 room flat. Phone Black 996. (88) j FOR RENT Four roomed fur- j nlshed flat, close in. Phone 422. i (89) ; FOR RENT Furnished seven-room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or phone Orcen 838. ("93 ) FORI RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOR RENT Two single furnished rooms. 24 5th Ave. West. (90) LOST AND FOUND LOST The man who EOt a parcel of laundry Monday bv mistake from Hawklnson's Laundry, please back tor call and we will make it worth your while. (88) FOR SALE7 room house, 1 1 6 i LOST Star-shaped black pla.s-8th Ave. West. Phone Red 611. tic earring, brilliant stone in Immediate possession. (88) - centre. Valued as gift. Return A T M 111, ITnniM I D(ll IU DiUiy news. VOi MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company limited, Vancouver, B.C. itf) RADIO SnilVlfclJ RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 0 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRa? Bros. Ltd. PERSONAL RUGS AND CHESTERFIELD suites cleaned, shampooed and vacuumed. Phone Blue 318. (91) Grey hair handicaps you. Use Angellque Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (88) AMAZING QUICK RELIEF from pain of indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia with Wllder's Stomach Powder. Also iii tablet form. 50c and $1 at all ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This is a. positive and permanent release from drinking without cost or inconvenience. It is, a personal and conflden-, tial service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Daily News. VIGORINE The "pep" Tonic lor men who are weak, nervous, exhausted. 15-day treatment, $1.00. At al! drug stores. Last Times Tonight at 7 . 9 D WIMNER OF THE CRITICS AWARD AS BEST tm - jiii - Ray Milland Jane Wyman F O N E Gallantry! Spectacle! 'lti Daring 1 Gr COLUMBIA PICTURES presents MEXANDRE DUMAS' J7ie Jiqliting SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY TWO FEATURES JAS. DUNN SIIEILA RYAN ED RYAN In "THE CARIBBEAN MYSTERY" MACK BROWN "flame" OF THE WESI COMING - MONDAY at 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 V. 1?. eurl intrigue fjuamsman titl WIUIII HUH ANITA HDIH S jchh iota inn HCMim tic ALSO .ILUICII OF TIME CARTOON COMMUNITY SING IIIU CUUl ticicc mciutr I Romance! A hero who let a nation on (nurd and a beauty on the path to romance! II III I III II ' I Notice to our Customers. ELIZABETH WlM The" Elizabeth Ardcn Representative k Western Canada will be in attendance in m store Monday, April 15th. Vim urn iiii'ifrwl f nul. Iior :i d vice on the! WH X. III? IIVU IV Ml m... use of Ardcn cosmetics. Ormes Ud. Jfus Pioneer Druq9tst Tin: itrVAi 1. sTiint' Prescription Spoiial 99 Its EASTER, know jou . . . DON'T put ail YOUR KCJOS F I R S T lis ussij isAMUvr: ., llc1f&l We mean . . . don't concentrate on a i . ensemble and neglect your face, lianas achieve that well-turned-out-looK which is every fi goal, it is important to consider EVERY pa" lntregal factor in the complete beauty picture You'll want a new permanent to start y , hairdo out right , . . make-up and nail polish WJi costume colors will add zest and sparuc w outfit. . ordinal Bring your jicw bonnet to us and wc wl 1 e 1 a coiffure and make-up wardrobe trial, tu" fu lead at THE EASTER PARADE! VIOLET M M'iU ... , V SlINRlSi: rtEAUTY bfl'u" Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER INCOME TAX j 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 rhoiic . T --nl Bin" VALENTIN I