.SEEDS WEU" " f-m who 'X 5 a . ' , doctor 'have ...for Dim 3 A" tu. ..rt also r lui 10 COOKER .nv rill IS KA PORTS HIT ERBOX run m Adelaide'" Ion-lav- 10 ! ... fiiiise . n H..rfiff. f f (, Station, h a d Chiropractic treatments with no Improvement. Due. to financial difficulties we are unable to have him sent some place where he could be better attended by a specialist. We have often been accused t by different people of roglectlng him and not trying to do some- Mi1nr fnr him. I We read in papers of children like him who have been helped by different societies and welfare organizations to get them into hospitals where they can get propel care and treatment. We have been to the Social Welfare Service here to have him put into somt hospital but have been told there is no hospital that will take him as there is no 1 line for him. Rut surely '.here must be some place that will 'take him. At pre-ent he Just crawls cn his i bands and knees. We would welcome any sug- 1 -rrstlons and help from reliable parties. Thanking you Mr. Editor for (hi? valuable pace. MR. and MRS. E. CAMPBELL. C22 Cth Ave. W. Phone Red 409 Police in Bulgaria literally ear-mark known pickpockets with indelible ink. Don't let the pitiless pain of Neuralgia ioviru life. Get faat. Lite relitf with T-K-C', uptally made to relieve you quickly ol piercing, stabbing tain and dull, throbbing aches. Good also for Rheumatic. Arthritic, Ncurjlic l'ain and Stiffness, Sciatica. Lumbago, (rft a box today 50c, $1 at druggists. T-41 I SEATING A! GYMNASIUM NEAR READY The new spectators' gallery and balconies at back and either side of the gymnasium at the Civic Centre will soon be In readiness for use, greatly improving the facility and convenience for the fans in' viewing the basketball and other games to be played there. Construction work is ncaring completion. The gallery and balconies will furnish comfortable accommodation for six hundred persons which will take care of all crowds at normal league games. For special occasions, however, it will be possible to crowd in another two hundred spectators with emergency seating on the playing floor. SKI CLUB BUYS MOUNTAIN HUTS Agreement has been reached between Highway Construction Co. and the Prince Rupert Ski Club for the purchase by the latter of seven former Canadian Army cabins on Mount Hays which will be used by the cluo as & ski camp, according to Allan Armstrong, ski club president. Amount Involved in the . . m t nn it. saie oi tne Dunaings is muu, we ski club president said. Final arrangements for the transfer w!l! be completed within the next few days. The 64 Local Woman All For Air Travel After a flight from Boise, Idaho, to Vancouver, Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte, who returned home yesterday from a trip south, Is completely sold on the air means or travel. She travelled from Boise via Portland to Seattle on a huge 55-passenger transcontinental transport, a smaller plane bringing her on from Seattle to Vancouver. Mrs. Applewhalte visited in Boise with her son, E. C. Cameron, who is in the cold storage locker business and enjoyed considerable motoring, v.'lting no less than 24 towns within a 250-mile radius of Boise. IXOODLIT MOUNTAIN CAPETOWN W South Africa's famous Table Mountain is to be floodlit for the royal visit of King George VI next February. It will be the first time such a spectacular project has been attempted here. Technicians of the Union of South Africa defence force already have selected sites for gigantic searchlights to focus on the mountain which rises behind Capetown harbor. PRIMITIVE PEOPLE The Lolo tribesmen of south west China are a primitive people living under a strictly feudal system. NEWRY, Northern Ireland, O! -Postman John Mallon caught a 42 pounl conger eel on a flooded main street. Question WHAT IS BETTER THAN CASH?' Canada Savings Bonds are the answer ! Think it over and you'll agree. They have the advantages of ready money because you can turn them into cash at any time-with no delay-at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. They are better than make for you-2 interest each cash because they money year for 10 years. They provide a convenient way to save money you can't dribble your savings away in small sums when they are invested in Canada Savings Bonds. And the money you put in Canada Savings Bonds can't bo lost because your bonds will bo registered in your name. You can buy Canada Savings Bonds in convenient units of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. You may buy up to $2,000 per person. them through any bank, authorized How to buy:-You can buy investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company-for cash Plan. Where your employer often a or by the monthly Savings Canada Savings Bonds by Payroll Savings Plan you can buy regular deductions from your pay. this point-These are "Serve Yourself'" But please remember salesmen. They will, not be fewer Bonds. This time there are it's to to take advantage of So up you able to call on everyone. delay I this fine investment opportunity-without 8 out o 10 will buy again Canada Saiwjis Bands GET SET FOR GYRO HOEDOWN Committees Winding Up Final Arrangementsltor Big Hallowe'en Affair Committees for the Gyro Hoe-down, one of the Hallowe'en highlight events in Prince Rupert, are winding up their final arrangements for the big party which is being staged by the service club in its current campaign to bolster up its funds for com munity service work including the children's playgrounds. With W. F. Stone as general chairman, the committees are: Finance and Tlr.ket Sales-Maurice Brydges, C. G. Ham and G. L. Rone. 'Advertising .and Decorations--W. J. Scott, Ml HivHt G. A. Hunter and Lloyd Morris. Refreshments C. C. Mills, Will'am Crulck'hank. W. M Watts, C. P. Balagno and Arnold Flaten Wheels A. J. Dommato, Jack Lindsay, Robert McKay Allan Armstrong. C. A. KKett, E'.mcr Clausen and O. G. Stuart. Bingo James Parker. Dav'd Allen, Allan Sheardown FranV Skinner and Dr: R. G. Large. G. J. Daw?s will preside at the door and Gyret'es will attend the checkroom. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. H. Herf, Winnl- j peg: R. B. rcos.5, Vancouver; v. B. Deibridge. Vancouver; C. W. Nash, Vancouver; D. A. Hamilton, Vancouver; L. Wells. Victoria; E. Aihenson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Bill, Vancouver; R. L. Lake. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. P. r;. Robertson, Prince George; J Banning, Victoria; Harry Borris, Kamloops; E. C. McNary, Vancouver; A. Anderson, Vancouver; K. Mc-QuaLg, Vancouver; C. Deachner, cltjv J.. G. Yendell, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. Bird, city; J. B Speck. Victoria; N. McNeil, Van-couve r; W. K. Crcwley, Vancouver;. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Allen, Vancouver; F. B. Jacobson, k18 Genuine. Aspirin is Js5 MARKED THIS WAY eSKJJ SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala 1:30 p.m. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, It! p.m. (Standard Time); Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 LOCAL WOMAN'S FATHER PASSES Word was. received In the city this morning of the death last night in Vancouver of Alem Dowker, father of Mrs. George McWhinney, 147 Fourth Avenue East. He was 78 years old. A pioneer railroad telegrapher, Mr. Dowker took part in the installation of the telegraph system of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway and lived In-many parts of the province during his long career. He startec as a messenger with the Great Northern Railway and also worked for the Canadian Pacific and C.N.R. He will be buried with Masonic rites In Vancouvei on Friday. Surviving are his widow and three daughters, Mrs. George McWhinney in Prince Rupert and Mrs. Peter Guthrtes and Mrs. S. F. MqArthur in Classified Advertising Pays!' JAVEX od- like magic on imbedded grime ond stainj on linens ond cottons. Only a smalf amount Is needed. Javex whitens as it deanses and it's wonderful for keeping sinks and drainboards spotless. Makes toilets snowy-white. It costs so little and lasts so much longer too. wnTi quid Sunt fenc I I I V V JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue We Serve You Nothing But the Best ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Quick Frozen , Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND , Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 T 13rfncc Rupert Daflp JMus Thursday, October 24, 1646 fl TEA O A 13 S New DRESSES and COATS ARRIVING CALL IN AND SEE THEM Take your cue from our latest skilful interpretations of FALL AND .WINTER STYLES BUY ON BUDQET PLAN No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.PT.B. Regulations. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" See as for- MATTRESSES - SPRINGS BEDS and BEDDING Phone or send in your mail order Phone "75 Du B arry 327 Third Ave. BEAUTY SIS PREPARATIONS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP THESE FAMOUS COSMETICS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. . (E. C. Wallace Mgr.) ..i ., r.fh s. Phone 70 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street TERRACE' Transfer&Taxi Storage 1 WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. F. LAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES i invToiJi7c rnn TR AVF.I.I.F.RS On the Main Highway TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARA6E TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK - GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas