1 "- j ft I - -J s 13tince Rupett Daflp jQetos Friday, July 5, 1940 mam IBIIIIIRlliis m m m XVfOR THE WORKINGMAN luiTrutal uirrutH l I iffiEmk Magic Words To Those in The Know 'KITCHEN QUALITY" Work Shirts Your money back if you're not satisfied. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE 5 "JUST AKO UNI) THE COItNEIt" 'HAIDA QUEEN' SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND AIR EXPRESS SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AND ALL COASTAL POINTS For Information, Reservations, Rates, etc., Phone or Write - G. II. STANIIUIDGE Agent P.O. Box 1249 PHONES: P.RINCE RUPERT 524 or RED 878 iUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT J Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED o . ' We .specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY' INVITATION TO COME AND zsi' ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Motorists Sunday Service Hours: 12 Noon Until 4 p.m. June 16 to September 29, 1946 2 For Gasoline and Oil Sales, Quick Battery Charge : JJand The Repairs Out-of-Town Service Preferred S AT Frank Morrison's Service Station At-Rear of LONG MOTORS, 3rd Ave. and 7th St., Prince Rupert Courtesy of V LONG MOTORS . Vs. E. PARKER LTD. NATIONAL MOTORS RUPERT MOTORS LTD. REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERr HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. r Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 MANY WAR LEADERS ABSORBED (Continued from Page 1)' ters In London, has returned to the Manitoba Bench. Maj.-Oen. J. V. Young, C.B.E., former master-general of ordnance, has returned to an exe-cuUve posf with the Hamilton, Ont., Steel Company. Maj.-Gen. Hugh A. Young, CD. E D.S.O., former quarter-master general. Is deputy chief of the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. MaJ.-C.fn. H. F. Letson, C.B.E., D.S.O., former adjutant general, has become the first Canadian secretary to the governor-general. Maj.-Gen. Ernest Walford, C. B.E., D.S.O., former adjutant general, is general manager of the Henry Morgan Department Maj.-Gen. Brock Chisholm, former army medical director now is dputy health minister. Maj.-Gen. C. P. Fenwick, Gen. Chisholm's successor as medical director, now is health chief of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Maj.-Gen. George Pcarkes, V.C., C.B.. D.S.O., former commander of the 1st Division and later chief of the Pacific Command, now is Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament for Nanaimo, B.C. Maj.-Gen. A. E. Potts, C.B.E, former comniandcr 0f the 1st Division Is soon to retire as commander of the central area command with headquarters in his home town of Toronto. Maj.-Gen. Victor W. Odium, C. B., CM.G.. D.S.O., of Vancouver, former commander of the 2nd Division, now is Canadian ambassador in China. MiJ.-Gen. J. H. Roberts, C.B., D. S.O., M.C., former commander of-tlva 2nd Division and leader of the Dieppe reconnaissance in force, now a director of the Imperial War Gravcs.Commission. Maj.-Gen. A. B. Matthews, C.B. E. , D.S.O., of Toronto, former commander of the 2nd Division, now vice-president of the Excel sior Life Assurance Company. MaJ.-Gcn. C. B. Price, C.B., D, S,0.. D.C.M., of Montreal, former commander of the 3rd Division, now president of the Cana dian Legion and also head of the'Elmhurst Dairy, Montreal. Maj.-Gen. R. F. L. Kellor, C.B. E., nf Kelowna, B.D., wounded leading the 3rd Division In the fighting near Falaise in Normandy, now is living in retirement. MaJ.-Gcn. Dan C. Spry, C.B.E., D.S.O., who at 32 led the 3rd Division and was the youngest general in the Canadian Army, now chief commissioner of the Canadian Boy Scouts Association. . Maj.-Gen. R. H. Keefer, C.B.E., D.S.O., of Montreal, another former 3rd Division commander, now regional manager of the Bell Telephone Company. Maj.-Gen. C. R. S. Stein, of Quebec, former commander of the 5th Division, now U.N.R.R.A. deputy chtef of finance in London. Maj.-Gen. Bert M. Hoffincis-ter, C.B.E., D.S.O., former com mander of the 5th Division and selected to command the Canadian Army Pacific Force, new general manager of the II. R. MacMillan Lumber Co. of Vanco- ver. Maj.-Gen. H. N. Ganong, C.B. E., who commanded the home service 6th Division after overseas service, now participating In his family's big chocolate in dustry at St. Stephen, N.B. Maj.-Gen. P. E. (Pete) LeClerc. C.B.E., MJC., who commanded the 7th Division before it was disbanded and later was chief of the Newfoundland force, now is assistant Quebec sales mana ger for the St. Lawrence Flour Mills Company. R.C. A.F. Air Marshal G. M. Croil, C.B.E., A.F.C., former Inspector general of the air force, now operating a big fruit farm near Vancouver, B.C. Air Marshal W. A. (Billy) Bishop, V.C., C.B., D.S.O., M.C., D.F.S., First Great War ace who directed second .great war recruiting, now vice-president of McColl-Frontenac Oil Co. at Montreal. Air Vice-Marshal E4 W. Sted-man, C.B., O.B.E., former director general of air research, now In the southwest Pacific as one of Canada's two official observers at the atomic bomb display. Air Vice-Marshal Allan Fcr-rler, C.B., M.C., former memuer of the air staff, now a member of the Civilian Air Transport Board with headquarters In Ot tawa. Air Vice-Marshal A. A. L. Cuffe former deputy inspector general, now a real estate promoter in Vancouver. Air Vice-Marshal Albert De-Nlvervllle, C.B., former member '' the air staff, now director of a A. "real dairy. V, eMarshal C M. 'Black Mike) McEwen, C.B., M.C., D.F.C afld Bar, colorful chief of the Canadian No. 6 Bomber Group overseas, now living in retirement in Montreal. Air Vice-Marshal A. E. Godfrey, M.C., A.F.C., former deputy Inspector general, now is a retired, industrialist at Oanon-oque, Ont., and has run, unsuccessfully for the C.C.F. party In two .elections. Air Vice-Marshal J. A. Sully. C.B., A.F.C., foimcr member of the air staff, now manufacturing heavy road building equipment like graders and bull-dozers at Goderick, Ont. Air Vice-Marshal N. R. Anderson, C.B., former deputy overseas chief, living in retirement at Ottawa. Air Vice-Marshal A. R. N. Cowley, C.B.E., former chief of No. 1 training command now living in retirement at Victoria. Air Vice-Marshal G. E. Brokes, C.B., O.B.E., another former commander of No. G group overseas, now a rental official in Toronto. Air Vice-Marshal Adelard Raymond, C.B.E., former chief of No. 1 air command, is back in the hotel business in Montreal. Air Vice-Marshal Frank S. Mc-Glll, C.B., former member of the air staff, now directing the Dominion Llneoleum Company in Montreal. Air Vice-Marshal R. R. Collard. C.B.E., former "works and bricks'", chief, now directing a construction company at Winnipeg. Air Vice-Marshal L. F. Stevenson, C.B., former chief of Western Air Command, now an M.L.A. in Vancouver. Air Vice-Marshal F. V. Heakes. another Western Air Command chief, now engaged In writing historical books and also finds time for painting. Air Vice-Marshal K. G. Nairn, C.B., member of the air staff. FIRST WHITES TO WED ON KWAJALEIN ISLAND-Scabee-Lieut. Timothy O'Leary, of Chicago, carries his bride, navy nurse Lieut. Margaret Scully, into their honeymoon cottage after they became the first white couple to wed on Kwajalein Island, recently. N.A.T.S. and A.T.C. pilots flew in thc,bride's trousseau while her fold wedding band was designed, moulded, carved and engraved in the Island's dental cUnlc. A Catholic chaplain officiated over the ceremony at a base chapel while several hundred uniformed personnel, including many from "Operation Crossroads" looked on. The honeymoon cottage was transformed from an old shack as only the Seabees can do. has large apartment house interest's In Vancouver and Is als.i representative of a Scotch whisky concern. Air Vice-Marshal Howsam. C. B., M.C., former chief of the rralrie training command, now directing a brewery in Regina. Air Commodore Johnny Fau quier, D.S.O. and two Bars and D.F.O.. famous Pathfinder leader, is back In the bush flying game this time In a mining development area in Newfoundland. Air Commodore G. N. Irwin, C. B.E., former chief staff officer at various commands, now running a 15,000-tree annlc orchard at Whitby, Ont. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL'-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. lo 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE l.'i.'i 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST NEW OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED Dr. L. W. Kergin wa.s installed as president of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club for 194G-47 a) the annual installation meeting held at the Commodore Caf Thursday afternoon. Inxtailinr" officer was S. D. Johnston Cr,he club officers who were re-msta)-led were B. R. Doods. xrrctarv Alex McRae, trea.surpr: F'-d Scadden, sergeant-at-arm:. New directors are Lee Gordon Alex MacKenzie and J. Harrv Black D D Ra(lio D,al CC I T K 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY V M. 4 :00- -CBC Concert Hour 4 30- Rytluc Review 4 45-. On the March 5 00- Johnny Home Show 5 30- Tommy Dorseys Orch. 5 45- Supper Serenade 0 00- -C'UC News G t5- -CBC News Roundup G 30- Listening Post C 4b- Henri Rene's Orchestra 7 00- Art Hallnian's Orch. 7 30 -Pacific Time 8 00 Soliloquy 8 H0 (-'BR Concert Orch. 0:00- CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9: 15-To be announced 9 "0 -Casino Oarden's Orch. 10:00 Speaking of Records 10:15 Dance Orchestra 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather Forecast and Fishermen's News 11:05 Silent SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical, ClocR 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Melodies for Juniors 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Stories in Music, Tor. 9:30 Musical Program. Toronto 10:00 On the Teen Beat 10:30 Jive Hive, Halifax 11:00 CBC News 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Personal Album 11-45 Message Period TODAY 'TIL SAT. CADETS WAR RECORD While -the a: " Royal Ca mi dlai ', arc not dlr aLnw lne lust ..,v,h cr at U' v ' type of clt rising "en i 'noting 'i hat n the local t.J; served with , the rccp'.it A p;irf!:i i that t.h , Ct"W: v. Conduct i,lt Drill ,h I'm can th e m a mention was men: .. twice Othr wnrMrvlnii lux ciipa''im TllK i:; :.i , unit minht t,. 11:48 Rceoii; -n c : I1 M 12:00 Duke E... 1:00 SatuiJ' r 2:00-El Rtfm t 2:15 CBC Nc 2:30- Sere::. i 2:45 BBC N 3:C0-3:30-3 45 Comni -Hawaii (::, Ftvin' D: r.wjp TU; I AT 100 1 have lV3d bus and tramrpv tare, m m mm h 'itf Fuf 'UjV j " that the executive couni'ii of PRuTTnT aftlitlHM 'lit I THIS AND THAT the Munlc'Pal I'awcncer Tran:. I8 1 1 Ul 4iWTW 1 ,1,n00X " 5 ( : port Association is to ask thn ' ,.oui rm ihui V fTj I h' I fM "PHANTOM RIM ' " I government to Introduce a l' .d. j yfWkXMlt t ; C. feK. ADVERTI SEM EHTS "I don't think he knows his business. He said there wasn't .' t lM' - ' 'li rTAnr'" r ii n irtw ;M I nc v akin T j I ukl "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" i ADVERTISING is NEWS!! ADVERTISING IS READ EAGERLY BY PEOPLE IN THEIR NEWS THESE DAYS. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW AROUT YOUR GOODS AND SERVICES. IF YOU WANT THEM TO TEIX KNOW, THE WAY TO THEM IS THROUGH THE NEWSPAPER. IP YOU DON'T ADVERTISE, PEOPLE WILL NOT EVEN KNOW YOU ARE IN BUSINESS AND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY HE OUT OF BUSINESS. FOR News THE DAILY NEW FOR