1 If KWONO SANG HINO CHOP SUM HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST Nrt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome- Open S p-m. to 2 am.. Outside uraers nu" to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S . ix I k- i & I vi I i v I WOLVES TRAIL DOGS AS MUSHERS MAKE LONG TRIP TO WINNIPEG GRANDE-PRAIRIE, Alta. In "40i decrees below zero temperatures and while the wolves follow, their trail, three mushers were proving today that men l still are as good as -they were THII;S AND THAT .zA nfR: i Bim i w ivss rrw. I L I She's" the date I got for your &) $jk LIBHTG Mf; POINTERS A 100-Watt Bulb uses less current than four 25-Watt Bulbs. Clean bulbs give up to 50 more liuht. Light-coloured shades reflect more light dark shades absorb more light: We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete fine of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are rcadyt to serve you , Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West I TORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE torage for a trunk, radii. plar chest, piano, or the mire furnishings of your ome h convenient anr' in-'Pensiye. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. complete details about Packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, phone no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE STORAGE LTD- rner'2ndJaria Park Avenue The greater volume of electric current. used, the lower the cost per kilowatt hour. GOOD LIGHT PROTECTS EYESIGHT Next Royal Hotel SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish cloths Chamois Glashlne Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility Carriers (just the thing for the sportsman") Sleet Shavers Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial OH Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 0:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast.. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer We've Got The Buttons for the New Styles! f-M 50 years ago In the days of the Paul. Berlanger, Fred. Webber and Charles Caddy left here on Yukon gold rush, the second long leg of their 1700-mile dog team, mush from the friend tonight, Tom!" for Everyone! You sew the dress we've sot the buttonsl Our collection includes every Important kind from the. ones, you need for the children's underthlngs to the highly decorative ones for that dress you're making. Complete sewing supplies, tool THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Yukon across the Canadian Rockies to Winnipeg. "We can see the eyes of wolves, gathered around our campflreat night,', andwe must shoot off a .gun occasionally to keep them 'back," Berlanger, the leader of the- expeditions, saldi But the wolves were only one of the hardship. The bitter cold, Berlanger said, was worse than the wild animals. When It is 42 degrees below zero and they are walking into' the wind the men said they wish. for a log cabin- withi a roaring. fire, Walking the entire route, the men were outfitted with 40 pairs of moccasins when they left the Klondike But they said they weren't sure- that they wouldn't wear them all out. Six huskies haul the equipment used by the expedition which is financed by several organizations interested in cele brating the Golden Jubilee ot the gold rush this year. Crossing British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the trail is rugged. The countryside is dotted with lakes from which cold winds blast at the mushers. "We have seen , many -wolves along the Alaska Highway," Berlanger said, "and when we have our campflre going at night one man. must always stay awake to. guard against attack. "Mushing across the subarctic regions isn't so- bad-.though." The expeditloa has been averaging 35 miles daily, but' the Ait. Imperial Oil Dealer J.H.Mai Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience I SALES ROOMS ; 171Third Ave. E. progress may be slowed a little as they near civilization. Summit Lake, the highest elevation along, the Alaska Highway, was r,the. coldest spot they went,Jhrough, where the temperature-was 42 degrees below-zero: Now that the travellers have left Grande Prairie their next taste of civilization-will come at Edmonton, some time late In January or early in February. Berlanger said he hoped that it would be a mild winter. PRINCE RUPERT' Honor Roll List ot Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU. responsible for someone's name not In this list? (See entry form elsewhere) NAVTf MEN Sidney Alesandei Arvla J. Landals Peter D. Allen Jack R. Laurie Charles Anderson Maurice Lay Harold . Anderson James a. Laurie Stanley Anderson Klchard Lclghton j, Armstrong Jr. Jantoft Leland K. Armstrong yred Lewis K. D. Armstrong Tilly B. Lloyd Fred Q. Barber Bruce Love Don Arney Harry Lundqulst Ted Amey M. R. Mease George Bagshaw Fred Miller W. o. Barker Ted Mills Emlle Blain Harry Monkley John Bowman John Morrison Arthur Bredeson. T. A. Mulhern J. K. Breen William Murdoch William Bremner William Murray Bernard Brldden Wm. H. Murray p. II. Brooksbank W. 11. Murray aeorice J. Brown Daniel McDonald James Bryant Jack Macfle Tony Bussanlch Robert McKay Bronson Bussey Ernest McKlnley Harold Bunn Robert McLean John Bunn E. (Ned) JilcLcod Hugh Burbank John McLeod O. Calderwood Norman McLeod Richard Cameron David McMeekln Russell Cameron David McNab Edward Capstlck Robert McNab-John Robert Capstlck D. McRae Douz. Chrlstlson Harold Neville Vernon C. Clccone John lNelll Wm. J. Commons R. K. Ulsen AHstalr D. Crerar Charles Ormlston Svdnev Croxford K. M. raimer Spencer Davles Frank D. Parker Edward Dawpa Gordon Parkin George Dlbb C. R. Parsons Ki r. Dodd Peter J. Peterson Vincent Dodd Douglas Payne A. M. Phllllpson John Dohl C. J. Phllllpson Robert Duggan. Bud Ponder Donald Eastman N. C. Powell Elmer Eburne Magne Rabben Melvln Eburne Lloyd M. Rice John Eby David Ritchie Robert h. Eby Jack Ritchie William Earl Eby Robert Ritchie Robert Elklns Harry Robb William p. Elklns .1. 11. Robinson Le-n Enprtrom Robert Roy Martin Erlksen Arvld J. SandhaH James Feasby Arthur Saunders Bernard Fortune W. J. Scheaffer Terry Fortune It. M. Scherk Gordon Fraser Stanley Scherk Mitchell Oav J. n. Schubert Patrick m. onus A. Slmundson Kfner Green C. Sllversldes James Greer J. Sims Lester Orlmble M. Skalmerud Terry Grlmble F. W. Skinner Ian Grlmsson Henry Skinner Boyo Gurvlch John Skog John GrlmsBon Ole Glatta Carl J. Oustafson Carl Smith George D. Hague Jack E. Smith Haren Hanklnson Malcolm Sml).h Victor Hanley Ralph Smith Matt Harris Walter Smith Olen Hwimonn Thor Solllen W. W. Hlldebrand F. H. Stephens, Jr. Trevor HI" Carl Strnnd Rnvnwnd Hougan John Strand nni finnter .tack Storrle Poster TIiiRov Orme Stuart Peter Hdsot Charles Sunberg .Iitmes M. Irvine James Tavlor .1 v Tv1n TomJohnstone Paddy Taylor purine v Jones Ingo Valen Jack W. Jov Stanlev Veltch T Snnnvl ITratl fitrt Whltir T Robert Whltlns . t L. Rmitson Harry rnr, n w,)ROI' Percy Kniitson Oscar Winham Lloyd Lahte Gerald P. Woodslde npnree Yule Jack Yule (Women j . Lavlnla Exley 1". M. Thomson Dnpsne Her.imel , U.S. NAVY (Mm) Z. J. Robertson Howard Frlz7.ell U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn AIR FORCE Ronald Allen Mike Hudema II. a. Archibald John P. Johnson Harry Astoria David L. Jones Alex Balllle Sam Jurmaln, Howard Beale Robert Kelsey Marcel Blain Oliver J. Keays J. F. Bouzek Francis W. Leask J. J. Bouzek I. L. Leavens J. V. Botizek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan Leighton Wm. M. Brown Harold Leverett Alan Burbank Donald Llewellyn Alfred E. Burnlp John. Lindsay Denis W. Burnlp Albert Man W. C. Cameron Cedrlc Man Peter Cartwrlght George R. Mayer Rene Cavenalle Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle J. H. McLeod Elmer Clausen Gavin D. Mead William Collins John J. Miller Jack Corboiild Richard Mills Eddie Crosby Herbert Morgan Ray Crosby Ralph Morln George M. Currle H. W. Macdonald James Currle Don McCavour Arthur Davey Eric Orme John W. Davey Pat Deane Robert L. Peachey Don H. Deane Paul Postolu Victor Dell Vernnn Qnlnlan M: J. Dougherty Olof Rudsvlck Jack Eastwood Tore A. Selvlg Donald Eby Ken Sch"brt Thomas J. Evans Arne J. Selvlg Jack C. Ewart Wm. Shrubsall Victor Field Robert Sllversldes Clarence Flnley Eddie Smith Albert Platen James D. Stuart C F Flewln Robert. Taper Hugh L. Forrest j. ,t. Thompson Thomas Forrest R. E. Tobey "inert Fulton D. C. Tum!lso.i Louis OrllTi Glay Douglas Gusha Robert Turf;eon William Hadden John A. Walker Marry Hamilton Rudolph Warne fflmore . ...1 tlnnaM Hanklnson Wm. H. Wilson lawrence Hansen ""nry Worsfold Harold Helgerson Oeorge Zbura Murray Henderson Helge Holkestad (Women) Betty Barber Molly Mackenzie .lean R, Cameron Kay Nlekerson Iris Corbould Lilian Croxford Isobel Mackenzie ' Made supreme Sacrifice PHONE 543 PHONE . . . FOR . H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer HAAS VILLAGE. SEEKS WATER5 WORKS' SYSTEM: Seeking a method of financing a. running water system In their Naas, River village, seven councillors of. Klncollth. conferred, here Tuesday afternoon with Indian Agent James, Glllett and Inspector of Indian Agencies James Colemanwho was in the city on a brief official visit from Vancouver. The council bore a petition which was said to contain the names of 80 Klncollth residents. Chief Councillor Herbert Too- ian told the Dally News that estimated . cost of the waterworks-Installation would be $10.- 000,. part of- which, would, be borne by the villagers and part. he hoped,, by the Indian Depart ment. The villagers hope to have the water system. Installed this sum mer. Mr. Tdolan said. As their part of the financial, arrange ment, the villagers had agreed, to pay an assessment of $20 per person. Mr. Toolan said that Mr. Coleman had assured him that a surveypr would be sent to Kln-i eolith to, survey, the project. The delegation also discussed the evtention of the Rock Bay wharf which- serves the village; Villagers seek, to, have-Is extended, from its present length ot 75 feet to-. 150 ,feet. The Indian. Department has already contributed ; $500 for. that purpose and thei delegation, was assured that efforts would be made to pet the federal public works department ;tOi bear the cost of extending the. wharf. Members of the "n'ncolHh council who formed the delegation, were. Chief Councillor. Herbert Toolan a'nd Councillors Sam Lincoln; Ernest Angus. Arthur Nelson jr., Herbert Hal-danei Francis Watts and F, W Stewart. Buv more Wan Savings Stamps. GENUINE ASPIRIN ISA tV MARKED THIS WAYrfkll J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so' dmitn Block Green 89 J LOVIH'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street MEN'S WORK PANTS Very strong $2.50 MEN'S IRON PANTS Well made $2.95 MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS For dress and work $4.00 MEN S WORK SHIRTS $1.50 BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS $1.85 $2.45 BOYS' BLACK OVERALL; PANTS $1.25 10 $1.50 BOYS' PANTS from $2.00 $4.25 BOYS' OXFORDS from $350 to $3.95 MEN'S WORK BOOTS from $5.00 10 $6.25 Pifttrc Rupert Dnflp J3ctos - Wednesday, January-16, HH6 P P D D Radio Dial U I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY PM. 4:00 Victor Symphony Orch 4:30 Music by Slgmund Romberg 5,00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Kenny Baker 6:30 March Time 6:45 Alberta Bad Lands 7:00 CBC JJews 7:15 CBC ?ws Round-up 7:30 White Empire 8:00 Let's Play Charades 8:30 Norman Harris' Orch. 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 The Jones' 9:45 The Nifties 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Favorite Stories 10:30 Spotlight Bands 11:00 Silent THURSDAY A.M.-7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music for Moderns-.. 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Paul. Whlteman 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Guy Lombardo 10:30- -Round-up Time 10:45 Morning Visit 11 :C0 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11 ::30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude I " 1 CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT ANNUAL MEETING will be held THURSDAY, Jan, 17;19iG at 8 p.m. ill the Common Lounge of the Civic Centre Building; corner MxBridc and Second. Avenue. ' At this meeting the Citizens will elect their Directors to the Executive. All interested please- attend. Annual mem-bershp " ' ' due Jan. 1, 1946, $IM.? Trappers Attention e SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SIIRIABERG B.C. FURNITURE Phone Black IIM We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS; SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON '. Try them today from your Butcher I or at your favorite restaurant. : Canadian Fish ; AND - Cold Storage ! COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC pS) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 326 Second Avenue CASTLE ONCE NAZI JAIL IS ; HEALTH CENTRE FRANKFORT Ar famous medieval, castle in-Giessen, Germany, which the Nazis used as a prison, ,ha3 now been transformed into, a tuberculosis sanatorium by UNRRA. Here at Hup-hen Sanatorium Nazi victims are now being nursed back to health. Before V-E Day, French, slave workers were disciplined within its walls. The Sanatorium was started shortly after V-E Day amid the shaos of German collapse. In the first three days of liberation, 17,000 displaced persons, newly liberated from slave labor or, from concentration camps, milled through the bombed city. TB cases among them had ' to ze Isolated immediately. To care for them, UNRRA obtained the requisition of the Giessen Castle. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Accordlana 12:i5--Jack Hilton's Orch. 12:30 CBC News 1 2 : 45 Matinee Memories 1 :03 Modern Minstrels ,l! 15 Musical Memories 1 :30-Announcer's Choice 2:00 Silent Highest Prices Paid for Your- FURS Phone Black: 307 WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS -. $.1.7." OTTOMAN $8.r0 COFFEE TABLES $1 !.." . MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) $..- CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced $ll.IVi to $20.7.". furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Malr) j OUR PRICES ARE RIOIIT