s Prince Unpen Dally JScUis Monday, January 21, 1946 IIIBIIIIIDIIII a TK ji ;i J life ! Housecoats land Pyjamas J Housecoats Sizes jj Pyjamas RUPERT PEOPLES $f$j STORE 12-52 M v. .111. A IUII for th i Sizes 12-20 W j RUPERT PEOPLES 0 STORE BIBBHOBQDKlliannaiQBIBDRBDEIBlBaniini i REX CAFE . Under New Management Chinese Dishes our specialty. Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Second Avenue West We Have D one T Seeing is Believing COMU IN Look for the Krd "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 EMPIRE CAFE (Fi...criy L.D.) Completely Renovated and - . . Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 am. ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 296 after G o'clock. Wo will call for them. 8 Sec Us for Your NEW YEAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5 AND ALL YOUR HUNTING REQUIREMENTS 8 SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete ,iil.7."i LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete ijWi.OO SMALL CALENDAR PADS (IDEAL) 7."(f LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) JjSI. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding, Printing, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE kK3aaooaocooooaoa0ODKj0aqaaooDnoocooaoooioaH3CHocH3 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. BOX 167 TERRACE BOX 202 W. C. OSBORNE COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 . -i mBmmammmmmmmmmmm Welding and Body Repairs No Job -is too large ' or too small for us. Our mechanics are 9BK : 6 i jg-S experts In body repairs. Dependable, prompt service TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE V. IMHOFP TERRACE CAMPAIGN FOR SHIPBUILDING The executive officers of the Shipyard General Workers' Federation and Marine Workers and Boilermakers' Industrial Union In Vancouver intends to launch an aggressive campaign to win shipbuilding contracts for B.C. yards. "We have campaigned for the maintenance of the ship-biiilding industry for B.C. for some two and a half years and our campaign has achieved wide public support," says a statement by the union. "We have laid legislative proposals before the government at Ottawa and we have circularized all B. C. Federal M.P.'s. The shipyard operators themselves have presented a very comprehensive brief to the federal government." The recent campaign by the Vancouver Sun on the question of building replacements for the coastal fleets of the C.P.R. and the C.N.R. has revealed that there is very powerful opposition making itself felt at Ottawa. We therefore feel that the time has come for aggressive action designed to win a minimum of two contracts from the C.P.R. and two from the C.N.R. "An important aspecs or rehabilitation as far as B.C. is concerned is the rehabilitation of our naval veterans. Thous- Support "J.C.C Week" Jan 14-21 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 r . ii .1 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert MINISTER OF TRANSPORT IS INVITED HERE A telegraphed invitation was extended this morning by Mayor II. M. paggett to Hon. Lionel Chevrier minister of transport who is at present a visitor on the coast, to visit Prince Rupert and Inspect the dry dock and other facilities of this coast, particularly' in view of the current campaign to develop conditions which will make for their fuller utilization. An early use of newspaper advertisements was to seek information as to the whereabouts of relatives and friends who had migrated to Canada and lost touch with each other. LONDON KB Twenty members of the A.T.S. from London yesterday met in the offices.of the National Council for Maternity and Child Welfare to attend the first long course, dealing exclusively with child welfare to be organized by the A.T.S. education authorities. All the girls are either married or engaged. ands of our boys have been trained in the naval trades and they quite naturally look for post-war opportunities in the marine industry. "We intend to approach such organizations as the Shipbuilder's Federation, Board of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Association, Retail Merchants' Association, Hotel Owners, Provincial Department or Trade and Industry, the daily press and the various broadcasting companies with a view to setting up a committee whose purpose will be to publicize and dramatize what shipbuilding means to B.C. We feel that this can best be done through the declaration of a province - vide 'Shipbuilding Week' which will involve participation by Prince Rupert and Victoria. We are confident that an effective campaign along these lines can, in the first instance, have the result of sending all our federal M.P.'s to act as a solid black in presenting our demands to Ottawa arid secondly, demonstrate conclusively that the people of B.C. are united in their determination td main ¬ tain this basic heavy industry." i : i I genuine aspirin MARKED THIS WAY We've Got The Buttons for the New Styles! O You sew the dress we've gol the buttons! Our collection Includes .every important kind from the ones you need for the children's underthings to the highly decorative ones for that dress you're making. Complete 1 sewing supplies, too! THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Tommy's Taxi Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Service 77 phone 77 After 10 pjn. and Sundays PHONE BLUE IOI) Tommy Christoff, Proprietor GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. Phone ."(; 712 Second Avenue West Evenings: Green Kt:i STATEMENT FROM UNION taken by B.C. Packers Ltd. to be piovocatlvt and this opinion would appear to be correct since the British Columbia Department of Labor has Informed headquarters of the U.P.A.W.U. that ail parts of the proposed agreement must be considered by both parties before negotiations arc terminated." Atlin Fisheries Ltd. negotiations were on a different basis than at Seal Cove in view of the fact that no changes of significance were requested In wage rates, Mr. Gordon says. At the last meeting held with the management, the Union informed the company that all requested changes' in the 1945 agreement be dropped with the exception cf the union shop condition. Since no agreement could be reached with the company on this point the government will be asked to set up an arbitration board. Precise wordrnp. or :hc union shop condition which has been requested by the union at both Atlin and Canadian FLsh and Cold Storage is as fallows: "When hiring help the company agrees to give pretercntial treatment to union members, by companies clcsewhere have led to immediate major disputes. Company I'osUio.-Is Deplored A general m-j;lng of the Prince Rupert Local of the U.F. A.W.U. held last Wednesday passed a motion deploring the "uncquivacol" position taken by the companies. "It has always been the policy of the U.F.A.W.U. ,to avoid disputes in any way possible consistent with union principles." says Mr. Gordon. oaa ch5 croa ckkkki a oa aao oa a &p TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO January 21, 1921 Work on the new ocean- dock was making good headway with piles driven over an area covering 53 by 25 feet. The wharf was designed to be 1,000 feet long. With the ending or the slack halibut season In sight, some of the smaller halibut boats were moving southward to fish on the "whale" banks off the. west coast of Frederick Island. Some of the larger schooners were lishing to the westward ol Yaku-tat banks while others were preparing to make their first trips of the year. A spell of zero weather struck the city, inspiring editorial comment by the Dally News and an advertisement by a bird lover that the citizens put out food for the birds. Third Ave. THIS AND THAT Mih Srrk. hir. (Continued from Page 1) "The union considers the stand Should union members be unavailable when additional help Is needed, the company may hire non-union men and women, with the understanding that such non-union employees shall become members of the union within 30 days of the date of hiring." According to the union, the .first argument against this requested condition used by botl .B.C. Packers Ltd. (Seal Cove) and Canadian Fishing Co. (Atlin Fish) was Uiat It was impossible to apply in the fishing industry due to the seasonal nature of the work with the consequent large number of temporary workers who are required at the height of the season. The union stated that any changes in the wording ot the requested condition which would make it applicable would be given full consideration by the union, Neither company offered any suggestions along these lines. In regard to this argument of the operators Mr. Gordon states "this union shop condition is readily applicable in the fishlns industry since it lias worked smoothly for the past year in Co-op agreements-both in Vancouver and Prince Rupert. All Co-op plants In the B.C. fishing industry have union shop." The second and main argument against union shop used by the companies, the union statement says, was to the efrect that it is undemocratic since ri;hts ot the minority in the plant are not respected. Commenting on this .charge, the union business agent said "This argument is baseless since under democracy compulsion is always used against minorities who will not accept the decision or the majority. Ninety-five per cent ot the fishworkers on the waterfront have indicated thci: desire for a union shop and, in view of this ovcrwhem'.ngly majority decision, It wou'.d appear 'that any charges of undemocratic procedure which arc to be laid should be laid against the companies." Mr. Gordon dec:au'd further that the Prince Rupert local of the U.F.A.W.U. will steadfastly cling to the policy of establishing union shop conditions which is being followed by all trade unions in Canada and the United States. In this struggle the union will use wherever passible the government legislation which has 'been set up for the prevention of Industrial disputes. In line with this policy the question of union shop at Seal Cove as at Atlin Fish will be presented to an arbitration board for decision." "Help me whistle; maybe they haven't given up hope." mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday S3 Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Phone 568 LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't fttithtcn up? Hck too still mid K)ie to touch If thnfi how Lumbaco (Ijmc Back) nfTcrtu you, do what thou-jandj have ilonennd get fiiick. safe relief, lake iemjiMoiVg T-K-C'b. the remedy ipccially made to help yon. Don't Buffer n day more than you have to. ;et Templeton a T-R-C'i today. 50c. S 1. T-21 Plumbing: and Heating Engineers OIL AM) COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson - LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box i?ni Today Only! CAKTOO N ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Thone (Jrren 937 (After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chlmnqy Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 406 Phone Green 337 "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 9551 JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairinir """"""in ana Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HI FOR PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SIRY1CI mi Vour to COLUMBIA OPTICAL ... CO. LIB CM UVUAItB ""!. MMWVIIJC HOME SERVICE "THR GREAT McQINty-"SING YOUR WAY IIOJIE- SUITS TOMORROW! THAH THE VIOLENCE OF THWARTED LOVE! Samuel Goldwyn, Holly wood'i milter ihowmin, prtienti Emily Bronte's powerful conflict ol emotions... n immortal screen version ol an immortsl novel I SAMUEL GOLDWYN WutheringHeights CO IT I KltO MERLE OBERON LAURENCE OLIVIER .DAVID MEN CWta M.ArtW DW h Willi AM WYLER On ili: Satnc pmpm MIMUtli: MELODY ' 100 - 2 54 i . - G:;53 9:00 sUb ati mM wen HI EODltd Business and Professional For Your FOUNDATfON GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 1313 OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177. Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada It r. LOVIN. Phone Orcfn 974 RrjirPscntatlTi Box 62(1 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite TMCA PHINCE RUPEllT. D C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP remanent Wavlrj Beauty Culture in all ltsbn 206 4th Street : Phone J If it's a Rock Job- Call a Reck 1 can M. SAUNDERS Blue 668 Concrete Sidewalk. Bxvl I don't take work I ii- do my.lf PARTRIDGE & GUNST0N General Contractu P.O. Box 1439, Stat :.: Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all lail Cabinet Work - Fouiiitl Estimates Cheerfully C Prompt attention all rJ Work to please everyo No work too large or too II. J. LUND Painting PapcrhanJ UNION PAINTS Interior and Exterior H P.O. Box 128S Phone i&l GEORGE L. ROE Public Accountant, AudWl Income Tax Returns Coil Bcsncr Block Vbat SMITH & ELKINSlI Plumbing and llcaiwj Engineers Phone 174 P.O. 1 Night Calls Especial? 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Wn.Ohnlmn RnomS. 2nd i Taft and Odo AUCTION KOO) and Furniture Store Bring your furniture and it sold for the highest' L. CHRISTOIW" Auctioneer SUPPORT THE WAR vET For hi formation P" Blue C9 or Blue W - - A ' - - 1 - Chimneys, Stoves, Oil Burners, Furnaces Window Cleaning and all Home Repal" Til lMklm . j rt rnuiNfc. BLUE 934 or 74J AN"