KT is ling in up "J jv" " ii you walk on It. Urv eardener Is anxious to (started as soon as possible, there is danger mat tnis ntlence may cause mm io ihrn soil crumbles like this, Jdry rnought to spade. Specializing in WITHOUT A MUD PIE TEST TELLS WHEN IT'S SAFE TO SPADE GARDEN soon as frost Is out of the nd, say ail ine saraen 5 anu i . 'j Hm tn snide." Iv arj ....v - easy to ieu " mc nuoi, In ut, because the soil. whlJh as hard as a Dnciu, ue- J m.iHrlv vn flint ICS SOik allU Hiuuuj . -i" hirst you are In danger or I . in ifAor n t-ib' loo work his soil before It Is ready a mistake which may cause serious difficulties which will last all season. Then how can he tell the very earliest moment when It Is safe to spade? The most reliable test is a simple one call It the mud pie test. Pick up a handful of soil and pat it between your palms as you used to do In childhood; It it holds together and makes a nice mud-pie, then It is too wet to .spade. Keep off soil when it Is When soil makes a mud pie, it's loo net too work. OUR REGISTERED PHARMACIST KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF FILLING ACCURATELY. You can rely on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY tilrd Avenue at Sixth Street Take Invigorating steam Ihs and massage to relieve! that tired, feeling. R.Y.WALKER , Graduate Masseur , ducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment p THIRD AVENUE WEST Quality Repairs at Economy Prices Phone 79 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd 8t. (Near the Post Office) A. MacKenzie Furniture L IMIT i: I A good place to buy We have in slock Window Shades Mirrors - - Raby Rubies Pillows - Table Cloths - Carpet Underfelts Chenille Hedspreads - Curtain Rods - Reds Springs and Mattresses. Third Avenue West Phone 775 Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 0:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. s"ve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Heef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, ' ish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you clnese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take ut. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US I RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 rrhlwl A... if.t Dnvol TTlt.l nVC, V V Col. ivujui ..'tv. ' ' ASSETS MANAGER I sorne all summer. The more clay the soil contains, the more injury it will suffer If spaded too wet. Yet clay soil should not be wofked too dry; in fact, you can seldom spade It then, for It is too hard. There Is a point between the two extremes when a handful of soil, patted between the palms will crumble. It' is not dry, but slightly moist, yet not wet enough to hold together In a mud pie. At this point, even clay can be spaded easily, and will break up without forming clods. When the test indicates that this favorable condition prevails, do not delay spading, otherwise the soil may dry out unduly, and compel you to wait for heavy rains to" restore the right degree of moisture. FORMER FIRE CHIEF PASSES John Roderick (Krd) Morrison Died in Hospital This Morning Former fire chief and another I of Prince Rupert's highly es-I teemed pioneers was removed by death this morning when John Roderick Morrison passed away at 0 o'clock In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He had been ' in a failing condition for the ; past few weeks and death was i not unexpected. Nevertheless, hi? numerous old friends will regret to hear of his passing. Born at Black Rock, Boular-derle. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, C4 years ago, Mr. Morrison came to Prince Rupert first in 1912 and lolned the fire department of which he eventually became chief. Retiring seven or eight years ago. he went to Vancouver for a time but returned nnd. until shortly before his final Illness was chl"f nwineer at the Y.M.C.A. War Services centre Besides his widow. Mr. Morrison is survived by two brothers and two sisters in Nova Scotia, and one brother and one sister In the United States. Mr. Morrison was a member of Ts!mp.st?an Lodge, A.F. ft A. M. and othr Musonlc branches Including the shrine. Funeral arrangements will be anndunced later. A $300,000,000 advertising cam paign, mu?h of it in dally naoers. will helo recruit the Unl- ( ted States' first large peace-time I army. STRATI I LO CH Y, Scotland Sfmthlochy has no sining teleerams. but they are often shouted across the river which separates the post office from this Inverness village. When flood conditions prevail the stream irmv; -aWe LEAVES FOR EASTi I. M, McKlnnon, manager of War Assets office here, Is leaving on tonight's train for Ot twa primarily, he said, to discuss disposition of American instal latioas at Port Edward. Title to the huge staging camp has not yet been turned over to War Assets, Mr. McKlnnon said, adding that, until that is completed, he was not In a position lo discuss the manner in which it will be put up for disposition. However, it is possible that the Port Edward installations may be sold by the piece to whatever buyers are Interested and that the buildings which are not sold In that way will be torn down and the salvaged lumber sold, Mr. McKlnnon said that one Canadian Army building, a lock-stave structure on Second Ave. between the public library and the health centre, will come up for disposition soon. An appraisal of the building has been re quested by the corporation's head office. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. l Jonnston Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER Bralorne 18.00 B.R. Con. 22 B.R.X. 1935 19 Cariboo Gold 2.90 Dentonla .30 Grull Wihksne 21Vi Hedley Mascot 2.85 Minto Wt Pend Oreille T. 3.35 Pioneer G.10 Premier Border 09'A Premier 2.50 Privateer .80 Reeves McDonald 95A Reno 13 Vi Salmon Gold .24 Sheep Creek 1.90 Taylor Bridge 1.00 Whitewater 04 'j A Vananda .CO Congress 15 Pacific Eastern 19'.'; Hedley Amalgamated . .11 Young Husband SUM. MON. TUES.j WED. THU, FRt. I SAT, Minute Sou-' Fish Lamb Left- Eggs Beet-Steak sages SSew over Floren- burger Slew tine Group Group unra- Group left- unra- Group B D Boned D over tioned C Vi lb. 5 oz. 10 oz. lb. 3 tokens 1 token 2 tokens I token 1 token lelt over. A New Year's resolution mado to bo kept could beneficially bo one for healthful eating. Too often the person living alono Is content with a scrap. But around tho weekly meat ration can be balanced attractive and appotlte-tectslng meals, and you'll be surprised at what little time and effort are actually required in their preparation. To begin the week when q guest may be on hand for Sunday dinner, minute steak3 are suggested. Rlced potatoes and creamed celery would be good accompaniments. On Monday a token's worth of sausage, a Jacket-boiled potato and cooked-to-per-fectlon cabbage make tasteful eating. A broiled fish steak, baked potato and parsley-buttered baked carrots will give you a meatless oven meal for Tuesday. On Wednesday two shoulder lamb chops, along with unratloned kidney for added flavour and nutritional goodness, can form the basis of a luscious stew. Part of it can sit over a day in the ice box dnd mako a tempting re-appearance on Thursday along with a tossed salad. Friday is an excellent day to jet caught up with your dairy products consumption, and ejO florentino b a fine dish for this purpose. It Is simply prepared by nesting soft coddled eggs in a bed of freshly cooked spinach and topping the whole with a chees j sauce. A quick trick for Saturday would be a bcf burycr with tomato sauce and, your favored vcge-abls-. The week's ration spending leaves you with ihat comfortable feeling of having one token to llw good. BEAUTIFUL BELGIAN WEDDING This Is a picture of the bride and groom In the setting of a beautiful wedding which took place in an historic Roman Catholic Church In Wedwlck, Belgium, last October when Miss Georgette Hostyn, a lovely Belgian girl, became the bride of Gunner James T. Moran, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moran, Prince Rupert. The groom, who landed at New York at the first of last week from overseas on the Queen Elizabeth and arrived in Vancouver Saturday, is due in Prince Rupert In a few days. The bride is expected to fly across tne Atlantic to Canada. miles'n Chuckles 'm,W. My dear and then Molly, I must say that the pud din? does not taste very nice." Young Wife "It must be your Imagination dear. It says In the cookery book that It tastes A friend of mine has started keeping chickens because he likes more than one egg a week. The other day his neighbor said, "OH Your chickens are coming into my garden." "I thought something like that must be happening." "What makes you think so?" 'One goes away every now back." and never comes An invitation to dinner had been sent to the newly- settled physician. In reply, the hostess received an absolutely illegible letter. "I must know if he accepts or refuses," she declared. "If. I were you," suggested the husband, "I should take It to a druggist. They can always read doctors' letters, however badly they are. written." The druggist looked at the slip of paper, went Into his dispensary and returned in a few minutes with a bottle. 'There you are, Madam," he aid. "That will be seventy-five cents. Three very fancy s o u n g gentlemen, Ironworkers, ho I doubt, skipped into a corner gin rrtill. "Sasaparilla," demanded the first one firmly. "Coca-Cola," ordered the second. Make mine milk," said the third 'I'm doing the driving." Lady "I wish to select a pet dog." Dealer "Do you live In town, mum?" "Yes, I live in a flat." "Then I would advise a grey hound, mum. No matter how much you feeds greyhounds they alius stays narrer." An employee was interviewing an applicant for a vacant post. "What references have you?" he asked. "Didn't 'ave no reference from my last job." "How was that?" "It were a Government con- f tract." "Indeed! How long ago?" "Three months, sir." "What were you doing?" "Six." In the middle of the road ft man and a woman were quarrelling violently. "Why, you wretch," screamed the woman, "111 leach you a lesson you'll never forget. I'll knock you silly, that's what I'll do." Apd she administered a sound cuff. "Oh, you will, will you?" roared the man as he landed a nice right to the jaw. "And what will 1 e aoing.wnue you re Knocking me silly? Take that, And that And that." A policeman hurried up. "What's going on here?" he demanded. . The woman regarded the intruder angrily. "You keep out of this," shp advised. "This man is my hus-band1 We've been married ten years." "Well, then," declared the policeman, "why don't you do your fighting at heme. Instead of In public?" The husband glared. "What," he shouted. "And break all the furniture?" STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 160 HOME COOKING AND BAKING AFTERNOON TEA Open Daily 5 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Dine, dance and be merry at a happy holiday spot. Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN .703 Fulton Street Phone Blue 883 Hotel Pifntc Uupcrt Dndg rectos Monday,. January 21 1940 arrivals Prince Rupert George iuawfy, Butedaie; Douglas Catidow, Victoria; T. Nelson, Vancouver; H. Walter. Vancouver; A. Awld", Edmonton; G. Guibransen, Vancouver; P. D. Grass, Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eaton, Shirley; C GaranOvsky, Oofia River; Cy Poxon, Pentlcton; Mr. and Mrs. I: Urtseth, city; II. M. Britten, Butedale; Mr. A. J. Stevenson, Port Esslngton; J. Hagen, Copper River; J. Schultzlk, Copper River; A. Wallace, Vancouver; K. M. McDonald. Victoria; J G. McQulrm, Chllliwack; J. Sanders, Vancouver; J. Rey- Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 pjn. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 p.m. Friday ss Carriena, 10:00 p.m. Princess Norah Jan. 28, Feb. 11. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 pjn. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. January 24 Princess Norah. For North Queen Charlottes Jan. 18, Feb. 1. For South Queen Charlottes Jan. 20, Feb. 3. From South Queen Charlottes Jan. 18, Feb. 1. For Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Princess Norah, Thursday Jan. 24, Thursday Feb. 7. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Princess Norah, Monday Jan. 28, Monday Feb. 11. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS nobis Vancouver; Mrs. G. Brown. Vancouver; Mrs. M. Roberts, Vancouver; Miss M. Holp.'i, Vancouver B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue Just West of Sixth Street MEN'S WORK PANTS Vry strong $2.50 MEN'S IKON PANTS Well made $2.95 MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS For tress and work $4.00 MENS WOKK SHIRTS $1.50 BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS $1.85 $2.45 BOYS' BLACK OVERALL PANTS $1.25 10 $1.50 BOYS' PANTS from $2.00 to $4.25 BOYS' OXFORDS from $3.'0 to $3.95 MEN'S WORK BOOTS from $5.00 to $6.25 J.H.BULGER Optometrist (At Bulger's Jewelry Store) SERVING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 SCOTTY'S Old Country OI 'feN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH' AND CHIPS TO IViKE HOME Phone 864 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS - OTTOMAN . COFFEE TABLES .., MAOAZINE RACKS (glass) CHENILLE BED SPREADS. Priced $8.50 $14.1)5 $..- $11.1)5 to $20.75 furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Malr) . OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT