i 9 i- If lyEl feu Prinrc Rupert Daflp J3etos Thursday, September 26, 1948 Today SCHEDULE FOR MIXED FIVE PINS September 18 Mid?ets vs. Headpinners, McMeeklns vs. Coop, King Pinners vs. Thistles. Llpsetts vs. Rockets, Pushovers vs. Atomics, Pirates V3. Reddy Kilowatts. September 25 Atomics vs. Pirates, Pushovers vs. Rcckets, Midgets vs. Reddy Kilowatts. Co-. opvs. King Pinners, Llpsetts vs. Thistles, Headpinners vs. Mc-Meeklns. October 2 McMeeklns vs. King Pinners, Reddy Kilowatts .vs. Headpinners, Sockets vs. ;At6mlcs; Pushovers vs. Llpsetts Midgets vs. Pirates, Thistles vs. Co-op. October 9 Co-op vs. Llpsettf, King Pinners vs. Midget?, Thistles vs. McMeeklns; Head-dinners vs. Atomics, Reddy Kilowatts, vs. Pushovers, Rockets vs. Pirates. October 16 Rockets vs. Thistles, Atomics vs. Reddy Kilowatts, Pushovers vs, Pirates; Midgets vs. -McMeeklns, Head- Mixed 5-Pin Results PIRATES ! 2 3 Mrs. A. Hinton .... 69 121 93 A. Hinton ............. 113 118 222 Miss E. Schild 134 114 86 Mr. Burnie 179 173 198 Mrs. A. Slater 118 163 165 A. Slater 179 265 2-29 Handicap 118 118 118 Totals 910 1027 1111 ATOMICS 1 2 3 Joan Taylor 96 108 91 A. Haig 89 150 75 Yvonne Grant .... 116 56 38 E. V. Whiting '. 51 65 96 Marcaret Flynn .. 121 170 134 J. Naylor 190 128 107 Handicap 183 183 183 Totals 846 860 724 CO-OP 1 2 3 Q. Rudderham .. 153 118 144 A. Astoria .: 113 151 153 L. Beck 69 106 170 S. Mintenko 196 186 157 B. Rudderham ...... 156 185 117 H. Astoria . 120 147 119 Handicap 37 37 37 Totals 844 930 897 KNGPINNEPJS 12 3 H. Pierce 165 175 177 S. Comadlna 218 201 130 L. McLatchle 155 118 132 B. McLatchle 134 160 210 J. Shenton 247 169 172 N. Kinslor 179 174 i51 Handicap 101 101 101 Totals 1193 1098 1076 McMEEKINS 1 2 3 B. Wick 141 129 244 C. Wilson 90 142 163 T. McMeekin 126 110' 172 T. Wick 149 145 147 A. McMeekin 99 180 159 Low Score 112 120 120 Handicap 65 65 65 - Totals - 782 891 1070 HEADPINNERS 1 2 3 . N. Withers 164 214 73 A. Leamy 112 120 153 E. Murray 135 133 131 J. Murray 180 155 120 M. Leamv 122 137 125 J. Comadlna 194 243 179 Handicap 40 46 46 Totals 953 1048 832 . THISTLES 1 2 3 ! Mr. J. Davidson .. 60 101 1181 J. Davidson 118 270 166 Mrs. D. Owens . .. 65 65 68 D. Owens 106 1 fift 1 "I Mrs. J. Thompson.. 119 163 135 i. Thompson 137 206 184! Handicap 204 204 204 ; Totals 809 1177 LIPSETTS 1 Bill ElUns 241 239 -Paddy Elklns 137 125 Don Esselmont . .. 56 121 B. Esselmont 86 H. Hanson 114 200 106 . Hanson 88 120 71 Handicap .... 157 157 357; ' Totals 879 892 , MIDGETS 1 Betty Hamilton .... 244 Earl Pierce 151 rjane Hamilton .... 146 129 95 .s;;;whyte .. 201 150 183 a- KuDy Anderson .... 165 "Handicap 52 52 52 rr -Totals 1134 1142 1002 REDDY KILOWATTS . 2 3 Mary Sylvester .. . 143 151 100 Frank Dafoe 181 u June Berg .'. 101 00 98 Art Algpr 298 66 54 Dorlen McLean .. 120 Ray McLean 226 Handicap 73 ? Totals. 1142 PUSHOVERS 1 2 3 C. Whtman 159 124 192 J. Warren 122 N. Cameron 141 C. Barrle 144 " C. Mickie , 135 M. Scharfe 128 ill 1 Handicap 103 103 103 Totals 932 938 983 ROCKETS 12 3 D. Ross 149 134 167 D. Evans 143 147 86 E. Cameron 112 91 126 ' G. Wynn 155 149 143 M. Ross 118 115 137 ' I. Cameron 173 157 123 Handicap 103 103 103 Totals 953 896 885 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 in Sports Baseball Scores American League Chicago 4, Cleveland 1. New York 2, Boston 5. St. Louis 8, Dstrolt 7. Washington 6-7, Philadelphia 3-4. National League Philadelphia 11, Brooklyn 9. Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 5 (16 innings). Boston 6, New York 5. Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 0. International Playcff Montreal 7, Syracuse 4. (Montreal leads best seven series 3-1). Pacific Coast League Governor's Cup Playoff Hollywood 0, San Francisco 3. Oakland 3, Lbs Angeles 1. pinners vs. Co-op, Llpsetts vs. King Pinners. October 23 McMeeklns vs. Keaay Kilowatts, co-op vs.- Pushovers, Headpinners vs. Lip-setts; Pirates vs. Thistles, Rockets vs. King Pinners, Atomics vs. Midgets. October 30 Hecdpinners vs. Rockets, Thistles vs. Atomics, Co-op vs. Midgets; King Pinners vs. Pushovers, Pirates vs. Mc- I Meeklns, Llpsetts vs. Reddy Kilowatts November 6 Pushovers vs. Midgets, Llpsetts vs. Pirates, McMeeklns vs. Atomics; Thistles vs. Reddy Kilowatts, King Pinners vs. Headpinners, Co-op vs. Rockets. November 13 Pirates vs. Coop, Headpinners vs. Thistles, King Pinners vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Rockets vs. Midgets, Atomics vs. Llspetts, McMeeklns vs. Pushovers. November 20 Thistles vs Pushovers, Midgets vs. LiDsets, Pirates vs. Headpinners; Co-op vs. Reddy Kilowatts, McMeeklns vs. Rockets, King Pinners vs. Atomics. November 27 Rockets vs. Reddy Kilowatts, Pirates vs. King Pinners, Atomics vs. Coops; McMeeklns vs. Llpsetts, Thistles vs. Midgets, Pushovers vs. Headpinners. 20 YEARS AGO R. W. Haggen, editor of the Mining and Engineering Jour-jj nal of B.C., declared that Prince Rupert should be the site of a smelter since it was the centre of an active mining area. He also suggested a metalurgical plant. The Terrace and District Fall Fair Association's sixth annual fall fair was an unqualified success. Weather conditions were splendid and there was a large assortment of exhibits. Seven carloads of grain were reported to be at Jasper on their way to the terminal elevator at Prince Rupert. They were expected here within a few days, I 1 Buy War Slvmgs Certincates : 99lilpgM ' KZKH m.jVVf r f VVH i6i'Hy tii f i T'll i ill ' Wf M 1 1 1k Am L i I I . I I I i i i , m i f fl d I lH U I I k I I Li 1 M L J AMdhlU LVTViiTT7H VHiBiiiiyUflUU VLS--SII faf!P!PIPffMH!BfflP!y N0W you con ogoIn jggflflSI ' get easy-shaving, money- '" -iL-f saving MINORA BLADES -SSL in mo generous economy -T? frvkt TfiCCNVVXiAx " " Pack, 12 blade, for 251 CU fKS v I MINORA li Canada's fa. 1$SSSE&B0& W .Mrs WTSi&grVv I smooth, comfortable --o Vk vinxiBKfmAY J II r"' shav.t every I ' fl V 1 So ask for--and get- !;A Jf V 0 Vefi NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PnONE RED 561 1 WINNIPEGGER TAKES HIGH HONORS WITH HIS 1,300 POUND CATCH Aid. William Scrata, of Winnipeg, also a member of the Manitoba legislature, showed tourists a thing or two when he harpooned the big white whale weighing 1300 lbs. during a recent excursion to Churchill, Man. Scraba had an idea he'd like to ship the whale to Winnipeg as a birthday gift. Chi Blackhawks Start Hockey Training The Chicago Black-hawks of the National Hockey League and their farm team, the Kansas City Pla-Mors, champions of. the Unite d States League, started training at Regina, Sask., on Wednesday. No fewer than 60 players faced Manager Johnny Gottselig. and Doc Romnes at the first leg lim bering drill at the Queen 'Ciy Gardens. The members pf the Hawks 1945-46 team on hand for the strenuous training grind are defence men John Mariucci, Eddie Ware3, and Reg Hamilton, and forwards Dougand Max Bentley, Bill Moslenko, Red Hamill, George Gee, Pete Horeck, Alex Ka'leta and Clint Smith. The Bentley-Bentley-Mosienko string led all the lines In the major organizations in point making in 1943-46 and the outstanding play of Max Bentley earned him the Hart Trophy, the League's annual award to the player voted by hockey writers as m't. valuable to his club. Missing from the 1946-47 CtOSED FOR REPAIRS Sleep, repairs tne brain, according to the findings of recent scientific research. During sleep' more .blood is pumped to the brain and can be used for the repair of brain tissue. PRECIOUS WEED Use of tobacco as money Is as old as Its cultivation It matched gold as legal lender in colonial Virginia. After chasing Bob Pastor around a Detroit ring for 30 minutes, Joe Louis knocked the Philadelphlan out in 38 seconds of the 11th round seven years rt am A rtti-irr1 r f A ft f(( tirn tnVln the Brown Bomber defend his title for the eighth time since winning it from Jim Braddock In 1937. P.O. BOX 721 Hawks aggregation will, be the veteran Mike Karakas who has bowed to the beckoning of Father Time, .and George Allen, another time- tried but still highly effl- . clent veteran who went to the champion Montreal Canadlens in exchange for Paul Bibeault who will be the Hawks' regular net minder the coming season. Don G rosso and Joe Cooper have been sold outright to the Boston Bruins and New York Rangers respectively. The defence positions vacated by Allen and Cooper are expected to be battled for by big Leo Relse, rugged Ralph Nattrass, Harry Dick and Jack Jackson, who were standouts last season 33 members of the Kansas City Pla-Mors. Others vlelng for rear guard posts are Lieutenant Aud Tuten, a former Hawk recently discharged from the U. S. Marines, and Bill Gadsby, a simon-pure husky who has been highly touted by the press of Alberta. For the left-wing job, left open becau.se of the sale of G rosso, the Hawks' boss will have three speedy Kansas City forwards battling for the position. They are Wingy Johnston, Andy Chakotfski and Hank Blade. There will also be at least a dozen more aspiring amateur forwards and defence men picked by the Hawks' head scout, Tiny RUN OUT AND GET ME A PACKAGE Of THOSE PIAYER'S MILD CIGARETTES WITH THE WETPROOr PAPER." LakelseLake CAMP Johnstone's Camp at Lakelse Lake, is still open fot the hunting season. The trout fishing is still good. CABINS TO RENT BOATS FOR HIRE nrrrm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala l:sc p.m. (Davllght Saving Time !?'3P Prince hupert Time) Friday S3 Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for "Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Thompson, battling for Jobs on the. two pro teams. The ama teurs who look ready for pro ranks will fill in for the Kansas City players who will be selected by, Gottselig for the 1945-47 are Blackhawk team. COAST-TO-COAST KELLOGG'S ARE CANADA'S choice for any meal anytime! Want an idea that will help you save time and work and at the same time keep meals more interesting for your family? Thousands feature Kellogg's not only for breakfast but for quick snacks anytime of day! Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes, Krumbles and All -Wheat are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals! SAVE TIME. ..SAVE Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher, Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COAji SHORT SPORT Molly Tyson, 20, of Temple University became the first I voman ever to win the national , midget outbroad championship when, she piloted her 50-pound .speedboat to victory over a field 1 J of 80 at Chattanooga, Tenn., j (eight years ago. Her time on the , 2Va-mlle course was '4.34V2, an 1 average speed of 32.813 miles an hour. ' ' Eddie Goodfellow, a member of two Detroit Red Wing Stanley Cup teams, was named playing coach of the Red Wings by Manager Jack Adams six years ago. A converted centre, he starred for 10 years as a defence-man In the N.H.L. and was winner of the Hart trophy as the league's most valuable player ths previous year. Freddie pawson, a Chicago ihhtweight with a winning streak of 27 fights, headed back to fistic obiivlon when he was knocked out by Ike Williams of Trenton, N.J., In the fourth round of a scheduled 10-round contest at "Philadelphia two years ago. Williams went on to win the lightweight title. CLOSEST TO MAN Zoologically speaking,- apes more like men than monkey?. . . , S'ep Bran Flakri with bther part$ of Ca'nadi&nvTtihole wheat are deliciout, extra crisp, extra thick. Your whole family will enjoy KelloRg's pep : FUEL. ..SAVE FOOD! ALBERT & McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 . I I J MOM VMS . . at least thai' the .,.v i r. i , Into my Home Can Station. I en tten. ' "I? Imliviriiiul uttcntiou from un in.Iejirndrnl hIio tnkeu u ptTMinul InUri-st in ... knows my rnr . . . k-ep it i ,,,,, nmA.& aud snves me money, too'!'' MAKE A HOME GAS STATION YOUR ST buy Winter Accessories CAR HEATERS aid in comfort. l'KK.& I UIN K The best in anti-frtw METHYL AI.COTIOI. Chean hut Adpanib rtm- y-wT a w- it it...! oivn imino "-' vp thft rush. 'l"lKj'III.k' lldlU .lldll 1 I on Lll ' a liiiaif ah Mi r fl r?i?r a cr d Tiwr WINTERIZE NOW S. E. PARKER LIM Knwn a T ri AinvAurii nv.. TFNTA - PAfK TD ADDED MCI CAM DAflRO am a u l . mill a a aaa avaa a-v a "lUHll 1UUU LUUIIAUC mill l"-1 Edmondson Awning and Sail 330 .SECOND AVENUE li nn in i Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian Night Calls: Hlue 170 Oreen 187 Cor. 2nd Ave, and 7th St. General Contractor We do basements, reshmgiing, sir own 15 rnmnrip vour ri- Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION OUA" CALL BLUE 610 rinrl wo will mvp an estimate. v v- ii v li o P.O. BOX 654 : Phone Red 319 Home OU Di.iril IMS B.C. (Y, llicalfil to wni iiidlori.n kid, Irtrolruni pro, .auv u HUH K Jllloni. HuyllOM 11... v.. d . MCIH II D. . . fmirpi eompklr iFi or your rr. TUF TA 4. kin. I yc arc prejM" -while J PHONE 849 i v'T vt). Tree Green & Kermo All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painter'